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一、大型活动安保风险评估概述 我国<大型群众性活动安全管理条例>规定.面向社会公众举办的每场次预计参加人数在1000人以上的体育比赛活动,演唱会、音乐会等文艺演出活动,展览、展销等活动,游园、灯会、庙会、花会、焰火晚会等活动,人才招聘会、现场开奖的彩票销售等活动即为大型活动.  相似文献   

中国的GDP连续多年均保持了8%的高位增长,却鲜有人知道每年因公共安全问题造成的GDP损失高达6%,这些问题每年夺去了20多万人的宝贵生命.其中火灾是危害最持久、最惨烈的灾害之一.我国每年因火灾死伤的人数都在几千人.据公安部统计,2003年共发生火灾254811起,死亡2497人,伤3098人.这伤亡的几千人中,占大多数都是由于群死群伤造成的.另据统计,20世纪全世界一次性火灾死亡超过100人的大火26起,其中我国就占3起,烧死1250人,可见我国火灾群死群伤形势之严势,已成为当今必须认真研究和寻求预防措施的新课题.  相似文献   

也许是巧合,戏剧性的一幕在30年后的今天发生了.2月22日,美国总统布什在清华大学演讲后,在乘坐自带的卡迪拉克豪华轿车前往中南海与江泽民共享午餐的路上,自家的专车却意外爆胎,布什不得不走出车子,步行到备用的豪华轿车中,车队行程不得不耽搁了几分钟.而那辆"受伤"的名牌轿车则在车队末尾蹒跚而行.  相似文献   

梅芯是个标准的白领丽人,她有一份很舒适而又薪水颇丰的工作.每天的任务就是处理公司来往的资料文件及安排董事长的会谈事务.她的老公是同一公司另一部门的负责人.两人本是大学同学,一起来到了这家外企公司,经过几年的奋斗,老公成了部门主管.两人虽处在两个不同的部门,但梅芯到董事长办公室都要经过老公的部门.  相似文献   

<正>对于普通公众,了解化学常识,掌握遭遇化学品爆炸(泄漏)时基本的自救技能,也成为迫切之需。《新京报》记者连线北京市疾控中心职业卫生所副主任医师林英及一位正在北京待命准备前往天津现场的感染防护专家,告诉大家在"遭遇化学品爆炸(泄漏)事故时,我们该如何自救?"自救5招1面对冲击波怎么办?伏地寻找遮挡物躲避冲击波伤害通过现场亲历者拍下的视频,我们看到了爆炸的惨烈,同时也发现,这些拍摄者在拍摄过程中可能遭受到了  相似文献   

中小学生安全问题,近些年来一直是个沉重的话题.报刊杂志、广播电台时有中小学生安全事故的报道:火灾、溺水、交通事故、食物中毒、房屋倒塌、因玩耍打闹致伤、因楼道拥挤踩压致死等事故时有发生,时刻威胁着青少年的健康成长.  相似文献   

<正>鸡肉。如果在晚上摄入大量鸡肉或其他蛋白质,你的睡眠质量可能会降低。当你入睡时,消化系统的运动速度会减慢50%,而蛋白质会让消化系统的运动速度更慢。这样你的身体器官会更关注消化系统,而不是睡眠。所以晚餐应搭配蛋白质和碳水化合物一起吃,平衡睡眠质量。汉堡。这种食物对睡眠极为不利。脂肪会刺激胃产生过多酸性物质,造成胃酸回流进食道,还可能伤害心脏。此外,这种油腻的食物不但会软化食道下括约肌,导  相似文献   

4月22日,由中国安全防范产品行业协会和上海市科学技术协会联合举办的"上海世博与城市监控"安全论坛在沪召开.上海市政协副主席、世博局副局长周汉民、公安部科技委主任李润森、中安协理事长柳晓川、上海市公安局局长张学兵、上海市科技委党委书记陈克宏、上海市综治委办公室副主任乐伟中、公安部科技局三处处长李明甫等领导以及安防(中国)科技有限公司等众多企业代表共100余人参加了会议.  相似文献   

在预防事故工作中,有些事情看起来微不足道,实际上非同小可,有的小事捅出大娄子,懊悔不已;有的无视安全,酿成大祸;有的违章操作,命丧黄泉.俗话说:"沙粒虽小伤人眼,小雨久下会成灾."小过错与大祸端没有不可逾越的屏障,事物量变到一定程度就会引起质变,小过错不可小视.2004年12月20日河北省沙河市"11·20"铁矿火灾事故,造成数十人死亡,矿井发生火灾的原因查明为主井盲井电缆内燃引发坑木燃烧.  相似文献   

1997年1月8日夜,在巴基斯坦东北部的拉合尔市郊,乌拉姆·吉拉尼驾驶着他那辆旧卡车行驶在莫古尔拉普区那坑洼不平的路上.车上拉的是纺织厂漂白牛仔布用的30多罐氯气,但是乌拉姆却并不知道氯气是什么东西,在运货途中又去看了一位朋友,只能抄近道将氯气运到目的地了.突然间,这辆车的后轮又卡进了路边的地沟里,乌拉姆急忙前后猛打方向盘,车上的钢瓶被震得叮当乱响.货车上的钢瓶中有几只安全系数不合格,在相互碰撞中氯气便发生了泄漏.乌拉姆被氯气怪味吓坏了,趁着夜深人静溜之大吉.  相似文献   

中国—瑞典暖体假人测试服务装热阻的比较试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用两个不同假人在不同实验室对相同配套服装测试服务热阻进行了比较,并用配对样本T检验法对两组热阻值的一致性进行了检验,结果表明:在实验要求,实难方法基本桢的前提条件下,不同实验室间不同假人对相同配套服装的测试结果无显著差异,这对促进暖体假人测试技术的推广应用和学术交流具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为探究不同外热部位对18650型锂离子电池热失控特性的影响,通过自主设计的试验平台对电荷量为100%的18650型锂离子电池开展不同外热部位下热失控试验,探讨不同部位外热源对电池热失控行为过程、热失控响应时间、温度特性、电池破裂部位的影响。结果表明:在相同热源功率条件下,外热源位置对电池热失控过程中初爆与二次燃爆间的时间间隔存在影响,顶部加热时安全阀打开瞬间便发生二次燃爆,底部和中部加热工况下,时间间隔分别延迟至18 s和40 s;中部加热时池体温升速率最慢,为0.873℃/s,分别为顶部和底部加热时的77.5%和77.8%;中部加热时热失控响应时间最长达290 s,顶部和底部加热时分别缩短12.4%和30.0%;顶部和底部加热时,热失控破裂部位集中于顶部"褶皱处"和底部防爆阀,但在中部加热工况下,电池发生破裂部位的随机性增加,其外壳破坏程度也有增加。  相似文献   

Liquid organic peroxides, such as tert-butyl peroxybenzoate (TBPB), have been widely employed in the petrifaction industry as a polymerization formation agent. This study investigated the thermokinetic parameters of TBPB by isothermal kinetic algorithms and non-isothermal kinetic equations, using thermal activity monitor III (TAM III) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. Simulations of 0.5 L, 25 kg, 55 gallon, and 400 kg reactors in liquid thermal explosion models were performed and compared to the results in the literature. A green thermal analysis was developed for a reactor containing TBPB to prevent pollution and reduce the energy consumption by thermal decomposition. It is based on the thermal hazard properties, such as the heat of decomposition (ΔHd), activation energy (Ea), self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT), control temperature (CT), emergency temperature (ET), and critical temperature (TCR). From the experimental results, the optimal conditions to avoid violent runaway reactions during the storage and transportation of TBPB were determined.  相似文献   

Obtaining accurate thermal risk assessment parameters of chemical processes and substance properties is essential for improving the safety of chemical production and substance use and storage, and the adiabatic reaction calorimeter (ARC) has been employed by many researchers for this purpose. However, with the improvement and upgrading of the instrument, an examination of the factors that affect its detection accuracy is warranted. A simplified reaction model of the adiabatic thermal decomposition of tert-butyl peroxyacetate was constructed using computational fluid dynamics in which the adiabatic thermal decomposition kinetic model and fluid-solid coupling model were combined to simulate heat transfer. To verify the reliability of the parameters of the numerical calculation model, the effects of the sample cell's material, wall thickness, and mass were investigated in relation to the thermal inertia of the ARC. The results indicated that the thermal inertia of the system was lowest when the sample cell was composed of titanium. When the sample pool's composition is determined, the thermal inertia of the system can be reduced to a certain extent through an approximate increase in the sample mass. Finally, an analysis of the heat flow cloud diagram of the wall of sample pools made from different materials revealed that the thermal conductivity of titanium was high; this information can assist in controlling the adiabatic process.  相似文献   

为评价矿井热环境中工人职业健康安全状况,提出矿井热宽温度环境人体热健康状态的基本特征与生理要求,分析热宽温度环境人体分区热调节规律与热健康状态的对应关系。基于生物控制论的观点,提出热宽温度范围内不同热应力作用下人体分区热调节机制,建立人体分区热调节模型。结果表明:模型能实现对环境热应力作用下人体物理热平衡状态与生理状态的参数化描述,揭示多因素作用下人体热健康状态的热应力边界与变化规律。分区热调节模型提供了人体热健康状态定量模拟平台,通过参数调整可使模型适应研究需求,模型为井下热环境工人职业健康安全状况分析与评价提供了可参考的思路与方法。  相似文献   

Various models of fireball diameter have been evaluated by statistical techniques. The model of Gayle for fireball diameter estimation showed good agreement between the predicted and experimental data. The models relating to fireball duration, transmissivity and view factor have been selected based on their relative merits. A user interactive computer program has been developed to predict thermal hazards from fireballs in chemical process industries.  相似文献   

Runaway reactions present a potentially serious threat to the chemical process industry and the community; such reactions occur time and time again often with devastating consequences. The main objective of this research is to study the root causes associated with ammonium nitrate (AN) explosions during storage. The research focuses on AN fertilizers and studies the effects of different types of fertilizer compatible additives on AN thermal decomposition. Reactive Systems Screening Tool (RSST) has been used for reactivity evaluation and to better understand the mechanisms that result in explosion hazards. The results obtained from this tool have been reported in terms of parameters such as “onset” temperature, rate of temperature and pressure rise and maximum temperature. The runaway behavior of AN has been studied as a solid and solution in water. The effect of additives such as sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and potassium chloride (KCl) has also been studied. Multiple tests have been conducted to determine the characteristics of AN decomposition accurately. The results show that the presence of sodium sulfate can increase the “onset” temperature of AN decomposition thus acting as AN thermal decomposition inhibitor, while potassium chloride tends to decrease the “onset” temperature thus acting as AN thermal decomposition promoter.  相似文献   

Azo compounds, which are commonly used as initiators and blowing agents, are also typical self-reactive materials capable of undergoing runaway reaction during storage and transportation, which can cause severe fires and accidents. To ensure the thermal safety of azo compounds in the process, transportation, and applications, this study investigated 2-cyanopropan-2-yliminourea, which can also be called V-30. First, thermal decomposition characteristics under the non-isothermal conditions were obtained using differential scanning calorimetry. Second, the collected data were combined with a mathematical model to evaluate the primary thermal hazard during the process for V-30. Then, based on a heat-transfer model, the self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT) was extrapolated for consideration and non-consideration of consumption of chemicals. The results showed that SADT of V-30 was less than 80 °C. Therefore, it is essential to avoid a temperature beyond SADT or the cooling system will fail. The influence of consumption was also considered for SADT in this study.  相似文献   

Lysine is widely used in the fields of food, medicine and feed, which generally appears in the form of lysine sulfate or lysine hydrochloride dust because of the high instability of the free L-lysine. The L-lysine Sulfate is in high risk of decomposition, spontaneous ignition and even the dust explosion, because the control temperature in its production process is high up to 90 °C. Thus, the thermal behaviors and its thermal stability of 65% lysine sulfate are experimentally explored in Air and Nitrogen using the simultaneous TG-DSC measurements. Results show: (1) the decomposition of 65% lysine sulfate can be divided into three stages both in the atmospheres of air and nitrogen, and most of the weight loss occurred in the first two stages, which are related with the decarboxylation and deamination process. (2) The effects of atmosphere on the decomposition of 65% lysine sulfate mainly occur at the third stage. In this stage, the weight loss in nitrogen is only 14.2%, which is much lower than that in air (34.3%), which is related to the oxidative degradation at high temperature. Besides, the active energy is slightly increased in nitrogen compared to that in air. (3) The initial temperatures of the decomposition of the 65% lysine sulfate are 145 °C and 155 °C, for the air and nitrogen atmosphere, respectively, which are much lower than that (260 °C) of the pure lysine.  相似文献   

The application of construction polymers in engineering and alternative materials has always occupied a place in the market. In the production process of polymer resins, initiators can be used to lower the polymerization reaction energy threshold, which can improve reaction efficiency and reduce energy loss. However, as a commonly used energetic substance in the polymerization process, azos have caused related process hazards due to their exothermic characteristics. Because of this, it is essential to examine and analyze the thermal hazard characteristics of emerging azo substances, such as 2-cyanopropan-2-imemicarbazide (CABN). Although previous literature performs the calculation on related thermal hazard parameters of CABN, there is still exists a void for discussion in estimating the reaction model to avoid analogous hazards and enhance the existing thermal analysis. Based on the past literature, the reaction model is improved with thermogravimetric analysis as evidence. The revised thermal hazard parameters are calculated as the basis of control and mitigation measures, the kinetic model is used to estimate the modified safety parameters, and in the judgment of the runaway reaction, the critical temperature of the runaway is found by analyzing the influence of slight changes in ambient temperature on the reaction temperature. The results show that the critical temperature that causes CABN to enter the runaway reaction is delayed, and the hazard is lower than in the storage situation. Therefore, the thermal hazard to CABN mainly focuses on the safety environment and measures during storage.  相似文献   

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