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基于模拟的腐蚀管道可靠性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腐蚀失效是压力管道失效的主要模式之一。通常采用腐蚀管道剩余强度估算的方法 ,评价腐蚀管道的安全性。腐蚀管道的剩余寿命则采用可靠性理论计算得到。以各种局部腐蚀缺陷的评定方法来建立模拟模型 ,直接采用蒙特卡罗模拟可以计算得到不同时间下的管道的失效概率 ,同时根据目标可靠度来确定腐蚀管道的剩余寿命。含多个腐蚀缺陷的管道的失效概率需要考虑缺陷间的相关性。采用模拟方法可以计算失效概率的秩相关 ,避免采用独立假设来计算管道的失效概率  相似文献   

为探究不同影响因素对埋地管道运行安全的影响,基于改进的一次二阶矩计算方法,综合考虑埋地管道环向受力和纵向受力的特性,依据应力-强度理论和钢制管道结构设计规范建立了埋地管道失效结构功能函数;通过对ABAQUS软件中的UVARM模块进行二次开发,建立了腐蚀、温度和不均匀沉降耦合作用下的三维管道-地层整体模型,模拟不同管道参数下的管道状况.运用该方法对工程实例进行了计算,分析可靠指标和失效概率的分布情况.结果表明:埋地管道工作内压与管道失效概率呈正相关关系,管道壁厚和管径与失效概率呈负相关关系;在影响参数变化相同的条件下,管道中部失效概率变化最快,两端的失效概率变化较慢.该模型计算结果体现了管道不同部位失效概率的特点,在管道设计、维护和风险评估方面有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

为避免因腐蚀导致油气管道失效,针对因管道特性和腐蚀尺寸的不确定性使得管道剩余强度成为概率模型的特点,建立了腐蚀管道强度损失随机模型;借助可靠性理论,通过分析管道腐蚀进程的时变性特点,将管道系统由损伤积累和抗力衰减导致的剩余强度随机化;提出基于穿越率的腐蚀油气管道失效评定及安全寿命预测方法。研究结果表明:腐蚀速率和运行压力对管道失效概率及安全寿命影响显著,管道尺寸影响适中,而相关系数和拉伸强度影响较小;若腐蚀速率Va=0.2 mm/a,VL=10 mm/a或局部腐蚀缺陷半径达到管道壁厚的0.5倍时,建议作为重点风险段监测并检修。所建方法是对腐蚀油气管道运营监控和风险评估的有益补充。  相似文献   

为了识别壁厚减薄原因,掌握管道运行状态,以XFZ转油站至WTL联合站埋地集输管道为研究对象,绘制腐蚀开挖检测专题图,开展腐蚀产物特性、边缘腐蚀状态试验研究,预测管道剩余寿命。结果表明:目标管道以内腐蚀为主,腐蚀点沿内壁随机分布,腐蚀速度级别为"重",腐蚀程度级别为"严重";腐蚀类型为Cl+O_2+CO_2+H_2O环境下的垢下腐蚀,以溶解氧、CO_2腐蚀为主,Cl~-腐蚀为辅;腐蚀原因为介质含水率较高,流速偏低,水中含有溶解氧和CO_2,且Cl~-含量过高;目标管道最大剩余寿命为3.52年,平均剩余寿命为2~3年,F管段已达到剩余寿命极限需立即更换。  相似文献   

对失效概率的评估是管道系统风险评价的核心内容,针对目前对埋地管道失效概率问题研究的不足,采用子集模拟方法(SS)建立埋地管道失效概率的定量评估模型以及参数敏感度模型,并对随机变量进行敏感分析。研究结果表明:子集模拟能利用少量样本定量计算出管道失效概率,有效弥补了管道结构可靠性模型中的不足;在管道运行中期,工作压力、腐蚀速率、管道壁厚和屈服强度是对管道失效概率影响较大的4个因素,而腐蚀因素在管道运行后期成为对系统失效概率影响最大的因素。  相似文献   

为准确预测海底油气管道腐蚀剩余寿命,构建基于误差补偿原理的灰色径向基函数(GM-RBF)神经网络腐蚀速率预测模型。首先,建立腐蚀速率的灰色模型(GM),将腐蚀速率灰色预测值作为径向基(RBF)神经网络的输入,残差作为输出,训练神经网络得到误差补偿器;其次,补偿新的灰色预测值,得到腐蚀速率的最终预测值;然后,根据预测结果计算出年腐蚀深度,结合剩余强度准则,计算管道剩余寿命;最后,以某海底管道为实例,验证模型的预测有效性。结果表明:单一使用GM模型预测的相对误差为17.48%,用GM-RBF模型预测的相对误差为6.37%,并预测出管道的剩余寿命为5.4年,GM-RBF模型提高了预测精度,且能够较好地描述腐蚀发展趋势。  相似文献   

为提高海底油气管道风险管理能力,针对传统管道风险分析大多采用静态时不变可靠性方法的缺点,提出基于动态时变可靠性的腐蚀海底油气管道分析思路,建立了考虑时间因素的腐蚀管道失效概率模型。根据"首次穿越率"概念建立腐蚀管道穿越模型,借助随机过程理论和敏感性分析构建代表腐蚀海底油气管道结构抗力的剩余强度模型和识别影响管道可靠性的关键因素,给出了时变视角下对比附加载荷的在役管道失效概率计算方法。结果表明,随着时间推移,腐蚀速率对管道失效概率的影响最大,运行压力的增加使管道的剩余寿命与可靠性发生显著变化,而拉伸强度影响较小。  相似文献   

为解决海底油气管道由于外表面破损引起腐蚀加快,进而导致管道腐蚀失效的问题,基于传统灰色模型,建立尾段残差修正GM(1,1)模型,用以预测管道剩余寿命。首先,检验管道腐蚀深度数据的光滑性和准指数规律性,建立灰色微分方程;然后利用最小二乘法求出方程参数值,用传统灰色模型预测腐蚀深度,并对残差进行修正,从而得到一个完整的用于海底管道腐蚀趋势预测的尾段残差修正GM(1,1)模型,并对预测结果进行后验差检验。最后以某一海底管道试验段为例,预测管道剩余寿命。结果表明,传统管道腐蚀深度预测灰色模型预测相对误差为36.7%,尾段残差修正GM(1,1)模型预测的相对误差为3.79%,后者预测精度等级更高。  相似文献   

为解决在役油气管道腐蚀严重、易发生泄漏事故等问题,研究管道腐蚀增长状况并预测管道剩余寿命。首先基于Gumbel分布,处理从某油气管道检测资料中随机抽取的最大腐蚀深度数据,建立管道最大腐蚀深度预测模型。然后用马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)方法估计预测模型的参数的值,通过模型预测出可能的最大腐蚀深度。再基于所得腐蚀深度、临界腐蚀深度及管道使用年限等数据,建立三者之间的关系指数模型,以此来预测油气管道的剩余寿命。最后以国内某一管道为例,验证MCMC方法预测管道剩余寿命的有效性。研究结果表明:利用Gumbel分布预测出的管道最大腐蚀深度指标更加精确,偶然性小,且得出的管道剩余寿命更加合理。  相似文献   

为了获取影响腐蚀管道失效概率的关键因素及敏感性规律,基于FITNET FFS模型,采用可靠性理论对国内某腐蚀管道的失效概率进行计算和分析。通过全寿命方法计算了腐蚀增长速率,从而得到了与时间相关的腐蚀管道损伤概率模型,并采用蒙特卡罗模拟算法进行求解,得出了不同年限下腐蚀管道的失效概率;采用变异系数法对各影响因素进行参数敏感性分析。研究结果表明:管道直径、壁厚及径向腐蚀速率的分散性对管道失效概率具有双向扰动作用,其机理在于随机变量的分散性和腐蚀速率同时影响失效概率的波动,开始阶段随机变量分散性起主导作用,两者在管道失效概率达到50%会趋于一个平衡状态,之后腐蚀速率起主要支配作用;另外,管材的抗拉强度对腐蚀管道失效概率的影响较屈服强度的影响更大,可靠性分析时采用只考虑屈服强度的强度模型将存在一定的局限性,建议同时考虑管材抗拉强度的影响。  相似文献   

A reliability model for underground pipeline management that can quantify the trade-off between risk reduction and increased maintenance costs in various underground piping management scenarios can be useful for many pipeline-maintenance decision-makers. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive framework for analyzing underground pipeline management options. Pipeline reliability is calculated using time-dependent and independent limit state functions with a probabilistic model and a deterministic model about the frequency of a failure occurrence event. The proposed framework includes the target reliability, consequences, and cost model, and has the advantage that it can be intuitively utilized for piping management decision-making. We conducted several case studies using a Monte Carlo simulation on pipelines in industrial complexes in Korea.  相似文献   

A substantial amount of oil & gas products are transported and distributed via pipelines, which can stretch for thousands of kilometers. In British Columbia (BC), Canada, alone there are over 40,000 km of pipelines currently being operated. Because of the adverse environmental impact, public outrage and significant financial losses, the integrity of the pipelines is essential. More than 37 pipe failures per year occur in BC causing liquid spills and gas releases, damaging both property and environment. BC oil & gas commission (BCOGS) has indicated metal loss due to internal corrosion as one of the primary causes of these failures. Therefore, it is of a paramount importance to timely identify pipelines subjected to severe internal corrosion in order to improve corrosion mitigation and pipeline maintenance strategies, thus minimizing the likelihood of failure. To accomplish this task, this paper presents a Bayesian belief network (BBN)-based probabilistic internal corrosion hazard assessment approach for oil & gas pipelines. A cause-effect BBN model has been developed by considering various information, such as analytical corrosion models, expert knowledge and published literature. Multiple corrosion models and failure pressure models have been incorporated into a single flexible network to estimate corrosion defects and associated probability of failure (PoF). This paper also explores the influence of fluid composition and operating conditions on the corrosion rate and PoF. To demonstrate the application of the BBN model, a case study of the Northeastern BC oil & gas pipeline infrastructure is presented. Based on the pipeline's mechanical characteristics and operating conditions, spatial and probabilistic distributions of corrosion defect and PoF have been obtained and visualized with the aid of the Geographic Information System (GIS). The developed BBN model can identify vulnerable pipeline sections and rank them accordingly to enhance the informed decision-making process.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analysis of the possibility of domino effect in underground parallel pipelines relying on historical accident data and pipeline crater models. An underground pipeline can be considered as safe following an accident with an adjacent gas or liquefied pipeline when it remains outside the ground crater generated. In order to prevent the domino effect in these cases, the design of parallel pipelines has to consider adequate pipeline separations based on the crater width, which is one of the widely used methods in engineering applications. The objective of this work is the analysis of underground petroleum product pipelines ruptures with the formation of a ground crater as well as the evaluation of possible domino effects in these cases. A detailed literature survey has been carried out to review existing crater models along with a historical analysis of past accidents. A FORTRAN code has been implemented to assess the performance of the Gasunie, the Batelle and the Advantica crater models. In addition to this, a novel Accident-Based crater model has been presented, which allows the prediction of the crater width as a function of the relevant design pipeline parameters as well as the soil density. Modifications have also been made to the Batelle and Accident-Based models in order to overcome the underestimation of the crater width. The calculated crater widths have been compared with real accident data and the performance evaluation showed that the proposed Accident-Based model has a better performance compared to other models studied in this work. The analysis of forty-eight past accidents indicated a major potential of underground parallel pipelines domino effect which is proven by two real cases taken from the literature. Relying on the investigated accidents, the crater width was smaller than or equal to 20 m in most cases indicating that the definition of underground pipeline separations at around 10 m would be sufficient to ensure a small probability of the domino effect.  相似文献   

In the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries with advanced pipeline management, some organizations are responsible for pipeline safety protection management for underground hazardous materials. The security and maintenance of a hazardous material pipeline are serious considerations for urban safety, because the materials transported by underground pipelines contain hazardous goods, such as the flammable or explosive particles of solids, liquids, and gases. Damage to a pipeline by external forces often leads to secondary disasters, such as the leakage of hazardous materials, fires, explosions, and environmental pollution. Such events seriously affect the safety of individuals and their property.Accordingly, this study used seismic scenario analysis with a spatial grid to evaluate earthquake damage to an underground pipeline in an urban area. Damage to underground pipelines was classified, pipeline disaster management procedures were discussed, and improvement measures were proposed, such as establishing a geographic information platform and conducting disaster impact assessments for hazardous material pipelines. Underground hazardous material pipelines were assessed in scenarios including earthquakes. Such assessments are intended to provide disaster reduction plans and disaster prevention drills to improve pipeline safety as well as the planning for pipeline materials to aid seismic resistance.  相似文献   

Corrosion is the main reason for the failure of buried gas pipelines. For effective corrosion failure probability analysis, the structural reliability theory was adopted in this study to establish two calculation models for pipeline corrosion failure: the pressure failure model and von Mises stress failure model. Then, two calculation models for the corrosion failure probability were established based on a corrosion depth growth model obtained from actual survey data of soil corrosion characteristics. In an example, Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and subset simulation (SS) were used to analyze the corrosion failure probability of pipelines, and the results were compared. SS can compensate for the shortcomings of MCS as it has higher computational efficiency and accuracy. Therefore, SS was adopted to simulate variations in the corrosion failure probability of buried pipelines with the service time for the two failure probability calculation models, which were applied to a natural gas pipeline located in a chemical industry park in Zhuhai, China. A sensitivity analysis was carried out on the relevant parameters that affect the failure probability. The results showed that multiple loads caused by the covering soil, residual stress, temperature differential, and bending stress have a non-negligible effect on the pipeline reliability. The corrosion coefficients gradually become the most important factors that affect the failure probability with increased service time. The proposed methodology considers the actual operating conditions of pipelines to provide a reliable theoretical basis for integrity management.  相似文献   

Natural gas pipeline construction is developing rapidly worldwide to meet the needs of international and domestic energy transportation. Meanwhile, leakage accidents occur to natural gas pipelines frequently due to mechanical failure, personal operation errors, etc., and induce huge economic property loss, environmental damages, and even casualties. However, few models have been developed to describe the evolution process of natural gas pipeline leakage accidents (NGPLA) and assess their corresponding consequences and influencing factors quantitatively. Therefore, this study aims to propose a comprehensive risk analysis model, named EDIB (ET-DEMATEL-ISM-BN) model, which can be employed to analyze the accident evolution process of NGPLA and conduct probabilistic risk assessments of NGPLA with the consideration of multiple influencing factors. In the proposed integrated model, event tree analysis (ET) is employed to analyze the evolution process of NGPLA before the influencing factors of accident evolution can be identified with the help of accident reports. Then, the combination of DEMATEL (Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) and ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling) is used to determine the relationship among accident evolution events of NGPLA and obtain a hierarchical network, which can be employed to support the construction of a Bayesian network (BN) model. The prior conditional probabilities of the BN model were determined based on the data analysis of 773 accident reports or expert judgment with the help of the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. Finally, the developed BN model was used to conduct accident evolution scenario analysis and influencing factor sensitivity analysis with respect to secondary accidents (fire, vapor cloud explosion, and asphyxia or poisoning). The results show that ignition is the most critical influencing factor leading to secondary accidents. The occurrence time and occurrence location of NGPLA mainly affect the efficiency of emergency response and further influence the accident consequence. Meanwhile, the weight ranking of economic loss, environmental influence, and casualties on social influence is determined with respect to NGPLAs.  相似文献   

为了满足油气输送需求,现将一输水管线改输高压天然气,需对该管线改输的可行性进行研究论证,通过ANSYS建模分析得到腐蚀缺陷处在475MPa高压下所受到的最大等效应力小于管道的设计抗力2736MPa,满足安全标准。利用OLGA模拟出管道输送高压天然气时的压力和温度曲线满足实际工况要求,OLGA模拟出的预测腐蚀速率最大处为004mm/y,对管道的剩余寿命影响较小。应用DNV腐蚀因素失效概率模型计算得到该管道的失效概率小于15×10-3,安全等级介于“一般”和“很高”之间。经研究论证得该管道改输高压天然  相似文献   

为提升含腐蚀缺陷管道失效压力预测精度,准确把控管道状态,建立基于DE-BPNN的含腐蚀缺陷管道失效压力预测模型,有效避免BPNN模型陷入局部最优问题,提升预测精度。基于61组管道爆破实验数据,分别用DE-BPNN与BPNN模型进行仿真计算。结果表明:DE-BPNN预测结果平均相对误差为3.26%,R2为0.985 85,预测精度较BPNN模型有明显提升。应用DE-BPNN模型预测含腐蚀缺陷的管道失效压力可为长输管道运输调配和检维修提供决策支持。  相似文献   

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