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为了探究流溪河大型底栖动物的群落结构特征和关键影响因素,于2016年4月(平水期)、7月(丰水期)和11月(枯水期)对流溪河的14个采样断面进行了生态调查,共鉴定出133种大型底栖动物,隶属于55科127属。大型底栖动物平均密度和生物量分别为213 ind./m2和20.02 g/m2,寡毛类和水生昆虫的密度占优势,软体动物的生物量占优势。此外,结果表明流溪河大型底栖动物群落结构具有明显的时空变化。在空间方面,从上游至下游大型底栖动物种类数呈现逐渐减少的趋势,并且支流的大型底栖动物种类数高于干流;从上游至下游大型底栖动物密度和生物量变化无规律,支流大型底栖动物的密度明显高于干流,而生物量却明显低于干流;上游的大型底栖动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数均高于下游,支流的大型底栖动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数均高于干流,而Pielou均匀度指数是支流低于干流。在时间方面,平水期至枯水期大型底栖动物种类数呈现逐渐增加的趋势;密度分布为平水期>枯水期>丰水期,生物量分布规律与密度相似;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数均为枯水期最高,平水期最低。流溪河大型底栖动物群落可划分为干流群落和支流群落,群落间物种组成存在显著性差异。综上结果表明:流溪河支流大型底栖动物群落结构较干游更加稳定,下游断面群落受到了较大程度的干扰,生态环境质量状况较差,影响大型底栖动物群落结构的主要因素为有机质、总磷和溶解氧。  相似文献   

松花江下游底栖动物组成及其环境指示作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2005—2010年对松花江佳木斯江段3个断面进行大型底栖动物生态调查,共发现大型底栖动物51种,其中水生昆虫33种,软体动物9种,甲壳动物3种,环节动物6种。3个断面均以水生昆虫的种类数为最多,其次为软体动物,两者在各断面的年度监测中均能被观测到,且出现频率较高;环节动物与甲壳动物的种类数较少,且出现频率较低。底栖动物群落特征和水质生物学评价显示,佳木斯江段水质虽呈波动状态,但整体呈不断改善趋势,主要与溶解氧、氨氮以及总磷等指标的不断改善相关。  相似文献   

源头区溪流是河流生态系统最脆弱的部分,也是淡水底栖大型无脊椎动物(简称底栖动物)集中分布的热点区域,在流域物种库的形成和生态系统的多样性维持过程中具有不可忽视的作用。然而,目前国内对源头区溪流底栖动物多样性的系统调查研究较少。笔者对位于浙江省丽水市瓯江源头区的龙泉溪进行了底栖动物多样性调查研究,分别于2021年丰水期和平水期在覆盖龙泉溪主要山溪河流的18个样点采样,共采集获得底栖动物标本3 700余号。通过联合使用传统形态分类和DNA条形码技术,共鉴定出底栖动物165种,隶属5门、9纲、19目、68科、124属。联合使用DNA条形码可使底栖动物科、种水平的分辨力提升28.3%和34.1%。调查研究表明:龙泉溪底栖动物多样性丰富,物种组成以节肢动物为主(占比高达87.9%,145种),其中水生昆虫占绝大多数(共计8目、48科、140种,占84.8%),主要优势种为鞘翅目的狭溪泥甲属1种Stenelmis sp.1、毛翅目的纹石蛾属Hydorpsyche和短脉纹石蛾属Cheumatopsyche各1种;底栖动物群落多样性丰富,且在丰水期和平水期均维持在较高的水平;海拔和底质类型等微生境条件对底栖动物多样性分布的影响分析显示,底质类型对底栖动物分布密度的影响显著。对水生态状况的生物评估结果显示:Biotic Index污染生物指数更适合龙泉溪流域的水质健康状况评估,龙泉溪流域整体的水生态状况健康,水质属清洁或极清洁。该研究使用传统形态学和DNA条形码技术相结合的鉴定方式,提高了底栖动物物种鉴定的精度,所获得的多样性调查和水质评价结果为瓯江源头区溪流乃至整个流域的生态保护和长期监测提供了本底基础资料。  相似文献   

为了解永定河流域大型底栖动物群落结构与空间分布状况,2017年春季调查了永定河流域大型底栖动物群落,采集并鉴定出大型底栖动物77个分类单元,其中水生昆虫为绝对优势类群。聚类分析表明,永定河流域底栖动物群落结构在空间上与流域地理格局基本一致,上游区洋河、妫水河、桑干河以直突摇蚊、流水长跗摇蚊、间摇蚊为优势类群,中游区永定河山峡段以钩虾、台湾蜉、近岸细蜉为主,下游区五湖一线段以德永摇蚊、恩菲摇蚊、沼虾为优势类群。直接收集者成为流域内绝对优势功能摄食类群,在不同区域的相对丰度均达到90%以上。单因素方差分析显示,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数无组间差异,Margalef丰富度指数和物种数在中游区和下游区差异显著(P0.05)。研究表明流域大型底栖动物群落出现了整体退化,生物多样性下降,重度-中度耐污类群成为优势,多数河段功能摄食类群不完整,永定河流域生态系统保护和修复工作亟待开展。  相似文献   

为了解海州湾潮间带大型底栖动物群落结构,分析人类养殖活动对其影响,于2012-2017年对该区域大型底栖动物进行调查。结果表明:6年间共发现120种大型底栖动物,依据种类组成进行聚类分析可分为4组;调查中总平均丰度为3 495.9 ind./m2,范围为506.7~17 864.0 ind./m2;总平均生物量为197.26 g/m2,范围为1.58~489.17 g/m2。光滑河蓝蛤(Potamocorbula laevis)为第一优势种,其繁殖盛期在每年9-10月。调查期间生物多样性整体呈下降趋势,人类的养殖活动主导着海州湾潮间带大型底栖动物群落结构的变化。  相似文献   

2009年3月对珠江广州大桥到海印桥段底栖动物群落结构进行调查。共采集6种底栖动物样品,其中霍夫水丝蚓为研究区域优势类群,密度和生物量相对丰度分别为96.3%和71.9%。海印桥底栖动物密度和生物量最大,分别为305280ind/m2和664.72g/m2;中大码头次之,分别为54144ind/m2和129.27g/m2;广州大桥最小,分别为43200ind/m2和93.87g/m2。底栖动物群落结构极为不均匀,广州大桥、中大码头和海印桥Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为0.34、0.27、0.14;Margalef多样性指数分别为0.32、0.19、0.11,均匀度指数0.19、0.20、0.13,物种丰度分别为6、4和3,属严重污染水平。对理化指标进行分析表明,溶解氧过低是生物多样性低的直接原因,控磷、除磷对降低水体营养水平,恢复生物多样性意义重大。  相似文献   

于2019-2021年春、秋季在长江干流南京段设置6个调查点位对水体理化因子、底栖动物群落特征开展调查研究。采用典范对应分析方法(CCA)分析了底栖动物与环境因子的响应关系。结果表明,共检出35种底栖动物,分属3门6纲12目19科30属,昆虫纲为优势纲。各监测点位的底栖动物检出种类数相差较大,最多检出21种,最少检出11种。春季优势种为霍甫水丝蚓,秋季优势种为齿吻沙蚕。底栖动物物种密度为2~176个/m^(2),春季的底栖动物平均密度(139个/m^(2))略高于秋季(125个/m^(2)),底栖动物平均密度年度排序为:2019年>2020年>2021年。各监测点位的香农威纳(Shannon-Wiener)多样性指数为2.9~3.5,水质状况处于良好和优秀之间。CCA分析结果表明,高锰酸盐指数和溶解氧对南京段底栖动物群落结构物种时空分布影响较大且大部分群落特征物种分布在含氮营养盐较低的水域,高浓度的含氮营养盐已经对南京段底栖动物产生了负面影响。  相似文献   

通过2018年5月在京杭运河江苏段布设23个采样点调查底栖动物群落结构和生境状况,并用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数评价底栖动物多样性,用聚类法分析采样点底栖动物群落结构相似性,用ANOSIM分析检验聚类组差异性,用SIMPER对聚类组作主要特征物种分析。结果显示:23个采样点共采集底栖动物42种,其中甲壳纲4种、软体动物16种、多毛纲2种、蛭纲2种、昆虫纲4种(均为摇蚊类)、寡毛纲14种。聚类分析将23个采样点分成4组,ANOSIM分析检验表明各聚类组底栖动物群落结构具有显著差异(p<0.05),底质类型和水生植被等生境状况是影响京杭运河江苏段底栖动物群落结构的重要原因。  相似文献   

松花江底栖动物分布规律及与理化评价差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012—2015年对松花江干流11个断面21个点位进行底栖动物群落监测,在7种单一指数评价的基础上运用简单的叠加法进行综合评价,并与常规理化监测与评价进行了比较。结果显示,与2012年相比,2013年松花江干流底栖动物物种较丰富,各点位评价结果有所提升;2015年摆渡镇-同江段多为清洁等级,水环境生态质量稳中趋好,下游改善明显。结果显示,生物学评价与理化评价存在明显的差异,在水质改善的过程中生物学评价更灵敏、更显著。  相似文献   

采用大型底栖动物生物完整性指数(B-IBI)法对松花江流域的水生态环境质量进行研究分析。结果表明,2015年松花江流域各点位水生态环境质量17.24%为优、10.34%为良好、24.14%为一般、41.38%为较差、6.90%为很差。与2012年松花江流域水生态环境质量的比较和趋势分析表明,松花江干流下游、第二松花江、松花江支流的水生态质量均出现不同程度的改善,松花江干流下游改善尤为显著,松花江干流上游生态质量基本保持不变,嫩江水生态质量有下降迹象。流域总体水生态环境质量得到进一步改善,总物种数和清洁指示类群EPT丰度均有增加。  相似文献   

大型底栖动物是评价水生态质量最常用的生物类群,鉴于水生昆虫的生活史特点,在一年当中群落结构会发生季节性变化,如何利用底栖动物数据准确评价水生态质量状况,反映客观实际,值得探讨。将黑龙江省2012—2015年水生生物试点监测47个采样点的108组底栖动物数据进行比较,对群落结构的相似性、物种的更替率和BMWP指数评价结果进行分析,探讨群落的演替及BMWP指数的变化规律。结果表明不同时间采集的样品底栖动物群落之间存在较大差异,评价的结果也存在差异,越是水环境质量好的区域,这种差异越明显。利用底栖动物评价水生态状况,宜选择长时间段的多个采集数据,经统计整理后,利用复合样方(年均值)的特征,评价一段时间内(如以年为单位)的水生态质量状况,使评价结果更具准确性。  相似文献   

Wastewater discharge from sugarcane processing is a significant pollutant of tropical aquatic ecosystems. For most developing countries, monitoring of the level of pollutants is done mostly through chemical analysis, but this does not reflect potential impacts on aquatic assemblages. In addition, laboratory facilities for accurate concentration measurements are often not available for regular monitoring programs. In this study, we investigated the use of benthic macroinvertebrates for biological monitoring in western Kenya. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled in stabilization ponds treating wastewater from sugarcane- and molasses-based processing plants to assess their composition and abundance in relation to different concentrations of chemical variables. Optimum concentrations and tolerance values were identified for various taxa, and a biotic index was developed that combined tolerance values (ranked between 0 and 10) for the various macroinvertebrate taxa. A succession in composition and distribution of macroinvertebrate taxa was observed from the inlet to the outlet of the pond systems. Diptera dominated in the first ponds that had high concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), and nutrients, while intolerant Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) appeared as the concentrations dropped in subsequent ponds. The effluent quality was classified as “good,” “fair,” and “poor,” corresponding with biotic index value ranges 0–3.50, 3.51–6.50, and 6.51–10, respectively. During validation, the index grouped sites with respect to levels of measured environmental variables. The study revealed that the developed biotic index would help in monitoring the quality of sugarcane processing and molasses effluents before release into recipient aquatic ecosystems, replacing the need for costly chemical analyses.  相似文献   

利用生物完整性指数评价河流健康状态,对于水环境管理决策具有重要的实践意义。基于大型底栖动物构建生物完整性指数(B-IBI),并评价松花江流域的水生态系统健康状况。在松花江主要干支流设定37个采样点,分别于2016年6、9月进行环境因子和大型底栖动物调查研究。最终从28个候选参数中确定了种类总数、摇蚊种类数、敏感种百分比、Hilsenhoff指数、Marglef指数作为核心参数构建B-IBI。通过0~10赋分法,计算得到了松花江流域全部采样点的生物完整性评价得分。结果显示,松花江流域内60%区域生物状态存在不同程度的损害。另外,B-IBI能够综合反映松花江大型底栖动物群落多样性、生境质量、理化水质等,具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

The number of sites sampled must be considered when determining the effort necessary for adequately assessing taxa richness in an ecosystem for bioassessment purposes; however, there have been few studies concerning the number of sites necessary for bioassessment of large rivers. We evaluated the effect of sample size (i.e., number of sites) necessary to collect vertebrate (fish and aquatic amphibians), macroinvertebrate, and diatom taxa from seven large rivers in Oregon and Washington, USA during the summers of 2006–2008. We used Monte Carlo simulation to determine the number of sites needed to collect 90–95% of the taxa 75–95% of the time from 20 randomly located sites on each river. The river wetted widths varied from 27.8 to 126.0 m, mean substrate size varied from 1 to 10 cm, and mainstem distances sampled varied from 87 to 254 km. We sampled vertebrates at each site (i.e., 50 times the mean wetted channel width) by nearshore-raft electrofishing. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates nearshore through the use of a 500-μm mesh kick net at 11 systematic stations. From each site composite sample, we identified a target of 500 macroinvertebrate individuals to the lowest possible taxon, usually genus. We sampled benthic diatoms nearshore at the same 11 stations from a 12-cm2 area. At each station, we sucked diatoms from soft substrate into a 60-ml syringe or brushed them off a rock and rinsed them with river water into the same jar. We counted a minimum of 600 valves at 1,000× magnification for each site. We collected 120–211 diatom taxa, 98–128 macroinvertebrate taxa, and 14–33 vertebrate species per river. To collect 90-95% of the taxa 75-95% of the time that were collected at 20 sites, it was necessary to sample 11–16 randomly distributed sites for vertebrates, 13–17 sites for macroinvertebrates, and 16–18 sites for diatoms. We conclude that 12–16 randomly distributed sites are needed for cost-efficient sampling of vertebrate richness in the main stems of our study rivers, but 20 sites markedly underestimates the species richness of benthic macroinvertebrates and diatoms in those rivers.  相似文献   

大型底栖动物是生态环境监测和评估的主要目标生物类群之一。环境DNA宏条形码技术的发展为提高底栖动物多样性监测的通量、精准性、标准化程度提供了新的机遇,但该方法在我国尚未有流域尺度的应用先例,其结果的可靠性和对生态环境健康状况的指示性有待检验。率先将环境DNA宏条形码技术用于太湖流域65个点位的底栖动物监测和流域生态健康评价,并与同步进行的形态学监测结果进行了比较。结果表明:①环境DNA方法能检出更多的底栖动物类群,在科、属、种水平上检出的分类单元数分别是形态学监测结果的106%、132%、155%;②基于环境DNA技术的检测方法能够很好地识别形态学监测结果中的优势物种,检出的科级、属级分类阶元能够覆盖形态学监测结果中90%以上的生物量和个体数,同时包含60%以上的物种数;③两种方法对同一物种的检出频次显著相关(R2>0.7,P<0.0001),总体检出一致率达72.3%;④在底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)方面,环境DNA方法与形态学方法的计算结果显著相关(R2=0.235,P<0.0001),94%的点位的B-IBI等级划分误差在1级以内,且两种方法的计算结果在底栖动物完整性的流域空间格局描绘上高度重合。综上所述,环境DNA宏条形码技术在太湖流域底栖动物群落监测和评价中的整体应用结果表明,环境DNA监测方法结果可靠,将其进一步规模化应用有望显著提高我国水生态系统生物监测结果的准确性和生态健康评价的技术水平。  相似文献   

Portions of the Boulder River watershed contain elevated concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc in water, sediment, and biota. We measured concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in biofilm and macroinvertebrates, and assessed macroinvertebrate assemblage and aquatic habitat with the objective of monitoring planned remediation efforts. Concentrations of metals were generally higher in downstream sites compared with upstream or reference sites, and two sites contained metal concentrations in macroinvertebrates greater than values reported to reduce health and survival of resident trout. Macroinvertebrate assemblage was correlated with metal concentrations in biofilm and macroinvertebrates. However, macroinvertebrate metrics were significantly correlated with a greater number of biofilm metals (8) than metals in invertebrates (4). Lead concentrations in biofilm appeared to have the most significant impact on macroinvertebrate assemblage. Metal concentrations in macroinvertebrates were directly proportional to concentrations in biofilm, indicating biofilm as a potential surrogate for monitoring metal impacts in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

为支撑流域水生态目标的业务化管理,提高水生态监测和评价的可操作性,突破物种分类鉴定的技术瓶颈,以大型底栖无脊椎动物为研究对象,在江苏省太湖流域布设120个采样点,于2013年1—3月、7—8月和10—11月开展3次监测。以最小干扰为参照状态,对涉及物种丰度、物种多度组成、耐污能力和摄食类群的72个候选指数进行分布范围、判别能力及相关性分析,结合指数获取的便利性及物种分类的难易程度,最终筛选出3个核心指数构成大型底栖无脊椎动物完整性业务化评价指数,其中湖荡、河流和水库的指数为软体动物分类单元数、优势分类单元相对多度和BMWP指数,溪流的指数为ETO分类单元数、前三位优势分类单元相对多度和BMWP指数。经验证,业务化指数与环境梯度有较好的响应关系,且可操作性强,具备开展业务化应用的前景。但目前的流域水生态目标管理尚处于摸索阶段,技术体系还须在业务化过程中不断修正和完善。  相似文献   

We conducted an aquatic macroinvertebrate assessment in the channelized reach of the lower Missouri River, and used statistical analysis of individual metrics and multimetric scores to identify community response patterns and evaluate relative biological condition. We examined longitudinal site differences that are potentially associated with water qualityrelated factors originating from the Kansas City metropolitan area, using data from coarse rock substrate in flowing water habitats (outside river bends), and depositional mud substratein slack water habitats (dike fields). Three sites above rivermile (RM) 369 in Kansas City (Nebraska City, RM = 560; St. Joseph, RM = 530; Parkville, RM = 377) and three below (Lexington, RM = 319; Glasgow, RM = 228; Hermann, RM = 94) were sampled with rock basket artificial substrates, a qualitative kicknet method, and the Petite Ponar. We also compared the performance of the methods used. A total of 132 aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa were collected from the lower Missouri River; one third of these taxa belonged to the sensitiveEPOT insect orders (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Odonata, and Trichoptera). Rock baskets had the highest mean efficiency (34.1%) of the methods, and the largest number of taxa was collected by Ponar (n = 69) and kicknet (n = 69) methods. Seven of the 15 metrics calculated from rock basket data, and five ofthe nine metrics calculated from Ponar data showed highly significant differences (ANOVA, P < 0.001) at one or more sitesbelow Kansas City. We observed a substantial reduction in net-spinning Trichoptera in rock habitats below Kansas City (Lexington), an increase in relative dominance of Oligochaeta in depositional habitats at the next site downstream (Glasgow), and lower relative condition scores in rock habitat at Lexingtonand depositional habitat at Glasgow. Collectively, these data indicate that some urban-related impacts on the aquatic macroinvertebrate community are occurring. Our results suggest that the methods and assessment framework we used in this studycould be successfully applied on a larger scale with concurrentwater and sediment chemistry to validate metrics, establish impairment levels, and develop a specific macroinvertebrate community index for the lower Missouri River. We recommend accomplishing this with longitudinal multi-habitat sampling at a larger number of sites related to all potential sources of impairment, including major tributaries, urban areas, and point sources.  相似文献   

The increased pollution in ecosystems reinforces the importance of both chemical monitoring and biological monitoring of streams and rivers, as an effective water quality-based approach to assess aquatic ecosystem health. In this study, gudgeon (Gobio gobio) and mullet (Mugil cephalus) liver histopathology (biomarker) and some macroinvertebrate community indexes and metrics (bioindicator) were used to evaluate the effect of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) of Febros (Avintes) in Febros River water quality and ecosystem health. Regarding macroinvertebrate communities, the Belgian Biotic Index (BBI) and Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party (IBMWP) indexes suggested that Febros water was slightly polluted, even though the worst situation was found downstream the WWTP discharge. Concerning community metrics, upstream percent of individuals in five numerically dominant taxa (80%) was slightly more superior than the downstream (78%). The presence of intolerant or sensible individuals, determined by percent of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera individuals and number of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera families metrics, was higher upstream WWTP, reflecting a better water quality. The histopathology shows the presence of hepatic lesions in gudgeon and mullet. The statistical analysis of the lesion gradation showed that only necrosis was significantly higher in gudgeon captured downstream the WWTP, while differences were not observed for mullet. The multivariate analysis of data confirmed the existence of differences in hepatic lesions between gudgeon and mullet and between sampling sites. Regarding macroinvertebrate community, this analysis showed that the organic contamination reflected by the BBI and IBMWP indexes values was a determinant factor in the spatial distribution of macroinvertebrates. This work showed that the study of different biological organization levels can be used for a better assessment of ecosystem ecological integrity and can be used as a tool to reveal anthropogenic activity effects in macroinvertebrate diversity and in fish liver pathology from Febros River.  相似文献   

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