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战略环境影响评价(简称战略环评)是加拿大政府实施可持续发展的一个重要手段。尽管加拿大的战略环境影响评价发展较快,形式多样,但其战略环评的理念及方法却有其一般的规律和特点。本文将介绍加拿大战略环境影响评价的理念、特点及评价方法,分析加拿大战略环评对我国的启示。  相似文献   

贸易政策的环境影响评价导则研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,迅猛发展的对外贸易在为中国经济增长提供强劲动力的同时,也对中国的环境和资源产生了深远的影响。对贸易政策开展环境影响评价,对国内环境保护具有重要意义;而作为贸易政策环评的规范和指导文件,贸易政策环评导则的开发势在必行。本文从贸易政策环评工作的实践出发,结合我国现有的环境影响评价制度,借鉴国际贸易政策环评中同步评价、全面覆盖、突出重点、逐级递进、及时调整等先进理念,在总结国内贸易政策环境影响评价研究实践经验的基础上,遵循贸易政策对环境产生影响的基本逻辑,系统地从评价原则、评价对象、评价指标、评价内容、工作程序等方面,对如何制定中国的贸易政策环评导则进行了深入的探讨,指出应符合可持续性、可操作性等原则,遵循从贸易政策到环境影响的链式逻辑,涵盖直接影响和间接影响,综合运用经济影响和环境影响评价的相关模型,与贸易政策的谈判和制订同步展开评价。  相似文献   

由于规划项目涉及面广、不确定性强、行业多样等特点,目前还没有针对规划环评的通用方法。虽然很多适用于建设项目环境影响评价的方法可以直接用于规划环评,但二者之间仍存在着很大的不同。结合规划项目的环境影响评价特点与评价要求,参考国内现有行业标准规范与新发布的大气评价导则技术要求,提出了规划项目大气环境影响评价的基本工作流程和4个工作要点,并通过具体案例应用,分别从基础资料收集与分析、环境影响预测方案制定、规划方案的比选及环境承载力的测算给出具体说明与实施方法。通过预测评价分析及方案比选,对规划选址、发展规模、规划布局、产业结构以及区域规划发展方式等进行综合分析,最终针对规划项目的污染控制及规划方案提出调整建议,为今后规划环境影响评价工作提供依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

战略环评作为宏观环境管理措施在推动产业转型升级、促进区域污染减排方面发挥重要作用。温室气体排放产生大尺度区域性生态环境问题,需要环境管理制度从战略和区域层面进行控制。通过战略环评控制温室气体排放对于适应当前国内外发展形势具有积极意义,有助于碳减排目标实现,加快转变经济发展方式和推进生态文明建设。由于温室气体环境影响的区域性、长期性和不确定性,不同于常规环境空气污染物,需要超越常规环评预测评估路径,以控制指标为核心建立环境影响评价思路。国际上已有应对气候变化的管理和技术实践,通过设定排放总量和排放绩效指标引导温室气体排放控制。结合国际经验,将温室气体作为特殊"污染物"控制纳入战略环评,建立基于温室气体控制的战略环评评价指标体系的组成可包括绝对排放量、排放强度和控制绩效三类指标。温室气体控制目标的确定,可以参照国家、区域和行业层面关于温室气体控制的政策目标进行划定或分解测算。通过建立科学适用的评价目标和指标体系,为在战略环评中开展温室气体控制扫除技术障碍,也必将为我国全面落实温室气体减排承诺发挥作用。  相似文献   

基于应对不确定性的战略环境评价管理模式设计与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略环境评价是目前环境评价领域中令人关注的前沿课题,但是不确定性却客观地、广泛地存在于战略环境评价中,这给战略环评的有效性实施带来很多的障碍。在介绍不确定性概念及其在战略环评中内涵的基础上,针对战略环境评价的特点,基于应对不确定性,建立了战略环境评价的管理模式,包括“早期介入、工作程序互动、战略制定与战略环评的融合、跟踪评价”的4个方面。通过这种管理模式的实施运用,来顺应战略环评的不确定性,更好地应对不确定性,能更好地满足战略环评的需要,并提高其有效性。以江苏省金坛市城南新区规划环境影响评价为例,进行了该管理模式的初步运用。研究表明:通过早期介入、战略环境评价与规划编制过程的互动及融合,能确保在规划编制阶段较早地、及时地、系统地考虑不确定的规划要素及环境因素,有利于通过战略环境评价为规划的编制与未来的实施提供科学的、客观的并易于规划编制机构接受的环境保护对策和政策建议。  相似文献   

我国正处于公路交通飞速发展的历史阶段,公路建设在促进社会经济发展的同时也带来了显著的生态环境问题。由于目前建设项目环境影响评价的局限性日益突出,环评法以及相继出台的部门规章都要求从战略层次科学评估交通规划造成的潜在环境影响,促使交通战略的决策过程充分考虑环境因素。然而,我国交通战略环境评价起步较晚并较多关注于内容框架的研究,因此从宏观层面上对公路网规划的环境评价方法还有待完善和深入研究。以融合国际经验的湖北省骨架公路网规划战略环境评价为例,从规划分析、现状调查、指标体系、影响预测、制度分析和公众参与等方面,详细分析了我国公路网规划环境影响评价的技术路线确定、评价要点识别以及评价方法选取等内容,并从层次性和介入时机等方面讨论了我国交通战略环境评价存在的不足,为完善交通规划战略环境评价提供参考  相似文献   

本文在分析西部开发政策体系的基础上,剖析了该战略产生的环境影响的特征,指出了开展政策环境影响评价的必要性和可行性,提出了政策环评所需要的度量指标,以及面向生态的政策环评工作原则和技术程序,探讨了西部开发政策环境影响的控制方法。  相似文献   

对开发区进行环境影响评价是开发区可持续发展的需要。大气作为环境的重要要素,其状况优劣对开发区的发展及布局都产生较大的影响,因而大气环境影响评价是环境影响评价体系中不可缺少的组成部分。如何进行开发区的大气环境影响评价,国内已取得了不少经验,但仍在探索之中。对城市开发区大气环境影响评价的内容和方法进行了探讨;以扬州市经济技术开发区为例,进行了分析、预测和评价,对环境评价中的公众参与环节进行了有益的探索与尝试;对开发区进行了大气功能区划分,给出了开发区大气主要污染物总量控制方案;最后,针对扬州市经济技术开发区的实情,在产业发展方向、项目规划布局、能源使用、绿化、环境管理以及土地管理等方面提出了环境保护的对策和建议。  相似文献   

随着全国性、地区性土地利用总体规划的制定与实施,探讨适台于土地利用总体规划环境影响评价的技术方法显得相当重要。在对生态系统服务功能价值评估研究进展进行评述的基础上。分析了生态系统服务功能价值评估在土地利用总体规划环境影响评价中应用的必要性.并结合实例对其应用方法进行了探讨.实例分析表明,生态系统服务功能价值评估在土地利用总体规划环评中的应用具有把土地利用的生态效益转化为简单易懂的货币形式.可为决策者提供直观的生态信息及生态系统服务功能价值。可作为一项量化指标。对土地利用总体规划目标及规划方案的生态效益进行综合评估,且核算简单。有助于节省规划环评的时间和资源等优势,本文还指出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

山东半岛蓝色经济区建设已正式上升为国家战略,是国家区域协调发展的重要组成部分。青岛作为山东半岛的龙头城市,综合实力强、地理位置优越、海洋资源丰富、海洋科技领先、海洋经济发达且产业结构较为合理,应借此优势将其建设成为全国蓝色经济发展的先行区、山东半岛蓝色经济区的核心区。在此过程中,青岛要进一步优化蓝色经济的空间布局,并按照“优化提升一产,发展壮大二产,突破发展三产”的思路完善产业结构。为促进山东半岛蓝色经济区快速发展,发挥辐射带动作用,青岛应营造良好的政策环境,突破海洋产业化关键技术,实施项目带动策略,加强半岛城市间的分工协作,并在开发过程中注重生态环境保护,确保蓝色经济可持续发展  相似文献   

The current increase in the number of development projects in Malawi is leading to loss of natural resources and the general degradation of the environment. Both the Malawi Environmental Management Act of 1996 and the Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of 1997, prescribe a list of infrastructural projects that must undergo environmental impact assessment (EIA) before their implementation. This study identifies the key limitations of EIA application to infrastructural projects in Malawi. A desktop study used to gather information in this study involved a review of several documents such as EIA reports, policies and laws, books, journals and internet articles. Primary data was obtained from policymakers, contractors, EIA practitioners and the general public using both structured and unstructured interviews, as well as through questionnaires. Focus group discussions and direct observations were employed wherever necessary in the study. Major limitations to successful EIA in infrastructural projects in Malawi include: (1) limited experience and practice of EIA practitioners; (2) cost of EIA process; (3) limited links between EIA and urban planning procedures; (4) lack of political will; (5) project delays; (6) lack of effective monitoring and auditing, (7) lack of data, especially those to be used in predictive models. This violates the principles of sustainability science and the international best practices for EIA that were developed by the International Association for Impact Assessment. It is recommended that active environmental management should actively involve the interests of all stakeholders, and that follow up of predicted environmental impacts resulting from any project should entail monitoring, auditing and reporting.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a useful and effective instrument for sustainable development. Most countries require instruction projects to carry out EIA. EIA of our country began at the end of the 1970s; Chinais one of the earliest countries that carried out Project EIA. Through the fulfillment of more than 20 years, this system has been improved gradually and is playing a significant role in facilitating the enterprise reasonable layout and optimal addres…  相似文献   


Strategic Environmental Assessment is a frontier subject in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment. In the past two decades, especially in recent years, much more importance has been attached to Strategic Environmental Assessment. The Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the P.R. China which was promulgated provides a great opportunity for the development of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment and brings great challenges for the development of traditional Project Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning Environmental Impact Assessment at the same time. In order to promote the implementation of “The EIA Law”, the inherent limitations of Project Environmental Impact Assessment must be identified sufficiently and the theory research and practice of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment should be strengthened as well. Measures should be taken currently to enforce the operation system. The authors wish to offer a few references to the progress and implementation of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment in China.  相似文献   

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in China has developed rapidly since it was introduced into China in the 1990s. Chinese government promulgated the Environmental Impact Assessment Law of China (hereinafter referred to as the EIA Law) in 2002. In this law, it is stipulated clearly that regional and sector plans should be assessed. Through investigating materials and analyzing literatures, this article analyses the practical and academic study achievements of SEA in China that have been achieved since the EIA Law was implemented, probes into the current situation of the main level of SEA in China-plan EIA, then summarizes the development characteristics, and eventually, puts forward the development trends of SEA in China. The research conclusions can offer the foundations for comprehending systematically the progress of SEA in China.  相似文献   


Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in China has developed rapidly since it was introduced into China in the 1990s. Chinese government promulgated the Environmental Impact Assessment Law of China (hereinafter referred to as the EIA Law) in 2002. In this law, it is stipulated clearly that regional and sector plans should be assessed. Through investigating materials and analyzing literatures, this article analyses the practical and academic study achievements of SEA in China that have been achieved since the EIA Law was implemented, probes into the current situation of the main level of SEA in China—plan EIA, then summarizes the development characteristics, and eventually, puts forward the development trends of SEA in China. The research conclusions can offer the foundations for comprehending systematically the progress of SEA in China.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been growing concerns about environmental issues related to urbanization in China. The intense natural resources utilization and increasing population has brought great pressure, especially in coastal areas, consequently affecting the sustainable development of coastal cities. In 2002, Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIA Act) was enacted in China. Environmental impact assessment targeted at planning, one level of strategic environmental assessment (SEA), thus became a legislative requirement. This paper considers SEA to be one of the important approaches not only to control coastal pollution, but also to conserve coastal ecosystems and finally to achieve sustainable development during urbanization, thus it will be a set an example for other areas of China. The experience of SEA in Xiamen, a coastal city in southeast China, illustrates the potentials of SEA. This paper first briefly introduces the concept and potentials of SEA, then compares two SEA cases and a project EIA case in Xiamen, and finally identifies the key characteristics of SEA.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION According to the Environmental Protection Law of P.R. China, and the Environmental Protection Management Method on Construction Projects the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (HJ/T 2.1~2. 3-93) have defined how environmental impact assessment should be carried out for construction projects, in terms of the general principle, methodology, contents and requirements. Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment on the Atmosphe…  相似文献   

Stakeholder interaction within the ERICA Integrated Approach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Within the ERICA project, stakeholder involvement has been addressed within three main areas: generic interactions throughout the project, specific consultation by means of attendance to events and considerations as part of the ERICA Integrated Approach and Assessment Tool. The word stakeholders meant namely any individual or group who may be affected by or have an interest in an issue, and to include experts, lay-people and the public. An End-Users-Group (EUG) was set up to facilitate the two-way dialogue between the ERICA Consortium and stakeholders. The ERICA EUG consisted of representatives of 60 organisations ranging from regulatory bodies, national advisory bodies, academia, non-governmental organisations, industry, consultants and inter-governmental organisations. Stakeholder interaction was included from the very start of the project. Inputs from the EUG were recorded and in most instances incorporated within the development of the project and thus influenced and helped to shape some of the ERICA deliverables.  相似文献   

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