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Adsorption and precipitation of tetracycline with struvite.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction of tetracycline with struvite during adsorption and precipitation processes was investigated. Tetracycline removal by adsorption was affected by solution pH, contact time, and struvite concentration. The lowest tetracycline removal (8.4%) was observed at pH 7.7, the dissociation constant (pKa2) of tetracycline. Because of the electrostatic repulsion, the amount of tetracycline adsorbed on the surface was low. The small amount of adsorption was the result of surface complexation between tetracycline ions and metal ions. Calcium (Ca2+) ions in the adsorbent enhanced the binding of tetracycline. Freundlich (KF: 0.04, n: 1.49) and Redlich-Peterson (KR: 0.08, alphaR: 0.98, betaR: 0.49) models best defined the equilibrium data. In the case of struvite precipitation, approximately 22% of tetracycline was removed as a result of binding to struvite alongside struvite formation.  相似文献   

磷酸铵镁沉淀法处理废水时常受众多因素影响,其中重金属类杂质对该过程影响较大。实验研究了Mn2+、Cu2+杂质存在条件下,用该法去除制药废水中PO43-、NH4+污染物,同时,用XRD、XRF、SEM等手段研究了所得鸟粪石晶体特征。结果表明,pH为9.5时,Mn2+、Cu2+杂质存在条件下,PO43-去除率分别为88%和85%,投加晶种有利于回收特定晶形鸟粪石,Cu2+对磷酸铵镁结晶过程的影响较Mn2+存在时显著。  相似文献   

投药方式对鸟粪石法脱氮除磷的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
鸟粪石法脱氮除磷过程中,投药方式对反应产生很大影响.以MgCl2·6H2O和Na2HPO4·12H2O为沉淀剂进行脱氮除磷的实验研究,结果表明,药剂的投加顺序影响不大,加药速度以缓慢加药为宜,pH值调节时机对氮磷的去除率影响很大,pH值调节时机由前调改为后调,氨氮的去除率由70%左右提高至80%~85%,磷的去除率由6...  相似文献   



Both an optimization statistical model and a chemical thermodynamic equilibrium computer model were proposed to develop, improve, and optimize struvite precipitation process.  相似文献   

制肥工业废水中氨氮浓度高,难以直接进行生化反应,采用鸟粪石沉淀法可有效去除并回收氨氮。利用中试反应器回收某制肥工业废水中的氨氮,采用氯化镁与氧化镁作为联用镁源,通过考察不同进料方式、搅拌速度、停留时间等因素的影响,确定了鸟粪石法回收氨氮的最佳工况:采用间歇进水、固体投加镁源的投料方式,搅拌速度300 r/min,停留时间2 h。最佳条件下,氨氮去除率达到93.5%,磷残余率小于0.3%,生成的鸟粪石纯度可达85.6%,砷和铅的质量分数分别为0.0036和0.0008,符合肥料中重金属限值(GB/T 23349-2009),其他重金属均未检出。因此,回收产品有很好的利用价值。经济分析表明磷源是此方法处理成本较高的主要原因。  相似文献   

药剂费用一直是限制鸟粪石法处理高氨氮废水实际应用的主要因素。实验采用鸟粪石沉淀法预处理高氨氮废水,以磷酸氢二钠作为磷盐,就不同镁盐对高氨氮废水的处理效果进行了分析比较。实验结果表明,将氯化镁与氧化镁联用作为新型镁盐时,有很大的优势。在n(N):n(P):n(Mg)=1:1:1.5,n(MgCl2):n(MgO)=1:2,反应时间为30min条件下,氨氮的去除率可以达到90%以上,与常规单独采用氯化镁的处理方法相比,镁盐药剂费用可节约2/3以上。  相似文献   

工艺条件对磷回收过程中鸟粪石沉淀颗粒粒径的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在鸟粪石沉淀法回收废水中磷的过程中,鸟粪石颗粒的大小将直接影响其沉淀的速率,进而影响鸟粪石的沉淀效果和磷的回收率。本文采用激光粒度分析仪测定鸟粪石的平均粒径,详细考察在小型连续搅拌反应-沉淀磷回收装置中不同的工艺条件下鸟粪石颗粒粒径的变化规律,并结合Stokes公式计算鸟粪石颗粒在废水出口处的沉降速率,为沉淀池的设计提供参考依据。结果表明:鸟粪石的平均粒径在12~25μm之间,沉降速率在5.46×10-5~2.37×10-4m/s之间。随着反应室水力停留时间的延长,鸟粪石颗粒的粒径逐渐增大,当停留时间超过18 min时,颗粒的粒径基本不变;随着沉淀室水力停留时间的延长,鸟粪石颗粒的平均粒径缓慢增大,当停留时间超过70 min后颗粒粒径的变化不大;鸟粪石颗粒的平均粒径在一定程度上受废水中磷初始浓度变化的影响,在磷初始浓度为62~128 mg/L时颗粒的粒径变化不大,当磷浓度为496 mg/L时粒径有较大增加,此时鸟粪石颗粒的沉降速率也大幅度增加;鸟粪石颗粒的平均粒径受pH值的影响不大;随氮磷摩尔比的增大,鸟粪石颗粒的平均粒径略有增加;随镁磷摩尔比的增大,鸟粪石颗粒的平均粒径逐渐减小,沉降速率则有明显的下降。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Nitrogen and phosphorous are limiting and crucial elements for all living organisms. The recovery of nitrogen and phosphorous as struvite gained...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To overcome the scarcity of river sand and dumping of construction and demolition wastes, the fine recycled aggregate (FRA) collected from C&D...  相似文献   

The amount of struvite (MgNH4PO4·6H2O) produced by Myxococcus xanthus as well as the culture parameter values (pH, total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen) were dependent on the culture medium used. Struvite formation started during the exponential phase and the maximum concentration was observed at the beginning of stationary growth phase. The addition of each medium component to the liquid culture influenced the amount of crystal produced. This amount did not depend on the pH increase during the culture period. The moment of the bacterial growth phase, at which each medium component was added, influenced the struvite formation.  相似文献   

采用激光粒度仪实验测定了小型套管式空气曝气填料层磷回收装置中不同条件下生成的鸟粪石晶体的体积平均粒径,考察了其变化规律,并结合Stokes公式计算了晶体的沉降速率,同时考虑鸟粪石晶体形状的影响,进行了相应的修正。实验结果表明,鸟粪石的粒径在10—200μm之间,主要集中于20~100μm;在磷回收装置中添加填料并通人空气有利于增大鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度,无填料无空气时和有填料有空气时的平均粒径分别在30~55μm和40~65μm之间。随着pH值的增大,鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度逐渐增大,但当pH大于9.0后,鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度又逐渐减小;氮磷比值从1:1增大到2:1,鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度小幅度增加,氮磷比进一步增大,鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度基本不变;镁磷摩尔比在1:1—1.2:1的范围内时,鸟粪石晶体的平均粒径和沉降速度随镁磷比的增大而增大;镁磷摩尔比大于1.2:1后,鸟粪石晶体的平均粒径和沉降速度随镁磷比的增大逐渐减小;初始磷浓度越高,鸟粪石晶体的平均粒径和沉降速度越大。  相似文献   

采用激光粒度仪实验测定了小型套管式空气曝气填料层磷回收装置中不同条件下生成的鸟粪石晶体的体积平均粒径,考察了其变化规律,并结合Stokes公式计算了晶体的沉降速率,同时考虑鸟粪石晶体形状的影响,进行了相应的修正。实验结果表明,鸟粪石的粒径在10~200 μm之间,主要集中于20~100 μm;在磷回收装置中添加填料并通入空气有利于增大鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度,无填料无空气时和有填料有空气时的平均粒径分别在30~55 μm和40~65 μm之间。随着pH值的增大,鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度逐渐增大,但当pH大于9.0后,鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度又逐渐减小;氮磷比值从1:1增大到2:1,鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度小幅度增加,氮磷比进一步增大,鸟粪石晶体的粒径和沉降速度基本不变;镁磷摩尔比在1:1~1.2:1的范围内时,鸟粪石晶体的平均粒径和沉降速度随镁磷比的增大而增大;镁磷摩尔比大于1.2:1后,鸟粪石晶体的平均粒径和沉降速度随镁磷比的增大逐渐减小;初始磷浓度越高,鸟粪石晶体的平均粒径和沉降速度越大。  相似文献   

污泥水富含氮磷,其回流经常造成污水处理厂出水水质的不稳定。以模拟污泥水为对象,采用套筒式流化床结晶装置,通过曝气吹脱CO2提高pH值并添加镁盐的方式以促进污泥水中鸟粪石的结晶,研究气水比对模拟污泥水中氮磷的去除效果以及对晶体产物的产量、分布、形态、粒径和成分的影响。结果表明,随着气水比的增加,污泥水的出水碱度降低、pH值升高、PO43--P和氨氮的去除率均增加,当气水比为15:1、30:1、60:1时,PO43--P的平均去除率分别为73%、82%和87%,氨氮的去除率均在17%~23%之间。同时,气水比影响晶体产物的产量、粒径和分布,但对晶体形态和组成的影响较小。同一气水比条件下,反应器底部和内壁晶体的形态存在明显差异,其中底部晶体大多纤细碎小,内壁晶体则均呈硕大的楔形,但X衍射谱图分析表明,以上二者的主成分均为鸟粪石。  相似文献   

通过分析磷回收过程中存在的各种耗碱因素,推导出耗碱量的理论计算公式,计算出了不同工艺条件下的理论耗碱量,并与小型连续搅拌反应-沉淀磷回收过程的实验实测值进行比较。结果表明,耗碱量的理论计算值与实验测定值的平均相对误差为13.20%,说明计算方法可用于耗碱量的工程估算;耗碱量随出水pH值的增大而急剧增加,随废水中氨氮含量和磷初始浓度的增加都近似于线性增加,但随镁磷比的增加基本不变。因此,从节约废水处理成本的角度看,磷回收过程中pH值应控制在9.2-9.3,氮磷比控制在3.0-5.0,镁磷比控制在1.1-1.2为佳。磷回收过程的药剂消耗量与废水中磷的浓度和工艺条件有关,以磷初始浓度为124 mg/L,N/Mg/P=5∶1.2∶1,出水pH值为9.20的回收过程为例,处理毎吨废水需消耗片碱0.5313 kg,成本约为1.328元,需消耗氯化镁(含六个结晶水)0.9758 kg,成本约为0.634元。因此,处理每吨废水的药剂成本约为1.962元,其中耗碱约占67.7%。  相似文献   

The amount of struvite (MgNH4PO4·6H2O) produced by Myxococcus xanthus as well as the culture parameter values (pH, total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen) were dependent on the culture medium used. Struvite formation started during the exponential phase and the maximum concentration was observed at the beginning of stationary growth phase. The addition of each medium component to the liquid culture influenced the amount of crystal produced. This amount did not depend on the pH increase during the culture period. The moment of the bacterial growth phase, at which each medium component was added, influenced the struvite formation.  相似文献   

Thermal decomposition of struvite and its phase transition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bhuiyan MI  Mavinic DS  Koch FA 《Chemosphere》2008,70(8):1347-1356
Intentional crystallization of struvite, before it forms and accumulates on wastewater treatment equipment, solves an important and costly wastewater treatment problem and on the other hand, provides an environmentally sound and renewable nutrient source to the agricultural industry. Struvite was synthesized in the laboratory; it was also produced as pellets in a pilot-scale, fluidized bed reactor, using real centrate resulting from an anaerobic digester. The thermal decomposition of both synthetic struvite and struvite pellets was studied. The decomposition of struvite was found to be dependent on the rate of heating. Through gradual loss of ammonia and water molecules, ultimately struvite was found to be transformed into amorphous magnesium hydrogen phosphate. When struvite was heated in excess water, it was partially transformed into bobierrite, through the gradual loss of ammonia. It was transformed into monohydrate, dittmarite by losing its five water molecules of crystallization, when boiled in excess water.  相似文献   

为研究混合水解对麦秸水解产酸的影响,以猪粪、厨余和蔬菜废物为原料,研究其分别与麦秸混合水解产酸的特性,分析了水解过程中pH值、COD、SCOD和VFAs的变化。结果表明,除麦秸+蔬菜废物最佳出料时间为3~9d外,麦秸、麦秸+厨余垃圾、麦秸+猪粪水解液最佳出料时间均为3~7d,7d后水解液COD浓度下降;将蔬菜废物与麦秸混合水解,水解液pH值降低幅度最大,水解液中总有机酸浓度最高,pH值最低为5.31,有机酸浓度最高达6.46g/L,且水解液中SCOD浓度、SCOD/COD比值最大;添加猪粪明显促进了麦秸有机物的水解溶出,麦秸单位干物质水解率和产酸率较对照分别提高了43%~134%和50.53%,但对提高水解液SCOD浓度、SCOD/COD比、TVFA浓度、降低水解液pH值的效果不如蔬菜废物;添加厨余垃圾的效果介于猪粪和蔬菜废物之间。从促进麦秸水解产酸的角度,以添加猪粪的效果最好。  相似文献   

Microwave digestion of liquid dairy manure was tested for the release of nutrients, such as orthophosphates, ammonia-nitrogen, magnesium, calcium and potassium, both with and without the aid of an oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide). The orthophosphate to total phosphorus ratio of the manure increased from 21% to greater than 80% with 5 minutes of microwave treatment. More than 36% of total chemical oxygen demand (t-COD) of the manure was reduced when microwave digestion was assisted with peroxide addition. In addition, the volatile fatty acids (VFAs) distribution shifted to simpler chain acids (acetic acid in particular) with an increase in operating temperature. In the second part of the study, digested manure with increased soluble phosphate was tested for the recovery of struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) at different pH. It was found that up to 90% of orthophosphate can be removed from the solution. Overall, it was concluded that the oxidizing agent-assisted microwave digestion process can be used upstream of anaerobic digestion, following which the anaerobically digested manure can be used for struvite recovery. Thus, this microwave digestion process presents the potential for enhanced efficiencies in both manure digestion and struvite recovery.  相似文献   

Microwave digestion of liquid dairy manure was tested for the release of nutrients, such as orthophosphates, ammonia-nitrogen, magnesium, calcium and potassium, both with and without the aid of an oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide). The orthophosphate to total phosphorus ratio of the manure increased from 21% to greater than 80% with 5 minutes of microwave treatment. More than 36% of total chemical oxygen demand (t-COD) of the manure was reduced when microwave digestion was assisted with peroxide addition. In addition, the volatile fatty acids (VFAs) distribution shifted to simpler chain acids (acetic acid in particular) with an increase in operating temperature. In the second part of the study, digested manure with increased soluble phosphate was tested for the recovery of struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) at different pH. It was found that up to 90% of orthophosphate can be removed from the solution. Overall, it was concluded that the oxidizing agent-assisted microwave digestion process can be used upstream of anaerobic digestion, following which the anaerobically digested manure can be used for struvite recovery. Thus, this microwave digestion process presents the potential for enhanced efficiencies in both manure digestion and struvite recovery.  相似文献   

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