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正为进一步加强交通警察执法规范化建设和交警队伍正规化建设,切实解决执勤执法过程中存在的问题,公安部交通管理局日前制定出台《交警系统执法记录仪使用管理规定》。规定要求,从今年7月起,交通警察在道路上执勤、查处交通违法行为、处理交通事故以及从事驾驶人考试和机动车查验时,要使用执法记录仪进行全程录音录像。规定要求,交通警察在道路上执勤、查处交通违法行为、处理交通事故以及从事驾驶人考试和机动车查验  相似文献   

为保障道路交通安全畅通,根据公安部出台的《交通警察道路执勤执法工作规范》,从2006年1月1日起,交通堵塞时,交通警察以指挥疏导交通和纠正交通违法行为为主,一般不处罚交通违法行为。  相似文献   

为保障道路交通安全畅 通,根据公安部出台的《交 通警察道路执勤执法工作规 范》,从2006年1月1日起,交通堵 塞时,交通警察以指挥疏导交通和纠 正交通违法行为为主,一般不处罚交 通违法行为。  相似文献   

<正>据公安部网站消息,"史上最严交规"123号令出台以来,全国共查处上道路行驶的机动车未悬挂号牌、故意遮挡号牌、故意污损号牌、不按规定安装号牌等违法行为,同比分别下降27.7%、81.5%、80%、77%;使用交通技术监控设备记录超速50%以上违法行为,同比下降58.4%;因超速行驶导致的事故起数、死亡人数,同比分别下降61.6%、59.6%;酒驾、醉驾导致的交通事故起数、死亡人数,同比分别下降11.7%、5.7%。  相似文献   

自11月10日起,凡在江西省境内注册的"两客一危"车辆,即从事道路班线客运、包车(旅游)客运、危险货物运输企业所属车辆必须全部安装车辆行驶电子信息记读仪(简称"记读仪"),2013年春运前要求全部安装到位并投入使用。据悉,由江西省交通运输厅、公安厅指导研发的记读仪具有记录超时(疲劳)驾驶、超速行驶交通违法行为、对驾驶人进行自动语音提示预警、对客车内  相似文献   

超速行驶是引发交通事故的主要原因之一,因此,超速行驶危害多。  相似文献   

最近,随着杭州飙车事故的曝光,广大人民群众对超速行驶、酒后驾车等危害公共安全的违法行为反应强烈,要求加大整治力度。依法从重惩处.有效地保护人们的生命财产安全,维护良好的道路交通秩序。  相似文献   

为了更好地维护高速公路交通秩序,进一步预防和减少交通事故,保护国家和人民生命财产安全,泉州高速交警大队按照公安部交管局及省公安厅交警总队开展"双超"有关部署,积极开展机动车超速行驶、客运车辆超员载客的道路交通违法行为专项整治行动.  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条为了规范交通警察在道路上的执勤执法行为,保障道路交通安全畅通,维护交通参与者和交通警察的合法权益, 根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》及其他有关规定,制定本规范。第二条交通警察在道路上执行维护交通秩序、纠正和处罚交通违法行为、处理交通事故、执行交通警卫任务、接受群众  相似文献   

发生道路交通事故的特点 1.机动车驾驶员超速行驶,临危措施不当.疏忽大意、违章占道等违章行为导致的道路交通事故占事故总数的90%以上。  相似文献   

交通事故致因中的人为因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为改善交通安全状况,减少交通事故,从最主要的因素——人为因素出发,分析其影响。导致事故发生的主要原因是:驾驶员处理交通事件的能力(包括新手、老年、酒精、药物、疲劳、压力等),驾驶员在驾驶时采取冒险行为(包括不正确使用安全带、超速、犯罪、自杀等)。结果表明:新手驾驶、饮酒驾驶、疲劳驾驶、不正确使用安全带驾驶等仍是影响交通安全的主要因素。  相似文献   

Introduction: Heterogeneous driving populations with many different origins are likely to have various sub-cultures that comprise of drivers with shared driver characteristics, most likely with dissimilar traffic safety cultures. An innovative methodology in traffic safety research is introduced which is beneficial for large datasets with multiple variables, making it useful for the multi-variate classification of drivers, driving attitudes and/or (risky) driving behaviours. Method: With the application of multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS), this study explores traffic safety culture in the State of Qatar using a questionnaire and investigates the similarity patterns between the questionnaire items, aiming to classify attitudes towards risky driving behaviours into themes. MDS is subsequently applied to classify drivers within a heterogeneous driving sample into sub-cultures with shared driver characteristics and different risky driving attitudes. Results: Results show that acceptance of speeding is highest among the young Arabic students and acceptance of distraction and drivers’ negligence such as phone use and not wearing a seatbelt is highest among male Arab drivers. Acceptance of extreme risk-taking like intoxicated driving and red-light running is highest among South-Asian business drivers. Conclusion: It is important and practical to understand risky behavioural habits among sub-cultures and thereby focussing on groups of drivers instead of individuals, because groups are easier to approach and drivers within sub-cultures are found to influence each other. By indicating which groups of drivers are most likely to perform specific risky driving themes, it is possible to target these groups and effectively emphasise certain subsets of risky driving behaviours during training or traffic safety education. Practical Applications: This study provides guidance for the improvement of driver education and targeted traffic safety awareness campaigns, intending to make changes to attitudes and habits within specific driver sub-cultures with the aim to improve traffic safety on the longer term.  相似文献   

System dynamics (SDs) is a methodology that can be used to understand the behavior and dynamics of complex systems over time. SD utilizes a range of tools and techniques such as influence and causal loop diagrams, computer simulation and optimization. SD has been used to facilitate the analysis of complex physical and social systems, e.g. water resources, climate change and industrial accidents. One of the key reasons for its growing popularity is that it allows policy experimentation and facilitates the discussion of ‘what-if’ scenarios. Within the realm of road traffic research, SD has been primarily used to examine micro level issues such as the interactions between the driver, infrastructure and the vehicle. Even though such micro level analysis are important, macro traffic safety policies can create more sustainable systems that pre-empt safety issues and reduce likelihood of traffic accidents. This paper develops two models to demonstrate how the methodology of SD can facilitate and encourage macro and meso level analysis of traffic safety policy. The first model is used to assess policy options so as to encourage the purchase of cars with higher safety ratings. The second model, is used to evaluate the impact of public transport policies on travel time and traffic safety considerations. The strength and weaknesses of the SD methodology in road transport/safety analysis are also examined. It is suggested that SD is most appropriate for formulating macro level policy as it can account for the dynamic complexity associated with the road transport system.  相似文献   

IntroductionDriving behavior theoretical models consider attitudes as an important determinant of driver behavior. Moreover, the association between the self-reported tendency to commit violations and accident involvement is widely recognized. This research investigates drivers’ self-reported behavior and attitudes to risky behaviors related to the traffic violations of speeding, drink-driving, and cell phone use using cluster analysis.MethodA sample of 601 Greek drivers participating at the SARTRE 4 pan-European survey is utilized. The analysis identified three clusters of drivers. Drivers in Cluster 1 commit traffic violations more often; drivers in Cluster 2 favor traffic violation countermeasures while having moderate views toward compliance with traffic rules; and drivers in Cluster 3 strongly support traffic violation countermeasures and also have strong views toward compliance with traffic rules. Risky behaviors and related attitudes that differentiate the three distinct groups of drivers (clusters) were determined.ResultsThe findings indicate that differences in attitudes and behaviors may be attributed to factors such as age, gender, and area of residence. The research findings also provided some insight about the current level of drivers’ attitudes to traffic violations, especially those that negatively affect traffic safety. The pattern of their views on violations may form the basis of risk behavior-related interventions tailored to the identified groups, aiming at informing, educating, and raising the awareness of the public.Impact on IndustryAgencies focused on safety interventions could exploit this information in designing and implementing education campaigns, enforcement programs and in defining relevant priorities.  相似文献   

研究以EPPM模型作为理论框架,探讨恐惧诉求对危险驾驶行为(超速和不系安全带)态度和行为意向的作用。54名职业驾驶员在观看交通安全恐惧诉求录像后,完成安全驾驶行为问卷。回归分析表明恐惧诉求的交通事故录像能够改变驾驶员对超速及不系安全带驾驶的态度和行为意向,但作用不完全一致。恐惧情绪唤起通过恐惧情感所引发的威胁评估过程中介对不超速行为意向的影响。最后,对研究的局限和未来的研究进行讨论。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2004,42(1):1-21
A campaign to promote safe driving behaviour has been carried out among adolescents in two Norwegian counties since 1998. It focused on traffic accident risk perception. The aims of the present paper are to present the results of the evaluation of the effect of the campaign and to examine the association between risk perception and traffic behaviour. A representative sample of adolescents aged 18–24 years old in the two Norwegian counties participating in the campaign (experimental group), as well as a control group of adolescents in two other counties not participating in the campaign were used. Data were collected before it started in October 1998 and also after the campaign (n=4376). The pre-and post-samples consisted of independent groups of respondents. The response rate was 93%. The respondents perceived the risk to be higher after the campaign than before. The respondents of the post-sample of the experimental group also reported less risk behaviour in traffic. The number of speeding accidents was also reduced. Perceived risk was not changed among adolescents in the control group. Neither were there any changes in self-report risk behaviour. The questionnaire measured cognition-based as well as emotion-based risk perception. Model tests showed that assessments of the probability of traffic accidents and concern were non-significant predictors for self-report risk behaviour. Worry and other emotional reactions related to traffic hazards significantly predicted behaviour. Sensation seeking, normlessness (i.e. a state where social norms no longer regulate behaviour), and indifference with regard to traffic safety affected emotion-based risk perception.  相似文献   

IntroductionSpeeding is a major cause of unintentional roadway death in the United States. Existing data show that U.S. drivers tend to speed less as they age, but reasons for this change remain largely unknown. Limited research has examined why U.S. drivers decide to speed or why U.S. drivers decide not to speed, and none to date has determined why speeding behaviors change over the life course. Research into these issues can provide insight that may be harnessed for more effective anti-speeding interventions that catalyze decisions not to speed. Methods: The current study asked a national sample of U.S. drivers (N = 309) about their driving behaviors and how they have changed over time using an open-ended prompt in an online survey. The authors qualitatively coded responses using a narrative analysis lens to identify common themes. Results: Results show U.S. drivers often make deliberate choices to speed and some do not consider speeding to be dangerous after achieving perceived mastery of driving skills. Participants tended to report speeding less over time, citing increased concern for family and other roadway users, which may help explain national speeding data trends. Several other themes emerged identifying individual cognitive factors, environmental contexts, and key persons impacting speeding decisions. Practical Applications: Findings show that the most effective means of encouraging U.S. drivers to decide not to speed may be multi-pronged intervention approaches highlighting how speeding reduces roadway driver control, connecting speeding with safety, and encompassing road design and law enforcement strategies.  相似文献   

道路交通安全状况预测及管理规划方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究道路交通安全规划方案的设计,探讨国内外道路交通安全状况规划方案的研究现状。以台州市为例,在对台州市的交通安全特性统计分析的基础上,针对台州市道路交通安全现状,进行了安全趋势分析。从预测可以看出,随着台州市经济的持续增长、道路交通的快速发展,台州市的道路交通安全形势不容乐观,面临道路交通事故有可能继续上升的巨大压力。结合台州市区道路交通安全管理规划的目标,重点从完善道路基础设施及安全设施、建立交通安全管理的科技保障体系、构建台州市道路交通事故紧急救援系统3个方面提出近期道路交通安全管理规划方案,有效地提高台州市道路交通安全水平。  相似文献   

大货车驾驶员交通心理与交通安全的研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
笔者从交通心理学的角度,对大货车驾驶员在行驶过程中的心理状况、因攻击性驾驶行为、强烈的冒险动机的驱使、对道路期望心理的失衡及交通安全感偏差等不良心理因素而导致恶性交通事故进行分析。通过研究得出以下结论大货车驾驶员是一特殊的群体,应重视对该群体的教育、培训与管理,从而提高驾驶员的职业道德水平、性格品质、交通安全感及驾驶技能,以改善道路安全环境和交通安全状况、降低道路交通事故发生率。  相似文献   

道路交通安全管理规划理论体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
道路交通安全是道路交通系统的重要组成部分,也是世界各国极为关注的议题之一。道路交通安全管理得到世界各国政府的高度重视,而作为道路交通安全管理的道路交通安全管理规划就显得尤为重要。笔者结合我国的道路的实际情况和国外理论实践的借鉴以及自己的一些想法对我国道路交通安全管理规划的基本理论体系做了一个初步的研究。从整体上分析道路交通安全管理规划的组织机构;阐述了规划的主要内容和技术路线;提出了道路交通安全管理规划的总体设计;从分析道路交通安全管理规划的流程和技术方法的基础上建立规划的基本框架;着重介绍道路交通安全管理规划的核心内容;最后阐述了道路交通安全管理规划的实施与滚动,系统地介绍和探讨了道路交通管理规划的基本理论体系。  相似文献   

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