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在系统解析可再生能源电力外部效益的基础上,深入探讨了可再生能源发电在能源、环境、经济和社会等系统的贡献,研究有效的方法来货币量化和测量可再生能源发电的外部效益,并构建了可再生能源电力外部效益系统评价指标体系,为制定具有可持续性和成本效益的可再生能源政策提供了有力支持,最后指出可再生能源外部效益量化下一步研究中需要解决的难点问题。  相似文献   

发达国家电力产业发展循环经济的经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力产业大力发展循环经济,对国家经济持续稳定的增长具有基础性、关键性、长期性的作用.详细介绍了发达国家电力产业在减少排放、控制污染、提高发电效率、推行清洁生产、探索建立循环经济工业园区及发展可再生能源发电等方面的经验和做法,为我国电力产业大力发展循环经济提供良好借鉴.  相似文献   

着眼全球经济发展方式和格局变化,结合当前中国宏观经济分析以及加快经济发展方式转变的要求,通过对发电企业所面临的能源形势、肩负的使命和主要层面工作的分析,着重研究了加快企业经济发展方式转变和转型的重要性和举措,从而使发电企业竞争力得以持续地提升,以实现科学发展,和谐进步。  相似文献   

目前山东省年CO2排放量超过10亿t,电力行业的排放量占40%,因此,电力产业低碳化对山东省发展低碳经济具有举足轻重的作用.山东具有丰富的风能、生物质能等清洁能源,据规划,到2020年,清洁能源发电实现年减排CO210%;国内首座整体煤气化联合循环项目于山东投产,与相同装机容量燃煤电厂相比,其CO2排放量降低13.73%,若与碳捕捉和封存(CCS)技术联用,可实现CO2近零排放;山东省超临界/超超临界机组装机容量达932万kW,关停小机组600万kW,年减排CO22100万t.山东电力产业应因地制宜发展清洁能源发电,大力发展IGCC、超临界/超超临界等高效发电技术.同时,鼓励电力产业积极借助清洁发展机制(CDM),完善低碳路线.  相似文献   

旨在从政策、成本、能源销售、地理、燃料供应、公众接受度、技术等7个方面进行梳理,分析了欧洲国家建造小型垃圾焚烧发电设施时的驱动因素与障碍。欧盟指令、填埋税、财政激励等政策鼓励了垃圾焚烧发电设施的发展,能源销售获得收益、地理距离较近、满负荷运行所需燃料较少、公众接受更容易是小型设施的优势。另一方面,规模经济小导致垃圾进场费高,与大型设施形成竞争时不具优势,是建造小型设施时的主要障碍。  相似文献   

从经济、能源结构、环境保护和资源利用等方面提出中国电力工业实施可持续发展的必要性,并提出要发展绿色电力实现电力工业可持续发展。重点对绿色电力进行分析,阐述了国内外绿色电力的发展现状以及中国发展绿色电力遇到的问题以及解决方法,并提出中国要积极发展绿色电力,走电力工业的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

美国召开的“全球变暖和国家能源政策”会议认为,美国将来的能源政策应是积极开发利用天然气和提高能源利用率,否定了发展原子能发电的意见。美国利用天然气作为火力发电厂的燃料,可削减CO_2排放量50~55%。假如再推广使用天然气燃料电池,CO_2排放量可削减60%。为了防止随着天然气需要量的增加而导致的价格上升,可开发利用煤矿矿脉中现在尚未利用的甲烷  相似文献   

法国科学家G·Vendryes认为,为满足将来能源的需求,且解决环境污染,特别是酸雨问题,原子能发电是最佳能源。 1.全世界1987年消费的石油、煤、电力换算成原油每日消费量612亿桶,而1986年每日603亿桶、1次能源上升年率已达2.8%。 2.国际原子能协会H  相似文献   

国外光伏发电并入智能电网发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智能电网是未来电网发展的主要趋势。随着人们对环境保护的重视,如何将风能、太阳能等可再生能源大规模接入电网已经成为智能电网下一阶段的研究方向。介绍了国外光伏发电技术发展,概述了国外对光伏发电并入智能电网的最新研究,提出了光伏并网发电面临的问题以及相关建议,为我国未来光伏并网发电的实施提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>国能发新能规[2023]45号各省(自治区、直辖市)能源局,有关省(自治区、直辖市)及新疆生产建设兵团发展改革委,各派出机构,国家电网有限公司、中国南方电网有限责任公司、内蒙古电力(集团)有限责任公司,有关发电企业,电力规划设计总院、水电水利规划设计总院,国家可再生能源信息管理中心、中国可再生能源学会风能专业委员会:为统筹推进风电场改造升级和退役管理工作,促进风电行业高质量发展,我们研究制定了《风电场改造升级和退役管理办法》,现印送你们,请遵照执行。  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential of integrated waste and utility power management over the mid-term planning horizon in Japan. Energy recovery and CO2 emission reduction were estimated under two situations: (1) energy recovery efforts within the current waste management/power generation framework and (2) integrated waste management with sewage treatment systems and electric power industries. Scenario simulation results showed that under the current policy framework it is not feasible to achieve large energy recovery and CO2 emission reduction, while the integrated waste management scenarios show the potential of large energy recovery which is equivalent to about an 18 million t-CO2 emission reduction. The utilization of dry wastes for power generation at existing fossil power stations is significant in achieving the result. We also consider the effects of the ‘CO2 emission per GW generated’ for electric power generation on the total CO2 emission reduction because it varies by country and assumptions selected. Although this research did not include an economic analysis, based on estimated CO2 emissions and energy recovery, the integrated scenarios indicate a large potential in countries that have high dependence of fossil power generation and relatively low power generation efficiency.  相似文献   

发达国家垃圾焚烧发电经验及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了发达国家垃圾焚烧发电技术,其具有较好的社会、环境和经济效益,提出我国应借鉴发达国家经验,从技术、管理、政策方面加强垃圾焚烧发电工作。  相似文献   

Climate protection is one of the main aims of environmental policy. One way to advance and push the progress is to reduce the use of fossil fuels for energy production through an increasing production of renewable and CO2-neutral energy for example through application of biomass. This paper sets the focus on biomass streams that can be used both thermal and biological for energy production like grass or energy crops. To calculate the potentials of decrease of CO2-emissions for treatment of biomass in either combustion or digestion plants some scenarios were set up with different assumptions regarding degree of efficiency of treatment plants which depends on size of plants and the treatment process itself. The energetic utilisation of the considered biomass streams is divided in different utilisation scenarios: combined heat and power generation (CHP) and heat generation or power generation only. Additionally four groups of plant sizes referring to electrical power (from 0.1 up to 10.0 MW) were taken into consideration. The calculations of potential savings of CO2-emission in both types of treatment scenarios lead to the result that in comparison to biological technologies thermal processes show a much higher utilisation of the energy content in biomass.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes developments made in the field of waste-to-energy technology between the 1980s and the present. In the USA, many waste-to-energy systems were developed in the 1980s and early 1990s. These plants generated power relatively efficiently (typically 23%) in 60 bar/ 443 degrees C boilers. Unfortunately, the development came to a stop when the US Supreme Court rejected the practice of waste flow control in 1994. Consequently, waste was directed to mega-landfills, associated with very negative environmental impacts. However, given landfill taxes and increased fuel prices, new waste-to-energy projects have recently been developed. Attractive premiums for renewable power production from municipal waste have been introduced in several European countries. This triggered important innovations in the field of improved energy recovery. Examples of modern waste-to-energy plants are Brescia and Amsterdam with net efficiencies of 24 and 30%, respectively. Incineration is traditionally preferred in Japan due to space constraints. New legislation promoted ash melting or gasification to obtain improved ash quality. However, these processes reduce the efficiency in terms of energy, cost and availability. A new oxygen-enriched waste-to-energy system is under development in order to better achieve the required inert ash quality.  相似文献   

Waste disposal systems conventionally exhibit many problems, such as difficulties in finding final disposal sites for incinerator residues and the issue of how to recycle waste materials. Some new technologies have been developed to solve such problems, including ash melting and gasification melting. Furthermore, to improve the power generation efficiency of waste treatment facilities so that their energy is used more efficiently, combined stoker/gas turbine power generation (super waste power generation) technology has been developed. Through examination of two cases in this study, environmental impacts and costs were determined using lifecycle assessment (LCA) and lifecycle cost (LCC) methods in a model city. In case 1, a stoker furnace was compared to a combined stoker/gas turbine system. In case 2, a stoker furnace plus ash melting system was compared to a gasification melting system. The results demonstrate that the stoker furnace has a lower environmental impact than the combined stoker/gas turbine system in case 1, and that the stoker plus ash melting system costs less than the gasification melting system in case 2, but both systems had strong impacts on the environment.  相似文献   


To create a truly circular economy requires a shift from the traditional view of waste disposal to one of resource management. This is particularly important in developing countries, where municipal waste generation is increasing, and efficient recovery of economic value from waste is rarely achieved. Conducted in the University of Lagos (UoL), Nigeria, this study investigated the efficiency of a recycling scheme with the goal of making recommendations to improve the process. UoL’s recycling policy centers around source segregation of waste into color-coded bins. Waste audit was carried out using the output method and interviews were conducted with staff from the waste management team to understand practices on campus. Substantial contamination of colored bins with non-target material was observed. Organics (30%), mixed plastics (28%) and paper (24%) were the most abundant materials, hence have the greatest potential for recovery, and income generation, if segregation rates could be improved. Despite its recycling policy and infrastructure, 99% of UoL waste was going to landfill. Poor policy implementation results in low recovery rates. Targeted waste reduction and increased material recovery would enhance efficiency. Improved awareness of recycling benefits, in addition to policy enforcement, could serve as tools to increase stakeholder participation in recycling.


Solid waste generation and its implications for people and the environment are global issues. The complexity of the waste composition and the ever-increasing percapita waste generation is a challenge for waste managers, particularly in developing countries. Thus, the need to have a clear policy on waste management and legislation to realize that policy is imperative. Malaysia is developing rapidly and problems such as the waste generation associated with development and industrialization are evident. The Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Bill, which was approved in August 2007 after a 10-year delay, is envisaged to have serious consequences in waste management practices and implementation in Malaysia. This article explores the main features of this all-encompassing bill and its impacts on the waste management scenario in Malaysia. In addition, a comparative evaluation is also discussed to explore the policies/legislation of selected countries vis-àvis the Malaysian bill.  相似文献   

Policy trends of e-waste management in Asia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the policy trends of electronic waste (e-waste) management in Asia. E-waste is a rapidly growing waste stream in the world today and is estimated to be growing at 3–5 % per annum. Fast paced obsolescence in the electronic sector has resulted in the generation of e-waste. There are concerns that e-waste generated in developed countries is ending up in developing countries especially in Asia resulting in adverse environmental and health impacts. Consequently, a number of countries in Asia are developing policy instruments to ensure the proper management of e-waste. These include e-waste regulatory frameworks, data and inventories, and infrastructure and capacity building. These trends indicate a positive development path towards sustainable e-waste management in Asia. Nevertheless, potential limiting obstacles for e-waste management in Asia may also include an over-reliance on legislation to drive e-waste management or the simplistic adoption of policies from developed countries without taking into context the local political, cultural and socio-economic waste management issues. Consequently, this paper suggest that e-waste policy development may require a more customized approach where, instead of addressing e-waste in isolation, it should be addressed as part of the national development agenda that integrates green economy assessment and strategic environmental assessment as part of national policy planning. In conclusion, policy trends of e-waste management in Asia appear promising provided there is a paradigm shift from an e-waste perception of an environment problem to a e-waste perception of a potential opportunity as sustainable national green growth strategy in Asia.  相似文献   

The current and future projections of energy utilisation and related environmental impact has been given. Due to the heavy dependance on low grade lignites and imported hard coal, Turkey is going to have problems in the control of CO2 emissions. Turkey was at first included as an Annex I country according to Kyoto Protocol. Later, it has been removed from the list which is justified considering the previous international environmental impact control applications and relatively much lower energy utilisation in Turkey, compared to Annex I countries. Therefore, Turkey has been removed from the Annex I list.Turkish power generation, industrial and transportation sector will be facing a difficult challenge over the coming 20 yr in complying with environmental impact levels. The developments in the liberalisation of Turkish energy sector since the 1980's is a positive step to overcome the problems.  相似文献   

A general theory known as the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm has been developed to describe the flow and the generation of potential environmental impact through a chemical process. The theory defines indexes that characterize the generation and the output of potential environmental impact from a process. The existing theory has been extended to include the potential environmental impact of the energy consumed in a chemical process. Energy will have both an environmental impact as well as an economic impact on process design and analysis. Including energy into the analysis of environmental impact is done by re-writing the system boundaries to include the power plant which supplies the energy being consumed by the process and incorporating the environmental effects of the power plant into the analysis. The effect of this addition on the original potential impact indexes will be discussed. An extensive engineering economic evaluation has been included in the process analysis which inherently contains the cost of the consumed energy as an operating cost. A case study is presented which includes a base process design and two modifications to the base design. Each design is analyzed from an economic perspective and an environmental impact perspective. The environmental impact analysis is partitioned into the impacts of the non-product streams and the impacts of the energy generation/consumption process. The comparisons of these analysis procedures illustrate the consequences for decision making in the design of environmentally friendly processes.  相似文献   

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