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强化环境执法监督机制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了我国环境保护执法监督乏力的主要原因,并针对我国环境执法监督机制存在的问题,根据环境执法监督未来发展的需要,就如何加强我国环境执法监督力度的问题提出了建议.  相似文献   

通过对曲格平以"强化环境管理"为核心的中国环境管理思想体系的形成与发展过程进行梳理,指出中国环境管理思想的发展是一个不断强化环境管理的过程;并从"强化环境管理"是中国环境管理思想体系的核心,是加快出现"拐点"的关键和"强化环境管理"的重点是观念的转变及方法手段的创新三个方面说明了环境管理思想的发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文分析了洗车所造成的水资源的浪费、对环境的污染以及对道赂交通、居民、行人的影响,介绍了我国对洗车废水管理的现状,并从法制建设、执法监督、废水处理,先进洗车技术推广、宣传教育等方面提出了针对我国洗车废水污染的环境管理对策建议。  相似文献   

环境保护工作应以中央文明委关于“深入开展道德领域突出问题专项教育和治理活动”为契机,以污染减排为抓手,以确保环境安全为底线,强化教育引导,深化执法监督,推进环境保护工作健康有序发展。  相似文献   

我国目前正面对着这样的现实:一方面是我国环境污染和生态破坏都很严重,另一方面是环境问题必须解决,否则就不可能实现可持续发展。那么,究竟如何去解决我们所面临的环境问题呢?历史的经验告诉我们,要解决环境问题,除了要搞好宏观调控之外,最重要的有两条,一是靠科技的发展和投入的保证;二是靠严格的环境管理。我国早在1983年召开的第二次全国环保会议上,就将“强化管理”作为我国环境保护的三大政茂之一。当时把强化管理作为一项重要的政策V读是,我国经济实力还不强,一时还拿不出更多的钱用于环境治理.同时相当一部分环境问…  相似文献   

我国废物进口综合管理技术对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着废物进口数量的增长、废物再生利用行业的成长、废物越境转移形势的变化和环境保护事业的不断发展,废物进口环境管理经历了从无到有并且逐步完善的过程,成为我国固体废物环境管理工作的重要内容。当前我国废物进口管理还存在着部分种类废物进口行业利用水平较低、废物非法越境转移压力长期存在和能力建设步伐与管理需求不相适应等问题。针对存在的问题,采取合理有效的应对措施,进一步完善相关法律、法规,推进“圈区管理”,鼓励统一管理和污染集中防治,探索建立企业环保信誉管理机制,加强源头风险控制,完善国际合作机制,使我国进口废物管理向兼顾环境、经济协调发展的综合管理模式转变。  相似文献   

城市是现代文明的载体和经济社会发展的重要推动力量,城市化程度是衡量一个国家和地区经济社会发展水平的重要标志。保护环境,大力改善环境质量是贯彻落实江总书记“三个代表”重要思想的具体表现,也是建设特大城市和徐州城市圈的迫切要求和重要措施。近年来,由于各级党委、政府对环境保护重要性的认识不断深化,环境保护工作的自觉性越来越高,形成了保护环境就是保护生产力、改善环境就是发展生产力的共识,切实加强领导,狠抓基本国策的落实,紧紧围绕改善环境质量,以综合整治“三河一湖一尘一噪”为重点,强化环保执法监督,工业污染防治工作取得了显著的成效。——加快城市基础设施建设,有效地提高了城市环境的综合功能。近年来,我市加大投入,先后实施了“三场一路”、“三路一河”、“两山一湖”、“两环一区”等工程,为从根本上改  相似文献   

为进一步推动全省环境保护工作的深入开展,强化环境执法监督,增强公民的法制观念和环境意识,促进环境与经济的协调发展,省人大财经委员会和省环境保护委员会联合组织开展了1994年全省环境保护执法大检查。  相似文献   

刘锐  曹茜  谢涛 《青海环境》2013,(4):187-190
环境管理涉及多部门、多地区和多领域,手工管理模式已不能满足环境管理工作对信息资源及处理方法的需要,并由此产生了环境信息服务产业。近年来,环境信息服务产业不断发展,从单一的环保部门信息化机构建设、基础软硬件建设、管理信息系统建设,逐渐发展到以政府、企业、科研机构、公众等为服务对象的多元环境服务模式。文章对我国环境信息服务的发展进行了回顾,重点就环境信息服务平台、技术体系、服务模式进行了归纳总结,提出了环境信息服务建设中的一些认识和问题。  相似文献   

环境是人类生存和发展的基础,有了环境提供的物质基础和生存环境,劳动才得以创造人。但是由于人类不断强化开发利用环境资源,正导致环境恶化、生态失调。环境问题已成为全球性的令人担忧问题。自七十年代以来,我国的环境保护从单纯的污染治理发展到强化环境管理,但环境仍在恶化。这说明,保护环境仅仅依赖于限制污染物排放,限制资源开发等还是不够的,只有提高人民的环境文化素质,从心理、习俗、情趣、伦理等方面对环境进行再认识,才能采取积极主动的措施,  相似文献   

加强环境保护执法工作的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了执法工作在实施环境保护中的重要意义,并在分析当前环境执法活动存在问题的基础上,提出了加强和完善环境执法工作的对策。  相似文献   

Risk management practices under the current environmental regulations is a long, complex process that considers scientific, technologic, and management factors to develop various regulatory standards and pollution control measures. Using the mandatory enforcement approach, sometimes referred to as “command-and-control”, a set of preliminary environmental goals, such as better air and water qualities, were achieved. However, the information-intensive nature of the risk management process and the lack of flexibility in conventional regulatory methods to changing economic and technologic realities of the decade has created interest among risk managers to examine some innovative management approaches. Above all, environmental problems of a global scale require novel management methods while striving to achieve the desired environmental goals. As the principal analytical tool in risk management, quantitative risk assessment exerts considerable influence on the risk management process. Therefore, advances in risk management are closely associated with scientific developments that enhance the risk assessment process, particularly those efforts aimed at improving human exposure and toxicity assessments. Market incentives, information dissemination, creative enforcement practices, and interagency and intergovernmental interactions were identified as the key elements of innovative environmental risk management practices. This paper will present an overview of the emerging innovative risk management approaches.  相似文献   

Enforcement gaps are an especially vexing problem in China due to pervasive "pro-growth" local government priorities, the weak administrative capacity of environmental agencies themselves, and relatively weak levels of societal support for a cleaner environment. This study seeks to examine this problem from the perspective of the local enforcement officials by empirically examining the relationships between these and other influences on their perceptions of enforcement effectiveness. Using samples of enforcement officials from the fast-growing cities of Chengdu, Dalian, and Guangzhou, this study finds that many of the more commonly cited problems related to regulatory enforcement were not as influential in accounting for variations in perceptions of enforcement effectiveness than the current literature might suggest. Moreover, this study also finds that the pattern of influences varies greatly across jurisdictions, with only the officials' belief in the legitimacy of the governments' policies being significant in all three samples. Strong influences on perceptions of enforcement effectiveness in two of the three samples include the environmental values of enforcement officials, their perceptions of organizational capacity for enforcement, and their assessment of government support for environmental protection. Although government support was found to be a strong predictor of enforcement effectiveness in two of the three samples, the influence of societal support had a somewhat mixed and more complicated effect. In addition, this study suggests that further improvements in enforcement effectiveness may be possible by cultivating or selecting enforcement officials with strong environmental values and beliefs in the legitimacy of the government's environmental policy to take charge of enforcement. Because it is generally accepted that local environmental protection bureaus are generally upgrading their organizational capacity for improvement as the result of increasing central government support for environmental protection and institutional restructuring, and because environmental awareness in China is growing, this study suggests that some incremental progress is likely in China's efforts to close the enforcement gap. Unfortunately, such improvements are likely to be masked by the steep trajectory of economic growth, the narrow scope of regulatory control (i.e., with scant attention paid to nonindustrial sources), and the migration of industrial pollution to rural areas.  相似文献   

/ This paper combines a review of recent publications on the effectiveness of environmental enforcement in the United States with new data to address the question of what type of enforcement activity is most productive. Using data on 39 state National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs, the measures of effort and cost typically applied to environmental enforcement and inspection activities were tested for relationships with compliance outcomes. No statistically significant relationships were found. In the absence of any improving trend in traditional measures of compliance, this lack suggests all enforcement systems presently used by states are failing. To work, an environmental enforcement system needs to include maintenance and restoration of compliance, real deterrence, mobilization of public opinion, minimal obtrusiveness, conformity with legal search requirements, cost-effectiveness for all parties, effective primary role for skilled inspectors, self-monitoring, compatibility with environmental management systems (e.g., ISO 14000), environmental auditing, robustness in the face of changing strategies by permittees, segregation of technical assistance from enforcement, team orientation, adaptability to multimedia, and, most difficult of all, disconnection from today's timely, appropriate, proportionate standard. These goals can be achieved through a proposed new environmental enforcement approach built on infrequent, random, but thorough inspections leading to fully documented enforcement actions resulting in high penalties. The enforcement system used by the Vienna übahn, or subway, can serve as a model for this type of environmental enforcement system. KEY WORDS: Enforcement; Deterrence; Environmental water quality; Discharge elimination systems  相似文献   

长江(江苏段)沿江开发水质监控预警系统建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长江(江苏段)水质监控预警体系是以信息技术为基础,综合运用地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(NS)、网络、多媒体等现代高新科技手段,在沿江开发现状分析和评价的基础上,建立长江(江苏段)水质基础信息平台、不同功能的水质模型及其相应的管理系统,为区域的环境风险管理提供数据支持。  相似文献   

Within the context of political democratization, this article explores environmental protection in Hong Kong since the government lauched a ten-year program to “save the environment” in 1989. Examining environmental management by law from a social-choice perspective, it argues that the government has yet to reach an integrative policy orocess. Hence the preconditions for an integrative set of environmental legislation are absent. Institutionally, without a comprehensive green policy, the current arrangements lack a vision as an integrative force to promote effective coordination among various sectoral environmental coordination among various sectoral environmental programs. The dominant approach of policy and law enforcement through consultation has rendered impossible strict enforcement of environmental rules and regulations as local economic growth enjoys a priority over environmental protection. At a time of environmental awakening, the people of Hong Kong are not yet prepared awakening, the people of Hong Kong are not yet prepared to participate in environmental management in a strict legal manner. The overall observation is that Hong Kong has yet to see more mature political, legal, administrative, and social conditions for managing its environment within a legal framework.  相似文献   

Advocates of community-based approaches to environmental management argue that by respecting local circumstances, skills, and concerns we may improve the prospects of achieving environmental sustainability; yet, within nation states such as Canada, environmental conditions, management and enforcement costs and capabilities, and power differentials within and among civic and public sectors may result in a highly differentiated capacity for environmental management across different localities and regions. This article draws on insights of political ecology to 1) create a conceptual framework that identifies key elements shaping regional environmental management regimes and to 2) undertake a comparative analysis to assess how elements interact to generate uneven management outcomes. I compare experiences of two Canadian biosphere reserves designated in 2000: Clayoquot Sound, BC; and Redberry Lake, SK. Analysis reveals that differences in governance and institutional capacities in the biosphere reserves are key to explaining uneven local outcomes. Where the public and civic sectors are strong, a robust and publicly vetted form of management will emerge. Where these sectors are weak and land is held as private property, environmental nongovernmental organizations can set the type and level of management, to the exclusion of effective civic and state involvement. This result may improve environmental sustainability but hinder social sustainability of a management regime and raises questions about the efficacy of community-based management.  相似文献   

为顺利推进省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革工作进程,本文围绕垂直管理制度改革的方向与主线,对涉及垂直管理改革的环保责任清单、环境监察、环境监测、环境执法、市(地)级派出县级环保分局和省级对市(地)级环保局的双重管理等六个方面的主要改革任务,从改革方案的基本考虑、基本方向和具体实施路径进行系统解读,为下一步试点省份实施垂直管理制度改革提供可操作性的政策指引。  相似文献   

如何使环境执法与环境监测有机融合、协同联动,促进环境管理工作高效开展,是现阶段生态环境部门急需解决的问题。通过分析环境执法与环境监测在实际工作中存在的问题及新时期环境执法和环境监测融合发展的意义,提出应积极构建二者协同联动机制,以解决新型生态环境问题。  相似文献   

Universities can provide a stable home for launching collaborative community research projects. Citizens' Environment Watch (CEW), an environmental monitoring initiative based at the University of Toronto, has made significant contributions to environmental education and stewardship in Ontario, Canada. Following dramatic cuts in provincial monitoring programs, citizens and youth have used chemical parameters and biological indicators to gauge water and air quality, and to identify areas requiring remediation and pollution prevention efforts. The relationship of Citizens' Environment Watch to government agencies, funders and other grassroots environmental groups has evolved over the past 5 years as CEW attempts to remain effective without taking on the investigative and enforcement roles to support the regulatory enforcement that has been largely abandoned by government. We explore the challenges inherent in developing and maintaining a volunteer organization that carries out rigorous and useful scientific work and we outline the ability of a university to help overcome these critical challenges. Finally, we present lessons learned for the benefit of other citizen and youth monitoring projects.  相似文献   

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