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城市水源地突发性水污染事件研究述评   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
日益恶化的突发性水污染事件始终是国内外大多数城市水源地安全和城市供水安全的重要威胁。从城市水源地突发性污染事件的风险源、水源地易损性、应急评估和预警技术及应急机制4个方面综述了国内外城市水源地突发性污染事件的研究进展。述评认为,应关注城市水源地的特殊易损性及突发性污染的威胁,重点研究水源地突发性污染事件的快速评估和预警技术及应急机制,全面开展城市水源地突发性污染事件的基础和实例研究。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的发展,次级河流突发性水污染事件频繁发生,对生态环境及居民生活造成了严重的影响。次级河流突发性水污染事件发生后,为减少污染造成的损失和影响,保证受损的环境资源得到恢复和补偿,不仅要立即采取行之有效的应急处置措施,而且应当积极开展环境损害鉴定评估工作,全面追究污染者的环境责任。根据次级河流本身的特点,结合各省市在环境应急处置过程中的具体做法,建立了一套应对突发性次级河流水污染事件的应急处置工作程序;阐述了环境损害鉴定评估的必要性、工作方法和技术路线,同时从受损环境资源的确认、污染源和污染物的识别以及暴露途径的建立3个方面构建了开展次级河流突发性水污染事件环境损害鉴定评估工作的因果关系链条,对实际开展相关工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

突发性环境污染事故预警应急系统研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着社会经济的不断发展,近年来突发性环境污染事故频频发生,建立突发性环境污染事故预警应急系统已为当务之急。在介绍国内外突发性环境污染事故预警应急系统现状的基础上,提出构建突发性环境污染事故预警应急系统的基本构想。  相似文献   

突发性水污染事件应急系统的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对中国处理突发性水污染事件的现状,在分析突发性水污染事件的特点和现有应急救援系统,以及现有系统在应急组织协调、应急监测分析和信息传递应急响应等方面所存在问题的基础上,构建了突发性水污染事件应急系统.将该系统分为应急组织结构、应急响应机制和应急技术支持3部分,并对其中不同行政主体在应急响应中的作用以及应急机制的立法等内容进行了探讨.  相似文献   

俞洁  马勇 《环境污染与防治》2008,30(3):85-87,90
蓝藻水华污染可产生多种藻毒素,其中以微囊藻毒素的危害最为严重.通过对近年来国内外关于水体中微囊藻毒素检测技术的系统介绍以及优缺点分析,结合浙江省实情,提出了在浙江省开展蓝藻水华应急与预警监测的初步方案,以有效防范微囊藻毒素给水环境及人类健康带来的威胁.  相似文献   

随着中国社会经济水平的加速发展,近年来各类突发性场地污染事故频发,如何有效地在第一时间对污染物进行应急控制及场地修复显得尤为重要.以突发性场地污染为研究对象,探讨了土壤及地下水中污染物的应急控制及场地修复技术的研究状况,给出了各项应急控制技术在突发性场地污染事故中适用的目标污染物及土壤类型,以便在实际运用中根据场地的污染类型和土壤性质快速做出响应.最后还指出,应急控制技术作为一种暂时性处理手段,可在场地污染事故发生后对污染物扩散进行快速控制,但不可作为一种长期处置措施.  相似文献   

通过对沭阳县发生的氨氮污染事件,严重影响了居民生活之后,与及时采取措施的连云港市的比对,就水源地预警监测体系的建立、相关部门间的沟通、应急预案、污染源排查等方面进行了分析思考,应从中吸取经验教训,今后需更好地做好监控与预测,采取应急措施,尽力降低污染危害。  相似文献   

中国地表饮用水水源地有机类内分泌干扰物污染现况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有机类内分泌干扰物(EDCs)是一类对人类和生物内分泌系统产生干扰,并可造成其紊乱的特殊外来物质,对人类和生物健康有极大的危害.以与人类生活密切相关的地表饮用水水源地中的有机类EDCs为研究重点,对中国目前地表饮用水水源地EDCs污染状况、污染物种类及其来源及可能的污染途径进行了评述.目前,中国各地区地表饮用水水源地均有有机类EDCs检出.其中以有机氯农药六六六及其异构体、DDT及其代谢产物和多氯联苯检出率最高,且某些地区检测浓度相当高,主要来源是农药使用和污水排放.国内外对地表饮用水水源地EDCs突发污染事件的研究均较少,应引起高度重视.  相似文献   

江苏省环境应急监测核心能力建设与评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从污染事故的环境应急预警工作需要出发,结合江苏省突发性环境事故应急处置项目建设规划,分析了省级应急监测能力、应急监测决策指挥能力建设的要素和功能,并分析了江苏省的市县级环境监测骨干网络架构及其实践应对。并建议各级环境监测部门今后应当从风险源排查、应急预案、应急监测、应急处置、综合分析、后勤保障六个方面进行优化整合,为今后更系统和更针对性地防治区域的突发性环境污染。  相似文献   

环境污染事故预警程序,与环境污染事故应急处置系统的关系不是相互独立的,而是前者是后者的一个重要组成部分。连云港市现有应急处置系统,是在环境污染事故突发后才开始启动的,是一种被动的应急处置系统。建立环境污染事故应急预警程序,可以将环境应急处置从事故发生后的被动处理,转变为主动、积极的防范,因此,建立和完善环境污染事故预警程序,可以对大多数突发性环境污染事故起到警告和预防作用。  相似文献   

We present a spatiotemporal evaluation of water quality incidents in Japan considering incident numbers, incident causes, pollutant categories, and pollution effects. Water pollution incidents in first-class river systems almost tripled to about 1487 in the 12 years from 1996 to 2007. In addition, oil makes up the largest proportion of pollutants nationwide (76.61%) and the major source of pollution for each region in Japan. Moreover, every category shows a growth trend, especially since 2005. The main cause of incidents was “Unknown” (43%), followed by “Poor working practice” (24%), and then by “Accident” (10%) and “Other” (10%). In Hokuriku, however, the main cause of incidents was “Poor working practice” (36%), which is greater than “Unknown” (30%). Finally, waterworks (approximately 60%) was the largest of four kinds of water supply infrastructure affected by pollution incidents, followed by simplified waterworks. The population affected by offensive odors and tastes peaked in 1990 and has been decreasing. Overall, the results show the characteristics of incidents from 1996 to 2007, with significant implications for adaptation measures, strategies and policies to reduce water quality incidents.  相似文献   

An event-driven, urban, drinking water quality early warning and control system (DEWS) is proposed to cope with China’s urgent need for protecting its urban drinking water. The DEWS has a web service structure and provides users with water quality monitoring functions, water quality early warning functions, and water quality accident decision-making functions. The DEWS functionality is guided by the principles of control theory and risk assessment as applied to the feedback control of urban water supply systems. The DEWS has been deployed in several large Chinese cities and found to perform well insofar as water quality early warning and emergency decision-making is concerned. This paper describes a DEWS for urban water quality protection that has been developed in China.  相似文献   

As the economic and financial center of China, Shanghai has experienced an extensive urban expansion since the early 1980s, with an attendant cost in environmental degradation. We use an integrated pollution index to study the temporal variations of surface water quality in urban, suburban and rural areas between 1982 and 2005. Data on monitored cross-sections were collected from the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center. The results indicated that the spatial pattern of surface water quality was determined by the level of urbanization. Surface water qualities in urban and suburban areas were improved by strengthening the environmental policies and management, but were worsening in rural areas. The relationship between economic growth and surface water quality in Shanghai showed an inversed-U-shaped curve, which reflected a similar pattern in most developed countries. This research suggests that decision makers and city officials should be more aware of the recent pollution increases in Shanghai.  相似文献   

采用固相萃取(SPE)样品富集前处理技术和气相色谱/质联联用(GC/MS)分析方法,对北方某工业城市给水系统中的多环芳烃类化合物的含量水平进行了研究.结果表明,该城市多环芳烃污染水平较高,但总浓度均未超过城市供水水质标准(CJ/T206-2005)中限值(2μg/L).近郊水库由于受到燃料燃烧产生的多环芳烃的污染,成为该市饮用水中多环芳烃污染的主要来源.传统的混凝-砂滤工艺对多环芳烃有较好的去除效果,总去除率可达55.9%.  相似文献   

以太湖15个入湖河流之一的社渎港为研究对象,利用社渎港流域的水环境质量监测数据、工业企业污染排放调查数据、环境统计数据及社会经济统计数据,对社渎港流域产业结构的合理性进行了诊断,并采用典型相关分析方法探讨了产业结构演变对水环境的影响。结果表明,研究区的工业污染总体上得到了较好控制,其中屺亭街道的工业污染排放最为严重;城乡生活污染和农业面源污染是研究区水环境质量恶化的主要原因,城乡生活污染对COD和氨氮入河量的贡献率较高,分别为46.59%和60.55%,农业面源污染对TN和TP入河量的贡献率突出,分别为64.05%和76.50%;研究区产业结构与钱纳里三次产业结构模式(产业结构合理程度的参照标准)的Hamming贴近度从2001年的0.83下降到2007年的0.77,产业结构不尽合理,且不合理程度逐渐加剧;研究区第一产业对TN和TP入河量的影响最为显著,第三产业对氨氮和COD入河量的影响最为明显;可通过优化产业结构来减轻研究区的水环境污染状况,产业结构调整的主要目标应为降低第二产业产值比例及增加第三产业产值比例。  相似文献   

应用非线性动力学、分形理论、混沌学,研究了特大型船闸运行水污染系统,结合葛洲坝特大型船闸运行系统自组织特征和水污染事件,论述了船闸水污染非线性、分形特征,建立了动力方程、水质预测预报模型,指出常规理论方法研究中存在的问题,提出了水污染系统非线性研究是今后着重需要深入探讨研究的领域,具有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

应用非线性动力学、分形理论、混沌学,研究了特大型船闸运行水污染系统,结合葛洲坝特大型船闸运行系统自组织特征和水污染事件,论述了船闸水污染非线性、分形特征,建立了动力方程、水质预测预报模型,指出常规理论方法研究中存在的问题,提出了水污染系统非线性研究是今后着重需要深入探讨研究的领域,具有重要的实用价值.  相似文献   

Urban expansion is a major driving force changing regional hydrology and nonpoint source pollution. The Haihe River Basin, the political, economic, and cultural center of northeastern China, has undergone rapid urbanization in recent decades. To investigate the consequences of future urban sprawl on nonpoint source water pollutant emissions in the river basin, the urban sprawl in 2030 was estimated, and the annual runoff and nonpoint source pollution in the Haihe River basin were simulated. The Integrated Model of Non-Point Sources Pollution Processes (IMPULSE) was used to simulate the effects of urban sprawl on nonpoint source pollution emissions. The outcomes indicated that the urban expansion through 2030 increased the nonpoint source total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) emissions by 8.08, 0.14, and 149.57 kg/km2, respectively. Compared to 2008, the total nonpoint emissions rose by 15.33, 0.57, and 12.39 %, respectively. Twelve percent of the 25 cities in the basin would increase by more than 50 % in nonpoint source TN and COD emissions in 2030. In particular, the nonpoint source TN emissions in Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, and Puyang would rise by 73.31, 67.25, and 58.61 %, and the nonpoint source COD emissions in these cities would rise by 74.02, 51.99, and 53.27 %, respectively. The point source pollution emissions in 2008 and 2030 were also estimated to explore the effects of urban sprawl on total water pollution loads. Urban sprawl through 2030 would bring significant structural changes of total TN, TP, and COD emissions for each city in the area. The results of this study could provide insights into the effects of urbanization in the study area and the methods could help to recognize the role that future urban sprawl plays in the total water pollution loads in the water quality management process.  相似文献   

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