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Knowledge of the investment rules adopted by breeders and non-breeders, and the factors that affect them, is essential to understanding cooperative breeding as part of a life-history tactic. Although the factors that affect relative contributions to care of young have been studied in some cooperative bird species, there is little data on mammals, making coherent generalisations within mammals and across taxa difficult. In this study, we investigate individual contributions to pup escorting, a strong predictor of offspring provisioning, in the banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), a cooperatively breeding mammal in which reproductive skew is low. Contributions by those under a year old (which virtually never breed) increased with age and body weight but were generally low. Among older age classes (yearlings and adults), individuals that had not bred in the current litter generally contributed less to escorting than those that had bred (with the exception of yearling males). In addition, females that did not breed reduced their investment if they were heavy presumably because such females are more likely to breed in the following event and benefit from saving resources for this. The generally greater contributions by breeders in banded mongooses contrast with the recent findings in meerkats (Suricata suricatta), another obligatorily cooperative mongoose with similar group size but wherein reproductive skew is high. Our results suggest that relative contributions by breeders vs non-breeders are not dependent on group size but on the ratio of breeders to carers and the probability that non-breeders will breed in the near future.  相似文献   

Summary Australia has many cooperatively breeding species of birds. These tend to occur in eucalypt and semi-arid woodlands rather than in rainforests or deserts. They tend to be insectivores that pursue rather than sit and wait for their prey, and tend to forage on the ground rather than above it. We propose that environments where resources do not show marked seasonal fluctuations are those in which cooperative breeding is most likely to evolve. Under these conditions birds might experience difficulty acquiring the extra food necessary to breed, especially if inexperienced. When adult survival was high, young and inexperienced birds could delay breeding. Unpredictable environments may also favor cooperative breeding, but our data do not strongly support this. Groupliving would be favored further if young birds are particularly vulnerable to predators when alone. They should therefore remain in the family group and delay their dispersal unitl a suitable breeding vacancy becomes available. These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, but are complementary. Both may be required to ensure that at least some year-old birds do not breed and also do not disperse. We believe that they give rise to predictions, which can be tested in future field studies.  相似文献   

In most cooperatively breeding species, reproduction is monopolised by a subset of group members. However, in some species most or all individuals breed. The factors that affect reproductive success in such species are vital to understanding why multiple females breed. A key issue is whether or not the presence of other breeders is costly to an individual’s reproductive success. This study examines the factors that affect the post-parturition component of reproductive success in groups of communal-breeding banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), where up to ten females breed together. Per-litter reproductive success was low (only 18% of pups survived from birth to independence). Whilst singular breeding was wholly unsuccessful, there were costs associated with breeding in the presence of increasing numbers of other females and in large groups. Synchronisation of parturition increased litter success, probably because it minimises the opportunity for infanticide or decreases competitive asymmetry between pups born to different females. There was no evidence of inbreeding depression, and reproductive success was generally higher in litters where females only had access to related males within their group. I conclude that communal breeding in female banded mongooses represents a compromise between the benefits of group-living and communal pup care on the one hand, and competition between females to maximise their personal reproductive success on the other. Such conflicts are likely to occur in most communal breeding species. Whilst communal breeding systems are generally considered egalitarian, negative effects of co-breeders on individual reproductive success is still an issue.  相似文献   

Neolamprologus pulcher, a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika, lives in permanent social groups comprising one breeding pair and helpers of both sexes. Variation in group size (1-14 helpers) provides an opportunity to investigate factors that affect how many helpers remain in a group and in turn how group size affects reproductive success. This field study showed that larger groups live in larger territories with more shelter. Group size was more strongly correlated with territory quality than with breeder size. Experimental enhancement of territory quality did not affect group size but group size decreased when territory quality was reduced. Breeders living in a large group benefit because such individuals feed more often and have lower workloads and greater reproductive success. Helpers in larger groups also fed more frequently but did not have lower workloads. This is one of the first experimental studies to examine the factors influencing group size in cooperative breeders.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, parents should bias offspring sex ratio towards the philopatric sex to obtain new helpers (helper repayment hypothesis). However, philopatric offspring might increase within-group competition for resources (local resource competition hypothesis), diluting the benefits of helper acquisition. Furthermore, benefits of offspring sex bias on parents’ fitness may depend on different costs of production and/or different breeding opportunities of sons and daughters. Because of these counteracting factors, strategies of offspring sex allocation in cooperative species are often difficult to investigate. In carrion crows Corvus corone corone in northern Spain, sons are more philopatric and more helpful at the nest than daughters, which disperse earlier and have higher chances to find a breeding vacancy. Consistent with the helper repayment hypothesis, we found that crows fledged more sons in groups short of subordinate males than in groups with sufficient helper contingent, where daughters were preferred. Crow females also proved able to bias primary sex ratio, allocating offspring sex along the hatching sequence in a way that provided the highest fledging probability to sons in the first breeding attempt and to daughters in the following ones. The higher cost of producing male offspring may explain this pattern, with breeding females shifting to the cheapest sex (female) as a response to the costs generated by previous reproductive attempts. Our results suggest complex adjustments of offspring sex ratio that allowed crows to maximize the value of daughters and sons.  相似文献   

It is suggested that some fish of the genus Julidochromis, substrate-brooding Tanganyikan cichlids with biparental care, breed cooperatively with helpers. We studied the social system of J. ornatus in the wild and analysed genetic parentage using microsatellites. Within the studied population three patterns of social system were identified: monogamous pairs (61%, 44 of 72 groups), pairs with helpers (29%, 21), and polygamous harems with helpers (controlled by either a large female or large male owner; 10%, 7). In cooperatively breeding groups, the number of helpers at each nest ranged from 1 to 6 (median 1), and male helpers were more numerous than female helpers. In both sexes, the body size was different among individuals of different social status (harem owner > breeder > helper). Helpers and harem owners of both sexes exhibited brood defence although its frequency was low. The molecular analysis revealed that (1) the helpers were mostly unrelated to dominant breeders, (2) many helpers of both sexes contributed genetically to the next generations, (3) male helpers had high siring success (41% of young in total), and (4) large young unrelated to group members were detected at 30% of observed nests, which may be due to breeder (or helper) replacements and immigration of young. We discuss the implications of these results for understanding the complex social system of this species, especially the low reproductive skew in comparison with other cooperatively breeding cichlids.  相似文献   

Summary The participation of breeders and helpers in the feeding of 21 broods of chicks was studied in a population of cooperatively breeding purple gallinules (Porphyrula martinica). In the breeding group, all birds over the age of 2 months fed chicks. Female breeders fed chicks at the highest rate, followed by male breeders and adult helpers, old juvenile helpers, and young juvenile helpers. The amount of food breeders fed chicks was independent of the number of helpers in the breeding group. However, breeders made fewer feeding visits when they had helpers. Male and female breeders spent similar amounts of time feeding chicks. Helpers spent significantly less time feeding chicks than did breeders. As helpers grew older they fed chicks at a faster rate, made more feeding visits and spent more time feeding chicks. Analysis of variance was used to determine which variables explained the variation in the brood feeding rate (amount of food delivered to an entire brood during one observation). Age of chicks had a significant nonlinear effect, and size of brood and number of helpers had significant linear effects on the brood feeding rate. Chicks in groups with helpers received more food and were accompanied for longer periods of time than chicks in groups without helpers; either or both of these factors may have led to increased chick survival.  相似文献   

Allopreening is a widespread but little-studied phenomenon in birds and is particularly prevalent in species where individuals are forced into close proximity. Such a situation facilitates the transfer of ectoparasites between individuals and allopreening has therefore been proposed to serve a hygienic function. In addition, allopreening might theoretically play a role in social communication. Green woodhoopoes (Phoeniculus purpureus) are cooperatively breeding birds that roost communally every night in a tree cavity and are thus susceptible to high ectoparasite loads. Our results suggest that allopreening of the head and neck (“head”), which cannot be efficiently self-preened, serves a primarily hygienic function: all individuals, irrespective of sex, dominance status, and group size, donated and received similar rates of head allopreening and terminated a similar proportion of bouts in which they were involved. Furthermore, there was a high occurrence of reciprocation and head allopreening occurred at a constant rate throughout the year. In contrast, allopreening of the rest of the body, which is accessible to the recipient itself, is likely to serve a primarily social function: body allopreening rates were higher in larger groups; dominant individuals received more body allopreening and terminated a significantly higher proportion of bouts than subordinates; and subordinates donated body allopreening at a higher rate than dominants. Moreover, bouts initiated by dominants were more likely to be reciprocated than those initiated by subordinates and body allopreening rates varied seasonally. Allopreening in the green woodhoopoe is therefore likely to serve a dual function, depending on the part of the body involved.  相似文献   

Obligate avian brood parasites lay their eggs in nests of other species (hosts), which raise parasitic young. Parasitic nestlings are likely to influence host’s parental behaviours as they typically beg for food more vigorously than young host for a given hunger level. However, few studies have tested this idea, with conflicting results. These prior studies were largely limited to biparental hosts, but little is known about the effect of brood parasitism on parental behaviours in hosts that breed cooperatively. We followed a multimodel approach to examine the effect of brood parasitism on nest provisioning and helper recruitment in the baywing (Agelaioides badius), a cooperative breeder parasitised by screaming (Molothrus rufoaxillaris) and shiny (Molothrus bonariensis) cowbirds. Multimodel inference results indicated that feeding visits increased with nestling age, cooperative group size and number of cowbird nestlings in the brood. Brood size had little influence on feeding visits, which further suggests that baywings adjusted their provisioning effort in response to cowbird parasitism. In addition, nests parasitised artificially with shiny cowbird eggs or hatchlings recruited more helpers than unmanipulated nests having only host or screaming cowbird young. Our results provide novel evidence that brood parasitism and cooperative breeding interact in determining the levels of nest provisioning.  相似文献   

Extensive behavioural and pedigree data on a colour-marked population of Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) suggested that this cooperatively breeding species is monogamous, with extremely rare exceptions in which males have two mates. We used multi-locus DNA fingerprinting to test these observations by determining genetic parentage. Despite restricted dispersal and high relatedness between behavioural parents and non-breeding members of the group, DNA fingerprints provided sufficient variability to determine parentage unambiguously in almost all cases. We found no evidence of extra-pair fertilisation of females or egg dumping, and confirmed a suspected case of polygyny in which a mother and daughter laid and incubated in the same nest. Our results confirm that detailed behavioural data allow accurate assignment of genetic parentage in this species. In Florida scrub-jays, large territory size may limit opportunities for cuckoldry, and persistent intense competition for limited breeding space may lead to low variance in the quality of established male breeders. These factors would reduce both the opportunity for, and benefits of engaging in extra-pair fertilisations. Delayed dispersal and cooperative breeding in this species have not evolved as avenues for direct reproduction by unpaired individuals. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 26 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary The social organization of the Galápagos mockingbird (Nesomimus parvulus) in unusual in that groups frequently include more than one breeding pair (plural breeding), and helping behavior is flexible: some birds neither breed nor help, while others do both. To investigate the influence of kinship on helping behavior, I categorized each bird as a helper or non-helper with respect to each nest within its group where it had an opportunity to help. The incidence of helping varied with relatedness: more birds helped when nestlings available to be fed were close relatives than when not. This result was independent of a higher incidence of helping among males than among females and of variation with age among males. Proportionally more nonbreeding than breeding males helped, but breeding and nonbreeding females helped equally infrequently; breeders helped most often after their own nests failed. The incidence of helping was highest among birds with opportunities to feed offspring of breeders that had fed the potential helper as a nestling, suggesting a mechanism for kin discrimination based on associative learning. Juveniles with opportunities to choose among alternative recipients preferentially fed closely related nestlings, but insufficient information was available to determine if adults also did so. Kinship did not influence the rate at which nestlings were fed by helpers. Juveniles fed nestlings at lower rates than did adult helpers, but helping effort was otherwise unaffected by age, sex, or relatedness. Limitation of help to former feeders functions as a mechanism for directing aid to relatives in a plural breeding system where degrees of kinship vary among potential recipients within the same group.  相似文献   

Reproductive success within populations often varies with the timing of breeding, typically declining over the season. This variation is usually attributed to seasonal changes in resource availability and/or differences in the quality or experience of breeders. In colonial species, the timing of breeding may be of particular importance because the costs and benefits of colonial breeding are likely to vary over the season and also with colony size. In this study, we examine the relationship between timing of breeding and reproductive performance (clutch size and nest success) both within and between variable sized colonies (n = 18) of fairy martins, Petrochelidon ariel. In four of these colonies, we also experimentally delayed laying in selected nests to disentangle the effects of laying date and individual quality/experience on reproductive success. Within colonies, later laying birds produced smaller clutches, but only in larger colonies. The general seasonal decline in nest success was also more pronounced in larger colonies. Late laying birds were generally smaller than earlier laying birds, but morphological differences were also related to colony size, suggesting optimal colony size also varies with phenotype. Experimentally delayed clutches were larger than concurrently produced non-delayed clutches, but only in larger colonies. Similarly, delayed clutches were more likely to produce fledglings, particularly later in the season and in larger colonies. We suggest that the reduced performance of late breeding pairs in larger colonies resulted primarily from inexperienced/low quality birds preferring to settle in larger colonies, possibly exacerbated by an increase in the costs of coloniality (e.g., resource depletion and ectoparasite infestations) with date and colony size. These findings highlight the importance of phenotype-related differences in settlement decisions and reproductive performance to an improved understanding of colonial breeding and variation in colony size.  相似文献   

Providing food to developing offspring is beneficial for offspring but costly for carers. Understanding patterns of provisioning thus yields important insights into how selection shapes (allo-) parental care strategies. Broadly, offspring development will be influenced by three components of provisioning (prey type, size and delivery rate). However, all three variables are rarely considered simultaneously, leading to suggestions that the results of many studies are misleading. Additionally, few studies have examined the provisioning strategies of breeders and non-breeding helpers in obligate cooperative breeders, wherein reproduction without help is typically unsuccessful. We investigated these components of provisioning in obligately cooperative chestnut-crowned babblers (Pomatostomus ruficeps). Prey type was associated with size, and delivery rate was the best predictor of the overall amount of food provided by carers. As broods aged, breeders and helpers similarly modified the relative proportion of different prey provided and increased both prey size and delivery rate. Breeding females contributed less prey than male breeders and adult helpers, and were the only carers to load-lighten by reducing their provisioning rates in the presence of additional carers. While our results suggest that breeders and helpers follow broadly comparable provisioning rules, they are also consistent with the idea that, in obligately cooperative species, breeding females benefit more from conserving resources for future reproduction than do helpers which have a low probability of breeding independently.  相似文献   

Indirect fitness benefits are believed to be an important force behind the evolution of cooperative breeding. However, helpers may associate with their relatives as a result of delayed dispersal, hence, kin associations might be a consequence of demographic viscosity rather than active choice. In addition, recent studies showed that helpers may have access to reproduction therefore direct benefits might also play an important role. Here, we investigate the possible roles of direct genetic benefits and kin associations on helping behavior in the sociable weaver Philetairus socius, a colonial and cooperatively breeding passerine. We used a microsatellite-based genotyping method to describe the genetic structure within nests and colonies. Within a colony, we found considerable genetic structure between males but not females. Sociable weaver colonies have several nests that are simultaneously active, giving individuals a choice of associating with a range of first-order kin to unrelated individuals. Helpers were significantly more related to the young in the helped nests than in other nests of the colony, suggesting an active choice for associating with kin. The helpers were generally offspring or first-order relatives of one (50%) or both (43%) breeders, although more infrequently, seemingly unrelated individuals also helped (7%). We found no supporting evidence of extrapair parentage and hence no direct genetic gains from helping in our population. This strong reproductive skew is contrary to theoretical models predicting conflicts over reproduction in stepfamilies. We discuss whether female decisions and/or other direct benefits of remaining in kin associations or helping might explain the high skew observed.  相似文献   

In semi-colonial species, some individuals choose to breed in isolation while others aggregate in breeding colonies. The origin and the maintenance of this pattern have been questioned, and inherited phenotype dependency of group breeding benefits has been invoked as one of the possible mechanisms for the evolution of semi-coloniality. Using field observations and behavioural tests in the semi-colonial barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), we tested the hypothesis that breeding group size is related to personality. We measured neophobia (the fear and avoidance of new things) and social tolerance of adults and showed that these two independent traits of personality are strongly related to breeding group size. The biggest colonies hosted birds with higher neophobia, and larger groups also hosted females with higher social tolerance. This parallel between group size and group composition in terms of individual personality offers a better understanding of the observed diversity in breeding group size in this species. Further studies are, however, needed to better understand the origin of the link between individual personality and group breeding strategies.  相似文献   

In the cooperatively breeding red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), male helpers are subordinate to male breeders and do not mate with females, even when unrelated to the breeding female within their group or through extra-group matings, yet exhibit reproductive hormone profiles similar to those of breeders. We investigated whether reproduction might be suppressed in helper males via high levels of the stress hormone corticosterone. We also examined effects of group size and season on corticosterone levels by comparing baseline and maximal plasma levels of corticosterone between helper males and breeding males, and among helper males and breeders of both sexes living in groups of different sizes throughout the reproductive cycle. We also measured plasma levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone to examine other potential hormonal differences between helpers and breeders. Male status did not explain variation in any hormones; therefore, our data do not support the hypothesis that helper males are reproductively suppressed via corticosterone or the other hormones investigated. However, the presence of two or more helper males in a group tended to reduce baseline corticosterone in breeding and helper males, but not breeding females, suggesting that helper males reduce parental effort of other male group members. Seasonally, maximal corticosterone peaked during the nestling provisioning phase for breeding and helper males, but not breeder females, suggesting that males show an increased response to stressors posing a potential threat to survival of offspring.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, helpers may contribute to the success of the brood by increasing the number of independent offspring, but also, they may affect offspring condition and, hence, their survival and recruitment into the breeding population. This second type of benefits is rarely included in theoretical models or assessed in field studies. Immune response is a good proxy of individual quality and fitness, and there is good evidence that the performance of the immune system of chicks during the nestling phase is related to their chances of survival and future reproduction. However, no study has so far explored whether helpers at the nest might contribute to enhance immune functioning of nestlings in species with a cooperative breeding system. Here we investigate this issue in the azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyanus) and found for the first time a positive correlation between the number of helpers at nest and the cell-mediated immune response of nestlings. This effect was not explained by a general improvement of body condition of chicks because it was independent of individual variation in body mass or tarsus length. Our results suggest that helping can have subtle effects on the quality of offspring that may influence their survival and future reproduction.  相似文献   

In any system where multiple individuals jointly contribute to rearing offspring, conflict is expected to arise over the relative contributions of each carer. Existing theoretical work on the conflict over care has: (a) rarely considered the influence of tactical investment during offspring production on later contributions to offspring rearing; (b) concentrated mainly on biparental care, rather than cooperatively caring groups comprising both parents and helpers; and (c) typically ignored relatedness between carers as a potential influence on investment behavior. We use a game-theoretical approach to explore the effects of female production tactics and differing group relatedness structures on the expected rearing investment contributed by breeding females, breeding males, and helpers in cooperative groups. Our results suggest that the breeding female should pay higher costs overall when helpful helpers are present, as she produces additional offspring to take advantage of the available care. We find that helpers related to offspring through the breeding female rather than the breeding male should contribute less to care, and decrease their contribution as group size increases, because the female refrains from producing additional offspring to exploit them. Finally, within-group variation in helper relatedness also affects individual helper investment rules by inflating the differences between the contributions to care of dissimilar helpers. Our findings underline the importance of considering maternal investment decisions during offspring production to understand investment across the entire breeding attempt, and provide empirically testable predictions concerning the interplay between maternal, paternal and helper investment and how these are modified by different relatedness structures.  相似文献   

Dispersal attempts can be costly and may often end in failure. Individuals should therefore only disperse when the benefits of dispersal outweigh the costs. While previous research has focussed on aspects of the individual that may affect dispersal success, social factors may also influence dispersal outcomes. One way of achieving successful dispersal could be through cooperative, or coalition dispersal. I investigated this possibility in the cooperatively breeding Arabian babbler Turdoides squamiceps. I found that coalition dispersal appears to be an effective strategy to ensure the success of dispersal attempts, with coalitions more successful than lone individuals at taking over the breeding position in a new group. Lone dispersal was more costly than coalition dispersal, with lone individuals suffering a greater loss of body mass during dispersal attempts. These results suggest a substantial short-term benefit for this type of cooperative behaviour. There was no evidence for dispersal polymorphism in the population, with no detectable phenotypic difference between dispersers and non-dispersers or those that dispersed as part of a coalition compared with those that dispersed alone.  相似文献   

The ultimate factors influencing age-specific reproductive performance in birds have been widely discussed, and several hypotheses have been suggested to explain why young/inexperienced breeders have lower reproductive success than older individuals. In comparison, proximate factors and, particularly, hormonal mechanisms influencing age-related reproductive performance have received lesser attention. In this paper, we examined how baseline levels of corticosterone and prolactin, two hormones involved in reproduction, changed with age and experience in a long-lived bird, the Black-browed albatross (Thallasarche melanophris) during the brooding stage. Corticosterone levels were not linked to age, whereas prolactin levels increased until individuals reached 15 years of age. First-time breeders had higher corticosterone levels and lower prolactin levels than experienced ones. Corticosterone levels were not correlated with breeding experience among experienced birds, whereas prolactin levels slightly increased with advancing experience. Among experienced breeders, there was no effect of individual quality on corticosterone and prolactin levels. Baseline corticosterone and prolactin levels were respectively, positively and negatively correlated to time spent fasting/brooding on the nest. Moreover, the probability of successfully fledging a chick was negatively related to corticosterone levels, but not to prolactin levels. Elevated corticosterone levels in first time breeders may serve as evidence for depleted body reserves resulting from lower foraging/brooding capabilities and therefore support the constraint hypothesis. Low prolactin levels in young/inexperienced birds may be interpreted either as evidence for their lower breeding capacities (constraint hypothesis) or for their limited breeding investment (restraint hypothesis). Finally, we report, for the first time, the hormonal changes associated with the onset of senescence. The very old and most experienced birds, which had the lowest probability of successfully fledging a young, displayed elevated corticosterone levels and low prolactin levels, possibly indicating a degradation of breeding skills and/or a disruption of the endocrine system in senescent birds.  相似文献   

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