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Concentrating on wastepaper, Grace et al. [J. Environ. Econ. Manag. 5, 172–186 (1978)] have argued that international trade in secondary materials can effectively help to stabilize their prices. In their modeling, however, they erroneously assume that pulp sets the upper bound for the price of wastepaper. This paper presents evidence to the contrary. Pulp contracts are typically long term, so wastepaper is frequently an input of last resort. The wastepaper price can therefore easily exceed the price pulp when output demand is high. A geometric model is presented to formalize this explanation, and it is argued from there that the increased stability offered by trade is more significant than suggested by Grace et al.  相似文献   

At the centre of the debate surrounding sustainable development is a recognition that companies can make a major contribution by being environmentally and socially responsible and that tools associated with these concepts can enhance the competitiveness and economic performance of the firm. In this paper we go further in arguing that in a world of globalisation it is equally important to look at issues of international trade.

In an examination of free trade we argue that it is neither fully consistent with sustainable development nor to the benefit of business. We point to a new imperative to develop sound sourcing, and equitable and fair trading relationships. We identify issues associated with fair trade (including issues of human rights, fair wages, sustainability reporting procedures and codes of conduct on ethics) and associated tools of analysis (guaranteed prices, codes of conduct and end price audits).

The paper argues that in a world of globalisation with greater transparency and information availability it will be important for companies to be clear about their policies on supply chain management and trade. Indeed, with the growth of an active and sophisticated civil society, it will be argued that policies associated with sound sourcing, equitable trade and fair trade could provide companies with a new competitive strategy based on ethical standards communicated to the consumer through a strategy of differentiation. We explore strategies for the integration of fair trade policies, strategies and standards, and the opportunities for new markets and niches that this presents. It is argued that the integration of fair trade into a business strategy can enhance competitiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a model of international trade and climate change in which emission discharges arising from production have a feedback effect on national production sectors by impacting upon effective factor endowments. With this context, the objectives are, first, to provide a general characterization of Pareto-efficient climate and trade policies and, second, to examine the possibility – starting from non-Pareto-efficient equilibria – for Pareto-improving environmental policies. We provide conditions under which several particular reforms of carbon taxes are welfare improving.  相似文献   

Conservation of renewable natural resources and promotion of economic growth are both sustainable development goals. Here, we study the interdependency between economic growth, international trade, and the use of renewable natural resources—under alternative institutional settings of either open access or full property rights—in an endogenous growth model. We find that if the resource is depleted over time, consumption growth is reduced. Economic growth and international trade only impact resource use when the resource is harvested under full property rights. Then, widening international trade can lead countries to shift from conservation to depletion. Changes in the institutional setting of resource use in one country may have repercussions on trading partners. Our results indicate potential trade-offs between the sustainable development goals and imply that policies focusing on resource use or trade (e.g., international trade bans or certified trade) are not sufficient to prevent resource depletion.  相似文献   

近年来我国服务贸易保持着稳健发展,逐步跻身全球服务贸易大国行列.国际金融危机对我国服务贸易的发展既是严峻挑战,又带来了新的发展机遇.本文就在国际金融危机背景下,中国服务贸易面对机遇和挑战将如何开放提出了几点对策.  相似文献   

We evaluate the efficacy of international trade in carbon emission permits when countries are guided strictly by their national self-interest. To do so, we construct a calibrated general equilibrium model that jointly describes the world economy and the strategic incentives that guide the design of national abatement policies. Countries’ decisions about their participation in a trading system and about their initial permit endowment are made non-cooperatively; so a priori it is not clear that permit trade will induce participation in international abatement agreements or that participation will result in significant environmental gains. Despite this, we find that emission trade agreements can be effective; that smaller groupings pairing developing and developed-world partners often perform better than agreements with larger rosters; and that general equilibrium responses play an important role in shaping these outcomes.  相似文献   

We evaluate the efficacy of international trade in carbon emission permits when countries are guided strictly by their national self-interest. To do so, we construct a calibrated general equilibrium model that jointly describes the world economy and the strategic incentives that guide the design of national abatement policies. Countries’ decisions about their participation in a trading system and about their initial permit endowment are made non-cooperatively; so a priori it is not clear that permit trade will induce participation in international abatement agreements or that participation will result in significant environmental gains. Despite this, we find that emission trade agreements can be effective; that smaller groupings pairing developing and developed-world partners often perform better than agreements with larger rosters; and that general equilibrium responses play an important role in shaping these outcomes.  相似文献   

The increasing volume of CO2 embodiment in international trade adds a layer of complexity to environmental policies and has raised arguments on the traditional production based responsibility for CO2 emissions. In order to help understand the quantity of CO2 embodiment in trade and its policy implications, this paper gives observations to recently emerging literatures that quantitatively discuss CO2 embodiment in trade. The analytical approaches share the principle of using input and output modeling but vary dramatically in study boundary and estimation accuracy. The calculations can be roughly categorized into three types: direct quantification of CO2 embodiments in multiregional trade, direct quantification of CO2 embodiment in bilateral trade, and indirect analysis by comparing the scenarios with or without trade. The practical estimations strongly rely on trade partner selection and data availability. An obvious imbalance of net CO2 embodiment in the commodity trade between major developed countries and developing economies as a whole was confirmed by these literatures. Carbon taxes and other possible limitations on CO2 emissions have been addressed. The consistency across the calculations could be enhanced by systematic analyses in more detail to convince the international community to take binding commitments for the reduction of global CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

生态农业产业链应对农产品贸易绿色壁垒的策略与途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
加入WTO以来,我国农产品不断受到“绿色壁垒”的困扰,农产品出口和农业综合开发均受到较大影响。文章从牛态农业建设的角度分析了绿色贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口贸易的影响,提出我国农产品冲破绿色贸易壁垒的几点建议,认为只有构筑现代生态农业产业链,在良性循环为基础的生态农业模式基础上,适应现代农业规模化、专业化、产业化、商品化的发展趋势,才能突破“绿色贸易壁垒”,拓展世界农产品绿色市场。可以在大型或多样化的企业形成良性循环的生态农业产业链,也可以由不同企业间或公司+农户联合形成生态农业产业链,并结合运用传统农业精华和现代科技手段,提高农业标准化水平,规避绿色壁垒,确保农业良好综合效益的实现。  相似文献   

New capital-intensive waste processing plants have been developed that can recover secondary materials and energy from the municipal solid waste stream resulting in lower disposal costs than traditional methods. The potential supply of secondary glass, ferrous metals, aluminum, and energy is estimated using an engineering cost model of secondary materials and energy supply under alternative prices for energy and materials. Econometric estimates of the own- and cross-price elasticities of supply for the materials and energy are then estimated from the data set. Significant cross-price effects are shown.  相似文献   


International food trade plays an important role in food security, but little research has been devoted to studying crop dynamics in importing countries caused by trade. We studied the spatiotemporal patterns of soybean planting area in China (the largest soybean importing country) in response to soybean imports. The results show how the soybean planting area from 1980 to 2012 in China is dominated by two temporal patterns, both of which first increased, then decreased, with an 8-year time lag. The first increasing-decreasing pattern is affected by increasing soybean imports, and the second increasing-decreasing pattern is driven by decreasing domestic soybean profits. The results also show spatially distinct spatial patterns: soybean planting area decreased in southeastern China while it increased in northwestern China. Our analysis of soybean planting area helps China and other food-importing countries understand spatiotemporal responses of domestic agricultural cultivations caused by international food trade and agricultural pollution management.  相似文献   

The shark fin trade is a major driver of shark exploitation in fisheries all over the world, most of which are not managed on a species‐specific basis. Species‐specific trade information highlights taxa of particular concern and can be used to assess the efficacy of management measures and anticipate emerging threats. The species composition of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, one of the world's largest fin trading hubs, was partially assessed in 1999–2001. We randomly selected and genetically identified fin trimmings (n = 4800), produced during fin processing, from the retail market of Hong Kong in 2014–2015 to assess contemporary species composition of the fin trade. We used nonparametric species estimators to determine that at least 76 species of sharks, batoids, and chimaeras supplied the fin trade and a Bayesian model to determine their relative proportion in the market. The diversity of traded species suggests species substitution could mask depletion of vulnerable species; one‐third of identified species are threatened with extinction. The Bayesian model suggested that 8 species each comprised >1% of the fin trimmings (34.1–64.2% for blue [Prionace glauca], 0.2–1.2% for bull [Carcharhinus leucas] and shortfin mako [Isurus oxyrinchus]); thus, trade was skewed to a few globally distributed species. Several other coastal sharks, batoids, and chimaeras are in the trade but poorly managed. Fewer than 10 of the species we modeled have sustainably managed fisheries anywhere in their range, and the most common species in trade, the blue shark, was not among them. Our study and approach serve as a baseline to track changes in composition of species in the fin trade over time to better understand patterns of exploitation and assess the effects of emerging management actions for these animals.  相似文献   

Importing countries often resort to trade policies and consumer actions in order to reduce negative environmental impacts of the products they consume. Traditionally, these policies were non-discriminatory, i.e., they treated all imports equally, without considering the actual damages caused by the product. More recently, there is a trend towards process-discriminatory policies which attempt to discriminate against environmentally unsound imports while encouraging sound alternatives. We develop a theoretical model of the consuming country's optimal trade policy, allowing for asymmetric information and costly monitoring, and analyze what type of policy is preferable under what conditions.  相似文献   

The aggregate income of oil-exporting countries relative to that of oil-poor countries has been remarkably constant in recent decades, despite the existence of structural gaps in productivity growth rates. This stylized fact is rationalized in an endogenous growth model of asymmetric trade where resource-poor and resource-rich economies display productivity differences but stable income shares due to terms-of-trade dynamics. The model yields two testable predictions that deserve empirical scrutiny: (i) the asymmetric impact, between exporters and importers, of national taxes on resource use on income shares and (ii) the inverse relation between terms-of-trade dynamics and total factor productivity growth.  相似文献   

The aggregate income of oil-exporting countries relative to that of oil-poor countries has been remarkably constant in recent decades, despite the existence of structural gaps in productivity growth rates. This stylized fact is rationalized in an endogenous growth model of asymmetric trade where resource-poor and resource-rich economies display productivity differences but stable income shares due to terms-of-trade dynamics. The model yields two testable predictions that deserve empirical scrutiny: (i) the asymmetric impact, between exporters and importers, of national taxes on resource use on income shares and (ii) the inverse relation between terms-of-trade dynamics and total factor productivity growth.  相似文献   

Inefficient environmental instruments and the gains from trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary result from the trade and environment literature is that countries never lose from trade liberalization as long as they implement optimal pollution targets or if they hold emissions constant. These results are derived in models where the regulators use efficient instruments such as tradable permits or emission taxes. Regulators, however, continue to prefer command and control instruments. I show that regulation under these inefficient instruments (such as design standards or concentration standards) can lead to net losses under trade liberalization even if emissions are optimally adjusted for trade. Furthermore, holding the line on emissions need not guarantee welfare improvements either. The problem is that institutional distortions, the excess costs of inefficient instruments, can rise with trade and offset the material gains from trade. Hence the presumption that we can achieve gains from trade by considering only the level of emissions fails to recognize that the mode of regulation also matters.  相似文献   

The switch from hunting wild meat for home consumption to supplying more lucrative city markets in Amazonia can adversely affect some game species. Despite this, information on the amounts of wild meat eaten in Amazonian cities is still limited. We estimated wild meat consumption rates in 5 cities in the State of Amazonas in Brazil through 1046 door-to-door household interviews conducted from 2004 to 2012. With these data, we modeled the relationship between wild meat use and a selection of socioeconomic indices. We then scaled up our model to determine the amounts of wild meat likely to be consumed annually in the 62 urban centers in central Amazonia. A total of 80.3% of all interviewees reported consuming wild meat during an average of 29.3 (CI 11.6) days per year. Most wild meat was reported as bought in local markets (80.1%) or hunted by a family member (14.9%). Twenty-one taxa were cited as consumed, mostly mammals (71.6%), followed by reptiles (23.2%) and then birds (5.2%). The declared frequency of wild meat consumption was positively correlated with the proportion of rural population as well as with the per capita gross domestic product of the municipality (administrative divisions) where the cities were seated. We estimated that as much as 10,691 t of wild meat might be consumed annually in the 62 urban centers within central Amazonia, the equivalent of 6.49 kg per person per year. In monetary terms, this amounts to US$21.72 per person per year or US$35.1 million overall, the latter figure is comparable to fish and timber production in the region. Given this magnitude of wild meat trade in central Amazonia, it is fundamental to integrate this activity into the formal economy and actively develop policies that allow the trade of more resilient taxa and restrict trade in species sensitive to hunting.  相似文献   

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