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Visual displays are signals that may be selected to increase visibility. Light is a crucial component in the transmission of visual signals, and white colour is very conspicuous when illuminated by sun and exhibited against darker backgrounds. Here we tested the hypothesis that orientation of sexual displays in male great bustard (Otis tarda) depends upon position of the sun, i.e., males direct their uplifted white tails towards the sun in order to maximise signal detectability to distant females. We recorded the orientation of 405 male displays in relation to the sun and to females at seven leks. Great bustard males signalled towards the sun more often than expected by chance in early morning, although this pattern was not obvious at other times of day, when males displayed more towards females. Our hypothesis was further supported by the fact that displays were more directed towards the sun when the sun was most visible. Males were more likely to direct their displays towards females during the most elaborate components of their courtship display and when there were fewer males on the lek. Pointing white plumage to the sun may be a behaviour selected in species living in steppe-like open landscapes if individuals obtain net fitness benefit by increasing the likelihood of mating.  相似文献   

Males of the sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata, actively fill their propatagial sacs with secretions from the genital region, the gular gland, urine and saliva. From our observations and those of Starck we deduce that propatagial sacs in S. bilineata do not have a glandular function, but are instead organs for the storage and display of odours. In addition to the already known “salting” and hovering behaviour of male S. bilineata, we describe in detail how odour is fanned to roosting individuals during the complex, stereotypic hovering displays. S. bilineata males also coat the fur of their backs with saliva using the wing tip and might scent-mark territory boundaries. “Yawning” may represent a visual as well as an olfactory cue. Odour seems to play an important role in the social communication of S. bilineata and in other emballonurids, as revealed by the broad distribution of wing sacs in this family. S. bilineata males display odour during energetically costly hovering flights in front of females. We demonstrate that the number of hovering displays increases with harem size. The mating effort of S. bilineata males comprises a multimodal signalling behaviour. Although males defend harem territories in which females gather, females seem to be able to choose the father of their progeny freely among the males of a colony. This may have led to the evolution of the complex mating displays by male S. bilineata. Received: 9 December 1998 / Received in revised form: 6 May 1999 / Accepted: 13 June 1999  相似文献   

Summary Scarlet-tufted malachite sunbirds (Neetarinia johnstoni) are endemic to the high altitude zones of East African mountains. On Mount Kenya the males are resident and territorial all year. The females arrive over an extended period at the beginning of the breeding season, after spending the non-breeding season in nomadic flocks at slightly lower elevations. Males are bright iridescent green with elongated central tail feathers, which are displayed during courtship. We examined the role of the tail in mate choice using natural variation and investigated the influence of tail length on male time budgets by experimental manipulation. Territorial males that paired had longer tails than territorial males which remained unpaired. Males with naturally long tails started breeding earlier, resulting in fledglings being produced earlier in the season when the weather was more clement. Birds which bred together in one year were paired together in the next year if they both survived. Thus the male's tail may only be involved as a cue in the formation of new pairs. Males which were already paired were subjected to one of three experimental treatments — having their tail elongated, shortened, or manipulated but kept at the same length. Males with experimentally shortened tails spent more time in flight and hawked for flying insects with a higher efficiency than control males. Both control and elongated tail males reduced the amount of time in flight and had a lower hawking efficiency after manipulation. These results suggest that the long tail of male scarlet-tufted malachite sunbirds is a handicap. The factors influencing the reproductive success of a pair are discussed. Offprint requests to: M.R. Evans  相似文献   

Courtship displays are often important in determining male mating success but can also be costly. Thus, instead of courting females indiscriminately, males might be expected to adjust their signalling effort strategically. Theory, however, predicts that such adjustments should depend on the rate with which males encounter females, a prediction that has been subject to very little empirical testing. Here, we investigate the effects of female encounter rate on male courtship intensity by manipulating the time interval between sequential presentations of large (high quality) and small (low quality) females in a fish, the Australian desert goby Chlamydogobius eremius. Males that were presented with a small female immediately after a large female reduced their courtship intensity significantly. However, males courted large and small females with equal intensity if the interval between the sequential presentations was longer. Our results suggest that mate encounter rate is an important factor shaping male reproductive decisions and, consequently, the evolutionary potential of sexual selection.  相似文献   

The evolution of multiple sexual traits remains controversial and poorly understood in evolutionary biology. In many bird species, males exhibit complex courtships involving feather ornaments and behavioral display. Multiple traits may convey information on the genetic and phenotypic quality of males. In particular, fixed characters, such as feather ornaments (produced once a year during the annual molt in many bird species) might convey information about past male condition (at the time of trait development); whereas flexible traits such as behavioral displays should be sensitive to present condition. Here we show that both flexible behavioral displays and fixed feather ornaments of peacocks, used by females to choose a mate, honestly reflect health status. Correlative data showed that peacocks with high display rate (the number of behavioral displays per hour) and a large number of tail eyespots had low levels of circulating heterophils, suggesting better health status. Experimental activation of the immune system, through LPS injection, significantly reduced display rate compared to a control group. However, the sensitivity of a male display rate to the immune challenge was dependent on the number of tail eyespots: males with higher number of tail eyespots were better able to cope with the experimental immune challenge, and maintained their display rate at levels closer to the levels performed before the immune activation. These results are consistent with the idea that multiple signaling might enhance information reliability.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters are assumed to be costly to produce or maintain. A test of this assumption was performed using the sexually exaggerated outermost tail feathers of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a trait currently subject of a directional female mate preference. A possible cost of sexual signalling in male barn swallows arises from increased flight cost during foraging in this aerially insectivorous species. A longer tail may impose a greater drag during flight and thereby affect foraging ability. This was tested by determining the relationship between experimentally modified male tail lengths and number and size of prey delivered to offspring in Spain, where sexual size dimorphism in tail length is small, compared to Denmark, where dimorphism is large. Food boluses contained significantly fewer small insects in Spain than in Denmark. Males with elongated tails captured more and smaller insects while males with shortened tails captured fewer and larger prey items at both sites. Males with naturally long tails were less affected by experimental treatment in terms of effects on the number and the size of prey delivered to their offspring, a finding consistent with a long tail being a condition-dependent viability indicator. The effect of a given degree of tail manipulation on prey size and number of prey per bolus was larger in Spain than in Denmark. These results demonstrate that (1) tail length in male barn swallows affects foraging, and (2) larger sexual size dimorphism occurs where the foraging cost of an increment in ornament size is smallest.Communicated by M. Zuk  相似文献   

The costs of male parental care and its evolution in a neotropical frog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Parental care is practiced exclusively by males of the Puerto Rican frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui. Males brood clutches of direct-developing eggs in non-aquatic nest sites and defend eggs against cannibalistic nest intruders. Here, I report on energetic and mating costs incurred by males that provide parental care, and suggest how these proximate costs affect male fitness and the evolution of male parental care in this species. Energetic costs are small for brooding males in comparison to non-brooding, calling males. Brooding males had a higher frequency of empty stomachs and lost small, but significant, fractions of their initial body mass during parental care. Abdominal fat bodies of brooding males during the middle third of parental care were significantly smaller than those of calling males; those of males brooding eggs in earlier or later stages were not different. The mating cost of parental care is greater. Most brooding males cease calling during parental care. However, gravid females are available (i.e., known to mate) on most nights during the principal breeding season; hence non-calling males miss potential opportunities to mate. A mating cost was estimated by calculating nightly mating probabilities for calling males in a plot where nightly calling male densities and daily oviposition schedules were known. On average, a male exhibiting normal calling behavior would be expected to obtain a new mate once every 35.7 days. Hence a brooding male that ceased calling for a 20-day parental care period would miss, on average, 0.56 additional mates. Males that were more successful than average in attracting mates could miss up to 1.63 matings. A marginal value model (Fig. 1) is used to analyze the net effect on male fitness of parental care benefits and costs in E. coqui (Fig. 3). The model indicates that males garner the highest reproductive success by providing care from oviposition through hatching. There is no stage during the pre-hatching period at which a desertion strategy would yield higher reproductive success. In fact, the model suggests that males should provide full parental care even in the face of much higher mating costs than currently obtain in the system.  相似文献   

Temperature is expected to have an effect on the behavioral patterns of all organisms, especially ectotherms. However, although several studies focused on the effect of temperature on acoustic displays in both insects and anurans, almost nothing is known about how environmental temperature may affect ectotherm visual courtship displays and sexual performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of environmental temperature on the sexual behavior of Alpine newts (Triturus alpestris). We subjected T. alpestris to two different temperatures in controlled laboratory conditions. Temperature had a major effect on both male and female behaviors: at low temperature, the frequencies of several displays, including tail-raising during sperm deposition, are lowered. This variation is caused indirectly by temperature because it is due to female responsiveness, which is temperature-dependent. However, the fanning movement of the males tail during its main courtship display is independent of female behavior: at lower temperatures, the tail beats at a lower rate, but for a longer time. The similar reproductive success (i.e. sperm transfer) at the two temperature ranges indicates that breeding in cold water is not costly but instead allows males and females to mate early in the season. This is particularly adaptive because, in many habitats, the reproductive period is shortened by drying or freezing conditions, which may impair survival of branchiate offspring. This study also demonstrates the necessity of considering environmental parameters when modeling optimality and characteristics of ectotherm behaviors.Communicated by W. Cooper  相似文献   

Summary In the lek-breeding great snipe, male morphology, behaviour, and territory features were recorded for individually marked birds on two adjacent leks. Partial correlation sshowed that male mating success, expressed as the number of female solicitations and copulations, was negatively correlated with the distance of a display territory to the lek center and positively correlated with the number of displays per unit time given by a male. No other variables were directly correlated with male matin success. Thus, central males obtain more matings than peripheral males and successful males display more per unit time than do less successful males, independently of position on the lek. Central males were found to be older than peripheral ones and were present more often on the lek. Furthermore, central males had a larger number of white tail feathers, which are usea as visual signals in the displays, but this may be explained by the fact that these males were older. It is suggested that male great snipe are subject to sexual selection mainly in behavioural and vocal cues and that this may explain the absence of size and plumage dimorphism in this species.  相似文献   

In birds, colourful and elaborate feathers are important traits in mate choice. Distinct tail white patches are present in many species of birds, but they remain little studied. Tail markings may indeed have a signal function because in many species males spread the tail offering a good view of these markings to females during courtship behaviour. Here, we investigated whether white tail spots in male rock sparrow, Petronia petronia, play a role in mate choice. In a free-living population of rock sparrows, we found a reduction in white tail spots size as the breeding season progressed due to abrasion, which was expected if tail spots act as a reliable quality indicator (i.e. a handicap). The same reduction was found under captive conditions, and males in worse condition (individuals that lost more weight) abraded a bigger part of white. This suggests that white tail markings are an indicator of male quality. In captivity, we measured female preference for males differing in white patch size in a mate choice experiment. The experimental reduction of the size of the males’ white spots resulted in a lower sexual interest by females. During courtship display, male rock sparrow shows a yellow breast patch (a carotenoid-based, sexually selected ornament) together with the white spots in the tail. The sizes of these two traits are positively correlated, but only the abraded white area in the tail correlates with a surrogate of individual quality (lost of weight). In conclusion, we can assert that the size of the white spots is preferred by female rock sparrows and it is a part of a multiple signal system.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, extra-pair paternity has the potential to increase the variance in male reproductive success, thereby affecting the opportunity for sexual selection on male extravagant ornamentation. In the European barn swallow (Hirundo rustica rustica), the tail streamer length is a sexually selected male ornament and an honest indicator of viability. The North American barn swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) also shows sexual dimorphism in tail streamer length, but whether this trait holds the same signalling function in this subspecies is a controversial issue, and the available literature is presently scarce. Here, we present data on paternity in the North American barn swallow, including a complete sampling of extra-pair sires in four colonies. We analysed how extra-pair paternity affected the variance in male fertilization success and examined whether male tail streamer (i.e. the outermost tail feather) length correlated with fertilization success (n=86 males). Extra-pair paternity constituted 31% of all offspring and significantly increased the variance in male fertilization success. The number of offspring sired by extra-pair males accounted for almost half of the total variance in male fertilization success. Males with naturally long tail streamers had a higher fertilization success than males with shorter tail streamers, and this pattern was mainly caused by a higher extra-pair success for males with long tail streamers. Males with long tail streamers also paired with early breeding females in prime body condition. These results are consistent with the idea that there is directional sexual selection on male tail streamer length, possibly mediated through male extra-pair mating success or the timing of breeding onset.  相似文献   

Summary Badge size, which functions as a signal of dominance status in male house sparrows Passer domesticus, was significantly related to their sexual behavior. Males with large badges participated in communal displays (multi-male chases directed towards single females) more often than males with small badges, irrespective of whether the female involved was the male's mate or not. Experimentally released females were more often chased if they were fertile than if they were nonfertile. Estradiol-implanted females were chased more often than control females without a hormone implant, and males with large badges chased estradiol-implanted females more often than did males with small badges. Both forced extra-pair copulations during communal displays and unforced extra-pair copulations were more often achieved by males with large than small badges. Male house sparrows with large badges also copulated with their mates at a higher rate than did males with small badges. A higher certainty of paternity therefore is hypothetized to accrue to male house sparrows with large badges.  相似文献   

Empirical and theoretical studies have only recently begun to examine how females use complex multi-component displays when selecting mates. Superb fairy-wrens are well suited to the study of female choice because females have control over extra-group paternity and cuckold their mates at high rates, while males possess a variety of sexually selected traits. Available evidence suggests that females base their extra-group mate choice on the timing of male moult into breeding plumage or the onset of display. However, males continue to perform elaborate displays throughout the season, and direct most displays to females during their fertile period. We therefore conducted focal observations on fertile females to quantify the frequency of male display and used microsatellite genotyping to compare the role of display rate during the breeding season and the timing of male moult on female mate choice. We show that the addition of data on male display rate does not improve our ability to predict which males obtain extra-group paternity. The timing of male moult into breeding plumage remains the only predictor of male extra-group reproductive success. Nevertheless, we found that males displayed more to females that were unable to select extra-group mates on the basis of the timing of moult or the onset of display. This raises the possibility that there are circumstances when females use display rate to discriminate between potential extra-group sires. Overall this study supports the theoretical prediction that females are more likely to base their mate choice on reliable indicators of male quality such as fixed morphological traits and displays of endurance, in this case an early moult into breeding plumage and the performance of an elaborate display during the winter, than a flexible behavioural trait such as display rate during the breeding season. Received: 26 January 2000 / Revised: 1 August 2000 / Accepted: 26 August 2000  相似文献   

Summary In a Swedish population of the polygynous great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, about 40% of the males formed pairs with more than one female. Males sang two completely separated types of song: (1) long song when they tried to attract mates and (2) short shong when they guarded a fertile female. As soon as a male had attracted a female he immediately switched from long to short song and apparently guarded her for at least 3 days. Most males left their female and started singing long several days before her fertile period ended. This behavior probably increased the risk of cuckoldry. By assuming that males of polygynous species maximize their fitness over the whole breeding season (i.e., maximize fitness rate), we predicted longer mate guarding periods when the probability of attracting a second female was low and the risk of cuckoldry was high. These predictions were supported by observations. The probability of attracting a second female decreased during the breeding season and, in accordance, the number of days that males sang long song during the primary female's fertile period was negatively correlated with the time of the season. This trend held also for individual males when comparing mating periods of their primary and secondary female. The increasing rate of male intrusions with season may also have contributed to the increasing mate guarding periods. Offprint requests to: D. Hasselquist  相似文献   

Summary Sexual selection through female mate choice was investigated in the lekking Jackson's widowbird by applying multivariate selection analysis to observational data from four leks. Males perform a stereotyped jump display on small display courts (dance rings) constructed by the males in open grassland. Females visit the lek solely for mating and nest on their own, away from the lek area. Few cases of interference during courtship and absence of position effects on mating success indicated that female choice within the leks was not pre-empted by male-male competition. In a set of 11 male traits with mating success as the dependent fitness measure, significant selection differentials (covariances) were found for the length of the conspicuous tail and the rate of the jump display, suggesting sexual selection of these traits. They also showed the largest selection gradients (partial effects) and thereby seem to be the cues on which females base their choice. The success of males in obtaining copulations appears to depend on two components: display rate and lek attendance affect the number of female visits, whereas tail length seems to primarily influence the chance of copulating with a visiting female. Tail length was positively related to a measure of body condition, which is of interest with regard to the suggestions that sexual ornaments may serve as indicators of male viability.  相似文献   

Diversionary displays of paternal stickleback   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In Crystal Lake, British Columbia, male threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) perform a diversionary display that deters cannibalistic conspecifics from entering their territories and destroying their nests or consuming offspring. In this population, the display consists of males swimming directly out of their territories and rooting aggressively in the substratum, mimicking stickleback feeding on nests of others, or digging for nesting materials. The display is elicited solely by conspecifics, and usually by benthic foraging groups of 2–300 individuals. It usually is elicited when groups are approaching the territory directly. Otherwise the male typically joins the group or remains still in his territory until the group leaves. This observation suggests that males are capable of discriminating conditions under which the display is most likely to be successful. The display is absent in a population in Garden Bay Lake, British Columbia, in which benthic foraging groups are absent. In Crystal Lake the males themselves do not risk predation by the groups, and the tendency of males to perform the display does not change with reproductive condition. Comparison with diversionary displays performed in two additional allopatric populations suggests that diversionary displays in this species incorporate elements of other behavioral sequences displaced to the display, and that variation in the structure of the display exists among populations.  相似文献   

Badge size in the house sparrow Passer domesticus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary I studied female mate choice in house sparrows Passer domesticus in relation to the size of the black throat patch of males (badge size), which is a signal of dominance status, and to territory quality. Males with large badges obtained a mate earlier in spring than males with small badges. Males which remained unmated during the entire breeding season had smaller badges than mated males, even when controlling for the effect of other morphological traits and age. Largebadged males had territories with more breeding sites than small-badged males. Territories defended by males with large badges primarily had hole nest sites, which were safe from predators, and nestlings rarely fell from hole nests. Females were implanted with estradiol to induce copulation solicitation displays. Females responded more strongly to a male taxidermic mount and song than to song alone, and they responded more strongly and frequently to male mounts with large badges. Female house sparrows chose mates on the basis of male badges and perhaps on the basis of the quality of the nesting territories offered.  相似文献   

Parental care is a costly part of reproduction. Hence, natural selection should favor males which avoid caring for unrelated young. However, the decision to abandon or reduce care requires cues which are evaluated to give information on potential reproductive value of the offspring. The prediction that male sand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus, care for foreign eggs as long as they were spawned in their own nest and at least some of such cues are fulfilled was tested. Egg-guarding males that had recently taken part in a spawning event were given a clutch of eggs that was sired either by themselves or another male, in either their own or another male’s aquarium. Males that had not taken part in a spawning event were used as controls and were given eggs sired by another male. We measured the amount of filial cannibalism and nest building. Control group males did not care for eggs and ate them all before rebuilding the nest. In the other treatments, there were no significant effects of paternity, though males moved to another male’s aquarium increased their clutch area threshold and completely consumed larger clutches than males that were not moved. There was no intermediate response in any treatment in the form of increased partial filial cannibalism or less well-constructed nests. Our results suggest that egg-guarding males cannot distinguish between eggs sired by themselves and those sired by other males but are able to react to cues indicating paternity state. Males do not adopt eggs to attract females in P. minutus.  相似文献   

Summary The vocal behavior of Hyla versicolor was studied in the field by means of behavioral observations and playback experiments, and these data were coupled with measurements of oxygen consumption in calling frogs to estimate the effect of social interactions on calling energetics. Male gray treefrogs have intense calls (median peak SPL=109 dB, fast RMS SPL=100 dB at 50 cm). At an air temperature of 23° C, males produced an average of 1,200–1,300 calls/h for 2–4 h per night. Calling rates and call durations differed among individuals, but were relatively constant for each male during periods of sustained calling. Males in dense choruses gave calls about twice as long as isolated males, but produced calls at about half the rate. Consequently, total calling effort and estimated aerobic costs were largely independent of chorus density. Playbacks of recorded calls to males in the field elicited increases in call duration and decreases in calling rate, regardless of the rate or duration of the stimulus. Males gave longer calls in response to long calls or to stimuli presented at high rates, but they did not precisely match either stimulus rate or duration. Calling effort and estimated oxygen consumption changed only slightly during stimulus playbacks. These results indicate that male-male competition elicits pro-found changes in the vocal behavior of calling males, but these changes have little effect on energy expenditure. We estimated that most calling males had metabolic rates of about 1.7–1.8 ml O2/(g\h), or about 280 J/h for an average size (8.6 g) male at 20° C. Although changes in call duration and calling rate did not affect aerobic costs of calling, males producing long calls at slow rates called for fewer hours per night than males producing shorter calls at higher rates. This suggests that calling time may be limited by the rate at which muscle glycogen reserves are depleted.  相似文献   

Male costs and benefits associated with male display size in field populations of an Australian lekking Drosophila species were examined. Results suggested that male mating success increased with display size, since matings appeared to be more common in large displays, and since the probability of males encountering a female increased as displays contained more males. Female encounter probabilities did not increase once about 20 males or more were present on a display. Male size and fighting costs tended to increase with display size. The distribution of males among displays did not follow the ideal free distribution in the sense that each male did not have equal mating opportunity per unit time. Deviation from an ideal free distribution may have been due to female preference for mating in aggregations rather than with solitary males, since in a field experiment females were more willing for mating in an aggregation of five males than with solitary males. Received: 22 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 1 November 1997  相似文献   

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