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Lignite (PK), bituminous (FI) and biomass (SE) fly ashes (FAs) were mineralogically and geochemically characterised, and their element leachability was studied with batch leaching tests. The potential for acid neutralisation (ANP) was quantified by their buffering capacity, reflecting their potential for neutralisation of acid mine drainage. Quartz was the common mineral in FAs detected by XRD with iron oxide, anhydrite, and magnesioferrite in PK, mullite and lime in FI, and calcite and anorthite in SE. All the FAs had high contents of major elements such as Fe, Si, Al and Ca. The Ca content in SE was six and eight times higher compared to PK and FI, respectively. Sulphur content in PK and SE was one magnitude higher than FI. Iron concentrations were higher in PK. The trace element concentrations varied between the FAs. SE had the highest ANP (corresponding to 275 kg CaCO3?tonne?1) which was 15 and 10 times higher than PK and FI, respectively. The concentrations of Ca2+, SO4 2?, Na+ and Cl? in the leachates were much higher compared to other elements from all FA samples. Iron, Cu and Hg were not detected in any of the FA leachates because of their mild to strong alkaline nature with pH ranging from 9 to 13. Potassium leached in much higher quantity from SE than from the other ashes. Arsenic, Mn and Ni leached from PK only, while Co and Pb from SE only. The concentrations of Zn were higher in the leachates from SE. The FAs used in this study have strong potential for the neutralisation of AMD due to their alkaline nature. However, on the other hand, FAs must be further investigated, with scaled-up experiments before full-scale application, because they might leach pronounced concentrations of elements of concern with decreasing pH while neutralising AMD.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, four systems (S1, S2, S3, and S4) were evaluated to determine whether basic oxygen furnace sludge (BOFS), mainly composed of Fe (84%,...  相似文献   

污泥屏障通过物理拦截以及化学作用可以有效控制重金属离子迁移,采用污泥屏障处理酸性矿山废水(AMD)已被证明具有可行性.作为尾矿渣处置场屏障的主体材料,研究污泥压缩特性很有必要.实验结果表明,对于含水率相同的压实污泥试样,孔隙比随干密度增大而减小,最终趋于1;干密度相同的试样,最优含水率的孔隙比随应力增大减小最快.试样压缩系数随干密度增大而减小,随含水率增大先增大后减小,最优含水率的压缩系数为0.8 MPa-1.AMD溶液作孔隙液能提高试样压缩系数.通过对比分析有机质土的压缩特性,为以后的深化研究提供相关参数支持.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is tested that toxicity of acid mine drainage can be detected by a selection of existing macroinvertebrate community and bioindicator metrices supplemented by toxicity tests with the local mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki Girard and the shrimp Atyaephyra desmaresti Millet. The behavioural responses of A. desmaresti to acid mine drainage were recorded in the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor, based on behaviour and survival as parameters. Bioassessment methods were based on community diversity, structure, function, and bioindicators and supplemented by chemical analysis (temperature, pH, metals). The Biological Monitoring Working Party adapted for the Iberian Peninsula, the number of predators (Coleoptera, Hemiptera) and the number of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera taxa differentiated the sites well. The on-line toxicity test revealed pH-dependent acute toxicity of the acid mine drainage for the shrimp (LC(50)-48 h: pH-AMD=5.8) and a pH- dependent decrease in locomotory activity with the lowest-observed-response-times (LORTs) within 5 h of exposure. Shrimp were more sensitive to acid mine drainage than fish (LC(50)-48 h: pH-AMD=4.9). A new multimetric index combining toxicity testing and bioassessment methods is proposed.  相似文献   

Wilkin RT  McNeil MS 《Chemosphere》2003,53(7):715-725
This study examines the applicability and limitations of granular zero-valent iron for the treatment of water impacted by mine wastes. Rates of acid-neutralization and of metal (Cu, Cd, Ni, Zn, Hg, Al, and Mn) and metalloid (As) uptake were determined in batch systems using simulated mine drainage (initial pH 2.3-4.5; total dissolved solids 14000-16000 mgl(-1)). Metal removal from solution and acid-neutralization occurred simultaneously and were most rapid during the initial 24 h of reaction. Reaction half-lives ranged from 1.50+/-0.09 h for Al to 8.15+/-0.36 h for Zn. Geochemical model results indicate that metal removal is most effective in solutions that are highly undersaturated with respect to pure-metal hydroxides suggesting that adsorption is the initial and most rapid metal uptake mechanism. Continued adsorption onto or co-precipitation with iron corrosion products are secondary metal uptake processes. Sulfate green rust was identified as the primary iron corrosion product, which is shown to be the result of elevated [SO(4)(2-)]/[HCO(3)(-)] ratios in solution. Reversibility studies indicate that zero-valent iron will retain metals after shifts in redox states are imposed, but that remobilization of metals may occur after the acid-neutralization capacity of the material is exhausted.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The tailings produce acid mine drainage (AMD) due to sulfide minerals, especially pyrite oxidation. AMD has caused serious pollution to the...  相似文献   

磁黄铁矿氧化机理及酸性矿山废水防治的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
磁黄铁矿是矿山尾矿堆中最为常见且分布很广的一种硫化铁矿物.由于硫化物矿物氧化后不仅产生酸性废水,还会释放出大量可溶的、生物可利用形态的微量金属,并且酸性环境会进一步增强这些有毒金属的移动性,因此是造成矿山周围水体环境污染的罪魁祸首.为了阻止或降低磁黄铁矿的自然风化反应速度从而达到源头治理酸性矿山废水的目的,首先必须研究它在各种条件下的氧化机理、氧化产物和氧化速度.对近年来国外在磁黄铁矿晶体结构、反应活性以及酸性矿山废水的产生与防治等方面的研究进行了综述.  相似文献   


Acid mine drainage (AMD) represents a major source of water pollution in the small watershed of Xingren coalfield in southwestern Guizhou Province. A detailed geochemical study was performed to investigate the origin, distribution, and migration of REEs by determining the concentrations of REEs and major solutes in AMD samples, concentrations of REEs in coal, bedrocks, and sediment samples, and modeling REEs aqueous species. The results highlighted that all water samples collected in the mining area are identified as low pH, high concentrations of Fe, Al, SO4 2? and distinctive As and REEs. The spatial distributions of REEs showed a peak in where it is nearby the location of discharging of AMD, and then decrease significantly with distance away from the mining areas. Lots of labile REEs have an origin of coal and bedrocks, whereas the acid produced by the oxidation of pyrite is a prerequisite to cause the dissolution of coal and bedrocks, and then promoting REEs release in AMD. The North American Shale Composite (NASC)-normalized REE patterns of coal and bedrocks are enriched in light REEs (LREEs) and middle REEs (MREEs) relative to heavy REEs (HREEs). Contrary to these solid samples, AMD samples showed slightly enrichment of MREEs compared with LREEs and HREEs. This behavior implied that REEs probably fractionate during acid leaching, dissolution of bedrocks, and subsequent transport, so that the MREEs is primarily enriched in AMD samples. Calculation of REEs inorganic species for AMD demonstrated that sulfate complexes (Ln(SO4)+and Ln(SO4)2 ?) predominate in these species, accounting for most of proportions for the total REEs species. The high concentrations of dissolved SO4 2? and low pH play a decisive role in controlling the presence of REEs in AMD, as these conditions are necessary for formation of stable REEs-sulfate complexes in current study. The migration and transportation of REEs in AMD are more likely constrained by adsorption and co-precipitation of Fe-Al hydroxides/hydroxysulfate. In addition, the MREEs is preferentially captured by poorly crystalline Fe-Al hydroxides/hydroxysulfate, which favors that sediments also preserve NASC-normalized patterns with MREEs enrichment in the stream.


The production of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) as a result of the oxidative dissolution of sulphides is one of the main pollution problems affecting natural watercourses in mining environments with sulphide-rich residues. In this work, the generation of AMD was prevented by means of the addition of fly ash to sulphide-rich residues in non-saturated column experiments. A column experiment filled with a pyrite-rich sludge with artificial irrigation leached acid drainages (pH approx. 2) containing high concentrations of sulphate, iron and other metals. However, non-saturated column experiments filled with pyritic-rich sludge and fly ash drained leachates characterized by alkaline pH (pH up to 10), low sulphate concentration, and lack of iron and other metals in solution. The pyrite oxidative dissolution at high pH, as a consequence of the leaching of fly ash, favours the metal precipitation inside the column (mainly iron), the coating of pyrite grains, and the attenuation of the oxidation process, resulting in a great improvement in the quality of the leachates.  相似文献   

The Witwatersrand region of South Africa is famous for its gold production and a major conurbation, centred on Johannesburg, has developed as a result of mining activity. A study was undertaken of surface and ground water in a drainage system in this area. Soils were also analysed from a site within the mining district. This study revealed that the ground water within the mining district is heavily contaminated and acidified as a result of oxidation of pyrite (FeS2) contained within mine tailings dumps, and has elevated concentrations of heavy metals. Where the water table is close to surface, the upper 20 cm of soil profiles are severely contaminated by heavy metals due to capillary rise and evaporation of the ground water. The polluted ground water is discharging into streams in the area and contributes up to 20% of stream discharge, causing a lowering of pH of the stream water. Much of the metal load is precipitated in the stream: Fe and Mn precipitate as a consequence of oxidation, while other heavy metals are being removed by co-precipitation. The oxidation of iron has created a redox buffer which controls the pH of the stream water. The rate of oxidation and of dilution is slow and the deleterious effect of the addition of contaminated water persists for more than 10 km beyond the source.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD), which contains high concentrations of sulphate and dissolved metals, is a serious environmental problem. It can be treated in situ by sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB), but effectiveness of the treatment process depends on the organic substrate chosen to supply the bacteria's carbon source. Six natural organic materials were characterized in order to investigate how well these promote sulphate reduction and metal precipitation by SRB. Maple wood chips, sphagnum peat moss, leaf compost, conifer compost, poultry manure and conifer sawdust were investigated in terms of their carbon (TOC, TIC, DOC) and nitrogen (TKN) content, as well as their easily available substances content (EAS). Single substrates, ethanol, a mixture of leaf compost (30% w/w), poultry manure (18% w/w), and maple wood chips (2% w/w), and the same mixture spiked with formaldehyde were then tested in a 70-day batch experiment to evaluate their performance in sulphate reduction and metal removal from synthetic AMD. Metal removal efficiency in batch reactors was as high as 100% for Fe, 99% for Mn, 99% for Cd, 99% for Ni, and 94% for Zn depending on reactive mixtures. Early metal removal (0-12d) was attributed to the precipitation of (oxy)hydroxides and carbonate minerals. The lowest metal and sulphate removal efficiency was found in the reactor containing poultry manure as the single carbon source despite its high DOC and EAS content. The mixture of organic materials was most effective in promoting sulphate reduction, followed by ethanol and maple wood chips, and single natural organic substrates generally showed low reactivity. Formaldehyde (0.015% (w/v)) provided only temporary bacterial inhibition. Although characterization of substrates on an individual basis provided insight on their chemical make-up, it did not give a clear indication of their ability to promote sulphate reduction and metal removal.  相似文献   

As a result of mining activities the exposure of metal sulphides to oxidation takes place with consequent release of acid mine drainage (AMD). Biomonitoring instruments have been proven to have the best deterrent effect upon polluters. A new approach in online biomonitoring, with the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitortrade mark (MFB), was developed combining behavioural and feeding responses of the Portuguese indigenous benthic shredder, Echinogammarus meridionalis (Pinkster, 1973) (Crustacea, Amphipoda). These endpoints, along with mortality, were measured and analyzed for a gradient of sublethal doses of AMD. Original river water was used as the control and three doses of treatments were attained by adding increasing volumes of AMD to the control. The increase in AMD concentration and concomitant decrease in pH and increase in the concentration of most metals was followed by an overall increase of the mortality, decrease of locomotion/feeding activity and inhibition of the feeding rate. Mortality was observed in the two highest concentrations of AMD. Significant decrease in average locomotion/feeding activity took place in the second treatment. Although an inhibition of feeding was observed along the gradient of AMD concentration only in the highest concentration the feeding rate was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

采用低成本、可持续修复材料处理酸性矿坑水 (acid mine drainage, AMD) 具有重要的科研价值和应用前景。选取基围虾、对虾、蛎虾和梭子蟹壳4种甲壳生物质,探究其对AMD模拟水样及恒定pH的AMD水样中镉的去除性能与机制。结果表明:甲壳生物质具有良好的镉去除能力 (112.38~235.45 mg·g−1) ,其含有丰富的碳酸钙对镉去除起了至关重要的作用,可通过中和作用调高AMD的pH值,降低镉的迁移能力;也可与镉离子形成碳酸镉沉淀,促进镉的固定。此外,甲壳生物质中大量的羟基、羧基等官能团可通过络合作用捕获镉离子。研究结果为甲壳生物质的资源化利用和废弃矿山AMD的低成本、可持续修复提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Flowing of the acid mine drainage may contaminate the adjacent water bodies causing substantial changes in the aquatic ecosystem. This aspect is the most relevant problem in the southern of Santa Catarina once the contaminated areas are inserted in the watershed of the Araranguá, Urussanga, and Tubar?o rivers, increasing the need for recovery studies. These areas are between Criciúma, I?ara, Urussanga, Siderópolis, Lauro Müller, Orleans, and Alfredo Wagner towns where a conservation unit exist called the Environmental Preservation Area of Baleia Franca. Aiming to compare the kinetics of the ash derived from burning coal and to neutralize acid mine drainage, different neutralizer, limestone, fly, and bottom ash, was mounted on a pilot scale experiment. DISCUSSION: The transport parameters showed the same order of infiltration and dispersion: fly ash < bottom ash < limestone. The order of measured alkalinity was: limestone < fly ash < bottom ash, with pH values of 9.34, 12.07, and 12.25, respectively. The limestone kinetics of acidic drainage neutralization was first order with reaction rate constant k?=?0.0963 min(-1), bottom ash was 3/4 with k?=?0.0723 mol(1/4) L(-1/4) min(-1), and the fly ash had higher order kinetics, 4/3, with reaction rate constant k?=?27.122 L(1/3) mol(-1/3) min(-1). However, by mathematical modeling, it was found that due to a combination of transport and kinetics, only limestone treatment reached a pH above 6 within 5 years, corresponding to the ideal as planned.  相似文献   

Several High Andes Rivers are characterized by inorganic water pollution known as acid mine drainage (AMD). The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between metal concentrations in the sediments and the macroinvertebrate communities in two river basins affected by AMD. In general, the taxon diversity of the macroinvertebrate community at the family level was low. The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb and Ni at mining sites were higher than at unpolluted sites. The pH of the water was alkaline (7.0-8.5) in unpolluted sites, whereas it dropped to very low values (<3) at mining sites. Redundancy Analysis (RDA) showed that pH was the best predictor of macroinvertebrate community richness. The number of macroinvertebrate families decreased gradually with increasing acidity, both in pools and riffles, though it is suggested that riffle communities were more affected because they are in closer contact with the acid water.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of layered, sulphide-bearing unsaturated waste rock piles are presented to illustrate the effect of coupled processes on the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD). The conceptual 2D systems were simulated using the HYDRUS model for flow and the POLYMIN model for reactive transport. The simulations generated low-pH AMD which was buffered by sequential mineral dissolution and precipitation. Sulphide oxidation rates throughout the pile varied by about two orders of magnitude (0.004-0.4 kg m-3 year-1) due to small changes in moisture content and grain size. In the fine-grained layers, the high reactive surface area induced high oxidation rates, even though capillary forces kept the local moisture content relatively high. In waste rock piles with horizontal layers, most of the acidity discharged through vertical preferential flow channels while with inclined fine grained layers, capillary diversion channeled the AMD to the outer slope boundary, keeping the pile interior relatively dry. The simulation approach will be useful for helping evaluate design strategies for controlling AMD from waste rock.  相似文献   

The oxidative dissolution of mine wastes gives rise to acidic, metal-enriched mine drainage (AMD) and has typically posed an additional risk to the environment. The poly-metallic mine Dabaoshan in South China is an excellent test site to understand the processes affecting the surrounding polluted agricultural fields. Our objectives were firstly to investigate metal ion activity in soil solution, distribution in solid constituents, and spatial distribution in samples, secondly to determine dominant environment factors controlling metal activity in the long-term AMD-polluted subtropical soils. Soil Column Donnan Membrane Technology (SC-DMT) combined with sequential extraction shows that unusually large proportion of the metal ions are present as free ion in the soil solutions. The narrow range of low pH values prevents any pH effects during the binding onto oxides or organic matter. The differences in speciation of the soil solutions may explain the different soil degradation observed between paddy and non-paddy soils.  相似文献   

国外尾矿酸性排水和重金属淋滤作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尾矿引起的环境问题是水 气 矿物在地表条件下发生复杂反应的综合结果。近年来 ,国外学者研究显示 ,发生在尾矿中的风化作用不仅仅有硫化物的氧化作用 ,而且还伴随有机物氧化作用 ,碳酸盐等矿物中和作用 ,次生矿物沉淀作用、结晶作用、胶结作用 ,矿物交代蚀变作用、吸附作用、离子交换作用以及生物作用。上述各种作用互相影响 ,互相制约。目前 ,最新研究表明 ,许多因素都会影响尾矿风化作用 ,这些因素主要包括 :尾矿原生矿物组成、成因、化学成分、表面积和形态 ;尾矿酸中和潜力 ;溶液pH值 ;次生矿物形成及其吸附、离子交换、胶结作用 ;溶液中Fe3+离子的浓度 ;有机物的种类和含量 ;尾矿粒度分布和空隙度 ;气候条件和尾矿的水文地质环境  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with developing a practical methodology for prioritising measures to ameliorate the environmental problems associated with the abandonment of mine workings. Although much attention is focused on the pollution associated with on-going industrial production, rather fewer resources are going to develop methodologies for handling the environmental legacy effects of our forefathers. Of the work that has been done, much of it tends to focus on single, incomplete measures or benefits. This paper looks at the particular issues of acid mine drainage (AMD) in the USA, and develops a tractable way of approaching the problem of how allocated resources may be prioritised to maximise net social benefits. In particular, it advocates the use of a combination of established methodologies with rather newer statistical procedures to approach the problem. It offers a number of case studies by way of illustration as to how the methodology can be applied.  相似文献   

Marine macroalgal communities were examined near the outflow of acid mine drainage (AMD) from the Britannia Mine, British Columbia, Canada. No marine algae were present within 100 m of the mouth of Britannia Creek, which carries the AMD into the marine environment. At greater distances (300-700 m) from this Creek, mean summer cover of filamentous green algae, mostly Enteromorpha intestinalis, was >60%, which was significantly higher than at nearby reference stations. At still greater distances (600-1000 m) from Britannia Creek, Fucus gardneri dominated algal communities that were similar to those at reference stations. No consistent differences were detected in mean plant length, mean per cent cover or mean oocyte production between F. gardneri near Britannia Creek and those at reference stations. Cu body burden in F. gardneri near Britannia Creek was five to 17 times higher than in reference plants.  相似文献   

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