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PACE2016中国环境治理国际研讨会就中国环境政府治理、环境市场治理、环境社会治理以及环境治理结构展开了深入研讨并达成以下共识:大国模式下的环境政府治理面临着突出的"污染避难所效应"、"公平与效率的两难"和"多层次治理体系"等问题;不成熟市场经济条件下环境市场治理必然面临"要不要走环境治理市场化之路"的疑虑,相关研究表明市场手段作为有效的环境治理方式正在逐渐地打消此等疑虑;中国环境治理最主要的短板在于社会治理,提高公众参与度的主要挑战在于改变地方政府的态度,然而社会企业家是环境社会治理的希望;多元环境治理结构是中国环境治理的必然选择,政府引领、企业自觉、公众参与的制衡机制是关键。  相似文献   

中国工程院国际工程科技高端论坛暨PACE 20周年纪念大会于2017年8月28~29日在北京举行。PACE 20周年大会就"水资源水环境政策"和"环境社会治理"两个主题进行了深入研讨,并达成以下共识:政府治理是中国水资源水环境治理的主导模式,但目前我国水资源水环境政府治理仍面临政策不规范、立法不完善、监管不到位等实质性的问题,要积极促进政策的制定与执行;环境社会治理是我国环境治理的短板,环境治理不仅需要政府的主导,更需要社会上的利益相关方参与政策制定、监督与执行过程,更需要社会各行为主体的自觉自主行动,促进环境行为改善,化解由环境引起的社会矛盾。  相似文献   

近代以来现代性的扩张,极大地改变了人类社会与环境之间的关系,环保思潮的出现也是反思这一变迁的产物。与此同时,环境治理逐步从民族国家迈向全球层面,成为世界各国政府与社会广泛关注的议题。对我国而言,环境问题也是特定时空下经济发展和社会认知的副产品之一。当下我国各类环境问题相对集中,环境治理体制正在经历变革,未来政府、市场与社会力量的多部门合作治理将是重要方向。  相似文献   

在环境治理的问题上,20世纪人类社会所表现出来的是一种对契约、技术与制度的崇尚,反映了近代以来社会治理中的价值中立与道德祛魅精神。然而,随着环境危机事件的频发,特别是在环境以及生态问题构成了风险社会的一个重要维度的情况下,依靠契约、制度、技术的环境治理方案陷入低效甚至失灵的境地。人类命运共同体理念的提出,开拓了环境治理的新思路,让我们看到构建人与人、人与自然生命共同体的环境合作治理模式建立的希望。环境合作治理是一种可以将所有力量整合到合作行动体系中的治理模式,能够有效应对日趋恶化的环境问题,并将人类的生存与发展建立在环境友好的基础上。只有当环境治理采用了合作模式,才能在环境的维度上增强人类命运共同体的现实性。  相似文献   

当代中国环境治理的权利观   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
侯健 《中国环境管理》2021,13(1):162-169
当代中国环境治理的权利观是指从权利的角度去考察、理解当代中国的环境治理,推进当代中国的生态文明建设事业。从这一角度来看,环境相关权利是当代中国环境治理的基本价值目标,也是重要的治理工具。所谓环境相关权利,是指环境治理有助于保障的环境权、生存权和发展权、生命权和健康权,以及在环境治理中可以运用到的知情、表达、参与、监督等权利。当代中国环境治理的权利观,在理论上符合生态文明建设的以人为本原则,符合国家治理体系和能力现代化的方针和取向,在实践上也能够揭示当代中国生态文明建设和环境治理的基本特征、精神实质和发展方向,既具有阐释性,也具有建构性。  相似文献   

中国的环境运动:中西比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔凤  邵丽 《绿叶》2008,(6):88-93
工业化下严重的环境后果,催生了世界环境运动的蓬勃发展。西方的环境运动已经经历了自然保护运动阶段、环境保护主义阶段和生态保护主义阶段,重点已经从地方污染议题转到全球环境问题。中国的环境保护运动有民间组织、知识分子和政府发起三种,主要还处在以局部利益为出发点的"地方性思考、地方性行动"阶段。其中,民间环境保护运动作为在中国环境治理结构乃至社会结构中出现的新型力量,令人瞩目。  相似文献   

环球中国环境专家协会(PACE)于2019年6月27~29日在中国人民大学组织召开第四届中国环境治理学术年会,主题为推进国家环境治理体系和治理能力现代化,国内外环境公共治理领域顶级专家以及国家和地方相关政府官员出席了会议,并分理论方法、实践应用、行政执法、社会治理、经济政策以及全球环境治理等专题进行了深入研讨。会议认为,作为国家治理体系的重要组成部分,我国环境治理体系,在生态文明建设框架下,已取得长足进步,特别是以目标为导向的治理战略,已形成鲜明国际特色。中国环境治理模式正从传统的自上而下的政府行政管理转向政府主导、企业主体、社会参与和市场调节相结合并由自下而上机制相补充的多元共治现代公共治理模式,治理能力近年来显著加强,但在环境社会治理以及参与全球环境治理等方面仍存在显著薄弱环节,在政府执法机制以及经济政策使用等方面仍有许多需要改进的地方。  相似文献   

张世秋 《绿叶》2013,(5):25-32
目前.中国正在经历第三次环境革命,环境保护治理模式的变革已成为必然趋势。当前的环境治理制度存在低效率、不公正等特征.环境问题引发的利益冲突因此而加剧。故而,我们需改革原来粗放式的治理手段,走向精细化、弹性化同时又注重利益协调的方向转变,构建绿色善治.实现经济、环境和社会的协同发展。  相似文献   

正《清洁空气的博弈》是以美国著名环境史学家塞缪尔·黑斯的环境政治史理论为分析框架,来考察20世纪中后期美国空气污染治理及其衍生的政治关系的一部专著。作者以政治维度和视角,考察不同环境主体在治理空气污染中发生的权利冲突和政治博弈,探讨这些行为者在权利与利益的驱动下相互结成的复杂关系是如何影响空气污染治理的。这种将环境问题与政治史结合起来,剖析环境治理中衍生的错综复杂的政治关系,在国内是一种创新尝试。  相似文献   

虽然我国土壤污染专门立法并未出台,但土壤污染纠纷却伴随着日益严峻的污染形势涌入法院。这些案件所反映出来的问题无疑是当前我们土壤污染立法所要优先解决的问题。笔者通过搜集2014-2015年度中国裁判文书网所有的土壤污染案件裁判文书,分析数量分布、案件类型、基本案情、法律适用等情况,并由此剖析土壤污染法律治理中所存在的耕地污染严重、现有基本环境制度失效及发展理念错位等问题,就此提出土壤立法应先政策后法律,先整治耕地污染后全面治理,着重土壤污染修复治理,强调利益引导,实现经济发展与环境保护协调等对策。  相似文献   

National surveys and a survey conducted by the authors in March and April 2004 revealed that the public’s concerns about air, water and land pollution have declined during the last four years in the United States and more specifically in the State of New Jersey. In New Jersey pollution remains a major concern of most residents, even during a period of a war, anxiety about terrorism and the economy. Those most anxious about pollution do not believe that government is doing enough to protect the environment, want to maintain current environmental laws, and are worried about the future. Disproportionately they are African and White Americans, middle income, and college graduates, in other words, part of the American mainstream. Direct attempts to weaken environmental protection are likely to be resisted by this core of the population, which does not trust current federal, state and local governments to protect the environment. We expect concerns for the environment to continue and yet change as production processes in the United States continue a trend toward pollution prevention, and we wait for the public’s mental models to catch up with this evolving reality.  相似文献   

Environmental protection is a topical and controversial issue of contemporary Third World development. As a result of the growing crisis of environment and development as well as issues of global environmental balance, divergent views and proposals have been put forward by external governments, international agencies, and environmental groups in resolving the environmental degradation problems of the developing world. However, very little appraisal has been made of the efforts by indigenous Third World governments in facing up to their environmental conservation issues. This article examines the role of past and recent government environmental control policies and programs in Nigeria. The article analyzes three aspects of environmental protection: (1) the theoretical economic bases of environmental protection and the Nigerian approach to environmental protection, including traditional values and modern institutional control measures, the latter embracing nature conservation efforts; (2) environmental considerations in national development plans; and (3) the evolution of a federal environmental protection agency and a national policy on environment. Finally, the article discusses the future challenges and directions for environmental policy.  相似文献   

Coal is not only an important energy source in China but also a major source of air pollution. Because of this, China’s national sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions have been the highest in the world for many years, and since the 1990s, the territory of China’s south and southwest has become the third largest acid-rain-prone region in the world. In order to control SO2 emissions, the Chinese government has formulated and promulgated a series of policies and regulations, but it faces great difficulties in putting them into practice. In this retrospective look at the history of SO2 control in China, we found that Chinese SO2 control policies have become increasingly strict and rigid. We also found that the environmental policies and regulations are more effective when central officials consistently give environmental protection top priority. Achieving China’s environmental goals, however, has been made difficult by China’s economic growth. Part of this is due to the practice of environmental protection appearing in the form of an ideological “campaign” or “storm” that lacks effective economic measures. More recently, better enforcement of environmental laws and regulations has been achieved by adding environmental quality to the performance assessment metrics for leaders at all levels. To continue making advances, China needs to reinforce the economic and environmental assessments for pollution control projects and work harder to integrate economic measures into environmental protection. Nonetheless, China has a long way to go before economic growth and environmental protection are balanced.  相似文献   

何永泉 《四川环境》2012,31(3):85-89
环境问题是我国当今最重要的民生问题,目前,损害人民群众利益的环境污染问题愈演愈烈,人们寄希望环境法治,然而,当前的环境法治建设存在诸多的弊端,本文探讨了我国环境法治建设中的一些问题,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Summary Environmental issues are rarely straightforward. The construction of the Tellico Dam not only proved to be an exceptionally complex environmental problem but also developed into a major political issue in its own right. Following the discovery of a previously unknown species of fish near the site of the nearly completed dam, environmentalists began a long legal battle to halt construction work and protect the habitat of the fish. The United States Supreme Court found in their favour, but local political interests, through a series of clever manoeuvres, succeeded in exempting the dam from all legislation to secure its completion. The blatant use of political expediency to resolve an environmental dilemma makes the Tellico Dam a classic case study for students of environmental policy and decision-making.Graham Bennett was born in London in 1948 and graduated from the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia where he also completed his doctoral research. Since 1980 he has been working in The Netherlands as an Associate in the Department of Environmental Science at the Catholic University of Nijmegen. His research interests lie in the field of environmental management and he is currently involved in the study of environmental policy making in Britain and The Netherlands with particular reference to the control of pollution by local authorities.  相似文献   

This study examines the outcome of efforts to educate federal land-use managers about their roles in implementing the Executive Order in their respective districts. The managers participated in a 6-h Nominal Group Technique (NGT) workshop where they were instructed to weight environmental justice issues versus others associated with hazardous waste problems in their districts. Participant responses were quantified and analyzed through a series of rounds. After each round, participants received increasing amounts of information on environmental justice issues. It was hypothesized that the managers would come to a consensus that environmental justice is an important issue that should be seriously addressed. Prior to administering the NGT, the managers appeared to have limited knowledge of environmental justice issues and thus assigned relatively low rankings to such concerns. After being “educated” by viewing films on environmental justice and reading related literature, in general, managers' weightings decreased and a narrower consensus developed. The authors conclude that exposure to the issue may not be as effective as expected in convincing land-use managers to become sensitive to justice issues so that they may effectively implement the Executive Order.  相似文献   

新环保法实施以来,环境治理工作取得成效显著。但在一些地区具体环保工作的开展中也出现了一些争议。作为争议焦点事件的临沂治霾工作,引发了地方经济发展与环境保护工作二者关系问题的讨论。实现经济发展与环境保护双赢政策,需要建立环保长效机制,完善法律体系,优化管理机制。更好发挥以环境财税体制和排污权交易为代表的经济杠杆作用,实现污染末端治理与源头治理及产业结构优化调整并举,推进环境微观管理与宏观决策的协调统一,同时做好严格执法与完善立法的最优响应工作。  相似文献   

/ The success of the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) stands in stark contrast to most other environmental regulations in the United States. Between its inception in 1988 and 1995, releases of chemicals listed on the TRI have declined by 45%. We argue the TRI has achieved this regulatory success by creating a mechanism of "populist maxi-min regulation." This style of regulation differs from traditional command-and-control in several ways. First, the majorrole of public agencies is not to set and enforce standards, but to establish an information-rich context for private citizens, interest groups, and firms to solve environmental problems. Second, environmental "standards" are not determined by expert analysis of acceptable risk, but are effectively set at the levels informed citizens will accept. Third, firms adopt pollution prevention and abatement measures in response to a dynamic range of public pressures rather than to formalized agency standards or governmental sanction. Finally, public pressure ruthlessly focuses on the worst polluters-maximum attention to minimum performers-to induce them to adopt more effective environmental practices. TRI has inadvertently set in motion this alternative style of regulation that has, in turn, dramatically reduced toxics emissions in the United States. By properly understanding the mechanisms that drive TRI's accomplishments, more intentional public policy designs can expand the system of populist maxi-min regulation and achieve even more rapid toxics reduction.  相似文献   

"十二五"以来,我国对水污染防治运用经济政策手段进行了积极探索。党和国家出台的政策文件、新修订的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》以及《水污染防治行动计划》等都对水污染防治经济政策手段的制定和实施提出了新的要求。因此,亟需在未来《水污染防治法》的修订过程中加强对相关经济政策手段的规定,给予相关手段明确的法律地位,充分发挥经济政策在水污染防治中的重要作用。为此,本文建议着眼于"十三五"及未来更长一段时期水环境质量改善以及水污染防治形势和突出问题,以推动构建和实施系统、协调和高效的水污染防治经济政策体系为目标,结合党和国家相关文件、法律、行动计划的最新要求,借鉴国际上通过立法保障水污染防治经济政策手段制定和实施的经验,重点从投融资政策、税费和价格政策、排污交易政策等三个方面对现行《水污染防治法》进行修订、补充和完善。具体建议包括:一是完善关于财政投入和融资渠道的相关规定,要求加大水污染防治财政投入和补贴力度、鼓励水污染防治第三方治理方式和PPP模式以及建立流域上下游(跨界)生态补偿机制等;二是完善对于环境税(费)和其他价格机制的相关规定,增加关于环境保护税的说明等;三是增加逐步推行重点水污染物排污权交易的条款等。  相似文献   

生态文明进入党的全国代表大会报告的十年   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
党的十七大、十八大和十九大报告均对生态文明建设作了阐述。本文系统梳理了党的十七大以来我国生态文明推进工作的历程和成就,数据显示我国在水环境保护、大气环境保护、生态环境保护方面取得了成绩。我国通过健全立法、调整结构、联防联控、专项督查等手段应对突出的大气污染、水体污染、土壤污染和生态保护等问题,其中健全党内法规和环保立法、实行党政同责与一岗双责、开展中央环境保护督察与专项环保督查以及统筹优化区域资源是关键的手段。党的十九大对生态文明建设作出了新的判断,提出两步走的战略,并作出行动部署,为美好中国的目标提供了体制和制度保障。  相似文献   

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