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<正>隧道施工安全九条规定一、必须证照齐全,严禁无资质施工、转包、违法分包和人员不经教育培训上岗作业。二、必须按照标准规范和设计要求编制专项施工方案,确保按方案组织实施,严禁擅自改变施工方法。三、必须强化施工工序和现场管理,确保支(防)护到位,严禁支护滞后和安全步距超标。四、必须落实超前水文地质探测预报各项规定,监控量(探)测数据超标立即停工撤人,严禁冒险施工作业。五、必须对有毒有害气体进行监测监控,加强通风管理,严禁浓度超标施工作业。  相似文献   

管理评审是《职业安全卫生管理体系试行标准》中的17要素之一,是组织自我评价管理体系适宜性、充分性和有效性的重要机制,是保持管理体系持续适用、不断完善的有效手段。但《试行标准》中的3.6条只对管理评审提出了原则性的要求,如“组织的最高管理者应定期对职业安全卫生管理体进行评审”、“管理评审过程中应确保收集到必须的信息资料”、“评审工作应形成文件”等,未对应输入哪些信息资料、如何评审及应形成什么文件做出具体要求。这虽具有很大的灵活性,能够适用于各种规模、各种性质的组织,但使组织在实施管理评审时会增加具…  相似文献   

出舱活动过程中航天员的热舒适性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了出舱活动中航天员- 服装系统的热平衡,阐述了影响航天员热舒适性的因素及热舒适性的评价标准,并对美国航天员舱外活动的冷应激的人体工程学问题进行了讨论。还指出了提高航天员热舒适性有待解决的几个关键问题。  相似文献   

一提起航天员的服装,人们就会想到航天服。其实航天员在太空飞行中穿的服装不止航天服一种,除了航天服以外还有防护救生服、飞行制服和便装。所谓航天服主要是指舱外活动航天服,即航天员在太空行走时穿的服装;在轨道飞行期间,特别是在航天飞机和国际空间站上,由于座舱内都是相似于地面的正常大气环境,因此航天员可以穿飞行制服或便装;但是在航天器发射和再入大气层期间,为了防止座舱减压和降落到水中后的防寒,航天员必须穿一种特制的防护救生服。  相似文献   

分析了出舱活动中航天员-服装系统的热平衡,阐述了影响航天员热舒适性的因素及热舒适性的评价标准,并对美国航天员舱外活动的冷应激的人体工程学问题进行了讨论。还指出了提高航天员热舒适性有待解决的几个关键问题。  相似文献   

掌握公司(组织)的事件细节是非常重要的,它有助于降低事故率,同样受益的还有与之相关的伤害、疾病和环境等.“事件管理”意味着发现任何危险或不安全行为,都要在其恶化为可造成损失的事故之前,进行报告和处理. 现代事件管理及其应用工具,都必须满足各种利益相关者的要求.事件管理的过程必须能够确保提供、认可、报告所有的数据,跟踪所有的改进措施,如果到期而未采取措施则能够自动处理.  相似文献   

为保护航天员生命安全航天服是必不可少的装备,也称宇宙服、宇航服,是航天员在飞船发射、交会对接、舱外活动、轨道降压应急及返回再入时所穿用的特殊服装,是必不可少的装备。它一般由压力服、头盔、手套和靴子等组成,它是保障航天员生命安全的最重要的个人救生设备。从功能上看,航天服有舱内航天服、舱外航天服及抗水浸防寒服等;  相似文献   

石油化工企业中,消防安全是重要的组成部分,为确保炼化企业正常运行,必须做好防火、灭火等工作。要想实现这一目标,必须进行信息化管理,对于提高炼化企业的消防安全水平具有重要作用。本文通过阐述炼化企业消防安全信息化管理的意义,结合炼化企业的消防安全特点,对信息化管理现状进行分析,提出相应的优化对策,以期提高炼化企业的消防安全信息化管理水平。  相似文献   

徐瑞 《劳动保护》2008,(8):77-77
山东肥城矿业集团曹庄矿做好雨季“三防”(防洪、防排水、防雷电)工作,组织专人对供用电系统进行了避雷器检修、测试、安装工作,确保设备完好,运转正常;对排水泵房、污水管网进行全面的检查和维修,并进行技术测定和联合试运转试验,确保防排水设备完好,排水系统畅通、可靠。图为该矿技术人员正在对供电系统进行维护。  相似文献   

<正>北京卫星环境工程研究所承担航天器总装与专业测试、环境工程试验等业务,涉及使用起重机械、压力容器等特种设备及专用于航天器环境试验的环境试验设备等,航天器总装工作具有管理环节多、安全风险高等特点。近年来,航天器型号研制任务的逐渐增多,航天技术的快速发展,新技术、新设备、新员工的不断增加,给北京卫星环境工程研究所安全生产工作更带来了新的风险和挑战。运用科学化、系统化、规范化的安全管理模式,  相似文献   

Are pilots at risk of accidents due to fatigue?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PROBLEM: There is concern in the aviation community that pilot schedules can lead to fatigue and increased chance of an aviation accident. Yet despite this concern, there is little empirical analysis showing the relationship between pilot schedules and commercial aviation accidents. This study attempts to demonstrate an empirical relationship between pilot schedules and aviation accidents. METHOD: Data for human factors-related accidents and pilot work patterns were identified. The distribution of pilot work schedule parameters for the accidents was compared to that for all pilots using a chi-square test to determine if the proportions of accidents and length of duty exposure were the same. If the distributions are the same, then one could infer that pilot human factor accidents are not affected by work schedule parameters. RESULTS: The proportion of accidents associated with pilots having longer duty periods is higher than the proportion of longer duty periods for all pilots. DISCUSSION: There is a discernible pattern of increased probability of an accident as duty time increases for commercial aircraft pilots in the United States. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The analysis suggests that establishing limits on duty time for commercial pilots would reduce risk. Such a rule is likely to be expensive and could substantially impact the commercial airlines. In return, there is likely to be a reduction in the risk of commercial aviation accidents due to pilot fatigue.  相似文献   

以驾驶员和飞行模拟器构成人-机仿真系统,结合驾驶员完成单自由度补偿跟踪任务,对飞机仪表显示和屏显两种显示方式进行了人-机系统仿真试验,通过频域辨识方法,获得了拟线性驾驶员描述函数,进而分析了两种显示方式对驾驶员特性和人-机系统特性的影响。  相似文献   

郑君 《劳动保护》2011,(10):27-29
建设完善煤矿井下安全避险"六大系统"是为了构建煤矿事前"防灾"、事中"避灾"和事后"减灾"的全过程安全保障体系。国家安全监管总局副局长、国家煤矿安全监察局局长赵铁锤在接受采访中,全面介绍了我国煤矿井下安全避险"六大系统"建设进展、取得的经验及完善要求。  相似文献   

After three decades of sustained continuous improvement of mine safety performances in the US, mine disasters in 2006 and 2007 compromised an excellent record and presented new challenges and vulnerabilities for the underground coal mining industry. In the aftermath of the incidents, formal investigations and new scrutiny of mine safety by the US Congress and expert study groups followed. The US Congress passed the Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act of 2006 (MINER Act), which mandated new laws to address the issues, including those related to mine fires and explosions from which miners must be protected. The National Mining Association-sponsored Mine Safety Technology and Training Commission report highlighted the role of risk analysis and management in identifying and controlling major hazards, such as fires and explosions. In this paper an approach is given for analyzing the risks for fires and explosions based on the Mine Safety and Health Administration citation database. Using 2006 citation data and focusing on subsystem failures, the methodology is applied to a database for a pilot sample of underground coal mines stratified by mine size and state.  相似文献   

二级公路成为事故之路的症结   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
二级公路交通事故多发 ,其症结在于道路的规划、设计和管理工作中存在许多不完善并急需改进之处。例如交通参与人素质与道路不协调 ,道路交通安全设施不完善 ,道路规划、建设受到行政干预 ,公路平面交叉口不规范等。解决二级公路交通安全问题需要从规划、设计和管理等诸多方面入手。因此 ,笔者建议建立公路规划、设计安全审计和责任追究制度 ;在选用公路等级、设计速度和限制速度时 ,以公路功能定位 ;根据交通安全法律、法规规定及时完善交通安全设施 ;强化交叉路口规范化管理和支线限速设计 ;加强交通安全管理力度 ,增加科技管理投入 ;由政府牵头 ,依靠公路沿线乡镇、单位和学校 ,深入持久地进行交通安全宣传教育 ,提高公路沿线居民的交通安全意识。  相似文献   

基于筛选测试的化工反应危害评估探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要讨论了基于筛选测试方法的化工反应危害评价。该方法是利用DSC、TS“等差热分析仪对化学品和混合物进行热稳定性的筛选测试,根据起始温度和反应焓变对化合物危害程度分级进行分级,建立反应风险指数,从而在小试和中试阶段就将反应危害降低或消除,确保大规模生产时的安全性,为真正实现化工工艺本质安全。此外,还比较了DSC、TSU、AFFAC、RSST等热分析仪,认为TSU和RSST是目前较为合适的热筛选分析仪,为建立反应危害实验室相关仪器的选型提供了参考。  相似文献   

People die or get injured at mass events when the crowd gets out of control. Urbanization and the increasing popularity of mass events, from soccer games to religious celebrations, enforce this trend. Thus, there is a strong need to better control crowd behavior. Here, simulation of pedestrian streams can be very helpful: Simulations allow a user to run through a number of scenarios in a critical situation and thereby to investigate adequate measures to improve security. In order to make realistic, reliable predictions, a model must be able to reproduce the data known from experiments quantitatively. Therefore, automatic and fast calibration methods are needed that can easily adapt model parameters to different scenarios. Also, the model must be robust. Small changes or measurement errors in the crucial input parameters must not lead to disproportionally large changes in the simulation outcome and thus potentially useless results. In this paper we present two methods to automatically calibrate pedestrian simulations to the socio-cultural parameters captured through measured fundamental diagrams. We then introduce a concept of robustness to compare the two methods. In particular, we propose a quantitative estimation of parameter quality and a method of parameter selection based on a criterion for robustness. We discuss the results of our test scenarios and, based on our experience, propose further steps.  相似文献   

The oxygen-enhanced combustor has the advantages of high burning efficiency and low emissions. However, it should not be promoted for industrial use until its reliability and safety have been fully recognized. A new methodology is proposed to assess the risk of an oxygen-enhanced combustor using a structural model based on the FMEA and fuzzy fault tree. In addition, it is applied to a selected pilot semi-industrial combustor. To identify the hazard source comprehensively, the pilot is divided into four subsystems: the combustor subsystem, feed subsystem, ignition subsystem and exhaust subsystem. According to the operational parameters of flow (flow rate, temperature and pressure) and the component functions in different subsystems, the cause and effect matrix can be built using the structural model, and the relationship between the operational parameters and the effects of the change for the operational parameters on the system can be presented. Based on the results of cause and effect matrix, the FMEA can be built to describe the failed models and accident scenarios of the pilot. The main accident forms include leakage, injury, fire and explosion. Accordingly, with the severity and probability analysis of different accident forms, the fire and explosion accidents should be further accessed quantitatively using the fuzzy fault tree analysis. The fault trees can be obtained in accordance with the FMEA, and the qualitative assessments of the basic events can be collected by using expert scoring. A hybrid approach for the fuzzy set theory and weight analysis is investigated to quantify the occurrence probability of basic events. Then, the importance analysis of the fault trees, including the hazard importance of basic events and the cut set importance, is performed to help determine the weak links of the fire and explosion trees. Finally, some of the most effective measures are presented to improve the reliability and safety of the combustion system.  相似文献   

为探究单一飞行员驾驶模式(SPO)下飞行员的脑力负荷水平,设计并实施模拟单人驾驶情境中的非正常任务场景处置实验。首先,基于准5级模拟驾驶舱,设计飞行任务场景;其次,招募20名航线飞行员被试,开展模拟飞行实验,记录被试的生理数据心率变异性指标及眼动数据;最后,结合客观生理数据以及主观量表进行脑力负荷分析,记录单发失效故障处置时间并进行任务绩效分析。研究结果表明:与双人制机组相比,单人驾驶情境中飞行员的脑力负荷增幅并不显著,处于可接受范围;单人制驾驶舱的任务设计及智能辅助系统使用对于降低飞行员工作负荷,提升飞行绩效至关重要。研究结果可为单一飞行员驾驶模式实施提供理论支持,并为未来单人制驾驶舱及机载自动化系统设计提供指标参考。  相似文献   

一种高安全、容错控制计算机的设计与实现   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在许多工业领域中 ,其控制系统必须是高可靠、高可用和高安全的。根据IEC 6 15 0 8标准 ,1oo2D(oneoutoftwowithdiagnostics)结构满足这些要求。实现 1oo2D结构时 ,每个通道采用双CPU结构 ,通道间同步采用软硬件结合方式 ,硬件数据比较器具备强故障安全特性 ,通道间通信采用高速并行方式 ,自诊断包括内嵌诊断设备、自诊断程序和看门狗。研制了实验原型机 ,进行的功能测试和错误注入测试表明 :其控制功能正常 ,容错性能和安全性能满足工业控制要求  相似文献   

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