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从规划内容与目标、规划方法及方案实施和评估3方面对太湖近20年水污染物控制历程进行综合分析,认为太湖水污染物控制正处面源污染、生活污染及新型污染问题凸显且更难处理,更为广泛的利益相关者和科研队伍积极参与的转型期.这种变化将导致污染治理面临更难应付的动态性和复杂性,使得当前以环境容量为总量为指导通过自上而下分配排污量和削减量的控制方案面临极大挑战.结合太湖水污染现状,通过与现行治理方法在管理假设、适合对象、协调管理手段、管理目标、规划方法、公众参与程度以及规划的优劣势等方面的比较发现,适应性管理可以积极有效应对由于环境趋势和管理协调对象变化所带来的系统不确定性和复杂性,将是一个积极有效的补充方法.同时,本文基于适应性管理提出了太湖水环境污染物排放控制体系的构建框架,突出适应性管理平台、科学研究及公众与基层单位参与在污染物控制中的重要作用.  相似文献   

淮河生态经济带农业面源污染空间分布及治理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
淮河流域是我国重要的农业生产功能区,长期以来以追求高产量、高利润为目的的农业生产活动,导致了日益严重的农业面源污染问题.厘清淮河生态经济带农业面源污染空间分布状况,为生态经济带内各级行政主体实施农业面源污染综合防治、提高生态环境治理体系和治理能力现代化提供政策建议,具有重要的理论和现实意义.应用产污系数法、等标污染法、GIS技术等方法,对经济带内155个县域单元农业面源污染的化学需氧量(COD)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)3种污染物进行分析的基础上,核算了淮河生态经济带农业面源污染物的排放量、重点污染源、重点污染区、排放强度及空间分布.结果发现:2018年淮河生态经济带农业面源污染物中COD、TN、TP排放量分别为199.3、107.2、12.6万t,排放强度分别为69.2、34.7、3.4 kg/km2;重点污染源为农田化肥、畜禽养殖和水产养殖,重点污染物为TN和TP,重点防治区为建湖县、兴化县、漯河市辖区等10个县(市、区).农田化肥污染是淮河生态经济带农业面源污染分布最广的污染类型,综合污染是农业面源污染治理中防治难度最大的污染类型.针对淮河生态经济带县域单元农业面源污染存在较高空间异质性的现实,提出应根据不同区域不同污染类型实施针对性治理的政策建议.  相似文献   

某老工业基地搬迁改造战略规划需要充分考虑区域场地污染的环境风险,合理规划未来用地类型,提出满足土地再利用环境要求的污染场地修复规划。本研究选取了老工业基地典型代表性污染区域,对土地再利用规划进行环境敏感分析;根据现状场地污染特征,确定场地污染概念模型并评估污染风险水平;建议以风险控制为基础的污染场地修复策略,并根据未来用地环境要求提出污染场地修复方案;提出区域搬迁改造土地再利用的优化建议,环境风险较低的地块优先用于居住、文教等敏感用地类型,环境风险较高的地块则尽量用于工业、商业等非敏感用地类型。  相似文献   

红枫湖水质变化趋势及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红枫湖是贵阳市重要的饮用水源地,自2007年集中治理以来,水质不断好转,基本达到预期目标。对红枫湖流域7个断面及4条入湖支流水质进行监测,研究2003~2012年10年的水质变化趋势和2013年年内变化趋势,并对引发水质变化的原因进行分析。结果表明,从2003年到2007年红枫湖水质急剧恶化,从Ⅲ类降到劣Ⅴ类;经过6年的集中治理,水质提升至目前的Ⅲ类、局部Ⅱ类,整体处于中营养状态,但受内源污染和外源生活污染等影响,部分断面仍存在TP、NH3-N、COD等超标现象。湖库水质季节性变化明显,受降雨及气温影响,在6月和7月出现轻度富营养化,其余月份均处于中营养状态。红枫湖4条入湖支流水质受到不同程度的污染,2011年后水质状况好转,但支流水体呈现受生活污染源污染的显著特征,主要表现为BOD5、粪大肠菌群超标。因此,对影响水质的污染源还需要增加处理设施,加强管理,以达到水源地水质的要求。  相似文献   

汞是具有持久性、生物累积性和生物扩大作用的有毒污染物,对人体健康和生态环境具有很大的负面影响。本文分析汞污染及其危害,综述国内外汞污染治理研究情况,总结国际汞污染治理主要技术与措施情况,结合中国汞污染治理的现状,最后提出了完善我国汞污染治理的策略:建立国家汞污染治理战略和行动计划;加强技术研发、引进与推广;建立汞污染治理动态信息平台;加大汞减排投资规划;减少燃煤领域汞污染排放;开展汞污染治理宣传教育。  相似文献   

南宁城市大气污染对人体健康的危害及治理对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
南宁市大气属煤烟型污染 ,大气的主要污染物为SO2 、NOx、TSP、降尘 ,虽然随着环境管理和污染治理工作的加强 ,污染物浓度逐年下降 ,但是工业区大气污染仍然较重。污染物流行病学调查显示 :工业区癌症和呼吸系统疾病死亡率均高于全市平均水平 2倍左右 ,城区又高于郊区 2倍 ,大气污染综合指数与呼吸内科门诊就诊人数呈正相关。用邓聚龙的灰色系统理论分析得知污染物对癌症和呼吸系统疾病死亡率有关联 ,关联度从大到小排序为 :TSP >降尘 >SO2 >NOx ,最后提出了大气污染治理的对策。  相似文献   

根据入湖污染负荷监测、调查资料和不同水文条件下流场-水质同步监测资料,应用数理统计方法,研究了鄱阳湖氮磷营养物质分布、转移和削减特征。研究结果显示:(1)总磷、总氮是影响鄱阳湖水环境质量的主要污染物,入湖污染负荷与入湖径流水量紧密正相关。(2)鄱阳湖换水周期短,水流更换频繁,氮磷污染物在湖区不会充分混合;氮磷超标水域随着水体流动,逐步向下游转移、扩散;湖水位处于消落状态,通江水道部分水域氮磷浓度超标。(3)湖相状态水环境比河相好,湖相状态一般不会出现大面积的总氮和总磷同时超标。(4)鄱阳湖水环境勉强维持Ⅲ类标准,如果出现损害环境的人类活动,脆弱的水环境将会恶化。针对这些特征提出了保护鄱阳湖"一湖清水"的对策建议。  相似文献   

大陆土壤及地下水污染现状不容乐观,大量受污染的场地需要及时治理,目前主要依靠国家专项治理项目的形式应对,缺乏持久而稳定的资金保障是难以有效治理的主要瓶颈。台湾地区成立了土壤及地下水污染整治基金,成效显著,污染场地的调查和修复工作完成率已分别达到48.50%和44.58%,并带动了环保产业发展、提升了社会经济效益,其经验和特点可总结为:一是,依法律形式明确,基于"土壤及地下水污染整治法"成立,收支与管理有明确规定;二是,来源包括征收费用、基金自身利息和政府拨款三类,以向企业收取污染整治费作为基金主要来源;三是,管理上由环保部门牵头成立基金管理委员会,政府官员、专家、学者多方共同决策;四是,基金使用以采购社会化服务为主,提高基金使用效率;五是,为保证基金的可持续,采取垫付追偿模式,开展有偿整治;六是,为提高企业参与积极性,采用以奖代罚模式,鼓励主动预防污染。为了把生态环境保护上升到公众意识与社会文明的层面以落实可持续发展、开展生态文明建设,大陆已经修订了《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,明确了保护优先、预防为主、综合治理、公众参与、损害担责的原则,并即将出台《水污染防治行动计划》与《土壤污染防治行动计划》对水土环境进行更为严格有效的治理与保护。基于目前我国土壤及地下水污染现状与治理困境,归纳和借鉴台湾地区经验,我们建议:建立土壤及地下水污染防治基金,将向石化行业和化学品行业收取污染修复费作为主要来源;将资金解决机制写入《水污染防治法》等政策性文件,明确法律依据;由环保部门牵头基金管理并吸取其他部门以及专家等多方人员参与;注重通过采购社会化服务、收费返还等措施提高污染防治实效。  相似文献   

分析了徒骇河、德惠新河与马颊河2003~2010年入海断面水质变化状况及入海通量的变化趋势。结果表明:徒骇河与德惠新河主要超标污染物为CODCr、CODMn、BOD5、NH3 N、石油类,主要表现为耗氧类有机污染与有机有毒类污染。马颊河主要超标污染物除CODCr、CODMn、BOD5、NH3 N、石油类外,还包括TP与VHB,以上各水质指标浓度分别超过III类水质标准的9、7、12、6、7、9、13倍,表现为耗氧类有机污染、营养盐类污染及有机有毒类污染问题。3条河流中,马颊河污染最为严重。研究期间,除德惠新河的无机无毒类与有机有毒类分类综合污染指数呈一定的上升趋势外,其它类别分类综合污染指数均呈下降趋势,表明3条河流的污染程度有所缓解。徒骇河TN、TP的入海通量总体上呈下降的趋势,其他两条河流污染物的入海通量均有所增加,至2010年,3条河流CODCr、CODMn、NH3 N、TN、TP及石油类入海通量分别为73 871、12 963、1 025、26、69、162 t,16 075、2 997、365、304、13、31 t及51 571、10 801、1 738、626、934、140 t;且3条河流主要污染物入海通量的贡献顺序为徒骇河>马颊河>德惠新河  相似文献   

采集了我国中部地区泌阳县3个水库断面和6条河流断面水质样品,分析了《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)中的23项基本污染物项目,研究了污染原因及控制对策。结果表明,泌水河梁河断面CODCr、NH3-N、TN和TP的平均浓度超过V类水标准限值0.75~7.5倍,铁帽徐断面TN和华山水库断面TP平均浓度分别超过V类水标准限值5.4倍和1倍,饮用水源地铜山湖水库处于富营养状态,但华山水库和铜山湖水库TN/TP均低于16;与其他地区水库相比,泌阳县水库水质TN和TP的平均浓度处于中间水平;其他监测断面NH3-N、TN、TP均低于III类水标准限值,各监测断面重金属等其他污染物项目未检出或远低于III类水标准限值。泌阳县仅部分地表水体富营养化情况较重,主要受到渔业养殖和农业面源影响,也受到了工业和生活排放污染的影响。辖区政府及环境保护部门应用严格的制度保护地表水环境,加强农业面源污染治理,优化水库渔业养殖方式,加强生活污水和工业废水的治理,减少氮、磷等污染物排放,防止地表水环境质量进一步恶化。  相似文献   

An international project, whose aim was the development of a transparent and robust method for evaluating and ranking restoration strategies for radioactively contaminated sites (RESTRAT), was carried out under the Fourth Framework of the Nuclear Fission Safety Programme of the EU. The evaluation and ranking procedure used was based on the principles of justification and optimisation for radiation protection. A multi-attribute utility analysis was applied to allow for the inclusion of radiological health effects, economic costs and social factors. Values of these attributes were converted into utility values by applying linear utility functions and weighting factors, derived from scaling constants and expert judgement. The uncertainties and variabilities associated with these utility functions and weighting factors were dealt with by a probabilistic approach which utilised a Latin Hypercube Sampling technique. Potentially relevant restoration techniques were identified and their characteristics determined through a literature review. The methodology developed by this project has been illustrated by application to representative examples of different categories of contaminated sites; a waste disposal site, a uranium tailing site and a contaminated freshwater river.  相似文献   

《Environment international》2012,38(8):1307-1320
Environmental risks are traditionally assessed and presented in non spatial ways although the heterogeneity of the contaminants spatial distributions, the spatial positions and relations between receptors and stressors, as well as the spatial distribution of the variables involved in the risk assessment, strongly influence exposure estimations and hence risks. Taking into account spatial variability is increasingly being recognized as a further and essential step in sound exposure and risk assessment. To address this issue an innovative methodology which integrates spatial analysis and a relative risk approach was developed. The purpose of this methodology is to prioritize sites at regional scale where a preliminary site investigation may be required. The methodology aimed at supporting the inventory of contaminated sites was implemented within the spatial decision support sYstem for Regional rIsk Assessment of DEgraded land, SYRIADE, and was applied to the case-study of the Upper Silesia region (Poland).The developed methodology and tool are both flexible and easy to adapt to different regional contexts, allowing the user to introduce the regional relevant parameters identified on the basis of user expertise and regional data availability. Moreover, the used GIS functionalities, integrated with mathematical approaches, allow to take into consideration, all at once, the multiplicity of sources and impacted receptors within the region of concern, to assess the risks posed by all contaminated sites in the region and, finally, to provide a risk-based ranking of the potentially contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Environmental risks are traditionally assessed and presented in non spatial ways although the heterogeneity of the contaminants spatial distributions, the spatial positions and relations between receptors and stressors, as well as the spatial distribution of the variables involved in the risk assessment, strongly influence exposure estimations and hence risks. Taking into account spatial variability is increasingly being recognized as a further and essential step in sound exposure and risk assessment. To address this issue an innovative methodology which integrates spatial analysis and a relative risk approach was developed. The purpose of this methodology is to prioritize sites at regional scale where a preliminary site investigation may be required. The methodology aimed at supporting the inventory of contaminated sites was implemented within the spatial decision support sYstem for Regional rIsk Assessment of DEgraded land, SYRIADE, and was applied to the case-study of the Upper Silesia region (Poland). The developed methodology and tool are both flexible and easy to adapt to different regional contexts, allowing the user to introduce the regional relevant parameters identified on the basis of user expertise and regional data availability. Moreover, the used GIS functionalities, integrated with mathematical approaches, allow to take into consideration, all at once, the multiplicity of sources and impacted receptors within the region of concern, to assess the risks posed by all contaminated sites in the region and, finally, to provide a risk-based ranking of the potentially contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Large scale (e.g. regional or national) assessments of contaminated sites may be very costly in terms of investigation and methodological (i.e. risk assessment procedures) requirements and may produce a quantity of information that usually discourages examination by decision-makers. Moreover, most of the existing tools effectively support local environmental risk assessment and management, but lack the capabilities of larger scale analysis, not mentioning the absence of the relevant component of socio-economic prioritization. To respond to the concerns and the management needs of experts and decision makers, the Spatial decision support sYstem for Regional rIsk Assessment of Degraded land (SYRIADE DSS) was developed and is presented according to its three modules: Regional Risk Assessment, Socio-economic Assessment and Integrated Assessment, respectively. The system allows to rank potentially contaminated sites for priority of investigation, when no information on characterization and risk by site specific methodologies is available. This GIS-based system embeds an innovative spatial and relative risk assessment procedure, and proposes the integrated analysis of different data (environmental and socio-economic) for the concerned sites, eliciting when necessary experts' knowledge and stakeholders' values (through Multi Criteria Decision Analysis, MCDA, methodologies). The application to a Polish case-study shows the performance and the flexibility of the system in investigating and mapping (potentially) contaminated sites at the regional scale.  相似文献   

As highlighted in the EU Soil Communication, local contamination is one of the main soil threats and it is often related to present and past industrial activities which left a legacy of a high number of contaminated sites in Europe. These contaminated sites can be harmful to many different receptors according to their sensitivity/susceptibility to contamination, and specific vulnerability evaluations are needed in order to manage this widely spread environmental issue. In this paper a novel comprehensive vulnerability assessment framework to assess regional receptor susceptibility to contaminated site is presented. The developed methodology, which combines multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques and spatial analysis, can be applied to different receptors recognized as relevant for regional assessment. In order to characterize each receptor, picked parameters significant for the estimation of the vulnerability to contaminated sites have been selected, normalized and aggregated by means of multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques. The developed MCDA methodology, based on the Choquet integral, allows to include expert judgments for the elicitation of synergic and conflicting effects between involved criteria and is applied to all the geographical objects representing the identified receptors. To test the potential of the vulnerability methodology, it has been applied to a specific case study area in the upper Silesia region of Poland where it proved to be reliable and consistent with the environmental experts' expected results. The vulnerability assessment results indicate that groundwater is the most vulnerable receptor characterized by a wide area with vulnerability scores belonging to the highest vulnerability class. As far as the other receptors are concerned, human health and surface water are characterized by quite homogeneous vulnerability scores falling in the medium-high vulnerability classes, while protected areas resulted to be the less vulnerable receptor with only one protected area falling in the medium vulnerability class. The vulnerability assessment results will support the regional risk assessment for the ranking of potentially contaminated sites at regional scale.  相似文献   

Since many soil studies have already revealed the possible risks to human health and the environment arising from contaminated soils it is therefore crucial to preserve soil quality under current and future conditions. In the last three decades a number of countries already introduced national policies and practices for the management of contaminated sites, and in 2002, an EU Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection was proposed by the European Commission. In this paper we review and analyse several national contaminated land policy regimes already in place in order to assess common elements and to identify specific needs in the development of national soil policies. We propose a framework that combines the D-P-S-I-R structure of policy evaluation with the Source-Pathway-Receptor approach to health risk assessment to support the development of effective country specific regulatory decisions for managing contaminated land in countries where these are yet to be implemented. The framework proposed allows decision makers to effectively use available information and to identify existing data gaps. As a result it is apparent that while there are technical aspects of site characterisation, risk assessment and remediation processes that could be commonly implemented at an EU level there are certain trans-scientific aspects that require political choices and need to be customized by EU Member States.  相似文献   

With the aim of supporting decision makers to manage contamination in freshwater environments, an innovative expert decision support system (EDSS) was developed. The EDSS was applied in a sediment quality assessment along the Bormida river (NW, Italy) which has been heavily contaminated by an upstream industrial site for more than a century. Sampling sites were classified by means of comparing chemical concentrations with effect-based target values (threshold and probable effect concentrations). The level of each contaminant and the combined toxic pressure were used to rank sites into three categories: (i) uncontaminated (8 sites), (ii) mildly contaminated (4) and (iii) heavily contaminated (19). In heavily contaminated sediments, an environmental risk index (EnvRI) was determined by means of integrating chemical data with ecotoxicological and ecological parameters (triad approach). In addition a sediment risk index (SedRI) was computed from combining chemical and ecotoxicological data. Eight sites exhibited EnvRI values ≥ 0.25, the safety threshold level (range of EnvRI values: 0.14–0.31) whereas SedRI exceeded the safety threshold level at 6 sites (range of SedRI values: 0.16–0.36). At sites classified as mildly contaminated, sublethal biomarkers were integrated with chemical data into a biological vulnerability index (BVI), which exceeded the safety threshold level at one site (BVI value: 0.28). Finally, potential human risk was assessed in selected stations (11 sites) by integrating genotoxicity biomarkers (GTI index falling in the range 0.00–0.53). General conclusions drawn from the EDSS data include: (i) in sites classified as heavily contaminated, only a few exhibited some significant, yet limited, effects on biodiversity; (ii) restrictions in re-using sediments from heavily contaminated sites found little support in ecotoxicological data; (iii) in the majority of the sites classified as mildly contaminated, tested organisms exhibited low response levels; (iv) preliminary results on genotoxicity biomarkers indicate possible negative consequences for humans if exposed to river sediments from target areas.  相似文献   

This paper provides a case-study analysis of the challenges in the implementation of national soil policies, which was developed by the authors in Part I of the review of regulatory decisions for environmental protection [Rodrigues SM, Pereira ME, Ferreira da Silva E, Hursthouse A, Duarte AC. A review of regulatory decisions for environmental management: Part I-challenges in the implementation of national soil policies. Environ Int 2009. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2008.08.007]. The Portuguese case was selected as a case-study since specific regulatory decisions for contaminated land management are still in the early stages of development. Given the gap between the situation at the EU level and the state of Portuguese soil policy development, it is of merit to consider national contaminated land policy regimes already in place within the EU and to see if these provide a suitable basis to define the main challenges and research needs for the implementation of a Portuguese contaminated land management strategy. A framework combining the D-P-S-I-R (drivers-pressures-sources-impacts-responses) structure of policy evaluation with the Source-Pathway-Receptor approach to health risk assessment is proposed to derive an effective regulatory framework for managing contaminated land in Portugal, using available information and only to develop new data and research where knowledge gaps exist. Funding site clean-up and assigning liability were identified as relevant factors currently hampering site remediation. Most relevant research needs for the development of contaminated land management practices in Portugal are those associated to the definition of a risk assessment framework and setting guidelines for the evaluation of risks posed to both humans and ecosystems. Other relevant and innovative features are the integration of soil function analysis into site investigations and the definition of a framework that combines risk assessment with soil function analysis. The analysis of the Portuguese case also provides insight into the discussions needed for the effective development of regulatory decisions for contaminated land management in countries with no history of implementing specific soil policies.  相似文献   

Secondary arsenic minerals in the environment: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Information on arsenic (As) speciation in solid materials is critical for many environmental studies concerned with As stability and/or mobility in natural As-impacted soils and mining or industrial sites contaminated by As. The investigation of these systems has provided evidence for a number of secondary As minerals that have often played a significant role in As mobility in the solid phase–water system. This paper presents a list of environmentally important secondary As minerals in contaminated soil and waste systems, summarizes the information about their origin, occurrence, environmental stability and thermodynamics, and proposes several important avenues for further investigation.  相似文献   

It has been widely reported that heavy metal contamination in coastal waters can modify the allozyme profiles of marine organisms. Previous studies have recorded elevated metal concentrations in sediments and mussel tissues off Peninsular Malaysia. In the present study, horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was carried out to estimate the levels of allelic variation of the green-lipped mussel, Perna viridis, collected from one contaminated and three relatively uncontaminated sites off Peninsular Malaysia. Fourteen polymorphic loci were observed. In addition, the concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and zinc were determined in the sediments and in the soft tissues of the mussels. Mussels from contaminated site, evidenced by high metal pollution indices (MPI) of the sediment and the mussel tissues, showed the highest percentage of polymorphic loci (78.6%), while those collected from the uncontaminated sites had lower MPI of the sediment and mussel tissue, and exhibited lower percentages of polymorphic loci (35.7-57.1%). The population from the contaminated site showed the highest excess of heterozygosity (0.289) when compared to that of the populations from the three uncontaminated sites (0.108-0.149). Allozyme frequencies at the phosphoglucomutase (PGM; E.C. locus also differed between the contaminated and uncontaminated populations. Previous studies have shown that exposure to heavy metals can select or counter-select for particular alleles at this locus. The present results suggest that allozyme polymorphism in P. viridis is a potential biomonitoring tool for heavy metal contamination but further validation is required.  相似文献   

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