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塔里木河下游荒漠植物群落物种多样性及其结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以29块植物群落调查样地资料为基础,采用物种多样性指数、丰富度和均匀度由高到低指数对塔里木河下游植物群落的物种多样性及群落结构进行分析。结果表明,研究区共有植物10科14属,出现频率居于前3位的植物依次为柽柳、黑果枸杞和胡杨;重要值以胡杨为最大(0.384),其次为柽柳(0.230),盐生草为最小(0.002);优势建群植物胡杨主要分布在与河道垂直距离500m范围内。沿河道从英苏至阿拉干断面,地下水位逐渐下降,物种多样性总体呈下降趋势,群落结构由乔木-灌木-草本转为以乔木-灌木为主;随与河道垂直距离增加,群落密度和盖度均呈现先增加后减少的变化趋势,植物群落结构由乔木-灌木、乔木-灌木-草本逐渐演变为灌木-草本或单一的灌木结构。  相似文献   

Conservation Genetics in the Management of Desert Fishes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: The status and security of fishes in North American deserts have steadily declined in this century due to man's activities in this naturally fragile region. We address genetic aspects of the population structure of desert fishes as applicable to conservation and recovery programs by developing two zoogeographic models of isolation and gene flow. In the Death Valley model populations are isolated, with no chance of natural gene flow among them. Genetic diversity within populations tends to be low, but genetic divergence among populations within a species is high. In the Stream Hierarchy model, a complicated hierarchical genetic structure exists and is a function of geographic proximity and connectivity of habitats. Within-habitat genetic diversity tends to be higher, and among-habitat differentiation lower, than in the Death Valley model. These two systems must be recognized as distinct and managed differently. We also suggest three areas of experimentation needed to better understand and manage genetic stocks of desert fishes: relationships between heterozygosity and fitness, experimental mixing of similar stocks to examine effects of increased heterozygosity, and analysis of the relative roles of genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in local differentiation.  相似文献   


Diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Endangered Cacti in the Chihuahuan Desert: I. Distribution Patterns   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We mapped the geographical distributions of 93 endangered species of cacti from the Chihuahuan Desert Region. We divided the region into grids of 30 minutes latitude by 30 minutes longitude and calculated species frequencies for each grid. The grids with the highest species richness values are aggregated in areas of moderate elevation, particularly towards the southeastern and, to a lesser extent, the eastern margins of the Chihuahuan Desert Region, in northern San Luis Potosí and the southern portions of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas. This vast area constitutes the most important nucleus of cactus species concentration in the continent. Species richness decreases toward the western segment of the Chihuahuan Desert Region and from the Cuatro Ciénegas region to the north and northwest. Another important area is the Queretaroan-Hidalgoan Arid Zone, where several grids containing an important assemblage of endangered species occur. Climatic factors, such as minimum temperatures and mean annual precipitation, explain the current distribution patterns of these plants, and the recent Pleistocene climatic episodes appear to have played a determinant role in the existence of areas of high species concentration and in the proliferation of narrow endemics. Special actions are urgently needed to conserve the endangered Cactaceae of this region. We propose that a carefully selected network of small areas would be an appropriate approach for the conservation of these plants. But species richness cannot be taken as the sole criterion in the determination of protected areas. Additional criteria, such as degree of endemicity, degree of threat to species and areas, habitat diversity, and biogeographic congruence with other plant and animal groups, should be analyzed before these areas are selected. Propagation in botanical gardens using scientific criteria and commercial propagation would be additional methods of conservation.  相似文献   

Within the natural world, diversity refers to the variety and variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they occur. Its complexity is measured in terms of variations at genetic, species and ecosystem levels. It plays a critical role in meeting human needs while maintaining the ecological processes upon which our survival depends. This paper agues that such a natural metaphor should be considered in industrial systems in order to realise sustainable development. This article begins by describing natural biodiversity, emphasising its definition and value, and its maintenance. Next, the paper discusses the rationale and mechanisms for encouraging industrial diversity. The authors suggest that this natural metaphor provides a useful guide on how businesses in an industrial system can evolve towards greater resilience and sustainability.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干绿洲外围胡杨林的水分特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘地区年均降水量不足50mm,胡杨在这一地区绿洲外围自然植被中占有重要地位.对塔克拉玛干沙漠绿洲外围胡杨林水分特征的研究表明,在生境地下水含量较稳定的条件下,胡杨林受到的水分胁迫程度不大,干旱胁迫未对胡杨林的持续存在构成主要威胁.胡杨的水分生理特点显示植物更加依靠稳定的水分供应来应对极端干旱的环境条件,并且在蒸腾作用中形成了细胞水平上的生理适应策略.因此,保持地下水的稳定是维持绿洲前沿天然胡杨林持续存在的关键因素.  相似文献   

The distributions of the majority of the endangered cacti in the Chihuahuan Desert Region are concentrated in the southeastern and eastern segments of the area, where the predominance of narrow endemism is a remarkable phytogeographic phenomenon. We used three criteria—species richness, conservation value, and complementarity—to evaluate 37 cactus-rich area units in the Chihuahuan Desert. The evaluation of these three quantitative parameters together allowed us to determine that seven of these areas (Huizache, Tolimán, Ciudad Victoria, Metztitlán, Cuatro Ciénegas, Jaumave, and Xichú) should be considered conservation priorities because they hold the most significant assemblage of endangered species, in terms of their numbers and their rarity. Conservation actions in these seven areas would protect 52 (55.9%) of the 93 endangered species studied here, most of which have extremely narrow distributions. Geographically, these critical areas are located in the Queretaroan-Hidalgoan arid zone (in the States of Querétaro, Hidalgo, and Guanajuato), in the Jaumave Valley (Tamaulipas), and in two disjunct areas (San Luis Potosí and Coahuila) in the interior of the Chihuahuan Desert.  相似文献   

Potato Diversity in the Andean Center of Crop Domestication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The diversity and population structure of potato landraces ( Solanum spp.) within their center of domestication was studied using isozyme surveys of four polymorphic loci. The objective in assessing the distribution of genetic diversity was to assist in planning conservation strategies of crop genetic resources that are threatened by genetic erosion. In situ conservation methods depend on this type of analysts. Research was conducted in the region of Cusco, Peru. Eight fields spread among two microregions were randomly sampled, and 610 tubers were studied from this sample. In addition, 503 tubers were collected from markets in seven different meso-regions (provinces) surrounding the regional center of Cusco. Thirty genotypes were identified in the field sample and 82 in the regional sample. The frequency and distribution of genotypes and alleles are described. A high degree of genotype endemism was found at both the field and regional levels. Genotypes were unevenly distributed, and most of the genotypic diversity was between rather than within populations. At the allele level, however, we found that a very high percentage of the diversity was within rather than between populations. The genotype is the key unit for maintaining the population of potato landraces. Our findings suggest that collections need to be both geographically extensive and intensive. Because farmers are able to maintain most alleles on relatively small portions of their land, in situ conservation is a viable strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract: Throughout much of the northern Chihuahuan Desert, the grasslands that were widespread at the time of European settlement have been replaced by desert shrublands. Little is known about the effects of this change on avian communities. We analyzed historic U.S. Government Land Office records to assess large-scale changes in vegetation cover from the 1880s to the present day. We studied vegetation and avian communities in one grassland habitat type and four desert shrubland habitat types to examine (1) how breeding-bird communities may have changed in response to habitat conversion from grassland to desert shrubland and (2) whether breeding-bird communities differ among the four desert shrubland habitat types that compose Chihuahuan Desert scrub in this region. To estimate the characteristics of 1880s black grama (    Bouteloua eriopoda ) grassland, we focused on plots located within extensive patches of present-day black grama and compared the avian communities found there with those in desert shrubland. Species richness was higher in desert shrubland than grassland. Among the desert shrubland habitat types, species richness was consistently highest in mesquite. Avian abundance patterns differed among the four desert shrubland habitat types. At least 30% of the avian community in each habitat pair was distinct. Conversion of grassland to shrubland in south-central New Mexico has likely been accompanied by a major turnover in the avian community. Remaining tracts of black grama provide habitat for species that may be uniquely adapted to the northern Chihuahuan Desert and should be protected.  相似文献   

Understanding the Diversity of Public Interests in Wildlife Conservation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:  North American state wildlife agencies are increasingly faced with the challenge of effectively representing a diverse public. With increasing social conflict over wildlife issues, the future of wildlife conservation hinges on preparedness of the profession to respond to this challenge. In the interest of finding ways to improve response, 19 agencies in the western U.S. joined forces to initiate an investigation that would provide a better understanding of the diversity of wildlife-related interests in the region. Specific objectives, accomplished through use of a mail survey administered in 2004, were to categorize people on the basis of their value orientations toward wildlife and explore how different groups were distributed across states and to examine differences on sociodemographic characteristics and attitudes toward wildlife-related topics among groups. The focus was on two orientations: domination (view of wildlife that prioritizes human well-being over wildlife and treats wildlife in utilitarian terms); and mutualism (view of wildlife as capable of relationships of trust with humans and defined by a desire for companionship with wildlife). Four types of people were identified on the basis of these orientations. Types differed in their geographic distribution and wildlife-related attitudes and behaviors, revealing how value orientations can form the foundation for conflict on wildlife issues. Our characterizations of stakeholder groups offer a framework that can be applied over time and across geographic scales to improve conservation planning efforts and inform broader thinking about the social aspects of wildlife conservation .  相似文献   

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