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承压设备广泛应用在石油化工、电力能源等关系国计民生的重要行业领域,具有量大面广、能源资源消耗量大等特点,在保障能源绿色低碳转型、促进新能源发展中发挥着重要作用。本文重点论述了锅炉、压力容器、油气长输管道等承压设备绿色低碳发展现状和趋势,阐述了承压设备对我国能源绿色低碳转型的安全保障作用,分析了我国承压设备绿色低碳发展法规标准体系脉络。建议进一步发挥好科技创新引领作用,增强承压设备领域科技创新能力,助力我国“双碳”目标实现。  相似文献   

为探索系统、有效的非煤矿山企业安全管理信息化方法,为企业安全管理实践提供实用的管理手段,提出建立非煤矿山三维预防安全管理信息化平台。平台采取B/S结构和手机APP终端应用相结合的方式,整体架构包含行为安全管理子系统、本质安全管理子系统、保障安全管理子系统和系统运行保障子系统;行为安全管理子系统从需求、教育、行为规范3方面构建;本质安全管理子系统从危险源辨识、监测、监控3方面构建;保障安全管理子系统从成立组织机构、建立相关制度、绩效评估3方面构建;系统运行保障子系统主要实现整体平台正常运转所需的后台保障功能;根据平台在冬瓜山铜矿的实际应用检验表明,平台可以在企业中建立有效的信息沟通机制和工作协调机制,规范管理,提高工作效率,降低运营成本,防范安全生产事故的发生,平台的设计与实现思路可为其他相关安全管理业务平台或系统的构建提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

搞好安全生产、保障劳动者的职业安全与健康是实现以人为本、发展先进生产力的具体体现,是“三个代表”重要思想与工作实践的最好结合点,是依法治国、强化民主管理的重要环节,是建设小康社会、和谐社会的基本需要。在这种形势下,我国关注林业生产安全的众多专家高瞻远瞩,以强烈的社会责任感和对广大林业系统生产人员的挚爱,倾力合著了《林业生产安全》  相似文献   

正一、行业背景监狱是关押和改造犯罪人员的场所,安全是首先要保障的。要保障社会的安全,也要保障狱警人员的安全以及在押人员的安全与稳定。通过安装监控报警设备,可有效的加强对服刑人员的管理,直观及时的反映重要地点的现场情况,增强安全保障措施,是监狱现代化管理的有力工具。在高新技术信息化发展的今天,数字、智能、高清网络是监狱系统对视频监控系统的新要求,也是充分发挥监控系统的作用,实现"向科技要警力"的途径。  相似文献   

为探究机场安全运行的动态机制,并对其未来发展状态进行预测和分析,以采取合理的决策措施来充分发挥机场的保障能力。通过分析机场安全运行保障能力与机场保障资源、安全投入、区域运输需求的相互影响关系,运用系统动力学方法建立机场安全运行保障能力因果关系图,运用Vensim PLE软件构建了机场安全运行保障能力系统动力学流图,以首都机场运行数据为实例进行仿真模拟分析,定量化得出首都机场安全运行保障能力动态发展规律,模型运行结果基本符合实际情况。预测首都机场2015年机场保障能力基本达到饱和状态,不安全事件率呈线性增加趋势,需要采取措施来提升保障能力。通过进行多次政策模拟,得出跑道系统保障能力的变化对机场运行发展的影响最敏感,航站系统次之。在进行机场安全规划和建设时,要平衡运行投入与安全投入,在注重各个子系统平衡发展的前提下要重点提升跑道系统保障能力,同时得出了最佳投资政策。  相似文献   

城市生命线系统安全保障对策探析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对我国城市生命线系统存在的抗灾能力弱、缺乏综合规划、缺乏相应的统筹应急体制和生命线系统安全保障的科技水平总体较低等诸多问题,提出城市生命线系统的安全应从注重规划、更新传统模式、加大基础设施投入和提高管理水平、完善应急体制等多种途径加以保障,构建完善的城市生命线系统安全保障体系,以提高我国城市整体安全性能和抗灾能力,从而实现城市安全和城市化同步发展。  相似文献   

为识别城市安全发展状态和存在的问题,基于国内外韧性城市和我国安全发展示范城市建设实践经验,系统研究城市安全、韧性和安全发展等目标的演化历程;基于城市复杂适应系统和韧性理论,探讨城市安全发展的目标和韧性潜能表现,提出评估指标体系和指数生成方法。研究结果表明:安全是可持续发展的重要保障,是城市系统在面对危险、威胁等不确定干扰事件中保持可持续发展的一种状态;系统韧性反映城市系统防灾和应急模式从被动反应向主动防范、及时适应和调整的转变能力,是实现安全发展重要手段;城市安全发展评估是一个动态过程,应关注城市系统的韧性表现,确保城市系统始终对灾难事件保持持续适应和提升的管理模式。  相似文献   

搞好安全生产、保障劳动者的职业安全与健康是实现以人为本、发展先进生产力的具体体现,是“三个代表”重要思想与工作实践的最好结合点,是依法治国、强化民主管理的重要环节,是建设小康社会、和谐社会的基本需要。在这种形势下,我国关注林业生产安全的众多专家高瞻远瞩,以强烈的社会责任感和对广大林业系统生产人员的挚爱,倾力合著了《林业生产安全》一书,为林业安全学科的发展推波助澜,为人类社会的进步真诚奉献。本书从林业生产的实际出发,以国家安全生产的法律、法规、政策、方针为依据,以安全科学技术和安全管理理论为指导,紧密结合经…  相似文献   

<正>现代安全研究和实践表明,人因是引发安全事件发生的主要原因,而人的有关安全思想、意识和行为,受到安全文化的深刻影响。正因如此,现代安全科学研究和实践认为,安全事件发生的根本原因是“安全文化薄弱”或“不良的安全文化”。安全文化被认为是安全工作的治本之策,是安全治理的灵魂,是一个组织实现可持续安全发展的重要保障,是构建全员参与和共建共治共享安全格局的重要途径,是推动以新安全格局保障新发展格局的重要思想基础和精神动力。正因如此,文化引领、文化兴安已得到安全业内广泛的共识以及高度的认同。  相似文献   

搞好安全生产、保障劳动者的职业安全与健康是实现以人为本、发展先进生产力的具体体现,是“三个代表”重要思想与工作实践的最好结合点,是依法治国、强化民主管理的重要环节,是建设小康社会、和谐社会的基本需要。在这种形势下,我国关注林业生产安全的众多专家高瞻远瞩,以强烈的社会责任感和对广大林业  相似文献   

李一奇  曾明荣 《安全》2020,(5):66-72
我国正处于农业快速发展的新时期,需要借鉴发达国家经验,提高农业安全监管能力,促进农业生产安全水平提升。本文对美国、澳大利亚、英国、日本等各国近20年农业产业职业安全健康水平进行分析,从立法、监管范围、监管机制、教育培训等方面梳理其职业安全健康工作,同时剖析其农业安全管理经验和存在的主要问题,以此从法规标准、监管体制、基础建设、教育培训等方面提出优化提升我国农业安全生产工作的意见建议。  相似文献   

我国农业政策性保险发展策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国需要完善农业政策性保险政策体系,加大各项政策的补贴力度,通过完善农业保险法律体系,建立专门管理机构,促进农业政策性保险政策顺利实施,保证农业健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

我国农业产业化经营已步入持续发展和提高的新阶段,农业生产维护中的安全与健康问题应给予更高的关注。本文对农业机械维护和基础设施维护中存在的风险与危害及其对健康的影响进行了描述与分析,提出了预防措施。  相似文献   

农产品和食品领域可追溯系统的研究现状   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
可追溯系统是产品质量安全管理控制的有效手段,能够对产品的全部生产和销售过程进行无疏漏的跟踪,以确保产品质量。通过对可追溯系统概念的阐述,介绍可追溯系统的关键技术之一——标识技术的发展状况。着重给出条码自动识别技术和无线射频识别技术(RFID)的发展,并对未来标识技术研究的新方向,生物识别技术进行展望。在对国内外农产品和食品领域可追溯系统研究和分析的基础上,针对我国在该方面的现状,提出了相应的对策及建议。  相似文献   

Introduction: This study identifies determinants of safety climate at agricultural cooperatives. Methods: An extensive survey was designed to build upon past research done in collaboration with DuPont (Risch et al., 2014). In 2014 and 2015, the survey was administered to 1930 employees at 14 different agricultural cooperatives with 154 locations. Injury incidence data were also collected from each location to better understand the overall health and safety environment in this sector. An ordered probit model is used to identify variables that are associated with better safety climates. Results: Safety system components such as discipline programs, inspection programs, modified duty programs, off-the-job safety training programs, and recognition programs are positively related to individual safety climate for both managerial employees and nonmanagerial employees. Variables representing an employee’s agricultural background, distance between their workplace and childhood home, and formal education are not associated with managerial safety climate. However, agricultural background and childhood home distance are associated with nonmanagerial safety climate. Conclusions: Improving occupational health and safety is a priority for many agricultural cooperatives. Lower safety climate emerges as nonmanagerial employees have more experience with production agriculture and work nearer to their home community. Practical applications: Employees of agricultural cooperatives face a host of health and safety challenges that are likely to persist into the future. The safety system components associated with safety climate indicate that continuous feedback is important for improving occupational health and safety. Occupational health and safety programming should also acknowledge that many employees have experiences that influence their attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

Two-wheel tractors are known by different names: iron-ox; walking tractor; Kubota; mechanical ox; ox-machine; power tiller; rotary hoe, rotary plough, rotary tiller; Rotavator, tok-tok; and so on. They are increasingly common throughout rural areas in developing countries as they replace traditional ox-carts.This paper describes two-wheel tractors, including their dual function as an interchangeable agricultural implement and transport vehicle. Then an estimation of traffic accidents and casualties in Laos and Cambodia is presented, followed by results from a survey of 100 two-wheel tractor owners in Cambodia and Laos. The survey results include how, when and where two-wheel tractors are used as vehicles; the extent of drivers’ experience with motorised vehicles; vehicle safety standards and exposure data; and the income effects of two-wheel tractor operation. This paper is of interest to transport, agricultural and rural development authorities considering promotion and regulation of mechanised agriculture with particular regard to road safety.  相似文献   

应对气候变化成为当今中国一项至关重要的命题,武汉市作为中国第二批低碳试点城市,城市低碳建设各方面都实现了既定的预期,初步形成了独具特色的综合型“低碳社会”的发展模式。其发展路径主要体现为将低碳发展理念融入了城市发展顶层设计、将大量低碳研究成果落地成每项政策、重点推进低碳试点园区和社区建设并带动城市全面低碳转型、稳步推进了低碳基础能力建设等。介绍了武汉市低碳城市试点建设的背景,针对其面临的压力和问题、主要建设路径进行了分析,并对武汉市低碳发展模式进行了浅析,以期给其他城市低碳转型发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the risk factors for spinal pain in Polish postmenopausal women working in agriculture. The study included 1751 randomly selected postmenopausal women aged 45–65?years. The women were exposed to hazardous work conditions, in particular the use of force and heavy lifting, often more than 10?kg and with frequency of at least once a day. Two-thirds of them suffered from spinal pain, mostly in the lumbar spine and less frequently in the cervical and thoracic spine. The prevalence of spinal pain depended on exposure to health risks associated with overwork, early onset of menopause and increasing age. The prevalence of pain in the lumbar spine correlated positively with higher frequency of heavy lifting and using excessive force during agricultural work. The severity of spinal pain correlates positively with the age of pain onset and negatively with level of education.  相似文献   

Process hazards review (PHR) techniques have generally been applied by large, sophisticated companies in the nuclear, aerospace, and chemical process industries. There remains, however, a large population of smaller distributors and consumers of hazardous materials which could benefit equally from the application of PHR. These consumers unfortunately are generally less sophisticated and individually lack the necessary resources required to apply such state-of-the-art safety techniques.

Where common processes can be identified, it is possible to conduct a more generic PHR that will provide a sound technical basis for recognizing and preventing the development of hazards wherever these processes are used. Some facility-specific issues will always need to be considered, but the existence of the generic PHR should make the conduct of a PHR by each facility considerably easier and less costly.

Researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) contracted with DNV Technica Inc. to lead a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) of agricultural handling of anhydrous ammonia, from the receipt of ammonia at the retail distribution centre to the application of the ammonia by farmers to the fields. The multidisciplinary HAZOP team consisted of representatives from NIOSH, an agricultural chemical trade association, an ammonia producer, state ammonia facility inspectors, a retail distributor, and an equipment manufacturer. Several participants were part-time farmers with ammonia application experience.

Some specific aspects of applying the HAZOP technique in the context of this study, the findings obtained, and the plans to disseminate the important safety information developed during the course of the PHR are discussed. Finally, it is suggested that this approach could prove to be a useful addition to the product stewardship activities of chemical producers.  相似文献   

影响安全生产状况的经济社会发展指标及灰色关联度分析   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2  
为研究我国经济社会发展指标与安全生产状况之间的关系,首先对新中国建立以来安全生产状况的规律性作了分析研究。然后选取了与安全生产密切相关的7个经济社会发展指标,应用灰色系统理论的关联度分析法计算分析了各指标对安全生产状况的影响程度,得出该时期农业产值占GDP的比重对安全生产状况的影响最大,第三产业的影响其次,科技和教育经费的投入指标对安全生产状况的影响度较小的结论,并深入分析探讨了其内在原因。提出了我国在工业化进程中如何解决安全生产问题的意见和建议。  相似文献   

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