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A mass-balance model was extended to investigate the influence of aerosol particles on the accumulation of indoor airborne DEHP, which allows the consideration of a variable particle concentration. The calculated gas-phase di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) concentration is consistent with those measured within residences in both the United States and Europe. Model predictions suggest that there are differences of more than 10% of particle-phase DEHP concentrations between the variable-particle-concentration case and the constant one for over half (578 days) within the calculation time of 1000 days. Airborne DEHP consists primarily of a particle phase. The exposure data indicate that the influence of particle dynamics remains significant throughout the calculation period, and the size fraction of 0–0.5 μm contributes the most, at 39.1%, to the total exposure to particle-phase DEHP as a result of a strong “source” effect which brings particles into the indoor air and a weak “sink” effect which removes particles from the indoor air. The sensitivity analysis indicates that deposition exhibits the most apparent influence, and particle emission from cooking is a significant factor, as cooking is the main source of particles in the size fraction of 0–0.5 μm. The sensitivity analysis also shows that particle penetration has a less obvious influence on the exposure to airborne DEHP because air exchange rate caused penetration introduces and removes particles simultaneously, thus having a limited influence on the airborne DEHP; while resuspension exhibits the weakest influence because it contributes little to the small particles which are the main component of aerosol particles indoors. Strategies for enhancing deposition and reducing particle emissions from cooking and penetration may be helpful to reduce residents’ exposure to airborne SVOCs.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of and personal exposure to benzene have been measured in four French metropolitan areas for 210 subjects over two seasons. Half of the volunteers were 6–13-year-old children. The adult subjects were non-smokers, not occupationally exposed and they live and work in the monitored areas. Measurements were performed using diffusive samplers followed by GC-FID analysis. The average values for ambient air concentrations (μg m−3) were: Rouen: 1.5; Île de France (Paris area): 1.6; Grenoble: 2.3 and Strasbourg: 2.6, showing that benzene concentrations in the ambient air of the four cities satisfy the requirements of the European Directive 2000/69EC of the European Parliament which stipulates a limit value of 5 μg m−3. However, the 48 h exposures measured were found to be between 2.7 and 3.5 times higher than ambient air concentrations. As a consequence, 60% of the subjects investigated, including children, were exposed to concentrations higher than the ambient air limit value. This work confirms that air monitoring data collected by fixed stations should be used with caution when assessing population exposure to benzene, especially given the influence of indoor sources and other polluted microenvironments where people spend part of their time.  相似文献   

Spread of air pollution sources and non-uniform mixing conditions in urban or regional air sheds often result in spatial variation of pollutant concentrations over different parts of the air sheds. A comprehensive understanding of this variation of concentrations is imperative for informed planning, monitoring and assessment in a range of critical areas including assessment of monitoring network efficiency or assessment of population exposure variation as a function of the location in the city. The aims of this work were to study the citywide variability of pollutants as measured by “urban background” type monitoring stations and to interpret the results in relation to the applicability of the data to population exposure assessments and the network efficiency. A comparison between ambient concentrations of NOx, ozone and PM10 was made for three stations in the Brisbane air shed network. The best correlated between the three stations were ozone concentrations followed by NOx concentration, with the worst correlations observed for PM10. With a few exceptions correlations of all pollutants between the stations were statistically significant. Marginally better were the correlations for the lower concentrations of pollutants that represent urban background, over the correlations for higher concentrations, representing peak values. Implications of these findings on application of the monitoring data to air-quality management, as well as the need for further investigations has been discussed.  相似文献   

Airborne particulate matter, PM(10) and PM(2.5), are associated with a range of health effects including lung cancer. Their complex organic fraction contains genotoxic and carcinogenic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their derivatives. This study evaluates the genotoxicity of the PM(10) and PM(2.5) organic extracts that were sampled in the framework of a personal exposure study in three French metropolitan areas (Paris, Rouen and Strasbourg), using the comet assay, performed on HeLa S3 cells. In each city, 60-90 non-smoking volunteers composed of two groups of equal size (adults and children) carried the personal Harvard Chempass multi-pollutant sampler during 48h along two different seasons ('hot' and 'cold'). Volunteers were selected so as to live (home and work/school) in 3 different urban sectors contrasted in terms of air pollution within each city (one highly exposed to traffic emissions, one influenced by local industrial sources, and a background urban environment). Genotoxic effects are stronger for PM(2.5) extracts than for PM(10), and greater in winter than in summer. Fine particles collected by subjects living within the traffic proximity sector present the strongest genotoxic responses, especially in the Paris metropolitan area. This work confirms the genotoxic potency of particulate matter (PM(10) and PM(2.5)) organic extracts to which urban populations are exposed.  相似文献   

Chan LY  Kwok WS  Chan CY 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):93-99
The aim of this study is to evaluate the particulate air pollution in selected roadside microenvironments of Hong Kong through an intensive field study dated from January 1997 to February 1997. The study employed the microenvironment monitoring technique to access the exposure of pedestrians to respirable suspended particulate and airborne lead (Pb) at heavily trafficked roadsides. A total of 62 roadside sites in 14 districts covering the most urbanized and densely populated areas were selected. It was found that pedestrians were exposed to a 24 h average of respirable suspended particulate, PM10, and airborne Pb (APb), typically ranged from 25.56 to 337.40 microg/m3 and 70.71 to 285.71 ng/m3, respectively. The average PM10 concentrations at different roadside microenvironments corresponding to urban residential, urban commercial, urban industrial and new town areas were 91.84, 129.08, 83.83, and 118.89 microg/m3 respectively. The corresponding values for APb were 130.01, 143.40, 127.40 and 173.17 ng/m3, respectively. It was found that measurement at EPD nearby rooftop monitoring stations might not reflect the actual roadside PM10 exposure. Most APb field study data was significantly higher than the nearby fixed station data.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the assessment of exposure to ultrafine in the urban environment ofLisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, and consisted of the determination of deposited alveolar surface area in an avenue leading to the town center during late spring. This study revealed differentiated patterns for weekdays and weekends, which could be related with the fluxes of automobile traffic. During a typical week, ultrafine particles alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35.0 and 89.2 microm2/cm3, which is comparable with levels reported for other towns such in Germany and the United States. These measurements were also complemented by measuring the electrical mobility diameter (varying from 18.3 to 128.3 nm) and number of particles that showed higher values than those previously reported for Madrid and Brisbane. Also, electron microscopy showed that the collected particles were composed of carbonaceous agglomerates, typical of particles emitted by the exhaustion of diesel vehicles.  相似文献   

Reducing airborne microorganisms may potentially improve the environment in layer breeding houses. The effectiveness of slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW; pH 5.29–6.30) in reducing airborne microorganisms was investigated in a commercial layer house in northern China. The building had a tunnel-ventilation system, with an evaporative cooling. The experimental area was divided into five zones along the length of the house, with zone 1 nearest to an evaporative cooling pad and zone 5 nearest to the fans. The air temperature, relative humidity, dust concentration, and microbial population were measured at the sampling points in the five zones during the study period. The SAEW was sprayed by workers in the whole house. A six-stage air microbial sampler was used to measure airborne microbial population. Results showed that the population of airborne bacteria and fungi were sharply reduced by 0.71 × 105 and 2.82 × 103 colony-forming units (CFU) m?3 after 30 min exposure to SAEW, respectively. Compared with the benzalkonium chloride (BC) solution and povidone-iodine (PVP-I) solution treatments, the population reductions of airborne fungi treated by SAEW were significantly (P < 0.05) more, even though the three disinfectants can decrease both the airborne bacteria and fungi significantly (P < 0.05) 30 min after spraying.
Implications: There are no effective methods for reducing airborne microbial levels in tunnel-ventilated layer breeding houses; additionally, there is limited information available on airborne microorganism distribution. This research investigated the spatial distribution of microbial population, and the effectiveness of spraying slightly acidic electrolyzed water in reducing microbial levels. The research revealed that slightly acidic electrolyzed water spray was a potential method for reducing microbial presence in layer houses. The knowledge gained in this research about the microbial population variations in the building may assist producers in managing the bird housing environment and engineers in designing poultry houses.  相似文献   

The recognition of potential long-term effects of substances, has led to the development of regulations and legislation which emphasis the need for assessing the risks posed by both new and existing substances for man and the environment. The evaluation of fate and exposure models is put into perspective in relation to the developments over the last five years in the framework of the EU regulations and national legislation within the European Community. The validation of environmental exposure models (multi-media models) is described in the context of quality assurance of models available to a user group, which is different from the quality assurance aspects for a developers group.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to measure the concentration of PBDEs in various food stuffs from Korea and to estimate levels of PBDE intake from food for the Korean population according to geographical location and age. 20 types of food samples were collected from four heavily populated cities (Seoul, Gwangju, Daejeon, Pusan) and one rural city (Gangneung) and were analyzed for 19 polybrominated diphenyl ether congeners (BDE 15, 17, 28, 33, 47, 49, 66, 71, 85, 99, 100, 119, 126, 138, 153, 154, 183, and 209).No significant differences in total PBDE levels in foods were found among four large cities (Gwangju; 10.91 ng g?1 wet weight (ww), Seoul; 7.66 ng g?1 ww, Daejeon; 6.91 ng g?1 ww, Pusan; 6.87 ng g?1 ww) and one rural city (Gangneung; 8.72 ng g?1 ww). Daily dietary intake of PBDEs does not appear to be related to the extent of urbanization.Total dietary intake of PBDE for the average general population was 72.30 ng d?1 (not detected (ND) = 0) which was similar to other countries. In all food groups, the largest contribution to PBDE intake was from fish and shellfish (48.96 ng d?1). Total PBDE consumed per kilogram of body weight was estimated to range from 2.70 ng kg?1 d?1 for infants 1 through 2 years of age to 0.85 ng kg?1 d for 65 years and older and was highest in young children and decreased with increasing age.  相似文献   

Saline particles are a heterogeneous group of chloride(Cl)-containing airborne materials of natural as well as anthropogenic origins. They are usually a local problem of air pollution in terms of source and dispersion, but within these areas their effects on agricultural, ornamental or natural species of plants can be of substantial practical concern. These effects include the accumulation of Cl, the production of foliar lesions, and changes in the plant's levels of mineral nutrients and metabolites, physiological processes, and growth and reproduction. Some quantitative exposure-effect relationships have been formulated for foliar Cl, foliar lesions, and changes in growth and yield. These relationships are sensitive to various factors, such as flux, duration and frequency of exposure, species and stage of development of the plant, size and chemical composition of the particle, and light, temperature, relative humidity and precipitation during or after exposure. The interactions of these factors affect the response of the plant to saline particles by determining three major sets of processes: collection and retention of particles by the foliage; penetration of material from superficial deposits into the foliar tissue; translocation of absorbed Cl (or other ionic components) and susceptibility of tissue to it within the leaf.  相似文献   

As a part of the Relationships of Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Air (RIOPA) study, 48 h integrated residential indoor, outdoor, and personal exposure concentrations of 10 carbonyls were simultaneously measured in 234 homes selected from three US cities using the Passive Aldehydes and Ketones Samplers (PAKS). In this paper, we examine the feasibility of using residential indoor concentrations to predict personal exposures to carbonyls. Based on paired t-tests, the means of indoor concentrations were not different from those of personal exposure concentrations for eight out of the 10 measured carbonyls, indicating indoor carbonyls concentrations, in general, well predicted the central tendency of personal exposure concentrations. In a linear regression model, indoor concentrations explained 47%, 55%, and 65% of personal exposure variance for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and hexaldehyde, respectively. The predictability of indoor concentrations on cross-individual variability in personal exposure for the other carbonyls was poorer, explaining<20% of variance for acetone, acrolein, crotonaldehyde, and glyoxal. A factor analysis, coupled with multiple linear regression analyses, was also performed to examine the impact of human activities on personal exposure concentrations. It was found that activities related to driving a vehicle and performing yard work had significant impacts on personal exposures to a few carbonyls.  相似文献   

Climate change and increasing demography press local authorities to look after affordable water resources and replacement of drinking water for city necessities like street and pavement cleaning by more available raw water. Though, the substitution of drinking by non-drinking resources demands the evaluation of sanitary hazards. This article aims therefore to evaluate the contribution of cleaning water to the overall exposure of city dwellers in case of wet pavement cleaning using crossed physical, chemical and biological approaches. The result of tracer experiments with fluorescein show that liquid water content of the cleaning aerosol produced is about 0.24 g m?3, rending possible a fast estimation of exposure levels. In situ analysis of the aerosol particles indicates a significant increase in particle number concentration and particle diameter, though without change in particle composition. The conventional bacterial analysis using total coliforms as tracer suggests that an important part of the contamination is issued from the pavement. The qPCR results show a more than 20-fold increase of background genome concentration for Escherichia coli and 10-fold increase for Enterococcus but a negligible contribution of the cleaning water. The fluorescence analysis of the cleaning aerosol confirms the above findings identifying pavement surface as the major contributor to aerosol organic load. The physical, chemical and microbiological approaches used make it possible to describe accurately the cleaning bioaerosol and to identify the existence of significantly higher levels of all parameters studied during the wet pavement cleaning. Though, the low level of contamination and the very short time of passage of pedestrian in the zone do not suggest a significant risk for the city dwellers. As the cleaning workers remain much longer in the impacted area, more attention should be paid to their chronic exposure.  相似文献   

Road environments significantly affect in cabin concentration of particulate matter (PM). This study conducted measurements of in-vehicle and on-road concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, PM1, and particle number (PN) in size of 0.02–1 µm, under six ventilation settings in different urban road environments (tunnels, surface roads and elevated roads). Linear regression was then used to analyze the contributions of multiple predictor variables (including on-road concentrations, temperature, relative humidity, time of day, and ventilation settings) to measured variations. On-road measurements of PM2.5, PM1, and PN concentrations from the open surface roads were 5.5%, 3.7%, and 16% lower, respectively, than those measured in tunnels, but 7.6%, 7.1% and 24% higher, respectively, than those on elevated roads. The highest on-road PM10 concentration was observed on surface roads. The time series pattern of in-vehicle particle concentrations closely tracked the on-road concentrations outside of the car and exhibited a smoother profile. Irrespective of road environment, the average I/O ratio of particles was found to be the lowest when air conditioning was on with internal recirculation, the highest purification efficiency via ventilation was obtained by switching on external air recirculation and air conditioning. Statistical models showed that on-road concentration, temperature, and ventilation setting are common factors of significance that explained 58%-80%, 64%-97%, and 87%-98% of the variations in in-vehicle PM concentrations on surface roads, on elevated roads, and in tunnels, respectively.

Implications: Inside vehicles, both driver and passengers will be exposed to elevated particle concentrations. However, for in-vehicle particles, there has been no comprehensive comparative study of the three-dimensional traffic environment including tunnels surface roads and elevated roads. This study focuses on the analysis of the trends and main influencing factors of particle concentrations in different road environments. The results can provide suggestions for the driver's behavior, and provide data support for the environmental protection department to develop pollutant concentration limits within the vehicle.  相似文献   

The human health risk assessment is supported by methodology for utilizing toxic effects in animals consisting of carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic responses as a result of chronic, subchronic and acute exposures. One of the initial steps in a risk assessment activity involves the estimation of exposure levels. These estimates are typically based on either direct environmental measurements or predictions obtained from fate and transport models. The decision to develop assessment of risk from chronic exposure based on a nonthreshold model is made if a chemical demonstrates carcinogenic activity in animal bioassays and/or in human epidemiological studies. In the absence of any positive human epidemiologic data, it is assumed that a substance which induces a statistically significant carcinogenic response in animals has the probability to cause cancer in humans. The carcinogenic potential of 2,3,7,8-TCDD has been established based on chronic exposure in rodents. In addition, 2,3,7,8-TCDD has also been shown to be a liver cancer promoter in rodents. In the risk assessment on dioxins based on chronic exposure in experimental animals, 2,3,7,8-TCDD is regarded as a carcinogenic substance. Carcinogenic data from animal bioassays are utilized for the assessment of risk for the purpose of estimating the likelihood of 2,3,7,8-TCDD being carcinogenic for humans and to determine the magnitude of the potential impact on public health.  相似文献   

With the objective to evaluate exposure of the population in Flanders (Belgium) to perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), we measured perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in settled dust in homes and offices, in a selection of food items from local origin, in drinking-water and in human serum. We complemented the data with results from a literature survey. Based on this dataset we calculated intake by children and adults from food, drinking-water, settled dust and soil, and air. Dietary exposure dominated overall intake. For adults, average dietary intake equalled 24.2 (P95 40.9) ng PFOS kg−1 d−1 and 6.1 (P95 9.6) ng PFOA kg−1 d−1, whereas for children the dietary intake was about 3 times higher. Predicted intake is high when compared to assessments in other countries, and to serum levels from Flanders, but comparable to the intakes published by The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2008. Intake of PFOS and PFOA remained below the Tolerable Daily Intake.  相似文献   

Sun F  Wong SS  Li GC  Chen SN 《Chemosphere》2006,62(4):674-680
The fisheries products in this study comprise fish, bivalve, crustacean and cephalopod collected from different types of markets in Taiwan between the years 2001 and 2003. A total of 91 pesticide residues belonging to four major pesticide groups were tested and analyzed. The test results show that 65.40% of fish, 93.55% of shellfish, 84.92% of crustacean and 98.33% of cephalopod samples contain no detectable residues. There are only two kinds (organochlorine and organophosphate) of totally six pesticides (DDTs, dieldrin, chlorpyrifos, fenitrotion, fenthion and prothion) that have been detected from the fisheries products in this study. For there were pesticides present in the fish products, consumption of fisheries product there was no zero risk. But the exposure of consumer did not exceed the acceptable daily intakes (ADI). For male, there was the highest risk in exposure to dieldrin, which the percentage of ADI was 93.56%. This study also suggests that a yearly monitoring program for organophosphate pesticide residues in fish is necessity.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Styrene is one of the essential components in making thousands of everyday products. Occupational exposure to styrene causes pulmonary, neurological,...  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with the inhalable fraction of particulate matter were determined for 1 year (2009–2010) at a school site located in proximity of industrial and heavy traffic roads in Delhi, India. PM10 (aerodynamic diameter ≤10 μm) levels were ~11.6 times the World Health Organization standard. Vehicular (59.5 %) and coal combustion (40.5 %) sources accounted for the high levels of PAHs (range 38.1–217.3 ng m?3) with four- and five-ring PAHs having ~80 % contribution. Total PAHs were dominated by carcinogenic species (~75 %) and B[a]P equivalent concentrations indicated highest exposure risks during winter. Extremely high daily inhalation exposure of PAHs was observed during winter (439.43 ng day?1) followed by monsoon (232.59 ng day?1) and summer (171.08 ng day?1). Daily inhalation exposure of PAHs to school children during a day exhibited the trend school hours?>?commuting to school?>?resting period in all the seasons. Vehicular source contributions to daily PAH levels were significantly correlated (r?=?0.94, p?<?0.001) with the daily inhalation exposure level of school children. A conservative estimate of ~11 excess cancer cases in children during childhood due to inhalation exposure of PAHs has been made for Delhi.  相似文献   

Airborne particle number concentrations and size distributions as well as CO and NOx concentrations monitored at a site within the central business district of Brisbane, Australia were correlated with the traffic flow rate on a nearby freeway with the aim of investigating differences between weekday and weekend pollutant characteristics. Observations over a 5-year monitoring period showed that the mean number particle concentration on weekdays was (8.8±0.1)×103 cm−3 and on weekends (5.9±0.2)×103 cm−3—a difference of 47%. The corresponding mean particle number median diameters during weekdays and weekends were 44.2±0.3 and 50.2±0.2 nm, respectively. The differences in mean particle number concentration and size between weekdays and weekends were found to be statistically significant at confidence levels of over 99%. During a 1-year period of observation, the mean traffic flow rate on the freeway was 14.2×104 and 9.6×104 vehicles per weekday and weekend day, respectively—a difference of 48%. The mean diurnal variations of the particle number and the gaseous concentrations closely followed the traffic flow rate on both weekdays and weekends (correlation coefficient of 0.86 for particles). The overall conclusion, as to the effect of traffic on concentration levels of pollutant concentration in the vicinity of a major road (about 100 m) carrying traffic of the order of 105 vehicles per day, is that about a 50% increase in traffic flow rate results in similar increases of CO and NOx concentrations and a higher increase of about 70% in particle number concentration.  相似文献   

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