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A retrospective study of the effects of the Tumaco earthquake of 1979 shows a smaller number of deaths and injuries than in earthquakes of similar magnitude that have occurred elsewhere, which is probably related to the type of building. Most of the deaths were caused by a tsunami. Proportionally the mortality was higher in the 0 to 4 age group. Among the injured, most of the lesions were minor. Morbidity was higher in the over 45 years age group, and lower among the "under-fives." There was an evident need for a simple "disaster medical record card." Coordination among the different relief agencies could have been better.  相似文献   

2004年12月26日印尼8.7级强震后江苏地区同震效应分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
在2004年12月26日印尼苏门答腊北部发生8.7级强烈地震后,对江苏省地震前兆观测资料进行了及时的清理和分析,发现凡是能监测地下应力活动的前兆观测手段,如应变、地倾斜、水温和水位,在这次特大地震的震后都记录到了显著的异常,且异常的表现形式各不相同,将这些异常列出并浅析之,以期对进一步深入研究这次地震对我国未来地震趋势的影响有所帮助。  相似文献   

In November 1928 there was an eruption of Mount Etna, Sicily, which led to lava largely destroying the town of Mascali, situated low on the eastern flank of the volcano. Destruction of the town took just over a day but there was an orderly evacuation of its inhabitants and, with help from the military, families were able to remove furniture and fittings from their houses. Evacuees were relocated to nearby towns staying with relatives, friends or in hired apartments. Rebuilding Mascali provided an opportunity for the fascist government of the time to demonstrate efficient centralised planning. A completely new town was built on a grid-iron plan with many of the buildings reflecting the 'fascist architecture' of the time. The town was complete by 1937 and housing condztzons were very advanced in comparison with other towns in the region. The 1928 eruption is important as it was the most destructive on Etna since 1669 when the city of Catania was overwhelmed. In terms of hazard and risk assessment the 1928 eruption demonstrates that lava can reach the lower flanks of the volcano within a short period after the onset of an eruption.  相似文献   

<正>据江苏数字地震台网测定:2011年1月1日前后,在江苏省建湖、阜宁交界地区发生了一次有感震群活动,最大震级为M_L3.5,时间为2011-01-01 T17:07,地点位于建湖(ψ_N33°30′,λ_E119°50′,见图1)。  相似文献   

陈见  梁维亮  唐文  高安宁  廖铭超 《灾害学》2011,(4):89-92,97
通过对广西全州县广坑漕滑坡现场勘查,结合气象观测资料综合分析,表明广坑漕山体滑坡的主要原因是:①地质环境受人为工程破坏,山体两侧有新旧采石场存在;②滑坡点是迎风坡地形,有利强降水发生;③滑坡前当地长时间降水少,干旱导致土质疏松,后期天气转折,出现持续降水,土壤经浸泡迅速软化;④南亚季风急流突发性增大,在桂北喇叭口地形迎风坡产生剧烈上升运动,并与高空槽过境相遇造成对流性暴雨,水压力及山体自重量同时增大,导致坡体突然失稳,引发滑坡。  相似文献   

台湾集集地震近断层强震地面运动加速度时程的随机特性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
将强震地面运动加速度时程看作随机过程,选取台湾集集地震的30组近断层加速度时程为样本,研究其相关特性。3方向集系上的自相关矩阵和互相关矩阵表明3方向的加速度时程均为非平稳随机过程,并且相关系数的分布是随机的,这种随机相关性是无法用确定性的数学模型来模拟的。为此,又研究了样本函数的相关特性,即随机过程样本函数的相关函数,结果发现在随机过程的相关函数中包含有明显的随机函数分量,即相关函数仍为一随机过程,我们称这样的随机过程为超随机过程,本文建立了超随机过程相关函数的数学模型。本文的研究表明近断层强地面运动为一复杂的随机过程,对其相关特性的研究应当包括相关系数(性)的大小和相关系数(性)的随机分布两个方面。  相似文献   

Learning after a disaster is crucial in creating more resilient places. However, many societies are repeatedly overwhelmed by disasters. This can be because of missed opportunities to learn in post‐disaster settings or because of actions implemented that seem to be highly relevant to recovery in the short term, but potentially constrain aspirations in the longer term. This paper assesses learning processes among state and non‐state actors and the ways in which these are bridged and scaled up to wider improvements in governance. Aiming to enrich understanding of post‐disaster learning, it explores different actors’ response actions after the earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2010 and 2011. On the one hand, ‘learning by doing’ is occurring, yet, on the other hand, systemic learning is hindered by mismatches between top‐down steering and bottom‐up initiatives. The study concludes that better linking and synergising of learning processes among different levels is vital for enhancing resilience in post‐disaster societies.  相似文献   

Cox TP 《Disasters》2012,36(2):233-248
Prior to 1996 and the Congolese wars, exploitative land policies pushed farmers in the eastern highlands of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) into a vulnerable position, with cattle manure sustaining intensive cultivation. This exposed households to a complete breakdown in mixed farming as cattle became targets of war. This study of villages in South Kivu offers an inside understanding of continuity and change in farming practices in a region where there are no easy solutions, and it assesses how the province lost its present and where farmers look when they glance to the future. For farmers, who hold a broad view of soil fertility, the casualties of war were not only people and cattle but also the land itself, which has enduring scars. Perceiving a rupture in tradition, South Kivu farmers are searching desperately for new livelihoods that are built on education instead of livestock, setting aside old ethnic signifiers to seek a future beyond protracted conflict.  相似文献   

江南 《防灾博览》2007,(1):36-37
到了欧洲,不看教堂是不可能的。应了中国一句俗语:白天看庙,晚上睡觉。欧洲的教堂同中国的寺庙一样多。可见,人类在对待上天的态度上是一样的虔诚。教堂源于希腊文KRYIAKON,是上帝居住的地方;庙宇是菩萨居住的地方;由于不能亲谒上帝和玉皇,便修建一座教  相似文献   

思淼 《防灾博览》2009,(1):78-83
水中能升起高楼大厦,水中能荡漾着建筑艺术,这就是让世人惊艳的水城威尼斯。到威尼斯看建筑,永远让人心潮起伏.永远都有欲罢不能的喜爱。  相似文献   

陈建民局长在2011年全国地震局长会暨党风廉政建设工作会议上指出,科学规划"十二五"时期的事业发展,按照"科学防灾、积极避灾"的要求,大力开展基础探测工作,加强抗震设防要求与行业抗震设计规范的衔接,强化监管,把防震保安工作纳入新农村建设,全面提升民居的抗震能力,实现有效减灾。  相似文献   

Cunningham SA 《Disasters》2005,29(2):99-128
It has been described as the worst disaster since Chernobyl. In January 2000, a retaining wall failed at the Aurul gold processing plant in Romania, releasing a wave of cyanide and heavy metals that moved quickly from one river to the next through Romania, Hungary, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, killing tens of thousands of fish and other forms of wildlife and poisoning drinking-water supplies. This paper examines how and why the chemical spill at Baia Mare occurred and how responses to it emerged from circumstances at the global, local and immediate levels. The spill demonstrates the importance of the flow of information in framing and interpreting disasters, suggesting that such an event can go unnoticed or be viewed as catastrophic, depending on the political, historical and personal struggles that lead to its publicity. The paper offers a framework for understanding why the spill was alternately perceived as an incident, an accident and a catastrophe based on changing perceptions of culpability.  相似文献   

武玉霞 《防灾博览》2009,(2):97-105
走过的地方不多,看过的地方不少,就自然风光而言,位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州泸定县境内的海螺沟冰川森林公园,是我见到过的最美的景致之一。然而,在全球升温和温室气体减排加剧的大背景下,海螺沟冰川雪线上升、冰川后退,形成了冰溜面、冰斗、冰川磨光面和冰川擦痕等特殊的冰蚀地貌,许多动植物资源正面临生死存亡的境地,一幕幕现实的场景呼唤着人类在享受现代化文明的同时,也要爱护和关心人类赖以生存的地球家园。  相似文献   

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