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Yamamura N 《Ecology》2007,88(6):1593-1599
Leaf domatia are tiny structures in leaf vein axils that are typically inhabited by predatory and fungivorous mites. A recent article reported plant domatia specifically suited for herbivorous mites, which seems paradoxical, since the plant is thus supporting a natural enemy that can harm itself. The authors claimed that domatia are created to promote herbivorous mites as "fodder" for predatory mites that attack another herbivorous mite damaging the plant, and that the relationship among the plant, the fodder mite, and the predatory mite constitute a multiway mutualism because all three species benefit from the interaction. I formulate this system using two simple mathematical models of apparent competition, which differ in how domatia are modeled, and then assess when it is advantageous for the plant to create such space for a natural enemy. As a necessary condition for mutualism, the product of reproductive efficiency and nutritious value of the fodder prey should exceed that of the pest prey. This condition is also sufficient, if the direct costs for making the structure of domatia are negligible. If there are significant costs, however, the condition is broader for predators with lower reproductive efficiency and higher mortality, and for non-fodder prey with high consumption rate and low predation rate. I suggest that creating domatia is more effective when predators are less prolific and non-fodder prey are more severe as pests. Finally, I discuss how this mathematical model can apply to a wider range of tritrophic mutualistic relationships such as those among plants, aphids, and ants.  相似文献   

Blitzer EJ  Welter SC 《Ecology》2011,92(11):2020-2026
It has been established that herbivore populations can be structured by apparent competition, even if they do not compete directly for resources. But we lack evidence on the mechanisms behind such indirect competition. This study shows that temporal asynchronies in emergence time lead to apparent competition via shared natural enemies in a leafminer-parasitoid community. We present three kinds of evidence on mechanisms driving apparent competition. First, we conducted a two-year population census of Liriomyza helianthi and Calycomyza platyptera, along with all associated parasitoids, at seven sites in the Californian Central Valley, USA. We then assessed C. platyptera parasitism on 16 vegetation islands, half with experimental removal of early-season L. helianthi populations. Finally, we examined parasitoid host preference between leafminer species. We found that Liriomyza helianthi populations emerged approximately one month before C. platyptera. Experimental removal of L. helianthi populations in the early summer led to a 60% reduction in parasitism of C. platyptera. We found no evidence of differential parasitoid preference for host species. The findings suggest that temporal asynchrony can lead to negative effects on later-emerging species and that such indirect competition may be a major structuring force in herbivore communities.  相似文献   

The greater abundance of some exotic plants in their nonnative ranges might be explained in part by biogeographic differences in the strength of competition, but these competitive effects have not been experimentally examined in the field. We compared the effects of neighbors on the growth and reproduction of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) in Europe, where it is native, and in Montana, where it is invasive. There were strong negative competitive effects of neighboring vegetation on C. stoebe growth and reproduction in Europe. In contrast, identical experiments in Montana resulted in insignificant impacts on C. stoebe. Although the mechanisms that produce this dramatic biogeographic difference in competitive outcome remain unknown, our results indicate that differences in net competitive interactions between ranges may contribute to the striking dominance of C. stoebe in parts of North America.  相似文献   

The importance of species interactions and recruitment variability was examined during the first year and a half of primary succession (1988–1989) on an exposed rocky seashore near Halifax, Nova Scotia. Previous work suggested that emergent rock on these shores is normally dominated by fucoid rockweeds because predatory whelks control the sessile animal competitors, mussels and barnacles, and because herbivorous littorinids control ephemeral algal competitors. Abundances of all species except seasonal ephemeral algae were very small throughout this experiment and we found no significant effects of carnivory, herbivory, plant-animal competition or plant-plant competition. A slight facilitation of Fucus recruitment is attributed to a thin mat of ephemeral, blue-green algae. Very few other studies have directly manipulated intertidal ephemeral algae. As primary succession may be very rare in this assemblage, these results may be specific to these circumstances, but they highlight the varying importance of species interactions with variable recruitment. In particular, it appears that variations in recruitment success may be important to community structure, even when recruitment is not limited by propagule supply. The scale of the study also provides insight into successional processes occurring after the recent, extensive ice-scour of exposed seashores in this region.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated the effect of different densities of the burrowing, deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis on the recruitment of zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Intact sediment cores with in situ density and species composition of zooplankton resting eggs and benthic fauna were collected in the northern Bothnian Sea, part of the Baltic Sea. We removed as many M. affinis as possible from the cores and then added different numbers of M. affinis to the cores to generate a range of densities. The cores were exposed to different densities of M. affinis for either 3 or 40 days, after which the hatched zooplankton was registered. One subset of the cores were initially incubated under low temperature (2–3 °C, to prevent hatching) for 37 days (the resting phase), to allow for effects of M. affinis on unhatched resting eggs. These cores were then incubated under higher temperature (13 °C) for 3 days (the hatching phase), to induce hatching and allow for effects on hatching or hatched specimens. In a second subset of cores with the same time and temperature schedule, the M. affinis density was experimentally reduced at the start of the hatching phase, to evaluate the effect of M. affinis during the hatching phase. To a third subset of cores, we immediately initiated the hatching phase, without an experimental resting phase, to evaluate the effects induced during the resting phase. The most common zooplankton species that hatched was Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda), followed by Bosmina longispina maritima (Cladocera). In all cores that were subjected to a resting phase, the numbers of hatched E. affinis were log-linearly negatively related to density of M. affinis. An increase of M. affinis density from 1,000 to 5,000 individuals m−2, normal field densities, reduced the hatching by 60–70%. The negative impact was mainly exerted during the hatching phase, suggesting predation on, burial of or physical injury of hatching nauplii or eggs in a late development stage as likely mechanisms. Also, the number of B. longispina maritima that hatched was reduced by M. affinis during the hatching phase, but no clear relation to density of M. affinis could be identified. The results show that M. affinis can reduce recruitment to zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Such impact by the benthos on resting stages of zooplankton is therefore a potentially significant link between the benthic and pelagic systems. Received: 10 August 2000 / Accepted: 13 November 2000  相似文献   

Stereoisomers of 4-methyl-3-heptanol (MH) are pheromone components of several Scolytus bark beetles. The elm bark beetle Scolytus laevis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) has in previous studies been caught in traps baited with commercial MH containing all four stereoisomers, but the lure has been considered a weak attractant. In this study, we addressed the question whether stereospecific responses by S. laevis to stereoisomers of MH might contribute to its niche separation from other sympatric Scolytus species. Using GC–MS, we analyzed extracts of hindguts and abdomens from male and female S. laevis and the sympatric S. triarmatus. We also tested all four MH-stereoisomers individually and in combinations in the field to determine their role for S. laevis. All four stereoisomers were synthesized via a boronic ester method with 1,2-dicyclohexylethanediol as chiral director. In addition, the (3S,4R)-stereoisomer of MH was prepared through enantioselective, lipase-mediated transesterification of a mixture of the four stereoisomers of MH. Females of both species contained small amounts of syn-MH, and males contained trace amounts of anti-MH. The anti stereoisomer (3R,4S)-MH was attractive to male and female S. laevis, whereas the syn stereoisomer (3S,4S)-MH acted as an inhibitor or deterrent and reduced the catch when added to the attractive isomer. The syn isomer is the main aggregation pheromone component of the larger and sympatric S. scolytus and possibly also of S. triarmatus. The avoidance response of S. laevis to the (3S,4S)-stereoisomer may reduce interspecific competition for host trees.  相似文献   

Recruitment and population structure of Perna perna in low shore mussel beds were investigated over 15 months at six sites along the south coast of South Africa. Initial, subjective classification of sites as wave exposed or wave sheltered (three of each) was confirmed using the dissolution of cement blocks to measure average water flux and dynamometers for maximum wave force. Recruitment occurred throughout the year, but recruit (1–5 mm) densities were significantly higher from January to April 1996 on both shore types. Recruit densities were positively correlated with adult (>15 mm) densities for both shore types (P < 0.05) but the correlations were extremely weak (r 2 < 0.06 in each case). In areas with 100% cover, adult size (mean and maximum lengths) was greater on exposed sites, but density showed the reverse and was negatively correlated with maximum wave strength (r = −0.84). Despite differences in adult densities and sizes, biomass, which is a product of the two, showed no significant difference between the two shore types (ANOVA P > 0.05). Thus wave exposure dramatically affects density, recruitment and mussel size, but not recruitment timing or biomass where there is 100% cover, and mediates a three-way interaction among food supply, larval supply and intraspecific competition for space. In contrast to shores with saturation recruitment, mussel biomass here appears to be limited by recruit supply and constraints of food, especially on sheltered shores, while density is regulated through intraspecific competition for space primarily on exposed shores and at small spatial scales.  相似文献   

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