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《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(2):112-131
The disaster management applications of geographical information systems and remote sensing are examined relative to the disaster cycle, in pre-disaster, crisis and post-disaster contexts. We focus on the uses and limitations of free or low-cost data and software. A wide range of geospatial datasets are currently freely available, from digital elevation models (DEMs) and thematic digital maps, to multispectral satellite imagery and virtual globes, such as Bing Maps. Maps of hazardous terrain and vulnerable features can be derived from sets of satellite data such as shuttle radar topography mission DEMs and Landsat imagery. The derived maps are particularly useful for district scale (1:25 to 1:100 K) disaster management in low-income countries. Detailed maps (i.e. better than 1:25 K scale) of hazardous terrain and vulnerable features generally require expensive high-resolution satellite imagery or aerial photography.

Although the Internet allows the distribution of free or low-cost geospatial data, software and training materials, there are still some countries with limited Internet access. Data integration, spatial/temporal analysis and map production are also limited by the frequently high price of geoinformatic software, making it a priority to develop suitable Free and Open-Source Software.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in volcanic disaster mitigation in the Philippines during the last four decades, since the devastating Hibok-Hibok eruption in 1951 and the establishment of the Commission on Volcanology (COMVOL), the forerunner of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) in 1952. The management of the Pinatubo Volcano eruption crisis of 1991-92 marks the highest point in the development of volcanic disaster mitigation in the country. State-of-the-art volcano monitoring techniques and instruments were applied; the eruption was accurately predicted; hazards zonation maps were prepared and disseminated a month before the violent explosions; an alert and warning system was designed and implemented; and the disaster response machinery was mobilized on time. The unprecedented magnitude and lingering nature of the hazards, however, and their widespread, long-term impacts have sorely tested the capability of the country's volcanic disaster mitigation systems. In particular, the lahar threat has triggered controversies and put decision makers in a dilemma of choosing between adaptive versus confrontational/control approaches. At least three strategies have been articulated and adopted in varying degrees and forms: (1) the establishment of a lahar monitoring-warning-evacuation system to deal with the lahar problem on an emergency basis; (2) relocation of settlements from the hazard zones; and (3) installation of engineering countermeasures to control/divert the lahar flows and protect settlements. A combination of the three appears to be the best, but the most effective and least costly mix remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Decisions about disaster preparedness are rarely informed by cost‐benefit analyses. This paper presents an economic model to address the thorny question, ‘how prepared is prepared enough?’ Difficulties related to the use of cost‐benefit analysis in the field of disaster management concern the tension between the large number of high‐probability events that can be handled by a single emergency response unit and the small number of low‐probability events that must be handled by a large number of them. A further special feature of disaster management concerns the opportunity for cooperation between different emergency response units. To account for these issues, we introduce a portfolio approach. Our analysis shows that it would be useful to define disaster preparedness not in terms of capacities, but in terms of the frequency with which response capacity is expected to fall short.  相似文献   

基于DEM的SAR图像洪水水体的提取   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
星载雷达遥感已广泛应用于洪水灾害的监测和评估中。但是由于其阴影与水体严重混淆 ,使得从雷达图像中提取洪水水体较为困难。为此 ,本文探讨了在地形数据的支持下 ,实现星载SAR图像洪水水体半自动提取的方法。主要包括以下几步 :首先 ,对雷达图像进行滤波处理 ,并将其与地形数据匹配 ,从雷达图像中提取出初步的洪水水体范围 ;其次 ,利用地形数据生成DEM ,并根据雷达图像的成像参数和DEM生成相应的模拟雷达图像 ;最后 ,利用模拟雷达图像上的阴影 ,剔除被误提为洪水水体的阴影 ,从而实现洪水水体的准确提取。研究表明 ,该方法能有效地、半自动地将星载雷达图像上的洪水水体提取出来 ;同时 ,该方法可以用于多种星载多模式的雷达图像的洪水水体的识别提取 ,尤其对含山区的大范围洪水水体的半自动提取 ,更为适用。  相似文献   

环境减灾A、B星是我国首次发射的专门用于灾害监测与评估业务的两颗光学小卫星。作为环境减灾小卫星星座建设的重要组成,A、B星的发射标志着环境减灾小卫星星座组网的正式开始,也标志着我国灾害遥感监测评估有了稳定数据源。环境减灾小卫星星座A、B星分别搭载了多光谱成像仪、红外相机和超广谱成像仪,最大观测幅宽达到700 km,最快重返周期小于48 h。环境减灾小卫星星座具备宽视场覆盖、高重访频率、多谱段观测的特点,因此星座卫星多传感器的综合应用适合雪灾、洪涝灾害等大范围灾害的动态监测与评估。在介绍环境减灾A、B星有关性能指标和参数的基础上,结合环境减灾A、B星数据在2008年10月26日至28日西藏雪灾中的应用情况,对卫星数据在雪灾监测与评估业务中的应用能力和技术路线进行了研究和评价,并建立了环境减灾A、B星在雪灾范围评估、风险预警与灾情评估的技术路线,以期为开展雪灾监测评估应用、尽快发挥减灾应用效益提供思路。  相似文献   

Anydisasterassessmentmethodmusthaveawidegraspofrelatedbasicdata,includingdataaboutdisaster-embodyingenvironment,disaster-caus...  相似文献   

防震减灾中卫星遥感技术应用分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
卫星遥感技术在减轻自然灾害中发押了十分重要的作用,但也不得不指出,卫星遥感技术在防震减灾工作中,无论在国内或国外均尚未得到有效的应用。这一方面固然是由于地震事件十分复杂,地震孕育和发生的规律尚未搞清,难以发挥卫得遥感技术的作用,另一方面也由中以使用的卫星技术的分辨率还不够高,重复观察的周期长,限制了这一技术在防震减灾工作中的应用。有鉴于近感技术的分辨率还不够高,重复观察的周期长,限制了这一技术在防  相似文献   

对堆积物的粒度进行分析,可以为研究火山泥石流的形成机制、数值模拟等提供参考数据。为了对长白山天池火山泥石流堆积物进行研究,在二道白河镇附近对长白山天池的古火山泥石流进行了勘察,取了2组共12个火山泥石流堆积物样品。对第1组进行了粒度参数法分析,得到了火山泥石流堆积物的平均粒径、分选系数、偏度和峰度,认为长白山天池火山泥石流堆积物的分选较差,沉积以粗组分为主。基于从第2组6个样品的分析可以推断,长白山天池火山泥石流主要为稀性泥石流,泥石流堆积物粒度分布较不均匀,分选较差,粒度分布接近正态分布。研究表明,粒度参数分析和结构维数计算相结合可以很好地了解火山泥石流堆积物的分选性、粒度分布情况、泥石流的类型等。  相似文献   

以综合灾害风险防范模式作为理论基础,从中国气象防灾减灾工作机制的特点出发,结合当前的社会学和经济学研究方法,构建包含气象服务水平评价、灾害防御行为评价的防灾减灾综合效益评价指标体系,涵盖从前期预报预警,到后期灾害应对的3个一级指标,8个二级指标和17个三级指标;并基于社会学调查的技术方法,实时跟踪2017-2018年登陆中国东部的17次台风天气过程,在针对当地的公众、政府机构以及社会联动部门人员开展问卷调查的基础上,开展台风灾害防御效益评估研究。根据调查数据和综合评估方法,计算出2017-2018年期间17次台风气象灾害防御过程中所避免人员伤亡数,公众减少经济损失量,以及为社会所带来的综合效益值。研究结论可以为政府和利益相关方进行成本效益核算,提升气象灾害综合防御能力提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通用震害预测基础数据库管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于震害预测数据量多面广,以文件格式存取的数据不利于数据的管理与维护,也不利于GIS二次开发,因此建立一套较为完整的震害预测基础数据库管理系统,不仅有助于防震减灾信息管理与地震应急辅助决策系统后台的数据维护和管理,也便于更有效地应用所有数据资源。在广州市部分城区震害预测与防御对策研究中开发的震害预测基础(属性)数据库管理系统,是在我国城市震害预测与防御对策研究中第一次采用SQL Server 2000和基于C/S结构及数据字典管理的震害预测数据库。该系统功能完善,应用方便,实用性和扩充能力强,并可方便地移植到其它应用中。  相似文献   

Disaster mitigation and preparedness on the Nicaraguan post-Mitch agenda   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rocha JL  Christoplos I 《Disasters》2001,25(3):240-250
Nicaragua provides an example of how a major disaster, in this case Hurricane Mitch, can transform the national agenda for disaster mitigation and preparedness. Hurricane Mitch was a reminder of how extremely disaster prone Nicaragua is, and also how neoliberal reforms have weakened governmental response capacity. In the face of critiques of how governmental policies had affected preparedness and response, discussions of this transformation became a highly politicised process where the debate over alternative development models tended to overshadow the original calls to strengthen risk management. Progress can be seen in some areas, such as disaster mitigation through environmental management. This study of NGO roles, and their relations with other key actors, draws attention to the need to anchor improved risk management in local-level NGO-government collaboration. Structures are being put into place to achieve this aim, but dependence on donor financing raises questions regarding the longer-term sustainability of these efforts.  相似文献   

朱景春  屈云升 《灾害学》1991,6(1):36-41
黑龙江省是全国受灾最重、损失最大的省份之一。本文对其40年来主要灾害—农业灾害、森林火灾、地震灾害、城市灾害作了概略的介绍,通过统计及其规律的探讨与分析,提出了未来10年灾害预测,并作出了减灾的战略目标和实施对策。  相似文献   

This paper examines changes in disaster response and relief efforts and recent web‐based geospatial technological developments through an evaluation of the experiences of the Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University, of the Sichuan (2008) and Haiti (2010) earthquake responses. This paper outlines how conventional GIS (geographic information systems) disaster responses by governmental agencies and relief response organisations and the means for geospatial data‐sharing have been transformed into a more dynamic, more transparent, and decentralised form with a wide participation. It begins by reviewing briefly at historical changes in the employment of geospatial technologies in major devastating disasters, including the Sichuan and Haiti earthquakes (case studies for our geospatial portal project). It goes on to assess changes in the available dataset type and in geospatial disaster responders, as well as the impact of geospatial technological changes on disaster relief effort. Finally, the paper discusses lessons learned from recent responses and offers some thoughts for future development.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(1):42-52
This paper examines whether the hypothesis presented in Ocho Rios in 1984 is still valid and relevant. The first part of the paper revisits the central tenets of the 1984 paper. The second part of the paper gives a broad overview of how community-based approaches have been taken up and evolved over the last quarter-century. The third part of the paper examines, with the benefit of hindsight, to what extent the approaches advocated in Ocho Rios are still valid. Finally, the paper examines the role of community-based and local-level approaches looking into the future. The paper is written as a personal reflection, without any pretence to academic rigour and also without systematically surveying the thousands of ongoing community-based or local-level initiatives in disaster risk management, referred to in this paper as community-based disaster risk management and local-level disaster risk management, respectively.  相似文献   

城市灾害应急能力评价研究   总被引:25,自引:13,他引:25  
铁永波  唐川  周春花 《灾害学》2006,21(1):8-12
城市灾害应急能力评价是城市灾害管理的重要内容,建立城市灾害应急能力评价体系对增强城市灾害管理能力和提高政府部门对灾害的应急响应能力有极其重要的意义。文章从系统理论的角度出发,运用层次分析法(AHP)和专家词查法合理地确定了各个评价指标的权重,建立起城市灾害应急能力评价模型。该方法将定量和定性相结合,很好地解决了城市应急能力的定量评价问题,同时,还可以克服主观随意性,从而提高对城市灾害应急能力评价的可靠性、准确性和客观性,为城市安全减灾提供科学依据。  相似文献   

This paper describes government intervention in two flood disasters in Lae before and after the establishment of the Papua New Guinea disaster management body. It first describes the objectives behind the establishment of this, and second, it examines the organisational response to the 1983 and 1992 disasters in Lae. Disaster response in terms of relief operations is generally prompt and spontaneous but can at best be described as haphazard, unsystematic and often uncoordinated. Both national and provincial disaster committees are, in many aspects, ill equipped in terms of capabilities, skills and resources. Many disaster operations are unable to ensure an immediate return of the victim's lives to normality – the ultimate objective of any disaster management.  相似文献   

以深圳市高层建筑为研究实例,介绍了香港大学的城市灾害损失评估及应急反应管理系统,并采用此系统内置的建筑易损性分析模块,结合泛珠三角地区灾害危险性概率模式,场地特征及高层建筑实地调查分析结果,从建筑安全性角度对深圳市的标志性建筑进行危险性分析,进而对深圳市应对突发性灾难事件的管理建设提出建议。作为应用实例,模拟一定概率条件下的灾难事件发生时的建筑物损坏情况,归纳出高层建筑的损坏模式,总结深圳市高层建筑的安全性隐患,提出目前防灾减灾急需实施的相应步骤:建议在一元化的城市灾害预警和应急指挥体系下,整合各个灾种防灾减灾管理部门的资源,以科学分析软件为灾情模拟和决策预案制定的工具,使危机处理的理念由领导决策型转向科学分析型,加强城市应对面对突发事件的能力,保障经济与社会的持续稳定发展。  相似文献   

泥石流预报中的多层降水预报/监测系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用数值天气预报、静止气象卫星云图、天气雷达回波和遥测雨量等4种方法,进行了大气降水的预报与监测,构建了不同时间尺度满足不同精度的降水预报和监测体系,通过与下垫面中地形和地质等条件的耦合,为不同时间尺度的泥石流预报系统提供了相应的降水预报支持,以满足不同层次的泥石流减灾要求.  相似文献   

中国自然灾害应急管理研究进展与对策   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
从中国自然灾害应急管理的现状出发,系统分析了自然灾害应急管理领域的研究进展,指出了中国自然灾害应急管理在理论和实践方面存在的问题.在此基础上,提出了中国自然灾害应急管理框架,认为建立适合中国国情的自然灾害应急管理体制是提高中国自然灾害应急管理的基础;应急预案的制定和实施是规范灾害应急管理,提高灾害紧急救援能力的关键措施;灾害信息快速准确的获取和评估是灾害应急管理的有效保障;建立实际可用的应急管理系统是提高灾害应急管理水平和工作效率的根本出路.  相似文献   

张磊 《灾害学》2021,(2):159-165,175
韧性理论引入灾害风险管理领域,为世界防灾减灾实践提供了新理念,并在国内外韧性城市社区建设中得到广泛应用,但针对乡村地区,尤其是高脆弱性的贫困村韧性社区建设的研究还较为鲜见。该文以韧性理论为基础,结合乡村振兴战略规划,通过对贫困村社会生态系统特征的分析,探讨了新时期我国贫困村灾后恢复重建与灾害风险管理发展方向及特点。研究发现:贫困村不仅产业经济落后,而且还具有自然环境复杂、基础设建设滞后、社会公益设施匮乏、教育水平较低、自然灾害频发等特点。这类灾害多发区与贫困人口聚集区在空间上的叠加,成为我国社会生态系统高脆弱性地区,面临着严峻的防灾减灾与扶贫开发的双重挑战;基于韧性理论视角,通过构建贫困村适灾韧性系统,开展贫困村社区韧性综合评价,调整贫困村灾后恢复重建规划编制理念等,以推动贫困村灾后恢复重建的转型;在此基础上,结合贫困村社会生态系统特点,以建立健全贫困村灾害风险管理机制、探究提升贫困村适灾韧性社区建设的新途径、协同灾害管理与乡村振兴发展目标、开展灾区恢复重建动态监测与后效评价等政策举措为抓手,深化贫困村灾害风险管理实践,提升贫困地区可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

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