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本文对粘胶生产工艺过程,反应机理进行了介绍,对其生产废水排放规律,污染物分配状况进行了分析,介绍了几种清洁生产的新工艺,新设备,提出了几种切实可行的污染源治理方法,提出 了一套粘胶纤维生产全过程污染控制的办法,对提高企业经济效益,改善环境质量质量有显著成效。  相似文献   

燃煤二氧化硫污染控制技术现状及综合评价(一)   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
全面综合了燃煤SO2污染控制技术的状况,包括洗选,煤气化,水煤浆,型煤加工,流化床燃料,烟气脱硫等方面的技术,对这些技术进行了具体的经济分析,列举了国内外的有关数据,并对我国开展SO2污染控制进行了可行性分析,提出了明确的意见。  相似文献   

高远安 《重庆环境科学》2002,24(1):17-19,23
建设生态城市是时代所趋,本文探讨了建设重庆市黔江生态区的必要性与可行性,提出了建设目标与思路,明确了战略与重点,并以提高认识,统一规划,优惠政策,加强环保,依靠科技,增大投入,依法治区,突出重点,强化宣教,加强领导,严格考核等方面提出了对策,这对于建设生态区,生态城市具有现实意义。  相似文献   

陈文娜 《环境》2009,(9):16-17
一次性餐具给人类带来了极大的方便,却也带来了一场严重的白色污染,奇怪的是,人类却不能果断地向它说再见,一切只因它的便利,但深知其害,人类也慢慢转向于其它,于是,环保餐具来了,并掀起了一场白色革命,要驱逐有害的一次性餐具,要让环保餐具业跻身世界。  相似文献   

本文介绍了ZS1756型座式振动筛降噪治理的经验,通过对发声部位进行的实验分析,从而找到了主噪声源,并对主噪声源采取了阻尼降噪处理,抑制了振动,减小了发声,治理的结果是令人满意的。  相似文献   

重庆市水环境污染问题及其防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了重庆市水污染物的排放情况和水质状况,得出了水污染的主要特征是:以有机污染为主,次级河流污染最重,从时空上看,长江干流丰水期污染明显,城市江段污染重于非城市江段,并在城市江段形成了明显的岸边污染带,在此基础之上,分析了水污染日趋严重的主要原因,并提出了防治水污染的措施。  相似文献   

针对影响环境的废触媒,通过焙烧,重铬酸钠制备,硫酸铜制备,最佳工艺条件选择等研究,实现了废触媒的综合利用,既能约了资源又保护了环境,为企业化生产提供了充分的科学依据.  相似文献   

近几年来,崂山区沿岸海域建起了许多旅游景点,吸引了大批的海内外游客,为岛城 增加了收入,造就了前海的海上景观。但同时,近岸海域水质污染问题也越来越严重,水 质保护刻不容缓。  相似文献   

实验合成了2,4-二硝基偶氮胂研究了它的红外,差热分析,元素分析等表征,并对其在光度法测定微量铜的应用进行了研究,测定了江西省出产的部分仪器中铜含量, 方法的相比较,用2,4-二硝基偶氮胂测定铜含量的生较好,而且方法简单可行。  相似文献   

安全就是效益,这是多年来生产经验及教训总结出的真谛。仅非如此,对一个石化企业来讲,安全还是生命。近年来,燕化股份有限公司化工二厂的党政领导在管理意识上建立了新的思想,统一了认识,清醒地认识到,只有有了安全才能有效益,只有有了安全才可能创造更高的效益;转变了过去安全部门就是老、弱、病、残或是不便安排的人员去的地方,安全工作不外就是在车间检查工人是否劳保着装的观念,及时调整了安全部门的领导班子,从年龄结构、知识结构上不断充实安全管理人员队伍,重视了安全专业技能和人才,建立了一支年富力强、知识结构先进…  相似文献   

喀喇昆仑山—西昆仑山地区属于青藏高原西北部寒冷干旱的荒漠、半荒漠地带,是连结高山荒漠和山地荒漠的关键区域。根据垂直自然带谱的基带及各分带的组合配置形式,可区分出干旱、极干旱、高寒干旱及高寒半干旱四种结构类型组。垂直自然带的区域变化明显,喀喇昆仑山与西昆仑山育显著不同,不仅南北翼有别,东西方向的递变也很突出,反映出大尺度的地域分异规律。全新世以来,干旱化的趋势十分明显,人类活动引起的环境问题突出,建议对雪岭云杉和昆仑圆柏等采取保护措施,并在羌塘高原腹地建立高原自然景观及野生动植物自然保护区。  相似文献   

为提高全民综合素质,高校思想政治教育提出创新发展.与此同时,环境污染问题亟待解决,为从根本上改善和保护环境,对全民环境保护意识进行培养至关重要.首先分析高校思想政治教育创新发展历程,说明高校思想政治教育创新发展势在必行的原因,依据其发展准则,制定其创新内容.再对目前全民环保意识现状进行评估,差异性环境教育及较低的国民素质急需对全民环保意识进行培养.分析高校思想政治教育的环保价值,结合环境保护意识培养实现的效果,得出高校思想政治教育创新发展对环境保护意识培养有极大的促进作用.  相似文献   

军工材料环境适应性工程化验证和研究发展战略探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对国内外发展现状分析,讨论了环境适应性工程化验证和研究在军工材料开发、应用及其在武器装备发展中的地位和作用。提出了军工材料环境适应性工程化验证的技术内涵、试验与研究的模式和军工材料开发到武器装备应用各个阶段的任务和目标。在此基础上。探讨了发展军工关键材料环境适应性工程化验证试验与研究的总体战略和目标。结合国情。提出了军工关键材料环境适应性工程化验证与研究和关键材料体系环境适应性数据完善.军工关键材料环境适应性工程化验证自主保障能力建设.军工关键材料环境适应性工程化验证技术的提升等3方面重点发展和研究内容的构想与建议。  相似文献   

辽宁太子河流域非点源氮磷负荷模拟分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以辽宁太子河流域为研究区,为定量估算该区非点源氮磷污染负荷,经过实地调研和资料收集后,利用单位负荷法和SWAT模型相结合的方法对流域进行1997~2008年径流、泥沙和营养盐输出的模拟研究,进行了多参数、多目标和多站点详细的参数率定和模拟验证,最后分析了非点源氮磷负荷的时空分布规律.结果表明:径流模拟效果较好,泥沙和营养盐模拟结果符合要求,模型在太子河流域适用性较好,可以模拟分析该地区的非点源污染负荷问题;1997~2008年年均总氮和总磷负荷为17357.43t和7110.91t,氮磷负荷的时空分布受降雨径流过程的影响,汛期(6~9月)负荷总量占全年的77.76%和80%;负荷强度的空间差异较大,全流域多年平均值为13.20,5.41kg/hm2,流域内污染负荷关键源区是灯塔市和辽阳县.  相似文献   

蒋昊  赵亮  张晶 《中国环境科学》2020,40(9):3981-3991
为了解黄海氮营养盐的循环规律与收支情况,利用一个高分辨率物理-生物地球化学耦合模型(ECSECOM),模拟了黄海溶解无机氮(DIN)、颗粒有机氮(PON)的循环收支情况,分析了各源汇项的空间分布特征及季节变化规律及不同形态之间转化规律.结果表明:黄海DIN浓度在春、夏季较低,秋、冬季恢复至高水平.PON浓度在冬、春季较低,在夏、秋季有升高的趋势.浮游植物光合作用和呼吸作用是DIN最主要的汇和源,初级生产消耗的DIN中29.47%由水体内碎屑物质矿化分解提供,外源输入的DIN占总浮游植物生长需求的14.60%.浮游植物死亡是PON最大的源,沉积物为PON的净汇.大气氮沉降对黄海的影响范围全面,底沉积物释放和河流输入的DIN对黄海的影响是局地的.从PON与DIN之间的循环转化来看,PON中有48.50%转化为DIN,其余大部分都沉积到海底界面,而DIN向PON的转化率为38.85%.  相似文献   

陈晓华  姚林 《自然资源学报》2020,35(8):1958-1971
乡村稀释化是指城乡关系失衡下乡村人口持续减少、社会活力凋敝、人居空间不断被稀释的过程,是我国快速城镇化进程中乡村空间问题的动态化呈现,是新时代乡村地理学亟待深化研究的课题。基于城乡关系视角,从人口活力、土地利用和社会活动三个维度对皖北地区乡村稀释化进行测度,综合运用空间自相关、地理加权回归、地理探测器等方法,揭示皖北地区乡村稀释化时空特征、影响因素及形成机制。结果表明:(1)近10年皖北地区乡村稀释化呈现出阶段性加速化过程、多维度差异化状态、集聚性分异化空间格局等特征;(2)人均水资源量、农业从业人口密度、贫困发生率、城乡居民收入差异系数、单位乡村小学在校生人数、每万农村居民村卫生室医生数等要素对皖北地区乡村稀释化影响显著;(3)在特定城乡关系背景下,基于区域本底条件,城市系统的控制引导与乡村系统的被动响应共同推动了乡村稀释化的形成和蔓延。科学认知乡村稀释化,可为乡村振兴与城乡融合发展精准施策提供理论指导。  相似文献   

某离心机模型辨识与仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的辨识某离心机的加速度控制模型,并开展控制系统仿真和优化。方法实测某离心机运行时的转速、电压、电流等,对保载和加速状态的电流进行拟合,进而分析保载阻力、等效转动惯量等模型参数。建立离心机加速度控制系统Simulink仿真模型,进行仿真试验。结果基于辨识的模型参数进行仿真的结果与真实系统试验的结果很接近,为控制系统优化、各种试验能力和误差预估提供了可信的模型。结论采用的辨识方法可行,辨识的参数正确,离心机仿真模型运行快速正确,可供相关离心机辨识和仿真参考。  相似文献   

上海市郊中小河流氮磷污染特征   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
:①上海市郊中小河流有很高的氮磷和有机负荷,其表层水凯氏氮、总磷和CODCr指标均数倍于V类水的最大允许值.②由于受纳污染物类型和总量上的差异,中小河流氮磷污染存在明显的空间分异:居民区附近的小河流氨氮和磷的污染很重;主要受农田径流影响的小河流,氨氮和磷的污染较轻,但受硝氮污染的风险加大;养殖场附近的小河流,氨氮和磷有突发性暴增的现象.③中小河流氮磷污染,还受河流季节性生态环境演变的影响.随着气温升高和河流表层生物量的增大,表层水NH4+、NO3-因大量消耗而降低;有机N和颗粒态P含量因生物量的增加而上升;NO2-也会因硝化细菌活动的加剧而增加.水溶态磷和总磷也有随着气温和生物活动的增加而增高的趋势,但还要受到水体pH、DO等条件的影响.④在盛夏高温季节,水流滞缓的小河流表层水和底层水的氮磷指标存在明显分异:底层水NH4+、水溶态磷和总反应态磷含量高于表层水;而表层水NO3-和NO2含量高于底层水.这种富营养化水质分层现象的产生是夏季河流表层生物量暴增和底泥氮磷释放加剧的必然结果.至秋季,随着气温的回落,水质分层现象逐渐减弱.  相似文献   

工业资源是能为工业所利用的包括自然资源与人文资源在内的一切资源,是资源的产业范畴。工业资源开发学以工业资源为研究对象,以经济开发为主线,是研究工业资源系统开发、利用、保护与管理及其发展变化的规律,并应用这些规律进行不同时、空系统下工业资源经济开发实证研究的学科。其以系统性、应用性为主要特点,以工业资源的基础理论、工业资源开发理论、开发的战略与策略、工业资源组合类型与区域开发实证、资源开发与保护的管理与政策以及工业资源开发研究方法与手段等为主要研究内容。作为学科建设的起点,近期应以工业资源国情及开发战略、工业资源开发基本经验总结、工业资源开发模式、工业资源动态信息网络和开发决策系统的建立等课题为研究重点。  相似文献   

This review surveys the present state of knowledge of the nitrate (NO3 radical. Laboratory data on the physics and chemistry of the radical and atmospheric determination of the concentrations of the radical are both considered. One aim of the review is to highlight the relationship between the laboratory and the atmospheric studies. Although the emphasis of the review is on gas-phase processes, relevant studies conducted in condensed phases are mentioned because of their potential importance in the interpretation of cloud and aerosol chemistry.The spectroscopy, structure, and photochemistry of the radical are examined. Here, the object is to establich the spectroscopic basis for detection of the radical and measurement of its concentration in the laboratory and in the atmosphere. Infrared, visible, and paramagnetic resonance spectra are considered. An important quantity discussed is the absorption cross section in the visible region, which is required for quantitative measurements. Interpretation of the spectroscopic features requires an understanding of the geometrical and electronic structure of the radical in its ground and excited states; there is still some controversy about the groundstate geometry, but the most recent experimental evidence 9eg from laser induced fluorescence) and theoretical calculations suggest that the radical has D3h symmetry. Photodissociation of the radical is important in the atmosphere, and the product channels, quantum yields, and dissociation dynamics are discussed. A short examination of the thermodynamics (heat and entropy of formation) of the radical is presented.The main exposition of laboratory studies of the chemistry of the nitrate radical is preceded by a consideration of the techniques used for kinetic and mechanistic studies. Methods for the generation and detection of the radical and the kinetic tools employed are all presented. The exact nature of the technique used in individual studies has some relevance to the way in which data must be analysed, and to the type of mechanistic information that can be extracted. Continuous and stopped flow, flash photolysis and pulse radiolysis, molecular modulation, and static reactor techniques can all provide absolute kinetic data, while relative rate measurements have been a further rich source of information.The treatment of the chemical reactions of the nitrate radical is formally divided into the interactions with non-radical inorganic (deemed to include NO and NO2) and organic species, and with atoms and free radicals. In general, the reactions with open-shell species are much more rapid than those with closed-shell reactants. With the closed-shell partners, addition reactions are faster than abstraction reactions. An attempt is made to consider critically the published data on most reactions of importance, and to tabulate rate constants and temperature dependences where possible. However, it is not the objective of this review to provide recommendations for rate parameters. Evidence for the products of the reactions is sought, and for the branching ratios into the various channels where more than one exists. One theme of this part of the review is the elucidation of correlations of reactivity with structure and with the reactions of other radical species such as OH.The review turns next to a consideration of the role of NO3 in the atmosphere, of its atmospheric sources and sinks, and of field measurements of concentrations of the radical. Long-path visible-absorption spectroscopy and matrix-isolation ESR have both been used successfully in field measurements in the troposphere as well as the stratosphere. Balloon-borne instruments and ground-based remote sensing have been used to obtain stratospheric concentrations. Two of the most important implications of the measurements are that the stratospheric profiles are consistent with accepted chemistry (and, in particular, do not require the postulation of an unidentified scavenging mechanism that had, at one stage, been proposed), and that the highly variable night-time tropospheric concentrations imply that NO3 is a reactive tropospheric constituent. The inter-relation between laboratory studies and atmospheric observations, and the problems in extrapolating laboratory data to atmospheric conditions, are both explored. Initiation of night-time chemical transformations by NO3 and the possible production of OH are considered. The available information is then brought together to see how far NO3 is a sensitive indicator of the state of the atmosphere, and some speculations are presented about the involvement of NO3 (or N2O5) in damage to trees and plants.The final section of the review suggests some issues that remain unresolved concerning the NO3 radical which is directly or indirectly relevant to a better knowledge of the part played by the radical in the atmosphere. Amongst the requirements noted are improved data for the heat of formation of the radical, its absorption cross section in the visible region (and, especially, the temperature dependence of the cross section), and the details of its photochemistry. There is also still a need for a definitive determination of the equilibrium constant and its temperature dependence for the association with NO2 and the reverse dissociation of N2O5. A series of chemical reactions deserves further investigation, especially with regard to elucidation of product channels, and overall oxidation mechanisms also need to be defined better. Future atmospheric studies that are desirable include study of basic NO3 chemistry in the field to understand the influence of humidity on the conversion (probably on surfaces) of N2O5 to HNO3, and thus on NO3 concentrations. In addition, a study of the chemistry of NO3 in the presence of volatile organic compounds and at elevated concentrations of the oxides of nitrogen should help in the understanding of, for example, polluted marine coasts, forests, and urban areas.  相似文献   

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