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Summary Male Leucorrhinia dragonflies defend territories from conspecific and heterospecific intruders. Defense against heterospecifics is surprising, as mating and oviposition are the only activities that occur on the territories, and heterospecific males are not expected to pose a reproductive threat. L. frigida and L. intacta males respond aggressively with equal frequency and intensity against intrusions by conspecifics and heterospecifics. In contrast, L. proxima males respond more aggressively against conspecifics. The apparent lack of species discrimination shown by L. frigida and L. intacta males may result because territorial males that assess intruders (as do L. proxima) suffer a tactical disadvantage from hesitating when an intruder flies in. This assessment process may lead to reduced fighting success by the territorial male. Thus there is a tradeoff between assessment cost incurred when the intruder is a conspecific and benefit gained from avoiding conflict when the intruder is a heterospecific. Given this assessment cost, males of species that only rarely encounter conspecific intruders are more likely to evolve species discrimination than males of species that commonly encounter conspecific intruders.  相似文献   

To date, song research has focused primarily on the interactions of conspecifics. However, frequent interactions of songbirds with heterospecifics may necessitate adequate communication outside the species boundary. In this study, we focus on heterospecific communication behaviour of two small sympatric congeneric passerines, great and blue tits (Parus major and Parus caeruleus), which breed in overlapping territories and compete for food and nesting cavities. By means of a first playback experiment, we show that (1) heterospecific matching (imitating songs of the other species) is a strategy frequently used by great tits but not by blue tits, (2) both blue tit trilled and untrilled song can be accurately matched by great tits and that (3) almost half of the great tits in our study population match at least one blue tit song across all studied breeding stages, indicating that this heterospecific matching behaviour is a common feature in this population. A second playback experiment showed that these great tit imitations of blue tit songs do not function in intraspecific communication between male great tits. Hence, these heterospecific imitations appear to be designed for interspecific communication with blue tits. These findings suggest a strong heterospecific influence on the vocal learning process, repertoire composition and repertoire use in great tits and provide a possible mechanism that can drive song convergence in songbirds.  相似文献   

Black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus alter the number of D notes of their chick-a-dee call to reflect urgency and threat. Here, I tested whether heterospecific responses of an allopatric species to these mobbing calls occur. Heterospecific chickadee mobbing calls and songs from North America were broadcast to European great tits (Parus major) and compared with conspecific mobbing calls. During conspecific mobbing playbacks, all great tits approached the speaker, during the heterospecific “chick-a-dee” playbacks, 63.3% individuals approached the speaker, while during the song playback, only 31.3% of the great tits approached the speaker. Minimum distances of great tits were lower during conspecific mobbing calls compared to allopatric chick-a-dee calls and to allopatric chickadee song. Also, minimum distances were lower when comparing allopatric chick-a-dee calls and chickadee song. Great tits approached the speaker on average down to (mean ± SE) 20.0 ± 1.8 m during playbacks of 1–4 D elements, to 17.7 ± 2.0 m during playbacks of 5–7 D elements and down to 11.5 ± 2.0 m during playbacks of 8–11 D elements. The number of D notes was inversely related to minimum distance. Thus, the urgency message encoded in the D notes was perceived also by an allopatric but phylogenetically related European species, suggesting that the heterospecific response is possibly phylogenetically conserved.  相似文献   

Summary On the east coast of Australia, new holland and white-cheeked honeyeaters experience huge seasonal changes in nectar availability over their breeding periods. I observed breeding males of both species to determine whether levels of territorial aggressiveness varied with these changes in nectar availability. I watched individual males repeatedly and assessed their aggressiveness by recording their responses to birds that came within 30 m of them. Almost all attacks were on unfamiliar birds; males never attacked their mates or offspring and rarely attacked other birds that were resident in the area. Intruders were most likely to be attacked if they were conspecifics, if they landed rather than flying by, and if they came near the centers of males' territories. Taking into account the types, behaviors, and locations of intruders, there were pronounced seasonal changes in the probability of an intruder being attacked by a territorial male. Males were least aggressive when nectar was abundant, suggesting that territorial aggression could be at least partially a response to scarcity of nectar. Seasonal changes in aggressiveness were not accounted for by breeding cycles or by changes in frequency of intrusions.  相似文献   

When females mate with a heterospecific male, they do not usually produce viable offspring. Thus, there is a selective pressure for females to avoid interspecific mating. In many species, females innately avoid heterospecific males; females can also imprint on their parents to avoid later sexual interactions with heterospecific males. However, it was previously unknown whether adult females can learn to discriminate against heterospecific males. We tested the hypothesis that adult females previously unable to avoid interspecific mating learn to avoid such mating after being exposed to heterospecific males. Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) females not previously exposed to Turkish hamster (Mesocricetus brandti) males can discriminate between odors of conspecific and heterospecific males, but they mate with either type of male. However, when we exposed adult females to both a conspecific male and a heterospecific male through wire-mesh barriers for 8 days, and then paired them sequentially with the two males, females were more receptive to conspecific males and more aggressive to heterospecific males. When females were paired with the heterospecific male first and the conspecific male second, no female was receptive and all were aggressive to heterospecific males. When females were paired with the conspecific male first, only 43% of females were then aggressive toward the heterospecific male. That is, interactions with conspecific males may decrease a female’s ability to properly avoid heterospecific males. Our study clearly shows for the first time that females can learn during adulthood to avoid interspecific mating just by being exposed to stimuli from heterospecific males.  相似文献   

Residency status of individuals in populations may be an important determinant of the outcomes of interspecific competition between native and introduced species. We examined direct behavioral interactions between two similarly sized rodents, the alien Rattus rattus and native Rattus fuscipes when they were respective residents and intruders in a small enclosure. Resident individuals were dominant in their behaviors toward intruders irrespective of the species that was resident. In contrast, interactive behaviors between conspecifics were often neutral or amicable, supporting suggestions that R. rattus and R. fuscipes are social animals. We then tested whether rodent species use heterospecific odors to avoid aggressive competitive interactions and partition space in the field. Neither R. fuscipes nor R. rattus responded to traps scented with the odors of male or female heterospecifics. If R. fuscipes does not recognize the odor of introduced R. rattus, then odors will not be cues to the presence or territorial space of competing heterospecifics. Rather, findings from both enclosure and field trials suggest that direct aggressive interactions between individual R. rattus and R. fuscipes probably facilitate segregation of space between these two species in wild populations, where resident animals may typically be the winners and exclude heterospecific intruders. These findings have implications for the invasion success of introduced rodents such as R. rattus into intact forests, where native populations may have competitive advantage because of their residency status.  相似文献   

When two closely related species are sympatric the process of species recognition (identifying conspecifics) and mate-quality recognition (increased fitness benefits) can yield a conflict when heterospecifics resemble high-quality conspecifics. Conflict in species versus mate-quality recognition may serve as a possible mechanism for the persistence of unisexual, gynogenetic Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa). Amazon mollies require sperm from closely related species (e.g., sailfin mollies, P. latipinna) to start embryogenesis but inheritance is strictly maternal. When choosing mates, male sailfin mollies from populations sympatric with Amazon mollies may rely on traits indicating species identity rather than those indicating mate quality. Conversely, males from allopatric populations may rely more on traits indicating mate quality. Previous work has found that male sailfin mollies in sympatry exhibit a significantly greater mating preference for female sailfin mollies over Amazon mollies compared to males in allopatry. In addition, male sailfin mollies prefer to associate with and produce more sperm in the presence of larger conspecific females, which are more fecund. We hypothesized that male sailfin mollies experience a conflict in species recognition and mate-quality recognition in the presence of Amazon mollies that are relatively larger than female sailfin mollies. To test this hypothesis, we paired males from sympatric and allopatric populations with a larger Amazon molly and a smaller female sailfin molly. We scored the number of mating attempts that males directed to conspecific and heterospecific females. Males in most sympatric and allopatric populations demonstrate no clear preference for conspecifics. In addition, we found some evidence for a difference in mating preference between allopatric and sympatric populations with males from allopatry showing a greater heterospecific mate preference. These results indicate a conflict between species and mate-quality recognition. In sympatry this conflict may contribute to the persistence of gynogenetic Amazon mollies.  相似文献   

Monogyne fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colony workers are territorial and are aggressive toward members of other fire ant colonies. In contrast, polygyne colony workers are not aggressive toward non-nestmates, presumably due to broader exposure to heritable and environmentally derived nestmate recognition cues (broad template). Workers from both monogyne and polygyne fire ant colonies execute newly mated queens after mating flights. We discovered that monogyne and polygyne queens have a remarkable effect on conspecific recognition. After removal of their colony queen, monogyne worker aggression toward non-nestmate conspecifics quickly drops to merely investigative levels; however, heterospecific recognition/aggression remains high. Queenless monogyne or polygyne worker groups were also not aggressive toward newly mated queens. Queenless worker groups of both forms that adopted a monogyne-derived newly mated queen became aggressive toward non-nestmate workers and newly mated queens. We propose that the powerful effect of fire ant queens on conspecific nestmate recognition is caused by a queen-produced recognition primer pheromone that increases the sensitivity of workers to subtle quantitative differences in nestmate recognition cues. This primer pheromone prevents the adoption of newly mated queens (regulation of reproductive competition) in S. invicta and when absent allows queenless workers to adopt a new queen readily. This extraordinary discovery has broad implications regarding monogyne and polygyne colony and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary We report aggressive spacing behavior in male dragonflies, Leucorrhinia intacta, that is characterized by variations in the probability of chasing conspecific male intruders within a defined area around a male's perch. The chase probability depends on the total intruder pressure and the behavior and distance of the intruder from the perched male (Fig. 2). This nonexclusive, site-fixed area has been called a dominion.We also examined the distribution of intruders among the various behavior-distance categories. Chase rates (per 15 min) were correlated mostly with number of intruders that hovered (rather than flew) close to the territorial male. Finally, we examined the impact of the changing chase probabilities on the variation in aggressive interactions as a function of intruder pressure. We conclude that, to some extent, territorial males stabilized defense costs across a variety of intruder pressures by maintaining dominions.  相似文献   

Conspecific Attraction and the Conservation of Territorial Songbirds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract:  Conspecific attraction, the tendency for individuals of a species to settle near one another, is well described in colonial species, especially birds. Although this behavior may occur in territorial birds, evidence has been lacking. If territorial birds do exhibit this behavior, it would have major conservation implications. Birds could potentially be attracted to specific sites with artificial stimuli, making conservation of those species more efficient. In 2001 and 2002, we tested whether conspecific attraction occurs in an endangered, territorial songbird, the Black-capped Vireo ( Vireo atricapilla ) by playing vireo vocalizations in unoccupied habitats at Fort Hood, Texas. We were successful in attracting 73 birds to five experimental sites in 2001 and 75 birds to seven experimental sites in 2002. No birds settled on comparable control sites. Many birds attracted to the vocalizations paired and bred. At most research sites the primary threat to the species, the brood-parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird ( Molothrus ater ), was controlled, allowing vireos to achieve high nesting success relative to a nearby, unmanipulated population. Second-year birds were more responsive to conspecific vocalizations than older birds, as they were more common on experimental sites than in the established population. In 2002 birds recolonized experimental sites from 2001 where vocalizations were not played in 2002, indicating that 1 year of playbacks may be sufficient to establish a population. Our results provide the first experimental evidence that territorial songbirds use the presence of conspecifics when deciding where to settle and suggest that conspecific attraction may provide a valuable conservation tool.  相似文献   

We examined evidence for kin-related signal discrimination in the Australian scincid lizard Egernia striolata, using 41 juvenile lizards from 14 litters from a population in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. We characterised each juvenile at four polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci, determined genetic relatedness among pairs of juveniles, and assigned for each litter one other litter that was genetically closest and one other litter that was genetically most distant. Lizards responded significantly more strongly, with tongue flicks and time in contact, to skin secretion stimuli from more distant than genetically close, unfamiliar conspecific juveniles. When presented with an intruder, juvenile lizards basked for shorter periods when the intruder was more distantly related, and aggressive lizards directed more aggressive acts towards more distantly related than closely related conspecific intruders. We deduce from these results that there is kin recognition in juvenile E. striolata, and that they are able to discriminate related from unrelated individuals among unfamiliar conspecifics.  相似文献   

Migratory stonechats (Saxicola torquata) spend the winter in the northern Negev desert in Israel. After arrival in October most birds defend territories throughout the winter either as heterosexual pairs or as single birds. In this population we examined: (1) aggressive behaviour of pairs; (2) the functional significance of pair territoriality; and (3) hormonal correlates of territorial behaviour. Pairs were aggressive towards both conspecific intruders and stonechat dummies, particularly in autumn when territories were established. Males were more aggressive than females and aggression was primarily intrasexual. More frequent than intraspecific interactions were interspecific encounters, with 94% involving the local mourning wheatear (Oenanthe lugens). With one exception these encounters consisted of attacks of mourning wheatears against stonechats, mainly males. Two functions of winter territoriality of migrant pairs are proposed: (a) a reduction of individual defense costs associated with the maintenance of a territory; (b) an increase of the net vigilance to reduce the risk of attacks by competitors or predators. The levels of testosterone (males and females) and estradiol (females only) were close to or below the lower detection limit of the assay throughout the winter. Therefore, high levels of gonadal steroids are not required for pair formation and aggression in the non-reproductive context. The results indicate that both the function and the proximate control mechanisms of territoriality during the non-breeding season in winter are different from those during the breeding season in spring.  相似文献   

Summary One of the roles ascribed to spider courtship is that of mate recognition and reproductive isolation. We describe behavioral mechanisms underlying these functions in three species of wandering spiders of the genus Cupiennius (Ctenidae). C. salei and the two sympatric species C. getazi and C. coccineus discriminate conspecifics and heterospecifics in a multistage process which covers three principal phases of courtship: (1) Chemical phase: male spiders initiate vibratory courtship communication less often upon contact with heterospecific than with conspecific female silk. (2) Vibratory phase: females respond with their own vibration less often and with increased delay to the vibratory courtship signals of heterospecific males than to those of conspecific males. (3) Tactile phase: in heterospecific pairings males and females interrupt the contact phase if their courtship has progressed thus far. The product of the probabilities of passing through each of the different stages of courtship is between 0.44 and 0.88 for conspecific pairings, but zero for most heterospecific pairings. This is to a greater extent due to the behavioral barriers of the vibratory and the tactile phase than to that of the chemical phase. Male taxis on tracks of female silk does not depend on the species-specificity of the silk. Female vibrations are not essential for species recognition: males increase their signal rates, orient toward and approach responding females in both con- and heterospecific pairings. Female attacks on males are similar to attacks on prey; males defend themselves with outstretched front legs and are caught and killed by the female in only 5% of the cases. In all phases of courtship, female C. salei are least and female C. getazi most selective. When female C. coccineus and C. getazi are involved in heterospecific pairings no copulation is attempted. In contrast, 13 copulations of C. salei with males of the other two species were observed; egg sacs never resulted from these copulations. Among males, those of C. getazi were least selective. The likelihood of heterospecific pairs passing through all phases of courtship is higher in case of the allopatric than in that of the sympatric species. This finding applies to the courtship as a whole, but not necessarily to each of its phases.Offprint requests to: F.G. Barth  相似文献   

Sympatric species sharing requirements are competitors, but recent evidence suggests that heterospecifics may also be used as a source of information. The heterospecific habitat copying hypothesis proposes that individuals of one species might use information inadvertently produced by the breeding performance of individuals of other species to assess habitat quality whenever the two species share needs. In this study, we provide the first experimental test of this hypothesis by examining whether the manipulated reproductive success of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) is used as heterospecific inadvertent social information (ISI) in breeding-habitat selection by sympatric great tits (Parus major). The reproductive success of blue tits was manipulated 1year at the scale of patches by transferring nestlings from decreased to increased patches. No evidence was found of great tits using the reproductive success of blue tits as a source of heterospecific ISI. However, dispersal decisions by adult great tits correlated with information on con- and heterospecific densities, which constitute other sources of ISI. As density and breeding performance are tightly intertwined forms of information, the difficulty in distinguishing between them might lead great tits to use heterospecific ISI more in the form of density than breeding performance when making dispersal decisions.  相似文献   

Large males of both species are territorial, particularly when spawning. Small Halichoeres maculipinna (but not H. garnoti) are territorial towards equal sized conspecifics, but not towards dissimilar sized conspecifics or any individuals of an abundant congener. Territoriality of small H. maculipinna may be related to the process of sex-change rather than defense of food. Both sexes of both species, but particularly H. maculipinna, migrate from feeding areas to spawning sites at the edges of reefs at specific times of day. In the two species a large male spawns both with females that live in his feeding area and with many others. Differences in the mating system of H. maculipinna in Panama and Florida seem related to habitat differences at those sites. The relative spatial distributions of feeding and spawning sites may affect (a) whether a female spawns with a large male with whom she feeds, and (b) the ability of large males to monopolize mates at the expense of small males. The spawning success of small males seems to depend on whether large males can penalize their participation in spawning rather than on the ability of small males to predict the occurrence of (and then interfere in) spawnings by large males. In both species, the male-specific color pattern is most intensely exhibited by large males during sexual interactions and tends to be lost when they are being aggressive towards conspecifics. The evolutionary development of such a color pattern in labroid fishes seems to be a response to intersexual rather than intrasexual interactions.  相似文献   

Rudolf VH 《Ecology》2008,89(6):1650-1660
Direct and indirect interactions between two prey species can strongly alter the dynamics of predator-prey systems. Most predators are cannibalistic, and as a consequence, even systems with only one predator and one prey include two prey types: conspecifics and heterospecifics. The effects of the complex direct and indirect interactions that emerge in such cannibalistic systems are still poorly understood. This study examined how the indirect interaction between conspecific and heterospecific prey affects cannibalism and predation rates and how the direct interactions between both species indirectly alter the effect of the cannibalistic predator. I tested for these effects using larvae of the stream salamanders Eurycea cirrigera (prey) and Pseudotriton ruber (cannibalistic predator) by manipulating the relative densities of the conspecific and heterospecific prey in the presence and absence of the predator in experimental streams. The rates of cannibalism and heterospecific predation were proportional to the respective densities and negatively correlated, indicating a positive indirect interaction between conspecific and heterospecific prey, similar to "apparent mutualism." Direct interactions between prey species did not alter the effect of the predator. Although both types of prey showed a similar 30% reduction in night activity and switch in microhabitat use in response to the presence of the predator, cannibalism rates were three times higher than heterospecific predation rates irrespective of the relative densities of the two types of prey. Cumulative predation risks differed even more due to the 48% lower growth rate of conspecific prey. Detailed laboratory experiments suggest that the 3:1 difference in cannibalism and predation rate was due to the higher efficiency of heterospecific prey in escaping immediate attacks. However, no difference was observed when the predator was a closely related salamander species, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus, indicating that this difference is species specific. This demonstrates that cannibalism can result in the coupling of predator and prey mortality rates that strongly determines the dynamics of predator-prey systems.  相似文献   

In temperate-zone birds, testosterone (T) influences male behavior during the breeding season. The elevation of plasma levels of T to a breeding baseline is necessary for basic reproductive behaviors, but it is still unclear whether variation in T levels above this critical threshold influences the intensity of these behaviors. Such a relationship between T and sexually selected traits is a critical assumption of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis. We here experimentally elevated T levels in blue-tit males above the natural mean (T-males) during the period of nest building and egg laying, without manipulating hormone levels during chick feeding. T-males neither interacted more often with other males, nor did they respond more aggressively to a dummy intruder, compared to males with control implants. T-males did not guard their social mates more closely, but they were more likely to interact with potential extra-pair mates. Females mated to T-males did not change their behavior during egg laying and the treatment did not significantly affect male and female feeding rates. Despite this, nests of T-males produced larger and heavier fledglings in one study year. Our observations suggest that T levels above the natural mean during the mating period do not increase aggressive or territorial behavior in male blue tits. However, if females perceived T-males as high-quality mating partners, superior offspring development in nests of T-males might be caused by higher maternal investment. Hence, male behaviors involved in mate attraction may have been influenced by T levels above the natural mean.Communicated by R. Gibson  相似文献   

Summary Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is defined as small, random deviations from bilateral symmetry in a generally perfect bilaterally symmetrical morphological trait. FA in forewing length affects the outcomes of interspecific contests for food items (dead arthropods) between two species of Japanese scorpionflies, Panorpa nipponensis and P. ochraceopennis, in nature. FA differences between same-sex contestants are more important than either body size or ownership of food in determining the outcomes of interspecific contests; for both sexes, winners statistically significantly more often have relatively low FA. Two condition-dependent mating tactics are used by the males of each species: (a) a male may defend a dead-arthropod nuptial gift, or (b) a male without such an arthropod may wait near a male with one. In both tactics, males release long-distance sex pheromones. Groups of pheromone-releasing males are made up of one male with a nuptial gift and his satellites; the males in a group may be conspecifics or heterospecifics. Males that lose contests for nuptial gifts often become satellites of the contest winners whether or not winners are conspecific. Satellite males have statistically significantly greater FA than males with nuptial gifts in heterospecific male display groups. Satellite males mate infrequently and briefly compared to resource-holding males. Satellites of heterospecific males copulate with conspecific females displaced from nuptial gifts by the resource-holding males of the other species. In both species, the largest and smallest individuals have the greatest FA, and intermediate-sized individuals have the least; this same pattern often occurs in other animals.  相似文献   

Neighbour–stranger discrimination occurs when individuals respond with more aggression to strangers than to territorial neighbours—a phenomenon termed the “dear enemy phenomenon” (DEP). We investigated the DEP with male and female root voles (Microtus oeconomus Pallas 1776) using field dyadic arena tests conducted in enclosures where we could test for the effects of familiarity (familiar versus stranger), ownership (resident versus intruder status) and resource-holding potential (body mass) on territorial behaviours. The results showed that males put more effort into territorial defence than females, and males could discriminate between neighbours and strangers. In males, aggressiveness was influenced by a significant two-way interaction between treatment and ownership. Male residents were more aggressive towards stranger intruders than towards neighbour intruders, while male intruders were less aggressive towards stranger residents than towards neighbour residents. In females, neither treatment nor ownership status had a significant effect on aggressiveness. Familiar males performed more social behaviours but less non-social behaviours than stranger males. Furthermore, there was a clear dominance hierarchy between residents and intruders in stranger dyads, with the male territory holders dominating the intruder in pairwise interactions. To our knowledge, these results demonstrate for the first time DEP in a small mammal with a known pedigree and present the first evidence for “prior resident advantage” in voles. We argue that both ownership status and familiarity status affect how much an individual invests in territory defence. The benefits of neighbour–stranger discrimination for male root voles and the absence of neighbour–stranger discrimination in female root voles are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The heart rate (HR) of three male and five female European blackbirds (Turdus merula) was monitored by radiotelemetry under three conditions: in a dark cage, in a lighted cage, and in an outdoor aviary. In all three, the response to recorded bird song was tested.The resting HR in the cage ranged from 4.8 to 6.3 beats per second. The HR of all the birds changed in response to playback of conspecific song as well as of the songs of other species. In 68% of trials a typical biphasic HR curve was obtained, with acceleration followed by deceleration (Fig. 2). The time from stimulus onset to the second curve inflection (t iII) averaged 15–18 s; this was significantly longer for conspecific than for heterospecific song. The parameter t iII was used as a basic measure of the response.The reaction of the males was longer-lasting than that of the females. The possibility that this reflects the territorial role of the songs is discussed. Response durations were longest in the dark cage, and shortest in the aviary. The reason is thought to be the gradation in total stimulus input available to the bird.The results suggest that the HR response consists of an unspecific component (acceleration) plus a component specific to bird sounds (deceleration). At this fundamental level of stimulus processing it is possible to study reactions to single strophes not only in males, as with more traditional methods, but also in females and young birds.  相似文献   

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