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萧山化工厂建于1968年,没建“三废”治理设施,废气、废水、废渣、粉尘、噪音“五害”污染严重。1978年厂领导总结了以往几年的经验教训,认真分析了污染的现状,制订了治理“五害”的五年规划和定项目、定时间、定人员、定方案、定步骤的“五定”措施。经过十多年的努力,基本上消除了噪音,粉尘、废气、废渣的污染,废水的治理也取得了很大成绩。而且开展综合利用,把吸收含氟废气得到的氟硅酸,生产氟硅酸钠  相似文献   

我国农药工业三废治理方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
详细介绍了我国农药生产中排放的废水、废气、废渣的常用治理技术,通过改进生产工艺和回收利用减少三废的实例,以及主要品系农药生产废水治理方法选择的思路。  相似文献   

吕天宝 《化工环保》1995,15(5):302-306
介绍了大型磷铵工程磷石膏制硫酸联产水泥装置排出的废水,废气和废渣的利用及治理情况,并对生产过程的磷、硫和氟的转化及损失量进行了衡算。  相似文献   

高梯度磁分离技术在环境保护中的应用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
概述了近20多年国内外高梯度磁分离技术在废水、废气、废渣处理及给水处理、燃煤脱硫等方面的研究进展,并展望了该技术在环保领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

“六五”期间,化学工业的环境保护工作,在国务院环境保护委员会的正确领导下,经过化工战线广大职工的积极努力,取得了较大的进展。“五五”期间,化工废水治理率只有15%,废气治理率只有50%,废渣治理率只有30%,水重复利用率只有35%,据25个省市1000多个企业的统计,到1985年,废水治理率已达30%,废气治理率已达62%,废渣治理率已达57%,水重复利用率已达56%,分别提高了15%、12%、26%、21%。  相似文献   

广西鹿寨化肥厂过去对治理“三废”的认识不足,不注重资源的综合利用,导致厂内废水、废气、废渣乱排乱放。年排放废气93358.4万标米~3、废水2019万吨、废渣22万吨,致使厂区“三废”成灾,生产受到影响,经济效益低落,同时也殃及了附近农田和河流,庄稼减产,鱼虾死亡,群众生活受到威胁。面对这种情况,自1980年以来,厂领导把治理“三废”列入议事日程,组织职工献计献策,积极开展“三废”治理和综合利用工作。几年来共投资273.3万元,主要抓了以下几方面工作: 1.1980年投资31万元,从焦化车间经高炉至成品车间,安装并投入使用了一条1400米长的煤气管道,新建考贝式热风炉,  相似文献   

一、概况我厂是一个生产中、西药的综合性药厂。在生产过程中排出大量的废渣、废水和废气。过去由于基建投资少,这些“三废”未能得到较好的治理和利用,对周围环境造成了污染。为了解决污染问题,1982年底,我厂成立了“三废”治理 QC 小组,围绕“三废”  相似文献   

石油库环境保护问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹士武 《化工环保》2004,24(Z1):145-147
随着国民经济的快速发展,石油产品的需求和战略储备意义的增长,我国油品储运设施加快了向大型化和规模化发展的步伐.油库规模的扩大,必然导致废气、废渣和废水产生量增加.重点分析了油库污染源,总结减少环境污染的控制措施,为油库的建设能更好地符合国家环保规范的要求提供参考意见.  相似文献   

有色金属工业对于能源及资源的消耗量极为巨大,并在生产过程中产生大量废气、废水和废渣等,如果不能够有效控制污染并加以回收循环利用,不仅会造成资源浪费,还会对环境带来严重的污染。因此,有色金属工业,必须要走循环经济的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

2005年7月8日,经国务院同意,国家发改委发布了《钢铁工业发展政策》。这是指导我国钢铁工业发展循环经济的纲领性文件。该文件要求钢铁工业按照可持续发展与循环经济理念,提高环境保护和资源综合利用水平,节能降耗;最大限度地提高“废水、废气、废渣”三废的综合利用水平,力争实现“零排放”,建立循环型钢铁工厂。  相似文献   

介绍了我国现代煤化工项目的废水来源及特性,归纳了废水的处理技术路线,从废水"零排放"、废水处理技术与管理、蒸发塘的污染转移、废水处理与固体废物处理及废气处理的关系、污染物源头控制等方面阐述了我国当前煤化工废水处理存在的误区和建议。  相似文献   

木材胶粘剂生产中的污染及防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
熊伟  王小妹  王占文 《化工环保》1999,19(4):213-215
阐述了木材胶粘剂-脲醛树脂胶粘剂(UF),密胺甲醛树脂胶粘剂(MF),酚醛树脂胶粘剂(PF)生产过程中产生的废气,釜垢及碱洗废液的污染,提出了从工艺上改善排放条件及治理的方法,同时提出了控制产品中游离甲醛的方法。  相似文献   

强化二氧化钛光催化氧化技术的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
朱新锋  杨家宽  肖波 《化工环保》2004,24(6):421-425
光催化氧化技术被认为是在环境保护领域内一项有前途的新型高级氧化技术,其他污染治理技术强化光催化氧化成为污水处理和废气净化的一个研究热点。介绍了国内外其他污染治理技术——化学法、物理化学法、生物法强化二氧化钛光催化氧化技术的研究和应用现状,分析了这些技术的强化光催化氧化机理,并对其今后的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

粗铜酞菁颜料生产中的三废治理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王士联  葛涛 《化工环保》1999,19(6):352-356
粗铜酞菁生产尾气中的氨可用硫酸吸收制硫酸铵,粉尘可用捕集器回收,废水采用物化与生化相结合的治理工艺,效果好,投资少,运行费用低,并可回收铜。  相似文献   

二水法磷酸生产的污染防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨仲苗  王柏林 《化工环保》2004,24(4):294-297
在二水法磷酸生产中.选用先进的生产工艺和设备.采用合理的废水回用路线.并经过工艺指标的优化和控制,使污染得到有效防治.磷矿粉尘污染受到控制,废水零排放.含氟废气达标排放,磷石膏全部被综合利用。  相似文献   

撞击流作为一种过程强化技术,其优势在于能够显著强化相间传递和微观混合,可应用于环保工艺、设备中,以达到提高污染物去除效率的目的。本文在简述撞击流基本原理和特性的基础上,详细阐述了国内外撞击流技术在细颗粒物(PM2.5)脱除、烟气脱硫脱硝、废水处理、废气吸收等方面的应用现状,分析了该技术的应用效果和优势,同时介绍了一种可用于废水处理的新型双组分层式撞击流反应器。最后指出,深入探究撞击流复杂体系的机理以及耦合其他新型技术是未来研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

Organic waste and municipal solid waste usually contain considerable amounts of different nitrogen compounds, which may inhibit anaerobic degradation processes and cause problems in the downstream and peripheral devices. This refers particularly to the different process stages of anaerobic digestion, to wastewater treatment, and to exhaust air treatment. Neither the knowledge about nitrogen problems nor the technologies for elimination of nitrogen compounds from the wastewater or the exhaust air of anaerobic digestion can be regarded as state-of-the-art. Most of the technologies in question have already been applied in other areas, but are barely tested for application in anaerobic digestion plants. The few performance data and experiences at hand were mainly derived from pilot and demonstration facilities. In this paper, the problem of nitrogen will be discussed in detail according to the separate problem fields based on the authors' experience, as well as on the basis of a review of the relevant literature. Furthermore, possible solutions will be proposed and the need for further research and development will be formulated.  相似文献   

In the present work, the gasification with air of dehydrated sewage sludge (SS) with 20wt.% moisture mixed with conventional woody biomass was investigated using a pilot fixed-bed updraft gasifier. Attention was focused on the effect of the SS content on the gasification performance and on the environmental impact of the process. The results showed that it is possible to co-gasify SS with wood pellets (WPs) in updraft fixed-bed gasification installations. However, at high content of sewage sludge the gasification process can become instable because of the very high ash content and low ash fusion temperatures of SS. At an equivalent ratio of 0.25, compared with wood pellets gasification, the addition of sewage sludge led to a reduction of gas yield in favor of an increase of condensate production with consequent cold gas efficiency decrease. Low concentrations of dioxins/furans and PAHs were measured in the gas produced by SS gasification, well below the limiting values for the exhaust gaseous emissions. NH(3), HCl and HF contents were very low because most of these compounds were retained in the wet scrubber systems. On the other hand, high H(2)S levels were measured due to high sulfur content of SS. Heavy metals supplied with the feedstocks were mostly retained in gasification solid residues. The leachability tests performed according to European regulations showed that metals leachability was within the limits for landfilling inert residues. On the other hand, sulfate and chloride releases were found to comply with the limits for non-hazardous residues.  相似文献   

This paper considers selected efficiency rates and process data of aerobic and anaerobic procedures for the treatment of municipal solid waste and residual waste. Data are exclusively related to mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) procedures for generating waste appropriate for landfilling. The following aspects are regarded: general framework conditions for the application of MBT, efficiency of decomposition and of stabilisation, air and water emissions and energy balances. The presented data can be used for more efficient planning. In comparison to aerobic processes, anaerobic digestion can be ecologically advantageous, particularly with regard to exhaust emissions and energy balances. On the other hand, the wastewater emissions and the wastewater treatment required must be regarded as disadvantageous. Due to the relatively short period of operational history of most anaerobic processes for mechanical-biological waste treatment and thus limited experiences, operational reliability of anaerobic processes is slightly lower. Extensive biological stability of the treated waste for low-emission disposal cannot be reached by anaerobic digestion alone, but only in combination with additional aerobic post-treatment. In connection with the utilisation of renewable energies and the rising relevancy of climate protection, it can be affirmed that anaerobic digestion for the treatment of municipal solid waste has a high potential for further development.  相似文献   

利用折流式超重力床将氨废水处理的精馏和吸收过程集成在一台设备中,开发出一种设备小型化、流程紧凑的氨废水资源化利用集成技术。与传统技术相比,该技术在大幅节省占地面积和空间的同时,还可大幅节约设备建设所用钢材。工业规模试验结果表明,不同浓度的氨废水经该技术处理后可转化为氨质量分数大于22%的氨水资源,处理出水中氨氮质量浓度低于8.2 mg/L,尾气中未检测到氨,处理结果优于GB 31573—2015《无机化学工业污染物排放标准》。  相似文献   

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