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官司河流域防护林景观结构及生态功能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2005年度的IKONOS4卫片解译数据和2007年度小班调查资料,结合样地调查资料以及四川省林业科学研究院森林生态效益定位站(四川绵阳新桥)径流场的有关数据,对绵阳官司河流域的防护林体系景观结构及生态功能进行了分析。结果表明:该区域防护林景观中,以松柏混交林(Mixed Alnus—Cupressus forest)面积最大,占27.37%,其次是马尾松纯林(Pinus massoniana forest),占25.41%。栎柏混交林(Mixed Quercus-Cupressus forest)最少,只占0.96%。纯林面积明显大于混交林,前者比后者大45.31%。栎柏混交林、松柏栎混交林(Mixed Pinus-Cupressus—Quercus forest)最大斑块指数(LPI)、边缘密度(ED)和斑块密度(PD)较小,分布较为破碎。而马尾松纯林、松柏混交林和柏木纯林(Cupressus forest)分布较为集中。桤柏混交林(Mixed Alnus—Cupressus forest)和松柏混交林的散布与并列指数(IJI)较大,其空间关系较为复杂。栎柏混交林、柏木纯林的聚集度(A1)较小,斑块分散度大,连接睦较差;而桤柏混交林、松柏混交林的分散度较大,连接性较好。桤柏混交林、松柏混交林的形状指数(LSI)较小,形状分布较规则,而马尾松纯林、柏木纯林的形状指数较大,形状较复杂。从不同景观类型林下灌草层的生物多样性指数可知,松柏混交林、栎柏混交林的灌草多样性指数均较大,而马尾松纯林、柏木纯林则较小。从保持水土功能来看:桤柏混交林、松柏混交林的水土保持效果优于柏木纯林、马尾松纯林,桤柏混交林的水土保持效果优于松柏混交林。因此,对长江防护林进行空间结构调整,应多采用混交林模式,针阔混交林代替针针混交,乔灌草结合,调整合理的密度,使防护林景观的生态功能更好地发挥。  相似文献   

对重庆四面山杉木纯林、杉木×马尾松、杉木×马尾松×木荷、木荷×石栎×枫香×香樟、木荷×石栎人工林进行了有机碳储量研究。运用网格取样法取样,每个样地各层各取样81个,共计取样810个。结果表明:(1)林分类型不同,A层土壤有机碳含量总体差异显著(p〈0.05)。在此五种林分类型中,土壤平均有机碳含量以杉木人工纯林为最高,石栎木荷枫香香樟人工混交林为最小;B层土壤有机碳含量总体差异不显著(p〉0.05)。在垂直剖面上,五种人工林均差异显著(p〈0.05),且表现出随着土层深度的增加,林下土壤有机碳含量随之减小,体现出土壤有机碳含量的表聚作用。(2)有机碳储量规律基本与土壤有机碳含量规律一致。在垂直剖面上,此五种人工林有机碳储量均差异显著(p〈0.05),表现出随着土层深度的增加而减小的规律。不同林种类型、同一土层深度或是不同土层深度、同一林种类型其有机碳储量变异系数大小均不一样,这说明此五种林地土壤普遍存在空间异质性且其异质程度不一样。(3)就 A 土层而言,本研究区五种人工林平均有机碳密度为5.34 kg·m^-2,比相关研究的重庆市土壤有机碳密度3.11 kg·m^-2,全国森林土壤有机碳密度4.24 kg·m^-2,全国土壤有机碳密度2.67kg·m^-2等分别多出71.70%,25.94%,100%。  相似文献   

在河北塞罕坝机械林场的华北落叶松3个不同类型人工林设立典型样地,研究落叶松白桦混交林、落叶松樟子松混交林、落叶松纯林的土壤理化性质和林地凋落物现存量等17项指标,分析这些指标在0-50 cm共5个土层间的差异情况.结果表明:(1)在土壤剖面上随土层加深,3种林型土壤容重均逐渐增加;土壤水分、有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、电导率呈减小的趋势;孔隙度和全钾变化不显著.(2)在同一土层,土壤容重和p H总体表现为落叶松白桦混交林最低,落叶松纯林最高;林地凋落物现存量、土壤水分、有机质、氮、磷、钾、电导率均表现为落叶松白桦混交林最高,落叶松纯林和落叶松樟子松混交林无显著差异.(3)相关性分析表明容重与土壤水分、孔隙度、全钾、速效钾呈极显著负相关,与非毛管孔隙度、有机质、有效磷呈显著负相关;有机质、氮、磷、钾元素之间均有显著正相关关系,全氮、全磷、全钾与凋落物未分解层现存量都呈显著正相关.因此认为在3种林型中,落叶松白桦针阔混交林土壤理化性质明显优于落叶松樟子松混交林、落叶松纯林;结果可为合理利用森林土壤、科学营造华北落叶松人工林提供依据.  相似文献   

杨-桤短期混交的林地土壤养分异质性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江苏省泗洪县陈圩林场5年生的具有不同混交比例的南林95杨(Populus×euramericana‘Nanlin-95’)和江南桤木(Alnus trabeculosa)混交林为对象,对混交5年后所产生的林地局部土壤养分异质性以及碳、氮、磷生态化学计量特征进行研究,从养分供应和平衡角度探讨引入固氮树种进行混交后在短期内所产生的混交效应,为杨树人工林养分管理及杨树混交林营造提供理论依据。研究结果表明,杨-桤混交5年整体上提高了林地土壤p H值,但其提高程度随桤木比例的增加而下降。杨-桤2∶1混交林分中由杨树与桤木围成的行间0~10 cm土层的土壤pH值为6.98,显著低于由2行杨树所围成的区域(7.29),表现出明显的异质性。土壤有机碳和全氮含量在各种混交比例林分的不同区域变化不大,而全磷含量则表现为混交林分略高于杨树纯林。4种混交比例林分土壤中硝态氮占无机氮总量的98%以上,同一混交林分中靠近桤木行区域的0~10cm土层土壤的铵态氮含量整体上高于靠近杨树行的区域,其中杨-桤1∶2混交林分中由2行桤木所围成的区域的0~10 cm土层土壤铵态氮含量(0.60 mg·kg~(-1))是杨树纯林的2.14倍。杨-桤2∶1混交林分中由杨树与桤木围成的区域0~10 cm土层土壤C∶N比(9.48)和C∶P比(29.13)均显著低于杨树纯林(分别为12.46和39.64),反映了混交引起的林地养分提高效应以及生态化学计量学特征的改变。整体而言,固氮树种桤木的引入在混交5年后即导致混交林地土壤出现一定程度的养分异质性,提高了林地局部区域的土壤养分含量、供应能力,并改变了其生态化学计量学特征。  相似文献   

为全面了解森林内部属性与森林改善空气环境功能之间的内在关系与规律,以及不同森林在改善空气环境质量方面的能力强弱,以中国林业科学研究院热带林业试验中心为研究对象,于2014年7─8月按照2 km×2 km网格间距进行系统抽样,设置51个样地对森林空气温度、湿度、负氧离子含量等空气环境状况指标及林分特征因子进行了监测,并对林分类型、发展阶段、郁闭度等林分因子与森林空气温度、湿度、负氧离子含量之间的关系进行了分析。采用温湿指数、安培空气质量评价系数、森林空气负氧离子评价模型对不同类型森林的空气环境质量进行了评价。结果表明:1)森林改善空气环境质量功能主要与其林分类型、发展阶段、林分郁闭度有关;2)在调节空气温湿度,改善空气环境舒适度方面,针叶混交林最强,然后依次为针阔混交林、阔叶混交林、针叶纯林、阔叶纯林、灌木林,以未成林最弱。在吸附污染物、净化空气方面,针阔混交林最强,然后依次为阔叶混交林、阔叶纯林、针叶混交林、针叶纯林、灌木林,以未成林最弱;3)不同发展阶段的林分在改善空气环境舒适度方面的差异不明显,但随着林分发展阶段的深入,森林的结构越来越复杂,森林净化空气的能力也逐渐增强;4)森林在调节空气温湿度,改善空气环境舒适度等方面的功能随郁闭度的增加而增强,当郁闭度大于0.4时,森林改善空气环境舒适度的功能显著增强。郁闭度在0.4~0.7之间的林分净化空气的功能较强,尤以郁闭度为0.5时最强,当林分郁闭度低于0.4或高于0.7以后,林分净化空气的功能均有所降低;5)总体来说混交林改善空气环境质量的功能要显著强于纯林。研究结果对于经营单位如何通过林分状态的调控来增强森林的空气环境改善功能具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

北京松山4种典型林分枯落物持水特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究北京松山国家自然保护区不同林分枯落物持水效能差异,采用典型样地调查和室内浸泡法,对松山国家级自然保护区内4种典型林分类型,即蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)纯林、油松(Pinus tabuliformis)纯林、山杨(Populus davidiana)纯林和毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)-油松针阔混交林的枯落物水文效应进行分析。结果表明,(1)4种典型林分类型枯落物层蓄积量为8.05—23.78 t·hm~(-2),大小排序为蒙古栎纯林(23.78 t·hm~(-2))山杨纯林(21.26 t·hm~(-2))油松纯林(15.85 t·hm~(-2))针阔混交林(8.05 t·hm~(-2))。(2)山杨纯林枯落物最大持水量最大(7.19 t·hm~(-2)),蒙古栎纯林最小(4.37 t·hm~(-2));比较4种典型林分类型枯落物平均持水率发现,针阔混交林最大(230.9%),蒙古栎纯林最小(106.85%)。(3)4种林分枯落物层持水量与其浸水时间呈对数相关(R~20.75,P0.01);其持水速率与浸泡时间符合幂函数关系(R~20.89,P0.01)。山杨纯林有效拦蓄量(13.67 t·hm~(-2))与有效拦蓄率(114.3%)均较高,而油松纯林有效拦蓄量(4.46 t·hm~(-2))及其有效拦蓄率(58.11%)均显著低于其他林分类型。根据水文指标评价上述4种典型林分枯落物持水能力,松山自然保护区内山杨纯林枯落物持水能力最佳,其水源涵养综合能力优于其他3种类型林分枯落物。研究结果可为区域植被恢复和水土流失防治提供理论基础。  相似文献   

华北落叶松不同林型土壤理化性质差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在河北塞罕坝机械林场的华北落叶松3个不同类型人工林设立典型样地,研究落叶松白桦混交林、落叶松樟子松混交林、落叶松纯林的土壤理化性质和林地凋落物现存量等17项指标,分析这些指标在0-50 cm共5个土层间的差异情况.结果表明:(1)在土壤剖面上随土层加深,3种林型土壤容重均逐渐增加;土壤水分、有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、电导率呈减小的趋势;孔隙度和全钾变化不显著.(2)在同一土层,土壤容重和p H总体表现为落叶松白桦混交林最低,落叶松纯林最高;林地凋落物现存量、土壤水分、有机质、氮、磷、钾、电导率均表现为落叶松白桦混交林最高,落叶松纯林和落叶松樟子松混交林无显著差异.(3)相关性分析表明容重与土壤水分、孔隙度、全钾、速效钾呈极显著负相关,与非毛管孔隙度、有机质、有效磷呈显著负相关;有机质、氮、磷、钾元素之间均有显著正相关关系,全氮、全磷、全钾与凋落物未分解层现存量都呈显著正相关.因此认为在3种林型中,落叶松白桦针阔混交林土壤理化性质明显优于落叶松樟子松混交林、落叶松纯林;结果可为合理利用森林土壤、科学营造华北落叶松人工林提供依据.  相似文献   

以自然恢复的草坡(SH)为对照样地,分析广东鹤山共和样地不同配置人工林——10种树种混交林(10NS)、30种树种混交林(30NS)、厚荚相思纯林(Acacia crassicarpa,AC)、红椎纯林(Castanopsis hystrix,CM)和尾叶桉纯林(Eucalyptus urophylla,EU)在种植后第1年、第6年和第11年的土壤微生物量碳,探讨不同人工林配置下土壤微生物量碳的年际动态。结果表明:除EU外,其他4种林型及对照SH的土壤微生物量碳(MBC)均随着林龄的增加呈先上升后下降趋势,但差异不显著;不同人工林MBC含量在6 a林龄时达到最高,最高值在AC中可达266.078 mg?kg~(-1);相同林龄MBC在不同林型间存在差异,在11 a林龄时该差异达到极显著水平(P=0.001),表现为混交林(10NS和30NS)的MBC含量最高,AC和CM纯林次之,SH和EU最低。不同人工林土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)含量在林龄间的变化趋势与不同人工林的MBC(EU除外)在林龄间的变化趋势一致。土壤微生物墒(MBC/SOC)在不同林型间的变化趋势与MBC基本一致,均在11 a林龄时产生显著差异且土壤微生物墒值在混交林达到最高。MBC与SOC(P0.01)、TN(P=0.01)呈显著正相关,而MBC/SOC与SOC呈显著负相关(P=0.03)。MBC在人工林中的年际变化存在波动,可能与人工林林分和土壤尚未达到成熟水平有关。该研究可为亚热带丘陵荒坡人工林的生态恢复与管理提供科学的基础数据与理论依据。  相似文献   

马尾松不同林型对土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以安徽省枞阳县大山村3种马尾松不同林型(马尾松纯林、马尾松-麻栎混交林、马尾松-枫香混交林)0~60 cm土层为研究对象,探讨3种马尾松林型的土壤理化性质变化规律,旨在为该区马尾松人工林的可持续发展和生产提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)0~60 cm土层,3种马尾松林型土壤容重随深度的增加而逐渐增加,混交林土壤容重显著低于纯林;土壤含水量随土层的加深而逐渐减小,其大小为:马尾松-枫香混交林>马尾松-麻栎混交林>马尾松纯林,马尾松-枫香混交林在土壤容重降低,土壤孔隙度增加及土壤含水量方面优于马尾松-麻栎混交林;(2)土壤pH值介于4.5~5.0之间,3种林型pH值随土层深度的增加而增大,但差异均不显著,其中马尾松-枫香混交林土壤pH值较高;(3)3种林型土壤有机质、全N、有效P和速效K均随土层深度的增加而减少,呈现明显的“表聚”现象,其质量分数表现为:马尾松-枫香混交林>马尾松-麻栎混交林>马尾松纯林;(4)土壤容重与土壤水分质量分数、有机质、全N、有效P和速效K等养分质量分数均呈负相关,土壤有机质与全N、有效P和速效K呈极显著的正相关,这说明土壤有机质在改善土壤理化性质和促进养分循环方面起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

北京延庆区不同林龄油松人工林土壤理化性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨林龄对北京地区油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)人工林土壤理化性质的影响,选择延庆区4个林龄(14、28、36、51年)油松人工林,研究土壤理化指标在从幼龄到成熟间随林龄增加的变化规律,阐明其在0-30 cm三个土层间的变化趋势.结果显示,随土层加深,含水率、持水量、孔隙度总体上逐渐减小,土壤容重的差异不显著,有机质、氮磷钾具有明显的表聚效应,p H总体上呈增加趋势,而电导率的变化规律不一.随林龄增加,同层土壤含水率、持水量、孔隙度则总体上逐渐增加,容重的差异不显著,有机质、氮磷总体呈增加趋势,钾素在14年和28年林分中显著高于36年与51年林分,p H呈逐渐减小,而电导率最大值出现在51年林分中.相关分析表明,土壤容重与水分特征、孔隙度均呈显著负相关;有机质与氮素、磷素呈极显著正相关,与p H呈极显著负相关,与土壤容重、全钾含量呈显著负相关,与速效钾呈负相关但不显著.本研究表明林龄的增加改善了油松人工林的土壤理化性质,结果可为北京地区油松人工林的抚育间伐、施肥管理、混交林营造等提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Managing wildlife diseases requires an understanding of disease transmission, which may be strongly affected by host population density and landscape features. Transmission models are typically fit from time-series disease prevalence data and modelled based on how the contact rate among hosts is affected by density, which is often assumed to be a linear (density-dependent transmission) or constant (frequency-dependent transmission) relationship. However, long-term time-series data is unavailable for emerging diseases, and this approach cannot account for independent effects of landscape. We developed a mechanistic model based on ecological data to empirically derive the contact rate-density relationship in white-tailed and mule deer in an enzootic region of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Alberta, Canada and to determine whether it was affected by landscape. Using data collected from aerial surveys and GPS-telemetry, we developed empirical relationships predicting deer group size, home range size, and habitat selection to iteratively simulate deer distributions across a range of densities and landscapes. We calculated a relative measure of total per-capita contact rate, which is proportional to the number of other deer contacted per individual per unit time, for each distribution as the sum of pairwise contact rates between a target deer and all other individuals. Each pairwise contact rate was estimated from an empirical relationship developed from GPS-telemetry data predicting pairwise contact rates as a function of home range overlap and landscape structure. Total per-capita contact rates increased as a saturating function of density, supporting a transmission model intermediate between density- and frequency-dependent transmission. This pattern resulted from group sizes that reached an asymptote with increasing deer density, although this relationship was mediated by tree and shrub coverage in the landscape, such that in heavily wooded areas, the contact rate saturated at much lower densities. These results suggest that CWD management based on herd reductions, which require a density-dependent contact rate to be effective, may have variable effects on disease across a single management region. The novel mechanistic approach we employed for estimating effects of density and landscape on transmission is a powerful complement to typical data-fitting approaches for modelling disease transmission.  相似文献   

上海地区果树根癌病发生与土壤环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果树根癌病(致病菌为根癌土壤杆菌Agrobacterium tumefaciens)目前在上海地区大面积发生,严重危害桃(Amygdalus persicaL.)、梨(Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.)、苹果(Malus pumila Mill.)等果树的生长。本文采用化学分析及微生物培养等方法,研究了上海地区桃树和梨树根癌病的发生与土壤因子(土壤含水量、pH值、有机质含量),土壤细菌以及与不同果树品种之间的关系。结果表明:土壤含水量、pH值、有机质含量、土壤中微生物的多样性和微生物总体数目与病害的发生没有显著的相关性,但是土壤中存在的个别菌种对病害的发生有显著的影响,初步分析显示Agrobacterium sp.和Bacillus sp.对根癌病的发生具有抑制作用,而Psuedomonas sp.对根癌病的发生可能具有一定的促进作用。同时不同果树品种的病害发生率之间有显著性的差异。  相似文献   

The degree to which spatial patterns influence the dynamics and distribution of populations is a central question in ecology. This question is even more pressing in the context of rapid habitat loss and fragmentation, which threaten global biodiversity. However, the relative influence of habitat loss and landscape fragmentation, the spatial patterning of remaining habitat, remains unclear. If landscape pattern affects population size, managers may be able to design landscapes that mitigate habitat loss. We present the results of a mensurative experiment designed to test four habitat loss vs. fragmentation hypotheses. Unlike previous studies, we measured landscape structure using quantitative, spatially explicit habitat distribution models previously developed for two species: Blackburnian Warbler (Dendroica fusca) and Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla). We used a stratified sampling design that reduced the confounding of habitat amount and fragmentation variables. Occurrence and reoccurrence of both species were strongly influenced by characteristics at scales greater than the individual territory, indicating little support for the random-sample hypothesis. However, the type and spatial extent of landscape influence differed. Both occurrence and reoccurrence of Blackburnian Warblers were influenced by the amount of poor-quality matrix at 300- and 2000-m spatial extents. The occurrence and reoccurrence of Ovenbirds depended on a landscape pattern variable, patch size, but only in cases when patches were isolated. These results support the hypothesis that landscape pattern is important for some species only when the amount of suitable habitat is low. Although theoretical models have predicted such an interaction between landscape fragmentation and composition, to our knowledge this is the first study to report empirical evidence of such nonlinear fragmentation effects. Defining landscapes quantitatively from an organism-based perspective may increase power to detect fragmentation effects, particularly in forest mosaics where boundaries between patches and matrix are ambiguous. Our results indicate that manipulating landscape pattern may reduce negative impacts of habitat loss for Ovenbird, but not Blackburnian Warbler. We emphasize that most variance in the occurrence of both species was explained by local scale or landscape composition variables rather than variables reflecting landscape pattern.  相似文献   

Thresholds in Songbird Occurrence in Relation to Landscape Structure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract:  Theory predicts the occurrence of threshold levels of habitat in landscapes, below which ecological processes change abruptly. Simulation models indicate that below critical thresholds, fragmentation of habitat influences patch occupancy by decreasing colonization rates and increasing rates of local extinction. Uncovering such putative relationships is important for understanding the demography of species and in developing sound conservation strategies. Using segmented logistic regression, we tested for thresholds in occurrence of 15 bird species as a function of the amount of suitable habitat at multiple scales (150–2000-m radii). Suitable habitat was defined quantitatively based on previously derived, spatially explicit distribution models for each species. The occurrence of 10 out of 15 species was influenced by the amount of habitat at a landscape scale (≥500-m radius). Of these species all but one were best predicted by threshold models. Six out of nine species exhibited asymptotic thresholds; the effects of habitat loss intensified at low amounts of habitat in a landscape. Landscape thresholds ranged from 8.6% habitat to 28.7% (     = 18.5 ± 2.6%[95% CI]). For two species landscape thresholds coincided with sensitivity to fragmentation; both species were more likely to occur in large patches, but only when the amount of habitat in a landscape was low. This supports the fragmentation threshold hypothesis. Nevertheless, the occurrence of most species appeared to be unaffected by fragmentation, regardless of the amount of habitat present at landscape extents. The thresholds we identified may be useful to managers in establishing conservation targets. Our results indicate that findings of landscape-scale studies conducted in regions with relatively high proportions of habitat and low fragmentation may not be applicable in regions with low habitat proportions and high fragmentation.  相似文献   

Gouhier TC  Guichard F 《Ecology》2007,88(3):647-657
In marine systems, the occurrence and implications of disturbance-recovery cycles have been revealed at the landscape level, but only in demographically open or closed systems where landscape-level dynamics are assumed to have no feedback effect on regional dynamics. We present a mussel metapopulation model to elucidate the role of landscape-level disturbance cycles for regional response of mussel populations to onshore productivity and larval transport. Landscape dynamics are generated through spatially explicit rules, and each landscape is connected to its neighbor through unidirectional larval dispersal. The role of landscape disturbance cycles in the regional system behavior is elucidated (1) in demographically open vs. demographically coupled systems, in relation to (2) onshore reproductive output and (3) the temporal scale of landscape disturbance dynamics. By controlling for spatial structure at the landscape and metapopulation levels, we first demonstrate the interaction between landscape and oceanographic connectivity. The temporal scale of disturbance cycles, as controlled by mussel colonization rate, plays a critical role in the regional behavior of the system. Indeed, fast disturbance cycles are responsible for regional synchrony in relation to onshore reproductive output. Slow disturbance cycles, however, lead to increased robustness to changes in productivity and to demographic coupling. These testable predictions indicate that the occurrence and temporal scale of local disturbance-recovery dynamics can drive large-scale variability in demographically open systems, and the response of metapopulations to changes in nearshore productivity.  相似文献   

Abstract: Species occurrence in a habitat patch depends on local habitat and the amount of that habitat in the wider landscape. We used predictions from empirical landscape studies to set quantitative conservation criteria and targets in a multispecies and multiscale conservation planning effort. We used regression analyses to compare species richness and occurrence of five red‐listed lichens on 50 ancient oaks (Quercus robur; 120–140 cm in diameter) with the density of ancient oaks in circles of varying radius from each individual oak. Species richness and the occurrence of three of the five species were best explained by increasing density of oaks within 0.5 km; one species was best explained by the density of oaks within 2 km, and another was best predicted by the density of oaks within 5 km. The minimum numbers of ancient oaks required for “successful conservation” was defined as the number of oaks required to obtain a predicted local occurrence of 50% for all species included or a predicted local occurrence of 80% for all species included. These numbers of oaks were calculated for two relevant landscape scales (1 km2 and 13 km2) that corresponded to various species responses, in such a way that calculations also accounted for local number of oaks. Ten and seven of the 50 ancient oaks surveyed were situated in landscapes that already fulfilled criteria for successful conservation when the 50% and 80% criteria, respectively, were used to define the level of successful conservation. For cost‐efficient conservation, oak stands in the landscapes most suitable for successful conservation should be prioritized for conservation and management (e.g., grazing and planting of new oaks) at the expense of oak stands situated elsewhere.  相似文献   

Human-induced habitat loss and degradation are major threats to wetland species as reflected in the fact that wetlands have declined by more than 50% in Europe and North America during the last century. Both current and historic land-use patterns are likely to be significant determinants of wetland species' distributions; however their relative importance is often unknown. We studied the importance of local (study pond) and landscape (current and 18th-century landscape) characteristics in explaining the occurrence and species richness of amphibians (Rana arvalis, Bufo bufo, and Triturus vulgaris) on the Swedish island of Gotland, where more than 40% of wetlands have been lost since the 18th century. Current local habitat characteristics were the strongest determinants of occurrence for all study species. Additionally, species occurrence was related to current and historic landscape characteristics, which generally explained equal amounts of the variation in species-occurrence data. The proportions of both current and historic arable land were negative determinants of amphibian occurrence and species richness, indicating that agricultural land use may have an overall negative impact on amphibians, and that amphibians may occur less frequently in areas with a long agricultural history. Likewise, historic forest area was positively related to B. bufo occurrence and species richness, whereas current forests had no significant effects, suggesting that there may be a lag in the response of amphibians to agriculture-mediated habitat loss. Our results suggest that historic land-use patterns may influence current amphibian populations and that inclusion of historic land-use information could be a valuable tool in future studies on amphibian-habitat relations.  相似文献   

This study aimed at understanding how landscape heterogeneity influences outbreaks of contagious diseases in southern Africa. Landscape attributes influence patterns of movement and behaviour of animal hosts, virus spread and survival, as well as land use practices. A multi-agent simulation was developed to represent the spatial and temporal dynamics of pathogens between human-livestock and wildlife interfaces at the fringe of large wildlife conservation areas. The model represents the three main elements associated with epidemics - populations, space, and time - to simulate direct contacts between wildlife and livestock. The dynamics of these populations emerge from interactions between agents and the landscape. The model was calibrated to represent the transmission of foot-and-mouth disease through direct contact at the border of the Kruger National Park in South Africa. In the region, African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer) act as reservoirs of the virus and spread the infection to domestic cattle bordering the park. We tested the sensitivity of various factors influencing contact rate between buffaloes and cattle, and thus the risk of foot-and-mouth disease transmission. Results show that cattle-buffalo contacts mostly depend on the range of displacements of cattle and buffaloes, as influenced by the landscape configuration, and on the number of fence breakages multiplied by the time between breakage and repair. Contacts take place not only close to water-points but also in grazing areas, within an area up to 6 km from the fence.  相似文献   

Abstract: Seed dispersal by animals is considered a pivotal ecosystem function that drives plant‐community dynamics in natural habitats and vegetation recovery in human‐altered landscapes. Nevertheless, there is a lack of suitable ecological knowledge to develop basic conservation and management guidelines for this ecosystem service. Essential questions, such as how well the abundance of frugivorous animals predicts seeding function in different ecosystems and how anthropogenic landscape heterogeneity conditions the role of dispersers, remain poorly answered. In three temperate ecosystems, we studied seed dispersal by frugivorous birds in landscape mosaics shaped by human disturbance. By applying a standardized design across systems, we related the frequency of occurrence of bird‐dispersed seeds throughout the landscape to the abundance of birds, the habitat features, and the abundance of fleshy fruits. Abundance of frugivorous birds in itself predicted the occurrence of dispersed seeds throughout the landscape in all ecosystems studied. Even those landscape patches impoverished due to anthropogenic disturbance received some dispersed seeds when visited intensively by birds. Nonetheless, human‐caused landscape degradation largely affected seed‐deposition patterns by decreasing cover of woody vegetation or availability of fruit resources that attracted birds and promoted seed dispersal. The relative role of woody cover and fruit availability in seed dispersal by birds differed among ecosystems. Our results suggest that to manage seed dispersal for temperate ecosystem preservation or restoration one should consider abundance of frugivorous birds as a surrogate of landscape‐scale seed dispersal and an indicator of patch quality for the dispersal function; woody cover and fruit resource availability as key landscape features that drive seedfall patterns; and birds as mobile links that connect landscape patches of different degrees of degradation and habitat quality via seed deposition.  相似文献   

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