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Pasture management practices can affect forage quality and production, animal health and production, and surface and groundwater quality. In a 5-yr study conducted at the North Appalachian Experimental Watershed near Coshocton, Ohio, we compared the effects of two contrasting grazing methods on surface and subsurface water quantity and quality. Four pastures, each including a small, instrumented watershed (0.51-1.09 ha) for surface runoff measurements and a developed spring for subsurface flow collection, received 112 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) and were grazed at similar stocking rates (1.8-1.9 cows ha(-1)). Two pastures were continuously stocked; two were subdivided so that they were grazed with frequent rotational stocking (5-6 times weekly). In the preceding 5 yr, these pastures received 112 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) after several years of 0 N fertilizer and were grazed with weekly rotational stocking. Surface runoff losses of N were minimal. During these two periods, some years had precipitation up to 50% greater than the long-term average, which increased subsurface flow and NO(3)-N transport. Average annual NO(3)-N transported in subsurface flow from the four watersheds during the two 5-yr periods ranged from 11.3 to 22.7 kg N ha(-1), which was similar to or less than the mineral-N received in precipitation. Flow and transport variations were greater among seasons than among watersheds. Flow-weighted seasonal NO(3)-N concentrations in subsurface flow did not exceed 7 mg L(-1). Variations in NO(3)-N leached from pastures were primarily due to variable precipitation rather than the effects of continuous, weekly rotational, or frequent rotational stocking practices. This suggests that there was no difference among these grazing practices in terms of NO(3)-N leaching.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is one of the most important mineral nutrients in agricultural systems, and along with nitrogen (N), is generally the most limiting nutrient for plant production. Farming systems have intensified greatly over time, and in recent years it has become apparent that the concomitant increase in losses of N and P from agricultural land is having a serious detrimental effect on water quality and the environment. The last two decades have seen a marked increase in research into the issues surrounding diffuse losses of P to surface and ground water. This paper reviews this research, examining the issue of P forms in runoff, and highlighting the exceptions to some generally held assumptions about land use and P transport. In particular the review focuses on P losses associated with recent P fertilizer application, as opposed to organic manures, both on the amounts and the forms of P in runoff water. The effects of the physicochemical characteristics of different forms of P fertilizer are explored, particularly in relation to water solubility. Various means of mitigating the risk of loss of P are discussed. It is argued that the influence of recent fertilizer applications is an under-researched area, yet may offer the most readily applicable opportunity to mitigate P losses by land users. This review highlights and discusses some options that have recently become available that may make a significant contribution to the task of sustainable management of nutrient losses from agriculture.  相似文献   

Phosphorus leaching in manure-amended Atlantic Coastal Plain soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Targeting the sources of phosphorus (P) and transport pathways of drainage from agricultural land will assist in the reduction of P loading to surface waters. Our research investigated the vertical movement of P from dairy manure and broiler litter through four Atlantic Coastal Plain soils. A randomized split-plot design with two main-plot tillage treatments (no tillage [NT] and chisel tillage [CH]) and five manure P rate split-plot treatments was used at each location. The split-plot P rates were 0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1). Four consecutive years of manure application began at all sites 5 yr before sampling. Soils were sampled to a depth of 150 cm from each split plot in seven depth increments and analyzed for soil test phosphorus (STP), water-extractable soil phosphorus (WSP), and degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS). The DPS of the 0- to 15-cm depths confirmed that at the 100 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1) application rate, all sites exceeded the threshold for P saturation (30%). At depths greater than 30 cm, DPS was typically below the 30% saturation threshold. The DPS change points ranged from 25 to 34% for the 0- to 90-cm depths. Our research concluded that the risk of P leaching through the matrix of the Atlantic Coastal Plain soils studied was not high; however, P leaching via macropore bypass may contribute to P loss from these soils.  相似文献   

Rainfall simulation experiments were conducted on annual grassland and coastal sage scrub hillslopes to determine the quantities of C and N removed by surface runoff in sediment and solution. Undisturbed coastal sage scrub soils have very high infiltration capacities (> 140 mm h(-1)), preventing the generation of surface runoff. Trampling disturbance to the sage scrub plots dramatically reduced infiltration capacities, increasing the potential for surface runoff and associated nutrient loss. Infiltration capacities in the grassland plots (30-50 mm h(-1)) were lower than in the sage scrub plots. Loss rates of dissolved C and N in surface runoff from grasslands were 0.5 and 0.025 mg m(-2) s(-1) respectively, with organic N accounting for more than 50% of the dissolved N. Total dissolved losses with simulated rainfall were higher than losses in simulations with just surface runoff, demonstrating the importance of raindrop impact in transferring solutes into the flow. Experimental data were incorporated into a numerical model of runoff and sediment transport to estimate hillslope-scale sediment-bound nutrient losses from grasslands. According to the model results, sediment-bound nutrient losses are sensitive to the density of vegetation cover and rainfall intensity. The model estimates annual losses in surface runoff of 0.2 and 0.02 g m(-2) for sediment-hound C and N, respectively. The results of this study suggest that conversion of coastal sage scrub to annual grasslands increases hillslope nutrient losses and may affect stream water quality in the region.  相似文献   

Manure management is a major concern in livestock production systems. Although historically the primary concerns have been nutrients and pathogens, manure is also a source of emerging contaminants, such as antibiotics, to the environment. There is a growing concern that antibiotics in manure are reaching surface and ground waters and contributing to the development and spread of antibiotic resistance in the environment. One such pathway is through leaching and runoff from manure stockpiles. In this study, we quantified chlortetracycline, monensin, and tylosin losses in runoff from beef manure stockpiles during two separate but consecutive experiments representing different weather conditions (i.e., temperature and precipitation amount and form). Concentrations of chlortetracycline, monensin, and tylosin in runoff were positively correlated with initial concentrations of antibiotics in manure. The highest concentrations of chlortetracycline, monensin, and tylosin in runoff were 210, 3175, and 2544 microg L(-1), respectively. Relative antibiotic losses were primarily a function of water losses. In the experiment that had higher runoff water losses, antibiotic losses ranged from 1.2 to 1.8% of total extractable antibiotics in manure. In the experiment with lower runoff water losses, antibiotic losses varied from 0.2 to 0.6% of the total extractable antibiotics in manure. Manure analysis over time suggests that in situ degradation is an important mechanism for antibiotic losses. Degradation losses during manure stockpiling may exceed cumulative losses from runoff events. Storing manure in protected (i.e., covered) facilities could reduce the risk of aquatic contamination associated with manure stockpiling and other outdoor manure management practices.  相似文献   

Nitrate-nitrogen (NO?-N) loading to surface water bodies from subsurface drainage is an environmental concern in the midwestern United States. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of various land covers on NO?-N loss through subsurface drainage. Land-cover treatments included (i) conventional corn ( L.) (C) and soybean [ (L.) Merr.] (S); (ii) winter rye ( L.) cover crop before corn (rC) and before soybean (rS); (iii) kura clover ( M. Bieb.) as a living mulch for corn (kC); and (iv) perennial forage of orchardgrass ( L.) mixed with clovers (PF). In spring, total N uptake by aboveground biomass of rye in rC, rye in rS, kura clover in kC, and grasses in PF were 14.2, 31.8, 87.0, and 46.3 kg N ha, respectively. Effect of land covers on subsurface drainage was not significant. The NO?-N loss was significantly lower for kC and PF than C and S treatments (p < 0.05); rye cover crop did not reduce NO?-N loss, but NO?-N concentration was significantly reduced in rC during March to June and in rS during July to November (p < 0.05). Moreover, the increase of soil NO?-N from early to late spring in rS was significantly lower than the S treatment (p < 0.05). This study suggests that kC and PF are effective in reducing NO?-N loss, but these systems could lead to concerns relative to grain yield loss and change in farming practices. Management strategies for kC need further study to achieve reasonable corn yield. The effectiveness of rye cover crop on NO-N loss reduction needs further investigation under conditions of different N rates, wider weather patterns, and fall tillage.  相似文献   

Fecal contamination of water resources is evaluated by the enumeration of the fecal coliforms and Enterococci. However, the enumeration of these indicators does not allow us to differentiate between the sources of fecal contamination. Therefore, it is important to use alternative indicators of fecal contamination to identify livestock contamination in surface waters. The concentration of fecal indicators (, enteroccoci, and F-specific bacteriophages), microbiological markers (Rum-2-bac, Pig-2-bac, and ), and chemical fingerprints (sterols and stanols and other chemical compounds analyzed by 3D-fluorescence excitation-matrix spectroscopy) were determined in runoff waters generated by an artificial rainfall simulator. Three replicate plot experiments were conducted with swine slurry and cattle manure at agronomic nitrogen application rates. Low amounts of bacterial indicators (1.9-4.7%) are released in runoff water from swine-slurry-amended soils, whereas greater amounts (1.1-28.3%) of these indicators are released in runoff water from cattle-manure-amended soils. Microbial and chemical markers from animal manure were transferred to runoff water, allowing discrimination between swine and cattle fecal contamination in the environment via runoff after manure spreading. Host-specific bacterial and chemical markers were quantified for the first time in runoff waters samples after the experimental spreading of swine slurry or cattle manure.  相似文献   

Phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N) in runoff from agricultural fields are key components of nonpoint-source pollution and can accelerate eutrophication of surface waters. A laboratory study was designed to evaluate effects of near-surface hydraulic gradients on P and N losses in surface runoff from soil pans at 5% slope under simulated rainfall. Experimental treatments included three rates of fertilizer input (control [no fertilizer input], low [40 kg P ha(-1), 100 kg N ha(-1)], and high [80 kg P ha(-1), 200 kg N ha(-1)]) and four near-surface hydraulic gradients (free drainage [FD], saturation [Sa], artesian seepage without rain [Sp], and artesian seepage with rain [Sp + R]). Simulated rainfall of 50 mm h(-1) was applied for 90 min. The results showed that near-surface hydraulic gradients have dramatic effects on NO(3)-N and PO(4)-P losses and runoff water quality. Under the low fertilizer treatment, the average concentrations in surface runoff from FD, Sa, Sp, and Sp + R were 0.08, 2.20, 529.5, and 71.8 mg L(-1) for NO(3)-N and 0.11, 0.54, 0.91, and 0.72 mg L(-1) for PO(4)-P, respectively. Similar trends were observed for the concentrations of NO(3)-N and PO(4)-P under the high fertilizer treatment. The total NO(3)-N loss under the FD treatment was only 0.01% of the applied nitrogen, while under the Sp and Sp + R treatments, the total NO(3)-N loss was 11 to 16% of the applied nitrogen. These results show that artesian seepage could make a significant contribution to water quality problems.  相似文献   

Phosphorus exchangeability and leaching losses from two grassland soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although phosphate phosphorus (P) is strongly sorbed in many soils, it may be quickly transported through the soil by preferential flow. Under flood irrigation, preferential flow is especially pronounced and associated solute losses may be important. Phosphorus losses induced by flood irrigation were investigated in a lysimeter study. Detailed soil chemical analyses revealed that P was very mobile in the topsoil, but the higher P-fixing capacity of the subsoil appeared to restrict P mobility. Application of a dye tracer enabled preferential flow pathways to be identified. Soil sampling according to dye staining patterns revealed that exchangeable P was significantly greater in preferential flow areas as compared with the unstained soil matrix. This could be partly attributed to the accumulation of organic carbon and P, together with enhanced leaching of Al- and Fe-oxides in the preferential flow areas, which resulted in reduced P sorption. The irrigation water caused a rapid hydrologic response by displacement of resident water from the subsoil. Despite the occurrence of preferential flow, most of the outflowing water was resident soil water and very low in P. In these soils the occurrence of preferential flow per se is not sufficient to cause large P losses even if the topsoil is rich in P. It appears that the P was retained in lower parts of the soil profile characterized by a very high P-fixing capacity. This study demonstrates the risks associated with assessing potential P losses on the basis of P mobility in the topsoil alone.  相似文献   

Cultural management practices that reduce the off-site transport of herbicides applied to row crops are needed to protect surface water quality. A soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] field study was conducted near Stoneville, MS on Sharkey clay to evaluate row spacing (50 cm vs. 100 cm) effects on metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(methoxy-1-methylethyl) acetamide] transport. One day after the foliar application of metolachlor to 2.03 m wide by 2.43 m long plots, 60 mm h(-1) of simulated rainfall was applied until 25 min of runoff was generated per plot. The calculated mass of metolachlor intercepted by the soybean foliage was greater in narrow-row than wide-row soybean, 0.39 kg ha(-1) vs. 0.23 kg ha(-1), respectively. Field and laboratory studies indicated that less than 2% of the metolachlor intercepted by the soybean foliage was available for foliar wash-off 1 d after application. Antecedent soil water content at the start of the simulations was lower in narrow-row soybean. In turn, there was a 1.7-fold greater time to runoff on narrow-row plots. The greater time to runoff likely contributed to lower metolachlor concentration in runoff from narrow-row plots. Cumulative metolachlor losses were significantly greater in wide-row than narrow-row soybean, 3.7% vs. 2.2%, respectively. Findings indicate that narrow-row planting systems may reduce metolachlor runoff following a post-emergence application.  相似文献   

Residual herbicides used in the production of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] and corn (Zea mays L.) are often detected in surface runoff at concentrations exceeding their maximum contaminant levels (MCL) or health advisory levels (HAL). With the advent of transgenic, glyphosate-tolerant soybean and glufosinate-tolerant corn this concern might be reduced by replacing some of the residual herbicides with short half-life, strongly sorbed, contact herbicides. We applied both herbicide types to two chiseled and two no-till watersheds in a 2-yr corn-soybean rotation and at half rates to three disked watersheds in a 3-yr corn/soybean/wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) rotation and monitored herbicide losses in runoff water for four crop years. In soybean years, average glyphosate loss (0.07%) was approximately 1/7 that of metribuzin (0.48%) and about one-half that of alachlor (0.12%), residual herbicides it can replace. Maximum, annual, flow-weighted concentration of glyphosate (9.2 microg L(-1)) was well below its 700 microg L(-1) MCL and metribuzin (9.5 microg L(-1)) was well below its 200 microg L(-1) HAL, whereas alachlor (44.5 microg L(-1)) was well above its 2 microg L(-1) MCL. In corn years, average glufosinate loss (0.10%) was similar to losses of alachlor (0.07%) and linuron (0.15%), but about one-fourth that of atrazine (0.37%). Maximum, annual, flow-weighted concentration of glufosinate (no MCL) was 3.5 microg L(-1), whereas atrazine (31.5 microg L(-1)) and alachlor (9.8 microg L(-1)) substantially exceeded their MCLs of 3 and 2 microg L(-1), respectively. Regardless of tillage system, flow-weighted atrazine and alachlor concentrations exceeded their MCLs in at least one crop year. Replacing these herbicides with glyphosate and glufosinate can reduce the occurrence of dissolved herbicide concentrations in runoff exceeding drinking water standards.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) often limits the eutrophication of streams, rivers, and lakes receiving surface runoff. We evaluated the relationships among selected soil P availability indices and runoff P fractions where manure, whey, or commercial fertilizer applications had previously established a range of soil P availabilities on a Portneuf silt loam (coarse-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Durinodic Xeric Haplocalcid) surface-irrigated with Snake River water. Water-soluble P, Olsen P (inorganic and organic P), and iron-oxide impregnated paper-extractable P (FeO-Ps) were determined on a 0.03-m soil sample taken from the bottom of each furrow before each irrigation in fall 1998 and spring 1999. Dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in a 0.45-microm filtered runoff sample, and iron-oxide impregnated paper-extractable P (FeO-Pw), total P, and sediment in an unfiltered runoff sample were determined at selected intervals during a 4-h irrigation on 18.3-m field plots. The 1998 and 1999 data sets were combined because there were no significant differences. Flow-weighted average runoff DRP and FeO-Pw concentrations increased linearly as all three soil P test concentrations increased. The average runoff total P concentration was not related to any soil P test but was linearly related to sediment concentration. Stepwise regression selected the independent variables of sediment, soil lime concentration, and soil organic P extracted by the Olsen method as related to average runoff total P concentration. The average runoff total P concentration was 1.08 mg L(-1) at a soil Olsen P concentration of 10 mg kg(-1). Soil erosion control will be necessary to reduce P losses in surface irrigation runoff.  相似文献   

Residual herbicides regularly used in conjunction with conservation tillage to produce corn ( L.) and soybean [ (L.) Merr] are often detected in surface water at concentrations that exceed their U.S. maximum contaminant levels (MCL) and ecological standards. These risks might be reduced by planting glyphosate-tolerant varieties of these crops and totally or partially replacing the residual herbicides alachlor, atrazine, linuron, and metribuzin with glyphosate, a contact herbicide that has a short half-life and is strongly sorbed to soil. Therefore, we applied both herbicide types at typical rates and times to two chisel-plowed and two no-till watersheds in a 2-yr corn/soybean rotation and at half rates to three disked watersheds in a 3-yr corn/soybean/wheat-red clover ( L.- L.) rotation and monitored herbicide losses in surface runoff for three crop years. Average dissolved glyphosate loss for all tillage practices, as a percentage of the amount applied, was significantly less ( ≤ 0.05) than the losses of atrazine (21.4x), alachlor (3.5x), and linuron (8.7x) in corn-crop years. Annual, flow-weighted, concentration of atrazine was as high as 41.3 μg L, much greater than its 3 μg L MCL. Likewise, annual, flow-weighted alachlor concentration (MCL = 2 μg L) was as high as 11.2 and 4.9 μg L in corn- and soybean-crop years, respectively. In only one runoff event during the 18 watershed-years it was applied did glyphosate concentration exceed its 700 μg L MCL and the highest, annual, flow-weighted concentration was 3.9 μg L. Planting glyphosate-tolerant corn and soybean and using glyphosate in lieu of some residual herbicides should reduce the impact of the production of these crops on surface water quality.  相似文献   

Manure applied to agricultural land at rates that exceed annual crop nutrient requirements can be a source of phosphorus in runoff. Manure incorporation is often recommended to reduce phosphorus losses in runoff. A small plot rainfall simulation study was conducted at three sites in Alberta to evaluate the effects of manure rate and incorporation on phosphorus losses. Treatments consisted of three solid beef cattle manure application rates (50, 100, and 200 kg ha(-1) total phosphorus), an unmanured control, and two incorporation methods (nonincorporated and incorporated with one pass of a double disk). Simulated rain was applied to soils with freshly applied and residual (1 yr after application) manure at 70 mm h(-1) to produce 30 min of runoff. Soil test phosphorus (STP), total phosphorus (TP), and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations in runoff increased with manure rate for fresh and residual manure. Initial abstraction and runoff volumes did not change with manure rate. Initial abstraction, runoff volumes, and phosphorus concentrations did not change with manure incorporation at Lacombe and Wilson, but initial abstraction volumes increased and runoff volumes and phosphorus concentrations decreased with incorporation of fresh manure at Beaverlodge. Phosphorus losses in runoff were directly related to phosphorus additions. Extraction coefficients (slopes of the regression lines) for the linear relationships between residual manure STP and phosphorus in runoff were 0.007 to 0.015 for runoff TP and 0.006 to 0.013 for runoff DRP. While incorporation of manure with a double disk had no significant effect on phosphorus losses in runoff from manure-amended soils 1 yr after application, incorporation of manure is still recommended to control nitrogen losses, improve crop nutrient uptake, and potentially reduce odor concerns.  相似文献   

The recent growth in the size of dairy cattle farms and the concentration of farms into smaller areas in Finland may increase local water pollution due to increased manure production and slurry application to grass. Therefore, a field study was conducted to monitor losses of total phosphorus (TP), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), and fecal microorganisms in surface runoff from a perennial ley. Cattle slurry was added once a year in June 1996-1997 (Study I) and biannually in June and October 1998-2000 (Study II). The slurry was surface broadcast or injected into the clay soil. The field had a slope of 0.9 to 1.7%. Mineral fertilizer was applied on control plots. Biannual slurry broadcasting increased DRP (p < 0.001) and TP losses (p < 0.001) and numbers of fecal microorganisms in surface runoff waters. The highest losses of TP (2.7 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)) and DRP (2.2 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)) and the highest numbers of fecal coliforms (880 colony-forming units [CFU] per 100 mL) and somatic coliphages (2700 plaque-forming units [PFU] per 100 mL) were measured after broadcasting slurry to wet soil followed by rainfall in fall 1998. Injection reduced the TP and DRP losses in surface runoff by 79 and 86%, respectively, compared with broadcasting (17 Oct. 1998-27 Oct. 1999). Corresponding numbers for fecal coliforms were 350 CFU (100 mL)(-1) and for somatic coliphages were 110 PFU (100 mL)(-1) in surface runoff after injection in October 1998. Slurry injection should be favored when spreading slurry amendments to grassland to avoid losses of P and fecal microorganisms in runoff to surface waters.  相似文献   

Conservation tillage can reduce soil loss; however, the residual herbicides normally used to control weeds are often detected in surface runoff at high levels, particularly if runoff-producing storms occur shortly after application. Therefore, we measured losses of alachlor, atrazine, linuron, and metribuzin from seven small (0.45-0.79-ha) watersheds for 9 yr (1993-2001) to investigate whether a reduced-input system for corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] production with light disking, cultivation, and half-rate herbicide applications could reduce losses compared with chisel and no-till. As a percentage of application, annual losses were highest for all herbicides for no-till and similar for chisel and reduced-input. Atrazine was the most frequently detected herbicide and yearly flow-weighted concentrations exceeded the drinking water standard of 3 microg L(-1) in 20 out of 27 watershed years that it was applied. Averaged for 9 corn yr, yearly flow-weighted atrazine concentrations were 26.3, 9.6, and 8.3 microg L(-1) for no-till, chisel, and reduced-input, respectively. Similarly, flow-weighted concentrations of alachlor exceeded the drinking water standard of 2 microg L(-1) in 23 out of 54 application years and in all treatments. Thus, while banding and half-rate applications as part of a reduced-input management practice reduced herbicide loss, concentrations of some herbicides may still be a concern. For all watersheds, 60 to 99% of herbicide loss was due to the five largest transport events during the 9-yr period. Thus, regardless of tillage practice, a small number of runoff events, usually shortly after herbicide application, dominated herbicide transport.  相似文献   

Received for publication December 22, 2004. Research was initiated to study the interaction between soil amendments (lime, gypsum, and ferrous sulfate) and dissolved molybdate reactive phosphorus [RP(<0.45)] losses from manure applications from concentrated runoff flow through a sod surface. Four run-over boxes (2.2-m2 surface area) were prepared for each treatment with a bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] sod surface (using sod blocks) and composted dairy manure was surface-applied at rates of 0, 4.5, 9, or 13.5 Mg ha-1. The three soil amendments were then applied to the boxes. Two 30-min runoff events were conducted and runoff water was collected at 10-min intervals and analyzed for RP(<0.45). Results indicated that the addition of ferrous sulfate was very effective at reducing the level of RP(<0.45). in runoff water, reducing RP(<0.45) from 1.3 mg L(-1) for the highest compost rate with no amendment to 0.2 mg L(-1) for the ferrous sulfate in the first 10 min of runoff. Lime and gypsum showed a small impact on reducing RP(<0.45), with a reduction in the first 10 min to 0.9 and 0.8 mg L(-1), respectively. The ferrous sulfate reduced the RP(<0.45) in the tank at the end of the first runoff event by 66.3% compared with no amendment. In the second runoff event, the ferrous sulfate was very effective at reducing RP(<0.45) in runoff, with no significant differences in RP(<0.45) with application of 13.5 Mg ha(-1) compost compared with no manure application. The results indicate that the addition of ferrous sulfate may greatly reduce RP(<0.45) losses in runoff and has considerable potential to be used on pasture, turfgrass, and filter strips to reduce the initial RP(<0.45) losses from manure application to the environment.  相似文献   

Bioavailable phosphorus (BAP) in stormwater runoff is a key issue for control of eutrophication in agriculturally impacted watersheds. Laboratory experiments were conducted in soil runoff boxes to determine BAP content in simulated storm runoff in 10 (mostly) calcareous soils from the Minnesota River basin in southern Minnesota. The soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) portion of the runoff BAP was significantly correlated with soil Mehlich-III P, Olsen P, and water-extractable P (all r2 > 0.90 and p < 0.001). A linear relationship (r2 = 0.88, p < 0.001) also was obtained between SRP in runoff and the phosphorus saturation index based on sorptivity (PSIs) calculated with sorptivity as a measure of the inherent soil P sorption capacity. Runoff levels of BAP estimated with iron oxide-impregnated paper were predicted well by various soil test P methods and the PSI, of the soils, but correlation coefficients between these variables and runoff BAP were generally lower than those for runoff SRP. Using these relationships and critical BAP levels for stream eutrophication, we found corresponding critical levels of soil Mehlich-III P and Olsen P (which should not be exceeded) to be 65 to 85 and 40 to 55 mg kg(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

The application of poultry litter to soils is a water quality concern on the Delmarva Peninsula, as runoff contributes P to the eutrophic Chesapeake Bay. This study compared a new subsurface applicator for poultry litter with conventional surface application and tillage incorporation of litter on a Coastal Plain soil under no-till management. Monolith lysimeters (61 cm by 61 cm by 61 cm) were collected immediately after litter application and subjected to rainfall simulation (61 mm h(-1) 1 h) 15 and 42 d later. In the first rainfall event, subsurface application of litter significantly lowered total P losses in runoff (1.90 kg ha(-1)) compared with surface application (4.78 kg ha(-1)). Losses of P with subsurface application were not significantly different from disked litter or an unamended control. By the second event, total P losses did not differ significantly between surface and subsurface litter treatments but were at least twofold greater than losses from the disked and control treatments. A rising water table in the second event likely mobilized dissolved forms of P in subsurface-applied litter to the soil surface, enriching runoff water with P. Across both events, subsurface application of litter did not significantly decrease cumulative losses of P relative to surface-applied litter, whereas disking the litter into the soil did. Results confirm the short-term reduction of runoff P losses with subsurface litter application observed elsewhere but highlight the modifying effect of soil hydrology on this technology's ability to minimize P loss in runoff.  相似文献   

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