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选  择冬和明都在追英。面对冬和明的追求 ,英很为难 ,她爱冬又喜欢明———两人都是师哥 ,都是能人 ,都对自已好。她一时不知如何是好 ,她站在了选择的十字路口。她私下对冬和明都说 ,我对你俩都没说的 ,请让我冷静考虑后再作决定。于是冬和明尽量在英面前表现自己 ,讨英喜欢 ,争取占据英心中爱的最佳位置。一天 ,冬和明得到英生病的信息 ,都骑摩托要送英上医院。明多了一个心劲 ,竟抢先搭上了英 ,冬只好叮咛明和英路上注意安全。明以胜利者的眼神瞟了冬一眼 ,嘀、摩托奔出去好远。遇上红灯英叫停 ,明说治病要紧 ,不停。交警呼呼追来 ,明…  相似文献   

上海医科大学王簃兰教授撰写的这篇文章,深入浅出地就女工劳动保护问题提供了许多具有政策性和知识性的材料,值得大家一读。由于此文较长,本刊将分五期予以连载。  相似文献   

美国、加拿大、欧盟及其成员国——德、法、英等工业发达国家和我国香港地区都十分重视特种设备安全,对锅炉、压力容器、压力管道、电梯、客运索道、游乐设施、起重机械、厂内机动车辆均制定了专项法律、法规和行政规章,并设立专门机构进行行政监督管理,形成的管理模式基本相同。  相似文献   

各类科技杂志是促进科技进步进行学术交流的平台,作为科技工作者如何将自己的科研成果能够真实展现给读者,既有专业技术的水平方面的问题,也有查阅相关文献和撰写稿件的技巧.安全科技类的文章较为多见的有两种:一个是对于安全有关领域的比较全面的情况和进展的总结基础上的综述类文章和由研究成果总结出来的科技论文.针对综述文章,要突出专业特点,研究方向和内容结合自身实际,全面、新颖和时效性,能提出见解有个人见地,处理方法科学,参考文献有权威性和代表性.针对科研论文,强调主题突出,针对性、实用性强,并详细提出了撰写科研论文方法、结构和基本要求.最后分析了科技论文应注意的其他常见问题.  相似文献   

赵工 《劳动保护》1995,(6):30-30
钢筋触高压三命赴黄泉赵工1994年5月13日这一天,对深圳市龙岗区布吉高雅装饰工程部的民工胡绍平、何贵德和蔡光建来说,是一个不祥的日子。上午8点钟,胡、何、蔡3人接受了金龙东英电子来料加工厂(简称金龙东英厂)冲压机房高压线下混凝土墙的拆除任务,会同工...  相似文献   

2008年第7期《企业法人安全培训迫在眉睫》一文,提出了要对企业法人进行安全培训,增强其安全意识,这是一个相当重要的问题。对企业来说,任何老大难问题,一旦企业的领导着手抓了,问题也就不难了。因此,要让企业的领导重视安全工作,不仅要培训,更要注重考核。  相似文献   

通过环境现状监测对广东省某生活垃圾焚烧厂周边环境空气中二英含量水平、来源和人群暴露风险进行了分析和评估。结果表明,所有采样点环境空气中的二英毒性当量浓度范围为0.051~0.267 pg I-TEQ/m3,低于我国参照的日本环境空气质量标准限值0.6 pg I-TEQ/m3;来源分析表明,研究区域环境空气二英至少受到机动车尾气和垃圾焚烧厂烟气二英排放等多种源的影响;成人及儿童的二英呼吸暴露量分别为0.011~0.057、0.019~0.102 pg I-TEQ/(kg·d),其风险水平处于可接受范围内。  相似文献   

《劳动保护》1998年第2期刊登了柳相辉同志撰写的《安全执法检查行为的规范性及法律责任》一文。文中主要针对安全执法机关对安全执法检查内容、程序和要求的规范性以及安全执法人员在安全检查中应负的法律责任进行了阐述。文中所提问题为规范安全执法机关的执法行为...  相似文献   

企业安全评价应注意的问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
企业在开展安全评价工作中,要注意的问题很多。由于企业的生产特点、要评价对象和要达到预期目标的不同,安全评价工作重点和应注意的问题也有所不同。下面选择了一些重要的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

2004年第四季度,重庆煤炭集团永荣矿业公司宣传部在公司内部开展了“企业安全文化建设调研”,对公司各单位企业文化建设情况进行摸底,调研采取随机访谈、座谈、查看资料、设置安全综合管理的若干项目、问卷调查等多种形式进行。通过调研,看到了成绩,也发现了问题。作者将此次调研情况撰写成文,以飨读者。  相似文献   

为构建安全文化学课程内容体系,进而为安全文化学教材编著奠定基础,分析安全文化学的内涵及课程地位与性质。基于此,从风险社会视阈与“大安全—大文化”视角介入,建立安全文化学课程内容体系的逻辑结构图,并构建安全文化学课程内容体系结构。在此基础上,对安全文化学课程教材编著从指导思想及内容深度与广度2方面进行思考。结果表明:安全文化学课程内容体系建构及其教材编著意义重大且急需,该研究为安全文化学教材编著,以及高等院校安全工程专业人才培养中开设安全文化学课程奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为使作者、编辑在科技论文写作与编审更趋规范,根据审稿工作中遇到的诸多共性问题,系统地阐述了科技论文写作的规范。  相似文献   

安全科技英语专业设置的可行性探索与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
国家十分重视安全生产,安全生产已成为国家“十一五”规划的重要内容之一。如何适应安全科技教育发展的新机遇是安全教育工作者所关注的重要课题。笔者通过调查研究,在分析安全科技英语专业设置的必要性和重要意义的基础上,提出了安全科技英语专业人才的培养模式,构建了安全科技英语专业课程体系的基本框架,并就安全科技英语专业特色进行了研究和探索,指出了安全科技英语专业设置应注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

吴超 《安全》2022,43(1):36-40
《安全系统工程》教材高质量编写和出版对高级安全人才的安全系统理论与实践水平的培养具有重要意义。本文首先对国内30多年来出版的《安全系统工程》教材内容进行分析,评述现有《安全系统工程》教材存在的问题和不足,并提出建议对策;然后,从安全系统工程的基础术语和《安全系统工程》新教材的提纲2方面对新教材的编写提出展望。研究表明:安全系统工程新教材编写需要充分体现系统工程思想及其基础理论、内容需要不断更新并与国际接轨,这样的教材才能对安全系统工程的教学和科研更具参考价值。  相似文献   

Background Previous studies of older drivers have found that there are discrepancies between their retrospective self-reports of collisions and the official jurisdictional record. Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine how older drivers self-report collisions in comparison to what was recorded in their official driver abstract as well as insurance claims, in a prospective study. Methods Participants (n = 125, age ≥ 70 years) in this study were part of the University of Manitoba site of the Candrive longitudinal study of older drivers. During the operation of the Manitoba site (2009 to 2013), participants were periodically asked to report on any collisions (at-fault or not) in which they were involved, while they were enrolled in the study. In addition, driver records (abstracts and insurance claims) from the provincial licensing agency and public insurer (Manitoba Pubic Insurance; MPI) were provided annually. Results In total there were 101 separate instances of collisions (regardless of at-fault status), whether self-reported, or recorded by MPI. There were 20 at-fault collisions that were recorded on the driver abstract. Eighteen of these collisions were self-reported by participants. In total, our participants were involved in 70 insurance claims (42 at-fault) — 61 of these were self-reported to study staff. In addition, there were 31 collisions that were self-reported to study staff, that were not reported to MPI. Conclusions In this prospective study, older drivers were diligent in reporting collisions in which they were involved. While some collisions were not reported that ultimately became a claim or part of their driver abstract, the biggest discrepancy was in the collisions that were reported to study staff but that were not reported to authorities.  相似文献   

信息不对称条件下企业物流外包过程的风险和防范   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
结合信息不对称理论 ,研究了物流外包过程中风险产生的途径和规律 ,从对第三方物流企业依赖程度入手 ,分析了多重外包、分散外包的风险模型讨论 ,提出了抽象的物流量的概念 ,将复杂的物流作业看成是量化了的、一般的物流作业。通过分析风险的成因 ,提出了 1 0种降低外包风险的途径 ,为企业物流外包决策提供参考。  相似文献   

为了作者在科技论文的写作和投稿时能正确、规范地使用人名和科技名词术语,与"全国自然科学名词审定委员会"审定并公布的名词相一致.对在投稿过程中,经常遇到的人名和名词术语等常见问题进行了归类和总结,包括书写、读音.可为科技工作者撰写科技文章提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Geoff Taylor 《Safety Science》2012,50(7):1627-1635
Readability of documents, including occupational health and safety (OHS) documents, is a key factor in their adoption and application. The author uses two measures of English readability favoured by the US for health communication, and in defense communications respectively. Also included is the use of measures for Chinese, Japanese, Malay/Indonesian, and Spanish. One measure, McLaughlin’s (1969) SMOG formula, was also trialed on documents in five languages other than English. The tests included parallel texts from China, Europe, Malaysia and the US, and also parallel texts in English, Chinese and Spanish, and on like topics (except for Turkish where available choices were limited). On the data obtained, it is suggested that the SMOG test with modified criteria may be applicable to Finnish, Hungarian, Malay, Spanish and possibly Turkish. Readability of the OHS documents on the measures used varied quite widely, both within and between languages. To put this in context, some internationally comparable literacy results for mid high school students are presented.  相似文献   

Professional football clubs have a duty under UK health and safety legislation to carry out risk assessments of their activities; one requirement under this duty is to assess the impact of ground layout on player safety. To assist clubs in meeting this requirement, a Ground Player-safety Score (GPS) has been developed that is defined by a base-factor, determined from the position of perimeter fencing in relation to the pitch, but which is degraded when other hazards, e.g. advertising hoardings, photographers and TV equipment, are present in the areas contiguous with the playing area. This approach has been used to assess the layouts of forty seven English and Scottish professional football clubs. The assessment showed that only 42% of the English and 71% of the Scottish clubs achieved an acceptable score. However, in all but a few cases the clubs could modify their ground layout to improve the GPS and reduce risks to players without capital expenditure. With these changes, acceptable GPS figures could be achieved by 92% of the English and by 100% of the Scottish clubs.  相似文献   

在《化工过程安全》双语教学过程中,照搬使用国外教材不符合应用型本科院校学生的实际情况,达不到双语教学的预期效果。因此,根据笔者所在应用型本科院校安全工程专业学生的英语水平、专业知识基础及国外原版化工过程安全教材内容的广度与深度,对如何构建适合于应用型本科院校安全工程专业使用的《Chemical Process Safety》双语教材的知识体系进行了研究。形成的初步讲义在双语教学实践过程中取得了较好的效果,有望在继续修改后编印成一本适合于应用型本科院校安全工程专业学生使用的《Chemical Process Safety》英文讲义。  相似文献   

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