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在铁内电解法的基础上发展出的铁镀铜滤料构成的催化铁内电解反应床,并以酸性红B为目标染料,研究了催化铁内电解反应床的脱色性能。结果表明,在不同初始pH条件下,催化铁内电解反应床对水中酸性红B的脱色效果均优于单一铁内电解反应床。在水力停留时间为2 h,进水pH值为7.2,汽水比为1∶30的条件下,催化铁内电解反应床对100 mg/L酸性红B的平均脱色率为88.5%,高于单一铁内电解反应床约9%。另外,适当增加曝气可以增加铁内电解反应床的脱色效果。  相似文献   

详述用微电解-UASB-SBR-FS-I组合工艺处理有机废水的过程,试运行结果达到综合排放标准,该工艺处理效果好,运行成本适宜,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

高浓度有机废水的催化湿式氧化法处理试验研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
在催化湿式氧化法小型试验装置上,进行高浓度工业有机废不的催化湿式氧化法净化处理试验,考察研究了反应时间,反应器入口TOC浓度,反应压力和反应温度等因素对废水中TOC净化性能的影响,为下一步的实际应用提供基础条件。  相似文献   

ABR-SBR工艺处理高浓度纤维板有机有毒废水   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从工程实例介绍折排流式厌氧反应器(ABR)工艺与间歇式活性污泥反应器(SBR)工艺在处理干法纤维板废水处理中的应用,从中可以看出,ABR与SBR在处理高浓度有毒有机废水方面具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

白腐真菌对染料脱色及降解过程机理和影响因素   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
许多白腐真菌对染料具有广谱的脱色和降解能力,其脱色及降解作用可能主要是由于其在次生代谢阶段产生的木质素过氧化酶LiPs和猛过氧化MnPs所致。培养条件对白腐真菌脱色及降解活性有较大的影响,在培养基中加入藜芦醇和二价猛等能够显著提高木质素过氧化酶的产生;富氮培养基会抑制LiPs的生成;硫脲、叠氮化物、氰化物等均能明显地抑制白腐真菌的脱色及降解活性;缓冲液的选择对维持稳定pH值和菌丝的形态有一定作用,从而影响其脱色效果;富氧环境是一切白腐真菌对染料进行脱色和降解的必要条件;适度的搅拌混合有利于反应时的物质之间传递;一般地,在培养时间达到3天以后白腐真菌才能达到较高的脱色与降解活性。染料分子大小和结构及其基团的位置对脱色及降解效果有明显影响。使用特殊填料极大提高处理系统中的生物量以克服真菌生长速度相对较慢、提高处理能力是该技术今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

ZE-1号印染废水脱色菌群的选育及适用条件的研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
一、概述印染废水是浙江省环境污染的主要污染源之一,目前各印染工厂大都应用生化法或物化法处理,效果虽各不相同,但对印染废水中红色染料的色度去除率普遍偏低,出水外观差,污染严重。为了解决脱色问题,我们采用特殊的微生物定向筛选培育方法,经过两年多的实验室探索,终于获得了一个混合菌群,暂定名为ZE—1号脱色菌群。它是一个兼性厌氧菌群,在兼氧及厌氧条件下,对印染废水有明显的脱色效果,尤其对  相似文献   

催化氧化法处理有机废水催化剂的选择应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
催化氧化法是处理难降解有机废水的一项重要的新技术。在对化学氧化法的不断改进中,逐步发展出湿式催化氧化法、光催化氧化法、均相催化氧化法和多相催化氧化法。不同的氧化方法所用的催化剂不相同,有机化合物的种类和结构不同,催化剂与氧化剂之间存在匹配问题,因此对催化剂要进行筛选评价。  相似文献   

碱法麦草浆漂白废水脱色白腐菌的筛选及脱色研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从腐木上采集,经多次分离纯化筛选出2株具有较高漂白废水脱色能力的菌株F7、F9,与Phanerochaete Chrysosporium在相同的条件下处理碱法麦草浆CE段混合漂白废水,培养4d脱色率分别为74.44%,46.67%和62.22%。延长培养时间至第8d,F7菌脱色效果不明显,而F9菌脱色可增至67.58%。  相似文献   

沉淀--吸附处理双氯灭痛高浓度有机废水的工艺研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍了用沉淀-吸附法处理双氯灭痛高浓度有机废水的工艺。先用废盐酸将废水的pH调节到4,沉淀、过滤,然后将滤液依次经过炉渣、生炭串级吸附,处理后的废水CODCr、pH、SS均达到GB8978-88污水综合排放制药行业二级标准。  相似文献   

微囊藻毒素的产生及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了光照、温度、营养元素、pH值等环境因子对微囊藻的生长及其毒素生成的影响.一定强度的光照促进毒素的合成,微囊藻生长在较低的温度或营养元素受限制时,生长速率下降,但毒素产率较高.微囊藻毒素的含量在藻的指数生长后期与稳定期达最大值,毒素产率则在指数生长初期达最大.不同环境因子可能通过不同途径影响毒素的产生,需进一步研究藻毒素的功能及合成途径.  相似文献   

- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/espr2006.01.295 Background Many organic micropollutants occur at trace concentrations in municipal wastewater effluents and in the aquatic environment. Some of these xenobiotic chemicals can be considered as 'emerging' contaminants and some are suspect to have endocrine disrupting effects. Among the latter are nonylphenol (NP), octylphenol (OP) and bisphenol A (BPA), which deserve special attention due to their ubiquitous occurrence in the aquatic environment. The complexing agents benzotriazole (BT) and tolyltriazole (TT) are applied as anticorrosive agents (e.g. in cooling and hydraulic fluids, in antifreezing fluids, in aircraft deicing fluids, in dish washing liquids for silver protection), as antifogging agents and as intermediates for the synthesis of various chemicals. The environmental occurrence of NP and OP is caused by the fact that they are intermediate products (metabolites) in the biodegradation of alkylphenol polyethoxylate surfactants. BPA is globally used for the production of polycarbonate and epoxy resins. Methods BT, TT, NP, OP and BPA were quantitatively determined in municipal wastewater effluents in Switzerland and in the Glatt River. The analytes were enriched by solid-phase enrichment. BT and TT were determined underivatized by electrospray LC/tandem MS. Reversed-phase LC was performed on octylsilica columns with isocratic water/methanol elution. Multiple reaction monitoring of the positive ions provided selective and sensitive detection for reliable quantifications. NP, OP and BPA were determined by GC/MS after derivatization with N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide. Results and Discussion BT and TT concentrations in primary and secondary effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plants varied from below 10 to 100 μg/L. The ranges of the concentrations in the Glatt River in ng/L were 636–3,690 for BT, 122–628 for TT, 68–326 for NP, 6–22 for OP and 9–76 for BPA. The corresponding mass flows in g/d were 93–1,870 for BT, 18–360 for TT, 24–183 for NP, 1–16 for OP and 2–72 for BPA. The concentrations and mass flows of NP in the River Glatt were drastically lower than the analogous values found 15 years ago. Thus, a substantially decreased environmental exposure can be observed due to the reduction of the use of alkyphenol polyethoxylate surfactants in Switzerland. The current concentrations of NP, OP and BPA are within the ranges reported for weakly impacted surface waters. Conclusion The investigated contaminants occur at quantitatively measurable but varying concentrations in municipal wastewaters and in the Glatt River reflecting their ubiquitous input into wastewaters and their different behaviour during biological wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

水解酸化-SBR法在化工废水处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高浓度、毒性大、难生物降解的工业有机废水,探索了水解酸化-SBR工艺的最佳运行参数和配套工艺措施,为工程设计提供依据.其中水解酸化采用ABR反应器,研究了温度、停留时间、毒性物质等因素对处理效果的影响,结果表明,该工艺处理三吉利香兰素化工废水取得了较好的处理效果.  相似文献   

The CF Systems Organic Extraction Process was used to remove PCBs from contaminated sediment dredged from the New Bedford Harbor. This work was done as part of a field demonstration under EPA’s Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program. The purpose of the SITE program is to provide an independent and objective evaluation of innovative waste remediation processes. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the SITE demonstration of this technology. Results of the demonstration tests show that the system, which uses liquefied propane, successfully removed PCBs from contaminated sediments in New Bedford Harbor. Removal efficiencies for all test runs exceeded 70 percent. Some operational problems occurred during the demonstration which may have affected the efficiency with which PCBs were removed from the dredged sediment. Large amounts of residues were generated from this demonstration project. Costs for using this process are estimated to be between $150/ton and $450/ton.  相似文献   

酸雨对建筑材料的影响及防治研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析了酸雨对建筑外墙的涂料、石材、混凝土等主要建筑构件的腐蚀原理,并提出了防治措施,来预防酸雨对建筑材料的侵害。  相似文献   

固定化微生物废水处理技术及其发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
固定化生物技术是通过化学或物理的手段,将游离细胞或酶定位于限定的空间区域内,使其保持活性并可反复利用。该技术具有生物密度高、反应迅速、生物流失量少、反应控制容易的优点。因此,系统介绍了固定化生物技术在水处理中的最新应用情况,并且对固定化方法、固定化微生物反应器以及固定化微生物技术的发展趋势作了阐述。  相似文献   

离子交换树脂的污染是纯水制备中不可避免的。为使被污染的树脂得到复苏,恢复其应有的交换能力,文章分析了离子交换树脂被污染的各种原因和中毒的机理,介绍了鉴别污染的方法。并根据有机物污染机理和铁中毒机理采取了相应的解毒和树脂复苏的方法。结果表明:经文中工艺解毒后的树脂重新投入使用效果良好,出水电导率达到0.06μs/Ω.cm。  相似文献   

水中有机成分及其对饮用水质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微量有机污染物和氯化消毒副产物对饮用水构成直接威胁,是饮用水中要重点控制的;天然大分子有机物对水质构成间接影响,导致胶体稳定性提高、增加药耗;藻类和代谢产物影响常规处理工艺效果,对水质产生不良影响。  相似文献   

The distribution of organic pollutants between the gas and particu-late phases was measured for 6 days Including one with the highest ozone level observed in Pasadena In 1973 (7/25). Gas phase pollutants were monitored continuously while particulates were sampled over a one hour interval by filtration. The filters were extracted using a polar and a non-polar solvent; particulate organic carbon was determined using a carbon analyzer, and chemical analysis carried out by fractionation, gas chromatography, infrared, and CHON analysis.

The organic carbon fraction (OCF) was always large, up to 43% of the total particulates (TP). Most of the organics were oxygenated compounds of photochemical origin. There was a linear relation between O3, OCF, and the infrared carbonyl band intensities of the extracts. Hourly variations of OCF and TP are discussed with respect to the gas phase pollutants and conversion processes.

Although secondary pollutant concentrations were found in the order: organics > nitrates > sulfates, nitrates were more efficient than organics in visibility degradation, based on a statistical evaluation of the data. The secondary aerosol contribution varied with O3, accounting for up to 95% of TP when the O3 peaked. The unusual nitrate peak observed for 7/25 is discussed with the atmospheric chemistry of other nitrogen compounds.

We define an organic carbon distribution factor: fc = particulate organic carbon (POC, μg/m3C)/[POC + gas phase reactive hydrocarbons (μg/m3C)]. The gas-particle distribution factors for organics (fc), nitrates (fN) and sulfates (fs) are in inverse order of their aerosol concentrations: fc < fN < fs . The measured fc are low: average 2–3%, highest value 6% for 7/25, and correspond to a conversion rate ≤2% hour?1. Ambient fc are much lower than fc measured for certain specific hydrocarbon precursors.  相似文献   

介绍了市政建设项目宁海县兴海污水处理有限公司主要的设计参数及各单元运行过程,并总结了该系统对有机物及氮磷的处理效果,分析了SBR工艺生物处理氮的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

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