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三维植被网喷播植草技术在高速公路边坡上的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
顾晶 《生态环境》2003,12(2):155-156
三维网喷播植草是一种能在纯石质边坡上进行绿化的新工艺。文章介绍了该技术的施工工艺和质量检验标准,并在广惠高速公路边坡进行应用试验。试验结果表明,该技术绿化防护效果较好,适应当地气候条件。  相似文献   

边坡绿化工程的设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了满足现代城市绿化的要求,采用土工加筋材料进行城市高边坡挡墙设计.通过对青岛市银川西路东南侧边坡绿化实际工程的设计与分析,证明了该材料同时具有防护和绿化边坡的作用.  相似文献   

草灌混播在边坡绿化防护中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
边坡绿化防护是对人工开挖建设形成的各种坡面进行生态修复以及防止水土流失的一项重要措施。草、灌木混播应用于边坡防护与修复,较之于单一的草被措施,更有利于形成立体的、多样的植被结构,对边坡的稳定和美化有更好的效果。  相似文献   

溪流底栖动物定量和半定量采样法在个体数、物种数、物种相似性及生物指数方面的比较研究表明:(1)急流生境中,半定量样(踢网)的个体和物种数高于定量样(索伯网);静水-缓流生境中,半定量样(D形网)的个体和物种数一般高于定量样,且物种数有显著差异(z=-2.032,P<0.05).(2)同一样点半定量样(踢网加D形网)与定量样之间的物种相似性(平均为0.68)高于急流生境(0.56)和静水-缓流生境(0.45).(3)同一样点半定量样和定量样单独计算的生物指数值之间无显著差异.建议在应用溪流底栖动物开展水质生物评价时,可用半定量采样法完成野外采样.图4表1参8  相似文献   

深入研究城市道路防护绿地对空气微生物污染的屏障作用,对城市空气污染的控制、环境质量的改善以及城市道路绿化的科学配置具有重要指导意义。以北京市西土城路旁边3块不同结构防护绿地为研究对象,在垂直道路不同距离设置取样点,用平皿沉降法同时采样,带回实验室培养计数。通过分析道路及其防护绿地内空气细菌、霉菌种类和所占比例,细菌、霉菌的水平扩散特征和道路防护绿地的减菌效应,以及基于空气细菌污染防治的城市道路防护绿地宽度。结果表明,(1)城市道路空气微生物主要以细菌为主,占99.4%,霉菌占0.6%;道路防护绿地中空气细菌占96.2%,霉菌占3.8%,霉菌数量比道路略高。细菌优势菌群包括Micrococcus,Staphylococcus,Bacillus,Microbacterium,Arthrobacter;霉菌优势菌群包括Alternaria,Penicillium,Aspergillus,Cladosporium。(2)道路防护绿地空气总微生物浓度和空气细菌浓度水平梯度变化一致,表现为从道路中央到距林缘15 m处急剧降低,距林缘15~55 m范围变化不大。(3)3块绿地对空气细菌污染有显著防护效果,减菌效应都达到了70%以上,以乔灌草混交结构绿地防护效益最佳,达到90%以上;但防护绿地对空气霉菌的防护效果不明显。(4)在该研究背景下降低城市道路空气细菌污染的单侧最佳防护宽度应在15 m以上,10 m以上宽度也有一定防护效果。(5)城市道路防护绿地树种选择应以乔木树种为主,合理搭配灌草景观植物,优先选择具有滞尘、杀菌、吸收SO2等特殊功能的树种。绿化空间结构配置北方城市以乔灌草复层结构为主,南方城市以多树种混交的乔草结构为主。  相似文献   

为了探索村民对村庄绿化的需求特征及其影响因素,揭示村庄绿化的供需关系,以期为美丽宜居的生态乡村建设提供科学依据,该研究运用典型抽样法,在山东潍坊市、临沂市抽取40个代表性村庄,实地调查绿化供给水平,并通过对村民进行随机访问获得有效问卷325份。研究表明:(1)大多数村民倾向于构建休闲游憩性游园和有益于观光旅游的绿化景观,对加强道路绿化、庭院绿化、乡村绿道及游园建设的需求较高。(2)有超过八成的村民对村庄绿化供给水平表示满意;缺乏政府部门的造林绿化资金补贴、缺少绿化规划等技术指导是制约村庄绿化的主要因素。(3)处于不同地形地貌、城镇距离、建设类型、经济发展模式的村庄以及不同年龄的村民对村庄绿化的认知需求存在显著差异。建议加强道路、庭院、水岸绿化,普及农田林网的益处及保护古树名木的重要性;重点构建休闲游憩型游园与有益于观光旅游的绿化景观;着重解决造林资金短缺及缺乏总体规划的困难,特别是要解决沿海村庄的绿化资金问题,并重点向山地区、工业型村庄提供绿化规划指导。  相似文献   

对传统的墙面绿化形式进行了总结和分析,同时通过实例研究了新的墙面绿化系统的组成,对比了不同的墙面绿化系统的优势、缺点以及墙面绿化存在的问题.图6,参3.  相似文献   

客土喷播-高速公路边坡绿化防护新技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
客土喷播是高速公路边坡绿化防护的一门新技术,本文以探索其生态效益、经济效益及社会效益为目的,着重阐述了客士喷播的工程技术、工艺流程、施工过程及方案,并通过试点工程试验结果,证实了该项技术的可行性和优越性.  相似文献   

软质岩边坡挂网植草绿化防护技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
挂网植草解决了红砂岩、紫砂岩等软质岩石坡面因没有土层而不能绿化的难题。在经平整的软质岩石边坡上,铺粘10~15cm厚的泥浆层,满植规格为40×40cm狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)、假俭草(Eremochloa ophiuroides)、结缕草(Zoysia japonica)等具有匍匐枝茎、耐瘠薄土壤、有良好的水土保持力等特性的草皮,草层上盖2.5×30m高强度的专用塑料网,用钢钉和竹签加以固定,造价为28~30元/m~2,是混凝土喷射、窗式护面墙等其它防护方法成本的1/3~1/5。在京珠、潭邵等高速上推广了近400 000 m~2,能在最短的时间内恢复植被,形成优美的景观,又能发挥较好的生态防护作用。该技术材料来源广、工艺操作易、实用性强,可广泛应用于公路、铁路、水库、堤坡等软质岩石地段的景观绿化与生态防护。  相似文献   

屋顶绿化作为城市人工生态系统,是改善城市绿化的补充,能缓解众多城市生态环境的问题.最近20年,虽然屋顶绿化在国内有一些发展,但发展速度十分缓慢,主要问题在于人们对屋顶绿化改善城市生态环境的作用认识不够.虽然国内外学者对于屋顶绿化吸收和截留屋面径流、减轻城市内涝灾害的认识已经取得了一致,但学术界对屋顶绿化怎样影响屋面径流水质还存在争议.通过对最近20年国内外学者在屋顶绿化对屋面径流的水质和水量的影响研究综述,系统介绍了这个领域的进展和争议,分析了存在的主要问题,展望了未来可能的发展方向.  相似文献   

On the behaviour of the residence time at the bottom of the mixed layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To understand why the findings of Deleersnijder et al. [(2006), Environ Fluid Mech 6: 25–42]—the residence time in the mixed layer in not necessarily zero at the pycnocline—are consistent with those of Delhez and Deleersnijder [(2006), Ocean Dyn 56:139–150]—the residence time in a control domain vanishes at the open boundaries of this control domain—, it is necessary to consider a control domain that includes part of the pycnocline, in which the eddy diffusivity is assumed to be zero. Then, depending on the behaviour of the eddy diffusivity near the bottom of the mixed layer, the residence time may be seen to exhibit a discontinuity at the interface between the mixed layer and the pycnocline. If such a discontinuity exists, the residence time is non-zero in the former and zero in the latter. This is illustrated by analytical solutions obtained under the assumption that the eddy diffusivity is constant in the mixed layer.  相似文献   

知识经济时代,企业最宝贵的财富是知识型员工。知识型员工是生产力的代表。知识型员工的工作效率决定了企业的竞争能力.因此。如何激励知识型员工成为企业探讨的一个重要问题.本文从知识型员工的特点入手。按有关知识管理专家提出的激励因素,从四个方面阐述了对知识型员工的激励策略。并提出了对知识型员工的管理对策.  相似文献   

豪猪消化系统的解剖研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了了解豪猪的消化生理,为豪猪的人工饲养技术研究提供基础依据,以达到高效饲养豪猪的目的,笔者对豪猪的消化器官进行了系统解剖研究.结果表明:豪猪的胃为单室胃.盲肠很发达,这与其能够消化植物纤维有关.豪猪肝脏很发达,其重量为402 g,是其体重的4.59%,肝脏分叶多而明显.  相似文献   

Our research indicates that, due to the depletion of conventional, and hence cheap, crude oil supplies (i.e. peak oil), increasing the supply of oil in the future would require exploiting lower quality resources (i.e. expensive), and thus will most likely occur only at high prices. This situation creates a system of feedbacks where economic growth, which requires more oil, would require high oil prices that will undermine that economic growth. We conclude that the economic growth of the past 40 years is unlikely to continue unless there is some remarkable change in how we manage our economy.  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究广东省粤东河源灯塔盆地的粉砂坭地和粤北阳山县石灰岩山区的黄泥地氮、磷、钾养分的供应特性;高产玉米不同生育期吸收氮、磷、钾的规律,以及在不同土壤上氮、磷、钾肥的不同配比对玉米产量和经济效益的影响。根据试验结果进行统计,提出了高产玉米因土高效施肥技术方法。  相似文献   

Very high resolution imagery from an airborne multi-spectrål scanner has been used to estimate the distribution of different salt-marsh communities along a 30-km stretch of the North Norfolk coast. Field observations have been used to develop a mathematical relationship between the vegetation, physical environment and sediment accumulation. This relationship has been used to produce provisional sediment accretion maps for the north Norfolk coast.  相似文献   

The idea of saving the water lost in the ‘Sudd’ swamp through evaporation was conceived by Egypt and Sudan for their own interests, but not for those of the Nilotic peoples living in the flood plain. Concern for the local development was only taken into consideration after the 1974 Juba riots, when three people were killed and 200 arrested. The canal has caused displacement of people from their settlements and is blocking the seasonal movement of livestock and wildlife. Conflict may arise over the use of land for grazing or irrigation. The Nilotics are concerned about the possible negative environmental impact, and the loss of their cultural identity. They maintain that Egypt should pay them monetary compensation for the disruption that the canal has caused to their livelihood.

This paper assesses the impact that the Jonglei canal project will have on the economy of the Nilotics; traces the historical development of the project; outlines the social, political and economic organization of the Nilotics; and assesses the impact the project will have on the local population. The paper concludes by casting doubt on the benefits the canal will bring to the Nilotics.  相似文献   

刍议医院资产管理的现状及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院的固定资产和流动资产是医院赖以生存和发展的基础,是一项非经营性国有资产.目前公立医院固定资产、流动资产管理现状不容乐观,针对这种状况,首先分析问题形成的原因,然后提出管理的措施或建议,从而使资产管理工作规范化、制度化、科学化,使有限的卫生资源发挥出最大的社会效益和经济效益.参3.  相似文献   

Our behaviour towards the environment depends on our beliefs about the environment. Beliefs, however, are a subject of change, particularly during important life transitions such as the transition to adolescence, because this is a period when an individual develops the ability of complex and abstract reasoning. Understanding this transition is therefore crucial for understanding and predicting the attitudes and courses of action in terms of sustainable development later in life. Due to many methodological constraints, the number of empirical studies examining these issues is very limited; the current study aimed to collect empirical data to explore the origins of our beliefs about the environment-related issues. We devised a picture association test and used it to compare children’s and adolescents’ beliefs about our environment in the context of the means of transportation. A large sample of 2264 participants aged 6–18 years took part in the study. The data supported the claim that children’s beliefs about environment share egocentric properties. The findings represent an important puzzle into the whole picture of children’s thinking and offer us great insight into the origins of beliefs about environment-related questions in adults. Educational implications are addressed.  相似文献   

浅谈校园网ARP欺骗攻击与防御   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ARP欺骗木马病毒是校园网络中经常出现的病毒攻击形式.基于ARP协议的概念和工作原理,并通过分析ARP欺骗的工作原理,提出了几种可行的解决ARP欺骗攻击的实用方法,以达到防范并解决ARP欺骗的目的.参5.  相似文献   

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