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This experiment examined judgements of living and dining rooms presented in architectural and interior design decoration magazines, and tested recognition memory for incidental details selected from them. Two matched sets of 12 rooms, each comprising four Decorative, four Familiar, and four Stylish rooms used in an earlier study (Ritterfeld & Cupchik, J. Environ. Pscychol. 16 (1996) 349) were presented to 24 male and 24 female undergraduates. In Part One, subjects either imagined the actual inhabitant of the home (Other Set) or imagined being the inhabitant (Self Set) in a within-subjects design, and rated each room on 12 seven-point scales measuring perceived qualities of the rooms and personal reactions to them. After an interpolated art judgement task, they viewed 24 slides of details (e.g. a lamp on a table) selected from the entire set of 24 rooms, and indicated whether or not they had already seen a room with this detail in Part One. The central finding was that, under the Other Set, subjects were most accurate at recognizing details of the Stylish rooms, whereas under the Self Set, subjects were most accurate for details drawn from the Decorative and Familiar rooms. Since the Stylish rooms were initially judged to be unexpressive with details that did not stand out, this showed that a detached attitude (Other Set) facilitated incidental learning when the environment was both geometrically structured and emotionally cool. The details did stand out for the more expressive Decorative and Familiar rooms, and this accommodated an engaged attitude in which rooms could be exhaustively examined in relation to personal desires and values. Incidental learning about the details of interior spaces therefore depended on the attitude of the person, engaged or detached, which fit with a room of similar affective tone, warm or cool, respectively. The within-subjects experimental design also showed that people could readily switch between Other- and Self-oriented attitudes.  相似文献   

Current daylighting standards are not sufficient to guarantee a high-quality daylighting experience as they fail to take the behavior of building occupants into consideration. The way that a daylit room is appreciated and used has not been fully explored, especially under sunlighting conditions. This research is the first of its kind to assess how the distance between a subject and a sun patch on the floor is related to a broad range of behavioral responses, including conclusive preference and measured cognitive performance. One hundred subjects participated in a controlled experiment in a work setting. Investigations of the declared preferences of seating area and subjects' cognitive performances indicated that people are not always aware of the environmental factors that influence their behavior. Subjects were generally attracted to sunlight and outdoor views, but they did not necessarily perform best in these preferred areas. Privacy and a sense of control were two hidden factors that greatly affected subjects' decisions and performances. Current daylighting literature and design practice do not pay adequate attention to such factors as sense of visual control or privacy in the design of rooms. On the other hand, the perceived problem of visual glare caused by sunlight penetration did not affect performance as much as subjects believed it would. An additional result suggested that individual behaviors were more affected by environmental elements than were group activities.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of cognition during wayfinding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much of our day-to-day wayfinding behaviour takes place in familiar large-scale urban environments, yet there is a dearth of studies examining how wayfinding unfolds on a second-by-second basis in this context. Here we used a retrospective verbal report protocol, eye tracking and a highly accurate virtual reality simulation of a real city (London, UK) to examine this issue. Subjects, who were taxi drivers, were able to produce extremely detailed accounts of what they had been thinking during wayfinding, which were validated by independent eye-tracking data. There was a high degree of consistency in the types of thoughts across subjects, permitting classification into a number of distinct categories. Moreover, it was possible to quantify the number of thoughts in each category, their durations and temporal order. Detailed analysis of the verbal reports provided new insights into the processes and strategies involved, and highlighted a greater range of thoughts than has previously been reported in studies of wayfinding. By analysing the temporal order of thoughts it was possible to identify specific relationships between categories. Some of these relationships were predicted by current cognitive models of wayfinding, others were novel, thus shedding new light on how navigation unfolds in a busy city.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effect of the physical environment of the waiting room on perceptions of the quality of care of the physician. One hundred forty-seven college students and 58 senior citizens viewed 35 slides of physicians' waiting rooms. Using a visual analog scale, participants rated the perceived quality of care and the environment of each waiting room. The primary hypothesis was that perceived quality of care would be greater for waiting rooms that were nicely furnished, well-lighted, contained artwork, and were warm in appearance versus waiting rooms that had outdated furnishings, were dark, contained no artwork or poor quality reproductions, and were cold in appearance. Factor analyses of the care and environment ratings produced factors consistent with the hypothesis. Additionally, waiting rooms judged to be those of female physicians were rated higher on both perceived quality of care and comfort in the environment.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this research is to examine the impact of classroom spatial arrangement (open versus traditional) and orderliness (messy versus neat) on observers' impressions of teachers and pupils. In experiments 1 and 2, samples of college students were shown color slides of vacant elementary classrooms which varied on these two physical dimensions. Subjects were asked to indicate their impressions of the teacher and the pupils who used each room by completing a set of bipolar adjective scales. Data analysis indicated that teachers in neat classrooms were rated more positively than their counterparts in disorderly classrooms on measures of kindliness, inventiveness, and organization. Pupils associated with neat classrooms were judged to be happier and better behaved. Open classroom teachers received higher ratings than traditional classroom teachers on kindliness and inventiveness. In experiment 3, the same procedure was used to obtain ratings from fifth-grade students. Their judgements of teacher and pupil characteristics were also positively affected by neatness, but classroom arrangement had no impact.  相似文献   

Research over the last 25 years on the contribution of aloneness to creativity enhancement has had mixed results. Early studies of sensory deprivation generally found negative effects while more recent research on flotation isolation has reported positive influence. Sports performance, for example, has been improved by means of directed imagery and flotation aloneness. However, there has been only one study which has attempted to enhance creativity through the flotation method and while this study reported positive results, it lacked several control features and was based on a very small sample of highly selected subjects.The present study was designed to evaluate directly the potential contribution of floating to creativity enhancement as measured by the Guilford fluency test and other measures. Subjects were male and female university students, half of whom spent one hour in a float environment and the other half in a darkened room. Each was tested before and after experimental trial on the Guilford and other creativity measures and on two personality/affect scales. Float subjects showed significant increases on the Guilford test from the pre- to post-float and meaningful increases on other thinking measures as compared to non-floating control subjects. Floating was associated with a decrease in anxiety/tension, depression, hostility, and fatigue, but with an increase in vigor and a maintenance of curiosity scores, and it is speculated that the creativity benefits may be a result of these state changes.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a study on people's uses and experiences of their living rooms. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with sixteen middle-class residents of the Metropolitan New York area. Interviews were conducted in participants' living rooms, and were supplemented by observations, sketches and still-photographs. In the past, social scientists have viewed the living room as serving the purpose of communicating the dwellers' image to guests. Findings from the present study show that dwellers may use their living rooms not only to host guests, but also for their own solitary uses, as well as for sharing time with partners. All uses were found to be meaningful and pertinent to the dwelling experience. Findings also reveal that the living room may provide opportunities for intimacy between dwellers and their partners, as well as between dwellers and their guests. For all participants living rooms contained objects that were highly meaningful to them. It is suggested that objects in the living rooms are used to instigate and mediate contemplation about significant others, as well as to regulate the amount of intimacy desired with guests.  相似文献   

Abstract: There is a significant need for a science‐based approach to interpret water‐monitoring data and to facilitate the rapid transfer of information to water resource managers and the general public. The water quality Index (WQI) is defined as a single numeric score that describes the surface water quality condition at a particular time and location. The objective of this paper is to describe the WQI concept and the approach for developing an ecoregion‐specific standardized WQI that meets the needs described above. The premise of the proposed WQI is based on categorizing scientifically documented aquatic life responses to changes in instream water chemistry. The method uses an aggregated procedure that matches the entire range of standardized probable biological responses to standardized narrative water quality evaluation categories and standardized rank score categories. The calculation of WQI and decision‐making process are performed within an Excel spreadsheet software program. The article includes examples of the proposed WQI applications that could enhance effective water resource management and facilitate timely communication of water quality conditions to water resource managers and the general public.  相似文献   

程遥  张则菊  秦斌 《四川环境》2021,(2):133-136
通过对省内医用电子直线加速器辐射环境监测,对比不同等级医院医用电子直线加速器辐射防护水平的差异,为放射治疗工作正常开展提供放射防护数据参考,确保放射工作人员、受检者及公众健康安全。按照标准方法采用辐射剂量仪AT1123及中子周围剂量当量仪BH3105E对加速器治疗室周围环境进行光子及中子的监测,采用热释光法对放疗科放射工作人员进行个人剂量监测。监测的24台医用电子直线加速器治疗室辐射防护剂量值低于国家标准要求,放疗科的417名放射工作人员个人剂量监测结果处于国家标准要求的较低水平,三级医院的加速器治疗室辐射防护要略好于二级医院的加速器治疗室辐射防护。该省加速器辐射防护监测结果符合国家标准规定的相关要求,对职业工作人员和公众是安全的,对周围环境影响较小。  相似文献   

As a further step in developing a systems model of privacy, variables involved in the process of achieving a condition of privacy were examined cross-culturally. Subjects were students from Ireland, Senegal and the United States. Striking commonalities were found in the reasons why subjects required privacy, the affect that was associated with a desire for privacy, the definition of privacy as a condition of the person, the duration of the average privacy experience and the change in affect at the completion of the experience which supported the suggestion that privacy has a therapeutic effect. Within culture, variability was associated with age, gender and in the case of Senegal, with income. Between culture, variability was hardly noticeable. The majority of the subjects in each culture believed that not being disturbed was the most important element of privacy and grief, fatigue and need to focus were the main affective sets associated with seeking privacy. It is believed that several universals have been identified which may be used in later research, and that the study supports a systems-based model of privacy.  相似文献   

The over-emphasis on positivist methodology in the study of landscape aesthetics has limited the benefits to be obtained from the study of individual's personal experiences. Phenomenology, on the other hand, is directly concerned with such subjective experiences. The present study examines how a person interprets landscapes, an examination carried out using phenomenological methodology. Sixteen participants were asked to view various photos of natural landscapes on a display monitor, and their landscape cognition was assessed by means of in-depth interviews. After qualitative analysis, 11 main categories of cognitive aspects were extracted, and a common structure in the cognition of natural landscapes was identified: encountering each landscape evoked each participant's memories and background, and filtered through these influences, imagination/association, impression, aesthetic judgements, and meaning and attractiveness of nature played their roles in the evaluation of each landscape. Photographs in contrast with real-life scenes and comparison between landscapes also affected cognition. Moreover, changes within/between sessions occurred, leading both subtle and dynamic changes of landscape cognition as a whole. Thus, it was indicated that each person had idiosyncrasies that affected each particular transaction occurring between the person and the landscapes. Discussion is provided on some chief aspects of landscape cognition and on methodology for the landscape research.  相似文献   

A study is presented of the months in which the instantaneous annual maximum discharges from 66 watersheds occurred. The 2,052 flood values were measured on areas ranging from 2.4 through 214 square miles. The longest record was 60 years; the three shortest were 20. Pictorial results show both the number of floods for each month and individual discharges relative to the mean flood. A parameter which is weighted in this manner accounts for both the incidence and the magnitude of floods. Peculiarities of flood-timing charts, based on this parameter, are discussed with respect to watershed size, soils, geology, and land use. After anomolous watersheds had been assigned to special categories, flood-timing charts from most records exhibit a regional dichotomy dividing eastern from western Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Drought management depends on indicators to detect drought conditions, and triggers to activate drought responses. But determining those indicators and triggers presents challenges. Indicators often lack spatial and temporal transferability, comparability among scales, and relevance to critical drought impacts. Triggers often lack statistical integrity, consistency among drought categories, and correspondence with desired management goals. This article presents an approach for developing and evaluating drought indicators and triggers, using a probabilistic framework that offers comparability, consistency, and applicability. From that, a multistate Markov model investigates the stochastic behavior of indicators and triggers, including transitioning, duration, and frequency within drought categories. This model is applied to the analysis of drought in the Apalachicola‐Chattahoochee‐Flint River Basin in the southeastern United States, using indicators of the Standardized Precipitation Index (for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months), the Palmer Drought Severity Index, and the Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index. The analysis revealed differences among the performance of indicators and their trigger thresholds, which can influence drought responses. Results contribute to improved understanding of drought phenomena, statistical methods for indicators and triggers, and insights for drought management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Watershed stewardship activities throughout North America have evolved into a process that requires more involvement in planning and decision making by community stakeholders. Active involvement of all stakeholders in the process of watershed stewardship is dependent on effective exchange of information among participants, and active involvement of a wide range of stakeholders from “communities of place” as well as those from “communities of interest.” We developed a map‐based stream narrative tool as a means to: (a) assemble a wealth of incompletely documented, “traditional” ecological or natural history observations for rivers or streams; and (b) promote a higher level of active involvement by community stakeholders in contributing to information‐based, watershed management. Creation of stream narratives is intended for use as a tool to actively engage local stakeholders in the development of a more comprehensive information system to improve management for multiple stewardship objectives in watersheds. Completion of map‐based stream narrative atlases provides a valuable supplement to other independent efforts to assemble observations and knowledge about land‐based natural resources covering entire watersheds. We are confident that completion of stream narrative projects will make a valuable addition to the information and decision making tools that are currently available to the public and resource agencies interested in advancing the cause of community‐based approaches to watershed and ecosystem management.  相似文献   

To the average layman, the distinction between opinion and attitude is artificial at best, and is neither consistent nor logically defensible. For many purposes one need not distinguish between the two. However, when assessing opinion and attitude the disparity becomes quite evident. Opinion surveys are characteristically concerned with replies to specific questions which need not be related. The responses are kept separately as opposed to being combined into a total score. Attitude scales, on the other hand, typically yield a total score indicating both a direction and intensity of an individual's feelings, thoughts, and predispositions to act toward a given concept. Further, in the construction of an attitude scale, the different statements are designed to measure a single attitude or unidimensional variable. The Likert method of constructing attitude measuring instruments requires a large number of judges to indicate their own attitudes by responding to statements thought to pertain to an attitude in question. Five possible responses are provided for each item. The procedure for construction of a Thurstone type scale utilizes the Law of Categorical Judgment as a basis. Statements are obtained and analyzed for the various categories and in final form, the attitude scale is presented to the respondent who indicates statements with which he agrees or disagrees.  相似文献   

Abstract: Concerns for water resources have inspired research developments to determine the ecological effects of water withdrawals from rivers and flow regulation below dams, and to advance tools for determining the flows required to sustain healthy riverine ecosystems. This paper reviews the advances of this environmental flows science over the past 30 years since the introduction of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology. Its central component, Physical HABitat SIMulation, has had a global impact, internationalizing the e‐flows agenda and promoting new science. A global imperative to set e‐flows, including an emerging trend to set standards at the regional scale, has led to developments of hydrological and hydraulic approaches but expert judgment remains a critical element of the complex decision‐making process around water allocations. It is widely accepted that river ecosystems are dependent upon the natural variability of flow (the flow regime) that is typical of each hydro‐climatic region and upon the range of habitats found within each channel type within each region. But as the sophistication of physical (hydrological and hydraulic) models has advanced emerging biological evidence to support those assumptions has been limited. Empirical studies have been important to validate instream flow recommendations but they have not generated transferable relationships because of the complex nature of biological responses to hydrological change that must be evaluated over decadal time‐scales. New models are needed to incorporate our evolving knowledge of climate cycles and morphological sequences of channel development but most importantly we need long‐term research involving both physical scientists and biologists to develop new models of population dynamics that will advance the biological basis for 21st Century e‐flow science.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to develop perceived hospital environment quality indicators for rating hospital settings, and to use those scales to compare hospitals selected to differ in their spatial–physical humanization (design features that support users’ needs and well-being). Orthopaedic units in three different hospitals in a major Italian city were selected to represent low, moderate and high levels of environmental humanization. Two architects rated the settings on 120 qualities and provided modest corroboration for the three levels. In each orthopaedic unit, patients, visitors and staff completed questionnaires including four scales about the physical and social environments (N=202). A total of 12 Perceived Hospital Environment Quality Indicators (PHEQIs) scales emerged from factor and reliability analyses of these responses. The PHEQIs had face validity, reflecting the main features articulated by the scientific literature on humanization, and overall had good inter-item reliability. ANOVAs supported hypotheses that patients and visitors would rate humanized environments more positively, although staff members seemed to be less sensitive than service users to differences in design quality.  相似文献   

This is a study of individual differences in environmental problem-solving, the probable roots of these differences, and their implications for the education of resource professionals. A group of student Resource Managers were required to elaborate their conception of a complex resource issue (Spruce Budworm management) and to generate some ideas on management policy. Of particular interest was the way in which subjects dealt with the psychosocial aspects of the problem. A structural and content analysis of responses indicated a predominance of relatively compartmentalized styles, a technological orientation, and a tendency to ignore psychosocial issues. A relationship between problem-solving behavior and personal (psychosocial) style was established which, in the context of other evidence, suggests that problem-solving behavior is influenced by more deep seated personality factors. The educational implication drawn was that problem-solving cannot be viewed simply as an intellectual-technical activity but one that involves, and requires the education of, the whole person.  相似文献   

淮河流域蚌埠城市水生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据淮河流域城市水生态系统服务特点,将蚌埠城市水生态系统服务划分为直接使用价值和间接使用价值2大类11个小类,同时建立了一套价值评估指标体系,对2003年蚌埠城市水生态系统服务功能的经济价值进行了评估。结果表明,2003年蚌埠城市水生态系统服务功能的总价值为6.34亿元,占当年城市国内生产总值(109.5亿元)的5.79%,其中航运功能及水资源调蓄功能的价值较高,水质净化功能的价值仅占总价值的0.24%,但该部分价值对维持城市水生态系统健康和其它功能的正常发挥具有积极的支撑作用,对改善城市水环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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