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将社会经济与自然气候条件相结合,构建了一个集城镇化、耕地集约利用、气候条件与粮食生产于一体的理论框架,实证评估城镇化对粮食生产的影响及路径。基于2000—2018年330个中国地级及以上城市的面板数据,运用一个有调节的中介效应模型考察了气温、降水量和日照时数等气候变量调节作用下耕地集约利用在城镇化影响粮食生产的中介效应,进一步分析了该中介效应的程度变化及区域异质性。研究发现:①城镇化对粮食生产存在显著的负向影响,耕地集约利用的中介效应能够削弱城镇化的负向影响。②气候条件能够在耕地集约利用的中介路径中发挥显著的调节作用,气温、降水量与日照时数均能够显著调节该中介作用的全路径,但在不同气候变量的调节下,耕地集约利用的中介作用表现出明显的区域异质性。③气温在胡焕庸线以东大部分地区、日照时数在长江流域以北大部分地区,耕地集约利用能够发挥正向中介效应,而降水量在高于800 mm等降水量线的大部分地区则部分削弱耕地集约利用的负向中介效应,即不同气候变量调节的共同作用能够弱化甚至完全抵消耕地集约利用的负向中介效应。总体上,耕地集约利用中介效应与气候条件调节效应的双重作用能够削弱城镇化的负向影响。文章在理论上有助于丰富中国城镇化对粮食生产影响的评估框架,在实践上也有助于为政府促进城镇化高质量发展与保障粮食安全均衡协调提供经验参考。  相似文献   

粮食主产区是关系我国粮食安全的粮食生产核心区域,研究气候变化下粮食主产区粮食气候生产潜力的时空分异与演化特征具有重要意义.基于我国粮食主产区13个省份341个气象台的日测气象数据,应用逐级订正的机制法模型对1981~2015年间粮食气候生产潜力及其时空演化进行分析,研究得出:(1)我国粮食主产区年平均粮食气候生产潜力为9 171.17 kg/hm2,时间维度上的演化路径总体平稳,而我国粮食主产区光合生产潜力呈下降趋势,光温生产潜力呈上升趋势,光、温、水气候因子变动对粮食生产的综合影响较小;(2)光照影响下光合生产潜力呈"西北高东南低"特征,光、温、水气候因子层层叠加下粮食气候生产潜力出现空间重组,粮食主产区粮食气候生产潜力自东南向西北递减的地理分异特征显著,长江中下游平原和成都平原为高值区,气候条件优越,平原地形利于耕种;(3)粮食主产区粮食气候生产潜力空间分布演化呈现高值区范围缩小、低值区范围保持、中间值地区空间差异弱化的特征.  相似文献   

安徽省是重要的粮食产区,在保障我国粮食安全中发挥着重要作用,研究该省气候生产潜力的演变特征,面向粮食安全分析其气候承载力具有显著的现实意义。本文从粮食生产与光温水等气候因子的关系出发,采用逐级订正的方法计算了安徽省的气候生产潜力及其变化特征,并根据不同生活水平下的粮食需求指标,分析了安徽省的气候承载力和剩余空间。结果表明,安徽省气候生产潜力的地理分异特征显著,其中北部高于南部、平原高于山区,高值区主要集中在沿淮及淮北地区,与耕种条件配合较好,有利于生产潜力的发挥。1961~2013年全省气候生产潜力基本呈一致下降趋势,近50年平均减少了约10%。安徽省目前粮食消费水平和结构属温饱型向小康型过渡阶段,在充分发挥气候生产潜力的前提下,全省气候资源所能承载的粮食产量均显著超过不同生活水平下的总需求量。小康水平下,气候承载力的相对剩余率总体呈东北向西南递减的趋势,除部分城市地区和山区外,全省大部地区气候承载力的剩余空间仍较富裕,能够较好的保障粮食需求。总的来看,由于安徽省光温水以及耕地等条件配合较好,气候承载力较高;虽然受太阳辐射影响,近年来气候生产潜力下降,但在保障未来小康社会的粮食安全方面,安徽省仍具有较好的气候承载力,粮食生产还有较大的提升空间。  相似文献   

湖北的气候生产力与农业持续发展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于对湖北省主要农作物气候生产力的估算,分析了目前气候生产力利用的现状,由于受到自然条件和社会条件的限制,在目前大田生产的条件下,湖北粮食气候生产力利用率相对较低,即使是利用率稍高的中稻,其历史最高产量也仅为气候生产力的一半,气候生产潜力较大。因此,如何加强农业气候生产力的开发利用,最大限度的发挥气候资源的作用,将是实现湖北农业持续发展需要解决的重大问题之一。  相似文献   

中国粮食生产潜力开发与资源,环境协调发展思路及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析我国粮食生产赖以发展的资源和环境条件的基础上,结合农业生产和科学研究实践,认为制约我国粮食生产持续增长的主要生产性因素是资源短缺及环境问题,出路在于提高自然资源及物质投入的利用效率,进而提出了我国粮食生产潜力开发与资源、环境协调发展的基本思路和途径,认为现阶段的主要任务是提高粮食单产。最后根据我国资源环境及经济状况的区域分布特征,提出东、中、西三大经济带粮食生产持续增长的相应对策。  相似文献   

论述长江流域发展粮食生产的重要性,分析粮食资源分布,生产状况,生产结构和地域差异,指出粮食合理布局的方向,提出以粮食集中产区为重点,建设长江流域粮食生产专业化地并以建设商品粮基地为建带突破口。  相似文献   

黑龙江省作为中国粮食安全“压舱石”,其水资源的合理有效使用为粮食生产提供了重要保障。基于水足迹理论对2000~2017年间黑龙江省14个区域内粮食生产水足迹和灰水足迹进行测算,以此作为投入产出指标,运用三阶段超效率SBM-Malmquist模型分析黑龙江省粮食生产用水绿色效率的时空特征。结果表明:黑龙江粮食生产水足迹总量呈现先上升再下降特征,各地区差异较大,主要受各区域粮食产量、种植结构和单位面积产量的变化而引起;受粮食增产对化肥的需求以及化肥零增长政策的影响,粮食灰水足迹总量整体呈现先上升后下降的特征;在剔除了随机误差和环境影响因素后,外部因素对纯技术效率的抑制作用明显,规模投入不足是扼制粮食生产用水绿色效率提升的瓶颈;黑龙江粮食生产用水绿色效率呈现由上升到平稳的趋势,除哈尔滨和农垦总局外,各区域之间效率值较低;粮食生产用水绿色全要素生产率变化主要依赖于技术进步变化,受纯技术效率变化的限制影响。建议黑龙江省应进一步发展现代化大农业,依据各区域特点扩大生产规模,加大科技投入和技术创新,从粮食生产结构、化肥施用量入手,优化调整生产过程中的投入、产出要素是提高粮食生产用水绿色效率的重要途径。  相似文献   

从省级和8个二级区域尺度上分析我国2007年粮食生产和消费中的虚拟水含量的空间分布规律以及粮食生产和消费中的虚拟水平衡规律,得出如下结论:首先,粮食生产虚拟水量北方比南方地区多31 9752×107 m3,人均粮食生产虚拟水量北方地区为530 m3/人,远高于全国平均水平的460 m3/人,而南方地区则只有410 m3/人。说明我国当前粮食生产存在较为典型的虚拟水资源“北水南调”现象;其次,全国粮食虚拟水消费量南方比北方地区多4 8553亿m3,恰好与粮食生产的虚拟水空间分布规律相反。南北方粮食消费水平的差异加剧了我国粮食生产虚拟水资源“北水南调”现象的发生;再次,从粮食生产和消费的虚拟水平衡空间分布规律来看,调出区主要集中分布在由黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古、新疆、宁夏5省(区)组成的我国北方边境沿线地带和由江西、湖南、重庆、湖北、河南、安徽、江苏、山东和山西组成的中东部环形地区。虚拟水调入区则主要集中在由北京、天津、河北和辽宁组成的环渤海地区和由分布在西北、西南和华南共13个省市区组成的环状连片地带;最后简要分析了我国粮食生产和消费的虚拟水平衡在粮食生产和水资源开发利用领域的启示意义。

在分析建国以来广东省粮食生产历程及其阶段性特征的基础上,利用广东省1987~2004年分县统计数据,采用数理统计、区域差异定量分析与GIS空间分析等方法,研究了广东省近18年来粮食生产区域格局变化,并探讨了其影响因素,以期为进一步制定粮食宏观政策、保障广东省粮食安全提供参考依据。研究结果表明:1980年以来,广东省人均粮食占有量与全国人均粮食占有量之间的差距在逐渐增大;1987-2004年,广东省粮食生产中心逐渐北移;珠江三角洲粮食产量出现严重滑坡,粤东粤西地区处于低水平的相对稳定的粮食生产状态,而北部山区粮食产量经历了明显先升后降的过程,但在全省粮食生产的地位逐渐提升;珠江三角洲和粤东地区各县市区地域绝对差异和相对差异较大,18年间波动幅度也较大,而北部山区与粤西地区各县市区地域绝对差异和相对差异较小,变化幅度也较小;影响广东省粮食生产区域格局变化的主要因素包括工业化和城市化的迅速发展、种粮比较收益低下、粮食作物播种面积与产值构成的大幅下降以及经济体制的转型。  相似文献   

基于虚拟耕地方法的中国粮食生产布局诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究我国区域粮食生产空间布局问题,运用虚拟耕地方法和对比方法对我国粮食生产空间布局进行诊断。首先,用人均农村人口粮食产量的虚拟耕地量表征我国粮食生产的空间布局现状,发现其存在“高值区相对集中,低值区相对分散”、区域间差异明显的特点。高值区集中于东北和内蒙古、长江中下游以及江南丘陵的北部地区;其次,主要从水土资源、自然灾害等方面构建包含8个具体指标的评价指标体系对我国31个省级行政区的粮食生产适宜度进行定量评价。发现我国不同区域间的粮食生产适宜度存在显著差异,区域粮食生产适宜度整体上呈现东高西低的空间分布规律,其中,高适宜度区域主要分布在我国的东北、黄淮海、华中、华南和西南各省区,低适宜度区域主要分布在西北、华北和东南沿海的福建、江西等省区;最后,构建粮食生产布局协调指数作为我国不同区域粮食生产布局调整的依据,发现北方11个省区粮食生产布局过密,南方16个省区粮食生产布局过疏。研究方法具有一定的创新性,但是,在粮食生产适应性评价的指标选择等方面尚存在明显的不足,研究结果和结论都有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

In recent 50 years, with the rapid development of international food trade, the geoeconomic pattern of cereal crops has changed tremendously which produced a significant impact on global food security. This paper attempted to analysis the production pattern and trade pattern of global cereals, especially three main crops of wheat, maize and rice by using the method of share-shift. Given the fact of almost every economic phenomenon is driven by their economic return behind them, this paper attempted to a further step into their economic pattern by examining their net trade flow. The results showed that from the view of production and trade, the geographic pattern of global cereals has changed greatly which can be described as developing countries has replaced developed countries and become the world’s biggest cereals production and trading area. But when moving to the net trade flow, it turns out to be another story that can depicted as the regional fixation features of economic returns which can be convinced from the labor division of global cereals trade, among which developed countries acts as net trade profit area while developing countries as net trade output area, and their gap between net export and net import has been widening from the view of evolution trend. So what we learn from the evolution of geoeconomic pattern on this topic is that our place in global cereals trade system, and therefore alert us to concern not only on the pattern transition but also the economic meaning behind it, only by doing so can we learn to plan our food future more wisely and effectively.  相似文献   

One of the targets of the United Nations ‘Millennium Development Goals’ adopted in 2000 is to cut in half the number of people who are suffering from hunger between 1990 and 2015. However, crop yield growth has slowed down in much of the world because of declining investments in agricultural research, irrigation, and rural infrastructure and increasing water scarcity. New challenges to food security are posed by accelerated climatic change. Considerable uncertainties remain as to when, where and how climate change will affect agricultural production. Even less is known about how climate change might influence other aspects that determine food security, such as accessibility of food for various societal groups and the stability of food supply. This paper presents the likely impacts of thermal and hydrological stresses as a consequence of projected climate change in the future potential agriculture productivity in South Asia based on the crop simulation studies with a view to identify critical climate thresholds for sustained food productivity in the region. The study suggests that, on an aggregate level, there might not be a significant impact of global warming on food production of South Asia in the short term (<2°C; until 2020s), provided water for irrigation is available and agricultural pests could be kept under control. The increasing frequency of droughts and floods would, however, continue to seriously disrupt food supplies on year to year basis. In long term (2050s and beyond), productivity of Kharif crops would decline due to increased climate variability and pest incidence and virulence. Production of Rabi crops is likely to be more seriously threatened in response to 2°C warming. The net cereal production in South Asia is projected to decline at least between 4 and 10% under the most conservative climate change projections (a regional warming of 3°C) by the end of this century. In terms of the reference to UNFCCC Article 2 on dangerous anthropogenic (human-induced) interference with the climate system, the critical threshold for sustained food productivity in South Asia appears to be a rise in surface air temperature of ~2°C and a marginal decline in water availability for irrigation or decrease in rainfall during the cropping season.  相似文献   

Climate change and food security: a Sri Lankan perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is growing concern in Sri Lanka over the impact of climate change, variability and extreme weather events on food production, food security and livelihoods. The link between climate change and food security has been mostly explored in relation to impacts on crop production or food availability aspects of food security, with little focus on other key dimensions, namely food access and food utilization. This review, based on available literature, adopted a food system approach to gain a wider perspective on food security issues in Sri Lanka. It points to several climate-induced issues posing challenges for food security. These issues include declining agriculture productivity, food loss along supply chains, low livelihood resilience of the rural poor and prevalence of high levels of undernourishment and child malnutrition. Our review suggests that achieving food security necessitates action beyond building climate resilient food production systems to a holistic approach that is able to ensure climate resilience of the entire food system while addressing nutritional concerns arising from impacts of climate change. Therefore, there is a pressing need to work towards a climate-smart agriculture system that will address all dimensions of food security. With the exception of productivity of a few crop species, our review demonstrates the dearth of research into climate change impacts on Sri Lanka’s food system. Further research is required to understand how changes in climate may affect other components of the food system including productivity of a wider range of food crops, livestock and fisheries, and shed light on the causal pathways of climate-induced nutritional insecurity.  相似文献   

安徽省粮食生产的主成分分析及其趋势预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用安徽省1978~2010年的相关社会经济统计资料为基础数据,在对33 a来粮食动态变化的定量定性分析基础上,利用主成分分析方法探讨了区域粮食生产的影响因子。然后根据安徽33 a粮食总产量的历史数据,建立GM(1,1)预测模型,对安徽省未来20 a(2011~2030年)的粮食产量进行中长期的模拟预测,以期为相关部门粮食生产决策提供科学依据。研究表明:(1)1978~2010年,安徽省粮食生产在波动中增长,粮食总产量和人均粮食产量曲线的动态变化基本吻合。(2)影响粮食生产的3个主要成分分别是社会经济发展水平、农业生产成本和粮食作物播种面积。(3)粮食生产在2011~2030年将保持平稳增长的良性发展态势,2030年粮食预测产量达到4 119万t,比2010年增长了1 039万t,年均增长15%。〖HJ1〗〖HJ〗  相似文献   

Central and Eastern European countries are a hotspot area when analyzing the impacts of climate change on agricultural and environmental sectors. This paper conducts a socio-economic evaluation of climate risks on crop production in Hungary, using panel data models. The region has a special location in the Carpathian basin, where the spatial distribution of precipitation varies highly from humid conditions in the western part to semiarid conditions in eastern Hungary. Under current conditions, crop systems are mainly rainfed, and water licences are massively underexploited. However, water stress projected by climate change scenarios could completely change this situation. In the near future (2021–2050), most of the crops examined could have better climatic conditions, while at the end of the century (2071–2100), lower yields are expected. Adaptation strategies must be based on an integrated evaluation which links economic and climatic aspects, and since the results show important differences in the case of individual systems, it is clear that the response has to be crop and region specific.  相似文献   

长江流域粮食生产态势与潜力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过大量的资料分析了长江流域在进入90年代后的粮食生产的消费态势。粮食生产过程中存在的主要问题,及其对讹诈 影响,资料分析表明,长流域七省一市的粮食生产表现为,粮食单产略有提高,粮食总产徘徊,粮食消费量与居民的经济收入密切相关。  相似文献   

Crop diversity is central to traditional risk management practices on the Andean Altiplano and may find renewed importance in adapting to climate change. This study explored the role of crop diversity in farmers’ adaptation actions in eight Aymara communities on the northern Bolivian Altiplano. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, including multifactor analysis and a community resilience self-assessment, we investigated how farmers’ use of diversity in adaptation is related to their perceptions of crop and variety tolerances and other environmental, social, and economic factors. Few crops and varieties were perceived as tolerant to increasingly intense and unpredictable drought, frost, hail, and pest and disease outbreaks. Some local crops and varieties were perceived as vulnerable to emerging conditions (e.g. oca, papalisa, isaño), whereas bitter potatoes and wild relatives of quinoa and cañahua were perceived as highly stress tolerant and provide food in harsh periods. A total 19% of households surveyed (N = 193) had introduced new crops or varieties—often disease resistant or early maturing—as an adaptive action. Introduction of commercial crops was a common adaptation action, reflecting farmers’ response to warming temperatures and changing economic opportunities, but greater sensitivity of the introduced crops may cause maladaptation. Despite intensification of cropping systems, households continue to maintain a median four potato varieties with different tolerance traits, yet this risk management practice was not perceived as adaptation. Strengthening resilience will require a combination of actions, including maintaining and expanding crop portfolios and restoring soil and ecosystem health, using both traditional and innovative approaches.  相似文献   

长江流域粮食生产与经济发展在全国均占据重要地位,研究近25年长江流域粮食生产与粮食安全时空格局演变及影响因素,可为我国粮食安全及流域可持续发展提供科学依据。基于1990、1995、2000、2005、2010和2015年长江流域县域粮食产量、户籍人口数据、农业化肥使用量和粮食播种面积(740个区县),运用粮食变化指数、探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)、重心转移模型和空间误差模型(SEM)研究其时空格局演变特征及影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)1990~2015年长江流域粮食产量总体呈增长趋势,东西差异显著,年均增长率为0.5%,上中下游依次为0.6%、0.8%和 -0.7%;上游为劣势区,中游为优势增长区,下游为减弱区。(2)粮食产量冷点聚类一直分布在上游地区,聚类格局在2000年左右由西南边界的“L”型转变为西北倒“L”型;下游江淮地区与太湖平原的热点集聚在2000年后消失,且长期处于减产状态;人均粮食占有量与粮食产量时空格局演变呈较高的空间相似性,2000年为流域粮食生产与粮食安全格局发生变化的转折点。(3)1990~2015年长江流域一般余粮县和重要余粮县重心呈现出“南下西移”态势,缺粮县和供需紧平衡县重心发生了“从南向北、从西向东”迁移变化。(4)粮食播种面积和农业化肥施用量对粮食生产均具显著性正向效益。  相似文献   

Various biotic and abiotic stress factors affect the growth and productivity of crop plants. Particularly, the climatic and/or heavy metal stress influence various processes including growth, physiology, biochemistry, and yield of crops. Climatic changes particularly the elevated atmospheric CO2 enhance the biomass production and metal accumulation in plants and help plants to support greater microbial populations and/or protect the microorganisms against the impacts of heavy metals. Besides, the indirect effects of climatic change (e.g., changes in the function and structure of plant roots and diversity and activity of rhizosphere microbes) would lead to altered metal bioavailability in soils and concomitantly affect plant growth. However, the effects of warming, drought or combined climatic stress on plant growth and metal accumulation vary substantially across physico–chemico–biological properties of the environment (e.g., soil pH, heavy metal type and its bio-available concentrations, microbial diversity, and interactive effects of climatic factors) and plant used. Overall, direct and/or indirect effects of climate change on heavy metal mobility in soils may further hinder the ability of plants to adapt and make them more susceptible to stress. Here, we review and discuss how the climatic parameters including atmospheric CO2, temperature and drought influence the plant–metal interaction in polluted soils. Other aspects including the effects of climate change and heavy metals on plant–microbe interaction, heavy metal phytoremediation and safety of food and feed are also discussed. This review shows that predicting how plant–metal interaction responds to altering climatic change is critical to select suitable crop plants that would be able to produce more yields and tolerate multi-stress conditions without accumulating toxic heavy metals for future food security.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes an evaluation of practicability of rural countermeasures after radioactive fallout in northern conditions carried out by a Finnish group of experts in the FARMING Network project. Snow and soil frost limit the selection of crops, and the short growing season allows mostly one harvest yearly. Cold climate restricts fruit production to apples and berries. Due to the long indoor feeding period, conserved and stored clean feed is available almost all year round. The use of fertilisers and lime on poor and acidic soils leads to high potassium and calcium intake of cows increasing the incidence of milk fever. The surface soil layer is thin and ploughing deeper than 20 cm is problematic due to stony and compacted soils. It also increases soil acidity and decreases fertility. Cultivation of peatlands limits the selection of plants and increases long-term radiocaesium contamination of crops. Frost and snow delay ploughing and spreading of waste milk on arable land, but removal of snow is a decontamination option. Long distances and high transport costs complicate carrying out the countermeasures. The Finnish stakeholder group considered it vital to be prepared for implementation of practicable measures for the safety of food.  相似文献   

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