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项目建设前的环境质量(包括水环境质量)是环境影响评价的基础,预测项目建设后的环境质量是环境可行性评价结论的依据,环境质量的表征数据是通过环境监测工作取得,环境监测的规范性要求,开展监测要得到的数据必须具备"五性",才能表征某一监测地区的环境质量。由于环境评价的中介服务性,以及时间与经费的关系,对环境监测点位、频次进行压缩与省略,使得监测数据无法保障其代表性,影响建设项目环境影响报告书得出可信的结论。如何保障监测数据的质量,以最少的监测点、最恰当的监测时期、最少的监测频次,取得最有代表性的数据表征建设项目周围的环境质量,从而确保评价依靠的环境质量基础可靠,评价结论可信,是一个值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

1提高认识,重视环境监测质量管理工作大家都知道,环境监测是环境保护工作的重要基础和技术支撑,是环境管理不可缺少的重要手段.环境监测信息是否准确,分析的结论是否客观,将直接影响到环境决策的正误.而环境监测数据、信息是监测工作最重要的成果,是分析判断环境问题最基本的前提.获取真实有效的监测数据和信息是环境监测的直接目的.数据和信息的有效性包括监测样品的时空代表性(即优化的监测点位和科学的采样频次),实验数据的科学准确性(即有标准规范的分析方法、优良先进的仪器设备、自动便捷的监测手段和现代可靠的高新技术)和监测行为的合法有效性(即监测人员须持证上岗、仪器设备须计量认证、分析结果须经全过程的质量保证和质量控制),因此,提高对环境监测质量管理工作重要性的认识,重视环境监测质量管理工作是各级环保部门做好环境监测工作的前提,要通过你们共同的努力,扎实的工作在监测机构内部营造一种重视环境监测质量管理,重视监测全过程质量保证和质量控制的工作氛围,将环境监测质量管理工作抓紧抓实.2履行职责,充分发挥环境监测质量管理工作的作用十多年来,环境监测技术得到了长足的发展,环境监测管理形式也发生了较大的变化,目前发布的“两项制度”是对19...  相似文献   

采用二级生化处理工艺的生活污水处理系统,在一段时间后会产生氨气、硫化氢等有刺激性的气体,对人们的生活和休闲造成一定的影响.在人们使用的各种臭气处理的方法中,一种改进型的活性碳吸附法越来越受到人们的重视,有望推广应用到更多的实际处理过程。  相似文献   

由数个监测子站和一个中心站组成的大气污染自动监测系统对于及时、全面、准确了解一个城市或地区的大气质量状况以及随时掌握系统本身的运行状况具有独特的优越性,有条件的城市和地区建立这样的监测系统无疑是可行的。然而这样完整的监测系统耗资大,一般省会城市建成“一对五”系统耗资都在百万元左右,需要一支经过训炼的多学科的专业技术人员维护管理系统的运行,这对于中小城市和企业的环境监测部门筹建这样的监测系统从财力和技术力量上来说,是具有相当大的困难。  相似文献   

对于一个地区来说,河流的流量变化是有一定的规律,而不同地区,其枯、丰、平三个水期的月份可能不尽相同.重要的是,实地采样时的那一段时间里河流的流量是否属所处水期的流量范围.有时,会出现这样的情况,即在认为的丰水期内采样,而采样时的河流流量  相似文献   

对当前城市建设问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在指出当前城市建设中出现问题及其原因的基础上,着重从生态城市的创建、城市特色的塑造、城市景观的设计以及历史遗存的保护等方面作出有益的探讨,以期促进人们对城市可持续发展重要性的认识,推动城市建设的健康发展.  相似文献   

确保监测数据的代表性是保证监测质量的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确保监测数据的代表性是保证监测质量的关键王宗仁(平顶山市环境监测中心站467000)环境监测作为环境管理的基础受到国家环境保护主管部门的高度重视,环境监测数据的质量直接关系着环境管理决策的科学性和准确性,“错误的数据比没有数据更可怕”,环境监测数据的...  相似文献   

加入WTO环境监测站面临的机遇和挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了加入WTO后我国环境监测面临的形势。指出为适应开放式的环境监测市场的激烈竞争 ,必须加快推进环境监测站的实验室认可工作 ,加强环境监测站的能力建设 ,提高环境监测的现代化水平 ,提升环境监测站的社会形象 ,以环境监测站雄厚的整体实力占领环境监测市场。  相似文献   

建设项目的环境影响评价,我国是从七十年代末开始进行的,我们自治区则是从八十年代初开始的。具有代表性的,是1981年开始进行的乌鲁木齐石油化工总厂大化肥工程的影响评价。从那以后至今,我区内已经做过大小几十个项目的评价工作。其中比较重要的有:泽普石油化工厂的评价,  相似文献   

本文阐述了地衣样品的规范的采集;无污染的采样工具、运输工具、盛装容器及加工器械是保存技术的先行条件。全程序的质控是保存技术的基础,温度、压力、光则是保存技术决定性的因素。通过三种保存技术的研究筛选出了既经济又简便的保存技术  相似文献   

In this article a comprehensive approach for the evaluation of possible health effects in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is described, illustrated with the example of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Unlike many EIAs, we estimated quantitatively the impact of aircraft-related pollution in terms of the number of affected people for aircraft noise annoyance, odour annoyance and hypertension. In addition, an analysis of health registry data on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and a short survey on annoyance and risk perception were carried out. The scope of a health impact assessment depends on the situation, available knowledge and data, concern in the population about the impact and the number of people concerned. It is important to pay attention to the perception of risks and concerns from all parties involved. Moreover, the results demonstrate that far more people outside the area for which standards apply were affected than inside.  相似文献   

The importance of improving the effectiveness of Plan EIA and SEA-type evaluations in China cannot be overstated: at a time when the country's economy is being boosted by a stimulus package worth over RMB 400 trillion – largely for infrastructure – the pressure on China's already strained environment and resource base is bound to increase. The aim is to propose the criteria for plan EIA's effectiveness to raise the awareness of the need to strengthen the performance of the assessment and maximize its potential benefits. The authors first review critically the discourse on the effectiveness of the impact assessment, identifying three dimensions: substantive, procedural and incremental. The resulting conceptual framework allows them to interpret the weaknesses of the Chinese discourse on the effectiveness and of the practice of the Plan EIA to date. The result is the identification of a clear gap, both in terms of the breadth of the concept, and in terms of the quality of the existing criteria, which tend to be very generic to the point of inapplicability. The analysis also reveals a need for transitioning from formal models of the Plan EIA to more strategic approaches, in a gradual manner that is consistent with context-specificities. The proposal of a set of preliminary criteria for effectiveness is therefore structured on three levels. This framework is meant to input into the ongoing debate on how to improve the practice of PEIA and the SEA-type evaluations in China, and provide ideas for a government strategy aimed at maximizing the positive impact of PEIAs on planning, as well as on the context of application.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the extent of heavy metal pollution in the vicinity of a lead battery manufacturing plant in the Czech Republic, both in the general environment and within homes. Topsoils (0–5 cm) were sampled from 100 sites along 4 transects which crossed the battery factory, the town centre and outlying rural areas. Housedust samples were collected from 15 plant-workers' homes and 15 non plant-workers' homes located at various distances from the factory. Samples were analysed for levels of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, As and Sb, using ICP-AES. Soil concentrations of Pb, Cd, As and Sb peaked at the perimeter fence of the battery factory with Pb levels of up to 12 650 g g> -1. Concentrations of these metals decreased exponentially within 500 m of the plant. Whilst the battery factory does appear to be a source of all the metals with the exception of Zn, emissions do not appear to be transported to any great extent over distances of more than 0.5 km. Topsoil and housedust concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, As and Sb in the general Mlada Boleslav area do not appear to be significantly different from those recorded in a large scale survey of urban soils in the United Kingdom. A comparison of housedust Pb concentrations in homes of plant workers and non-plant workers suggests that there may be a small input of Pb into the home environment by battery plant employees.  相似文献   

The concept of a sampling scale triplet of spacing, extent and support is used to define the spatial dimensions of a monitoring network or a field study. The spacing is the average distance between samples, the extent is the size of the domain sampled and the support is the averaging area of one sample. The aim of this paper is to examine what is the bias and the random error (uncertainty) introduced by the sampling scale triplet into estimates of the mean, the spatial variance and the integral scale of a variable in a landscape. The integral scale is a measure of the average distance over which a variable is correlated in space. A large number of two dimensional random fields are generated from which hypothetical samples, conforming to a certain sampling scale triplet, are drawn which in turn are used to estimate the sample mean, spatial variance and integral scale. The results indicate that the biases can be up to two orders of magnitude. The bias of the integral scale is positively related to the magnitude of any of the components of the scale triplet while the bias of the spatial variance is different for different components of the scale triplet. All sampling scale effects are relative to the underlying correlation length of the variable of interest which is closely related to the integral scale. The integral scale can hence be used for sampling design and data interpretation. Suggestions are given on how to adjust a monitoring network to the scales of the variables of interest and how to interpret sampling scale effects in environmental data.  相似文献   

Public transport in Delhi was amended by the Supreme Court of India to use Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) instead of diesel or petrol. After the implementation of CNG since April 2001, Delhi has the highest fraction of CNG-run public vehicles in the world and most of them were introduced within 20 months. In the present study, the concentrations of various criteria air pollutants (SPM, PM10, CO, SO2 and NOx) and organic pollutants such as benzene, toluene, xylene (BTX) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were assessed before and after the implementation of CNG. A decreasing trend was found for PAHs, SO2 and CO concentrations, while the NOx level was increased in comparison to those before the implementation of CNG. Further, SPM, PM10, and BTX concentrations showed no significant change after the implementation of CNG. However, the BTX concentration demonstrated a clear relation with the benzene content of gasoline. In addition to the impact of the introduction of CNG the daily variation in PAHs levels was also studied and the PAHs concentrations were observed to be relatively high between 10 pm to 6 am, which gives a proof of a relation with the limited day entry and movement of heavy vehicles in Delhi.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was used to compare the effects of a regular (one-pass) or interleaved (two-pass) acoustic survey on the adequacy of reconstructing patchy distribution fields. The model simulates fish or plankton patches of different shapes and spatial orientations, and a set of parallel or zigzag transects forming a regular or interleaved acoustic survey. The efficiency of a survey is determined by the adequacy of a reconstructed field to that originally generated, which is evaluated by calculating their correlations. Regarding the immovable fields, the efficiency of a regular or interleaved acoustic survey was tested with the following two alternative assumptions: (1) the entire survey was completed; (2) the survey was interrupted for some reason at the moment when one transect remained non-accomplished. In the former case, the efficiencies of both acoustic surveys were nearly the same; in the latter case, the efficiency of an interleaved survey was superior to that of a regular one. With respect to movable fields, the efficiency of the completed interleaved surveys was even higher than that of the regular ones. Thus, the results obtained allow us to conclude that an interleaved survey is expedient in cases where there is no preference regarding the position of a vessel for further work.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) in the aquatic ecosystem of Clear Lake has been documented since the 1970s when fishes were found to have elevated levels of toxic methyl mercury (meHg). Mining practices at the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine (active intermittently from 1872–1957) along the shoreline of Clear Lake included the bulldozing of waste rock and overburden ore into the shallow nearshore regions of the lake and the creation of steeply sloped piles of waste rock at the water's edge. This process, plus erosion of the waste rock piles, resulted in the accumulation of an estimated 100 metric tons of Hg in Clear Lake. A monitoring program to assess Hg in Clear Lake was established in 1992, and conducted continuously from 1994. Drought conditions in California had persisted for ca. 6 yrs prior to 1992, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) remediated the steeply sloped eroding waste rock piles, which appeared to reduce sediment Hg concentrations significantly. In April 1995, a white flocculent material was observed in Clear Lake adjacent to the mine and has been observed every year since, leading to the discovery of ongoing acid mine drainage (AMD), low pH fluids high in Hg and extremely high in sulfate. AMD is now believed to be the most likely cause of elevated meHg in Clear Lake. The discovery of this source of meHg production in Clear Lake, which will significantly influence remedial options, was only made possible by implementation of a diligent monitoring program.  相似文献   

Many environmental surveys require the implementation of estimation techniques to determine the spatial distribution of the variable being investigated. Traditional methods of interpolation and estimation, for example, inverse distance squared and triangulation often ignore features of the data set such as anisotropy which may have a significant impact on the quality of the estimates produced. Geostatistical techniques may offer an improved method of estimation by modelling the spatial continuity of the variable using semi-variogram analysis. The theoretical model fitted to the semi-variogram is then used in the assignation of weighting factors to the samples surrounding the location to be estimated. This paper outlines the results of a comparison between three common estimation methods, polygonal, triangulation and inverse distance squared and a geostatistical method, in the estimation of soil radionuclide activities. The geostatistical estimation method known as kriging performed best over a range of parameters used to test the performance of the methods. Kriging exhibited the best correlation between actual and estimated values, the narrowest error distribution and the lowest overall estimation error. Polygonal estimation was best at reproducing the data set distribution. Conditional bias was evident in all the methods, low values being over-estimated and high values being under-estimated.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural land use are responsible for significant modifications in mountain landscapes. This study is part of an interdisciplinary research on the processes and consequences of spontaneous afforestation of Pyrenean landscapes by ash, and the possibilities for its management. We address the relationships between vegetation dynamics and land-use change from the combination of an agricultural study of change in farm management and an ecological study of grassland colonization by ash. In the framework of a village case study, we characterized parcels management and land-use histories, and analyzed the dynamics of the composition of grassland vegetation communities. From a joint analysis of the results obtained in each discipline, we discuss the limitations and complementarities of the two approaches for the interdisciplinary assessment of the afforestation process.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of soil landscapes to climatic variability andhydroclimatic events can be expressed as a landscape change safety factor, the ratio of potential disturbance to resistance to change. The use of a geographic information system (GIS) enables the spatially-explicit modeling of landscape sensitivity, but also raises the risk of violating the characteristic scales of disturbance and resistance, because the GIS technically simplifies the extrapolation of models, and associated concepts, to landscapes and scales notrepresented by the digital data base. Embedding landscape sensitivity into hierarchy theory, the formal analysis of the hierarchical structure of complex systems, provides a conceptual framework for the transfer of models and variablesamong landscape scales. In the subhumid southern Canadian plains, major hydroclimatic events (strong winds, intense rain,rapid snow melt) cause much of the physical disturbance of soillandscapes and terrestrial ecosystems. Prolonged dry or wet weather influences the resistance of soil and vegetation to these events. The potential disturbance of soil landscapes therefore can be derived from the probabilities of extreme events and seasonal conditions, as recorded in instrumental and proxy climate records. This time series analysis can belinked to the modeling of landscape sensitivity by establishingthe probabilities of hydroclimatic events and climatic conditions which may exceed or lower the resistance of individual soil landscapes.  相似文献   

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