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以红阳猕猴桃根腐病病株为研究对象,采用大树环浇方法于4月和7月在田间各施用一次甲霜灵(1050mg a.i./L)、恶霉灵(330mg a.i./L)、木霉(5×109孢子/L)、亚磷酸盐(3000mg a.i./L)。结果表明,病株各处理间的株产量无显著差异,药剂各处理均有增产作用。以正常植株平均果重为指标,木霉处理平均果重95.89g、甲霜灵处理平均果重92.83g,与其他三个处理在0.05水平呈显著差异;恶霉灵(80.64g)和亚磷酸盐(80.54g)与对照(79.67g)无显著差异。8月份甲霜灵和木霉处理落叶率为25%,恶霉灵和亚磷酸盐落叶率分别为35.7%和39.9%,均与对照(67.11%)在0.05水平呈显著差异。综合分析,甲霜灵和木霉菌是防治红阳猕猴桃根腐病的最佳药剂。  相似文献   

电脱盐装置稳定运行及污染治理问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着原油含盐、金属离子高,酸值和胶质沥青质高,油品性质波动大,电脱盐废水水质差,对后续污水处理系统造成严重冲击,必须对其影响其生产和污染治理的相关因素提出了相应的解决方案。文章分析了原油性质与波动对电脱盐工艺运行与污染产排造成的影响:原油预沉降预处理不够,脱盐率低,乳化程度高影响电脱盐工艺稳定运行。针对这些问题提出了改进生产工艺和强化电脱盐废水处理方面的建议措施:优化电脱盐工艺,强化电脱盐污水处理。可为石化企业劣质重油加工清洁生产和污染防治提供技术支持。  相似文献   

固体厌氧消化原料流变特性研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
厌氧消化原料的流变特性是厌氧消化工艺设计和运行的重要参数。本文从研究对象、实验操作、研究内容和结果、影响因素以及发展方向等方面对固体厌氧消化原料,特别是污泥的流变特性研究现状进行了概述。研究表明,污泥来源广泛,成分复杂,属于非牛顿流体的范畴,其流变特性受多种因素影响,其中污泥的总悬浮固体(TSS)(或混合液悬浮固体(MLSS))和温度是最主要的影响因素。大部分研究采用层流剪切实验对物料的流变特性进行表征,研究对象范围有待于扩大。尚需针对流体本构方程的改进,共消化对于原料流变特性的影响,混合液固、液相指标与流变参数的关系等方面开展研究,为利用流变参数作为工艺控制参数提供理论依据,并解决工程放大等问题。  相似文献   

张苗  周扬 《资源开发与市场》2023,(11):1449-1457
探讨碳排放约束下城市建设用地碳排放效率的空间关联特征及其影响因素,有助于协同提升区域间的建设用地碳排放效率,进而提升土地资源配置效率、推动绿色低碳发展。采用SBM模型、引力矩阵模型与社会网络分析法等方法探究2003—2019年山东省建设用地碳排放效率的空间关联网络特征及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)山东省建设用地碳排放效率逐年提升,空间上由西向东逐渐优化。(2)山东省建设用地碳排放效率空间网络密度值相对较低,呈现“扁平化”的等级结构特征,网络结构稳定性逐渐增强。(3)东营、济南、青岛等城市对资金、人才和技术等资源要素的吸引力较强,滨州、聊城、德州等城市同时处于地理和网络位置边缘,缺乏效率受益和溢出渠道。(4)板块之间联系更为紧密且互动趋势明显,呈现出受益和溢出板块城市成员少而经纪板块城市成员多的非均衡特征。(5)空间关联网络的形成是地理邻近、经济发展、产业结构、土地利用强度、土地利用结构和城市化等影响因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

长江中下游城市群地区工业重化特征明显,工业水污染排放贡献超过10%,大气污染物占比更超过70%。本文采用迪氏对数指标分解法(LMDI)识别长江中下游城市群污染排放的主要影响因子,对长江中下游城市群重点行业COD、氨氮、SO_2、NO_x排放强度进行分析。将排放强度拆分为末端削减、技术工业和产品结构三个指标,分析2012—2020年和2020—2030年两个时间段内,对污染排放强度降低贡献度最高的影响因素。结果表明,末端削减和技术工艺对污染排放强度降低影响大,贡献值之和约为90%,两者分别代表末端处理技术对污染排放的削减程度,以及高附加值行业单位产值污染物产生水平;COD、SO_2和氨氮的排放强度由末端削减和技术工艺共同作用,NO_x的排放强度较高且未来末端削减水平进步小,未来需要重视该污染物的减排和治理。  相似文献   

目前关于碳排放的研究主要以国家和行政省(自治区、直辖市)为研究对象,围绕城市尺度家庭层面碳排放的研究相对匮乏,而家庭是社会最基本的组成单位,针对相关的碳排放特征及影响问题亟待解决.本文以2007—2016年长三角地区26个地级市数据为样本,测算城市居民家庭直接能耗碳排放量.利用K均值聚类法、空间相关性检验及空间面板建模等方法,考察城市居民家庭直接能耗碳排放量的空间演变分布特征及影响因素.结果表明:①城市居民家庭直接碳排放量高的城市位于长三角中部偏东的位置,排放量低的城市集中在西部位置,中部地区的碳排放量增长速度普遍快于其他地区.②长三角地区城市居民家庭直接能耗碳排放的空间关联程度呈"N"字形趋势,处于高高集聚状态的区域集中在以苏州市等为核心的偏中部地区,处于低低集聚状态的区域集中在西部边缘地区.③前后5年的回归结果对比表明:户均人口数由不显著的正向影响因素转变为重要的抑制因素;户均私家车与每户拥有的城市道路面积联合效应的正向影响作用越来越强烈.研究结论可为城市在动态制定碳减排政策时提供理论依据.  相似文献   

殷俊 《绿色视野》2013,(7):43-44
随着工农业生产的发展,人口的增长,人类赖以生存的水资源正在遭到多种来源的污染。废水对水资源的污染已引起人们极大的关注,特别是作为生物体重要营养元素的氮磷,随污水进入水体以后产生种种严重危害,而目前更普遍的是,氮磷等营养物质进入水体会引发水体富营养化问题。水体措。工艺要求宁国市污水处理厂进水水质BOD5/COD=0.51、BOD5/TN>3~5、BOD5/TP=60,可以采用生物法对污水进行脱氮除磷处理。污水处理生物脱氮除磷工艺的选择应根据设计进水水质、处理程度要求、工程规模等多因素进行综合考虑,选择合适的污水处理脱氮除磷工艺,不仅可以降低工程投资,且有利于污水处理厂的运行管理以及减少污水处理厂的常年运行费用,保证出厂水水质。要求提高污水处理脱氮除磷程度,对NH3-N、TP去除率要求分别达到68%和50%以上,因此,对污水处理脱氮除磷工艺的选择应十分慎重。本工程的污水处理脱氮除磷技改工艺选择充分考虑污水量和污水水质以及经济条件和管理水平,优先选用技术先进、安全可靠、低能耗、低投入、少占地和操作管理方便的成熟处理工艺。工艺方案比较(一)A/A/O法A/A/O法即厌氧-缺氧-好氧活性污泥法。污水在流经三个不同功能分区的过程中,在不同微生物菌群作用下,使污水中的有机物、氮和磷得到去除。本工艺在系统上是最简单的同步除磷脱氮工艺,总水力停留时间小于其他同类工艺,在厌氧(缺氧)、好氧交替运行的条件下可抑制丝状菌繁殖,克服污泥膨胀,SVI值一般小于100,有利于处理后污水与污泥的分离,运行中在厌氧和缺氧段内只需轻缓搅拌,运行费用低。由于厌氧、缺氧和好氧三个区严格分开,有利于不同微生物菌群的繁殖生长,因此脱氮除磷效果非常好。目前,该法在国内外使用较为广泛。(二)UCT工艺为了解决回流污泥中过多的硝酸盐对厌氧放磷的影响,产生了UCT工艺。与A2/O法相比,UCT工艺不同之处在于污泥先回流至缺氧池,而不是厌氧池,再将缺氧池部分混合液回流至厌氧池,从而减少了回流污泥中硝酸盐对厌氧放磷的影响。但是UCT工艺增加了一次回流,多一次提升,运行费用将增加。(三)氧化沟法氧化沟工艺是上世纪50年代初期发展起来的一种污水处理工艺形式,是传统活性污泥工艺的一种变形。传统的Carrousel氧化沟不具备除磷功能,但在沟前增设厌氧池,便具备生物脱氮除磷功能。Orbal氧化沟的特点是对三个沟道的溶解氧浓度进行控制,使其在不同的阶段下运行,对外沟要求的低溶解氧很难控制,脱氮效果不理想。(四)AB法AB法是一种生物吸附-降解两段活性污泥法,A段负荷高,曝气时间短,仅0.5h左右,污泥负荷高达2~6kgBOD5/kgMLSS.d,B段污泥负荷较低,为0.15~0.30kg-BOD5/kgMLSS.d。该法对有机物、氮和磷都有一定的去除率,适用于处理浓度较高、水质水量变化较大的污水,通常要求进水BOD5≥250mg/L,AB法才有明显的优势。本工程设计进水BOD5为180mg/L,采用AB法显然不太合适。(五)传统SBR法其反应是在同一容器中进行。在同一容器中进水时形成厌氧(此时不曝气)、缺氧,而后停止进水,开始曝气充氧,完成脱氮除磷过程,并在同一容器中沉淀,再通过撇水器出水,完成一个程序。这种方法,总容积利用率低,一般小于50%,因此适用于较小污水量场合。(六)CAST法CAST工艺脱氮除磷的原理为:除磷是靠厌氧捕捉选择区(预反应区)和曝气反应区(主反应区)完成。硝化和反硝化在主反应区完成。(七)Unitank法Unitank工艺,又称单池系统,是SBR法的另一种形式,由三个矩形池组成,三个池水力相通,每个池内均设有供氧设备,在外边两侧矩形池设有固定出水堰和剩余污泥排放口。连续分池进水,具有脱氮除磷效果。其优点是不需回流、无二沉池、布置紧凑、占地面积小。但由于无专门的厌氧区,因此生物除磷效果差。其总的容积利用率为67%。  相似文献   

如何实现甲烷减排是当前油气行业应对气候变化的重点工作,而甲烷排放的准确定量对于推动确定减排目标与对应技术手段至关重要。从目前油气行业采用的甲烷排放检测方法来看,车载甲烷检测方法具有不需要进入场站内部、检测覆盖范围较大、可以准确定位甲烷泄漏位置的优势,具备较强的推广应用潜力。文章详细介绍了示踪剂、下风向和走航式检测3类车载移动式甲烷排放检测方法的原理、移动实验平台搭建、现场检测数据处理,并结合国外油气行业生产过程的应用情况,分析了检测方法的优势与不足。示踪剂法检测较易操作,甲烷排放量计算方法相对简单,但在现场实际应用时,示踪气体获取、场站安全许可(示踪气体扩散通过场站)等方面可能存在一定困难;下风向检测法估算结果较为准确,但风向、风速等现场条件会影响方法的准确性,误差在30%;走航式检测法目前更多用于天然气管网泄漏点定位,对于甲烷排放的估算还需继续开展研究。在针对石油天然气生产过程甲烷排放检测的实践中,建议充分考虑现场道路、气象、源强特征、油气地面工程布置特点等因素,针对性地选择检测方法,并考虑同步开展多种方法的对比检测。  相似文献   

研究红阳猕猴桃、葛根及其配方组合物的解酒保肝与抗氧化作用。采用乙醇所致小鼠自主活动减少和小鼠共济失调实验评价解酒作用;采用小鼠酒精性肝损伤模型评价保肝作用,采用ELISA测定大鼠尿液中8-羟基脱氧鸟苷酸(8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine,8-OHdG)和乙酰—赖氨酸加合物(hexanoyl-lysine adduct,HEL),以了解配方组合物对DNA过氧化和脂质过氧化的影响。结果表明,红阳猕猴桃—葛根配方可减轻酒精所致小鼠行为抑制和共济失调,提示具有解酒作用;对酒精所致小鼠肝脏MDA、TG水平升高和GSH水平降低有明显改善,提示具有保护化学性肝损伤作用;降低正常和酒精损伤大鼠尿液中过氧化生物标志物水平,提示具有较好的抗氧化作用。红阳猕猴桃—葛根配方具有快速解酒作用,且可持续2—4h;对酒精性肝损伤有一定的保护作用,其机制与抗氧化有关。  相似文献   

探讨了红阳猕猴桃果提取物对小鼠免疫功能的影响,采用冷冻干燥法制备红阳猕猴桃果提取物,观察其对小鼠碳粒廓清功能和环磷酰胺致免疫低下小鼠迟发型皮肤过敏反应的影响.结果表明,红阳猕猴桃果提取物高剂量灌胃可提高小鼠对碳粒的廓清指数和校正吞噬指数,可提高免疫低下小鼠的胸腺指数,增加耳肿胀程度.红阳猕猴桃果提取物对正常机体的非特异性免疫具有一定的促进作用,在一定程度上改善由环磷酰胺导致的免疫抑制,提高机体的特异性免疫功能.  相似文献   

黄腐酸的萃取和性质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田丹碧  田定一 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(10):872-873,915
黄腐酸是腐植酸中最具活力的组成部分,蕴藏量丰富,萃取方法简便。研究了从红原1#泥炭中萃取黄腐酸和降解物。它的分子量较小,易溶于水,抗絮凝性能好,分子内含有较多的活性官能团,具有很高的化学活性和生物活性,用途广泛。  相似文献   

Summary Bioremediation has become an important method for the treatment of terrestrial oil spills and is often favoured over strictly physical-chemical methods. In this study, enzymatic analyses and signature lipid biomarkers were employed to evaluate the efficacy of selected bioremediation products on control and oil contaminated soil plots. It is envisioned that these biological indicators may be used as possible adjuncts to the strictly physical-chemical criteria most commonly employed. The application of the enzymatic and signature biomarker methods for product evaluation proved successful. The enzymatic assays provided a valuable insight into shifts in the functional diversity of the soil microbial communities resultant from the various treatments. Stimulation or inhibition of the microbial communities as a result of the various treatments was also demonstrated, particularly with regards to dehydrogenase activity. Phospholipid fatty acid profiles proved sufficiently sensitive to allow differentiation between products and resultant microbial communities that corresponded to satisfactory and unsatisfactory petroleum hydrocarbon removal.  相似文献   

探讨红阳猕猴桃和葛根配方组合物的急性毒性。采用最大可给药量法,观察红阳猕猴桃和葛根配方组合物对小鼠、大鼠急性毒性的影响。结果表明,红阳猕猴桃和葛根配方组合物每日3次分别按最大体积40mL/kg·BW给小鼠灌胃,30mL/kg.BW给大鼠灌胃后,给药动物的摄食、排便、自由活动均正常,体重增加,未见死亡,表明在实验剂量下红阳猕猴桃和葛根配方组合物对机体无毒。  相似文献   

While fuzzy specialists commonly use homogeneous experts' knowledge to construct fuzzy models, it is much more difficult to deal with knowledge elicited from a heterogeneous group of experts. This issue is exemplified in the area of sustainable rangeland management (SRM). One way to deal with the diversity of opinions is to develop a fuzzy system for all experts and to combine all these, the so-called primary systems, into one multi-fuzzy model. To derive each of the primary fuzzy systems, several semi-structured interviews were held in three different areas of the Fars province in Southwest Iran using the knowledge of a group of administrative experts. To obtain the final output of the multi-fuzzy model, we applied different 'voting' methods. The first method simply uses the arithmetic average of the primary outputs as the final output of the multi-fuzzy model. This final output represents an estimation of the right rate of stocking (RRS). We also propose other (un)supervised voting methods. Most importantly, by harmonising the primary outputs such that outliers get less emphasis, we introduce an unsupervised voting method for calculating a weighted estimate of the RRS. This harmonising method is expected to provide a new useful tool for policymakers dealing with heterogenity in experts' opinions: it is especially useful where limited field data are available and one is forced to rely on experts' knowledge only. By constructing the three fuzzy models based on the elicitation of heterogeneous experts' knowledge, our study shows the multidimensional vaguenesses that exist in SRM. Finally, by comparing the final RRS with its common values, this study strongly points to the existence of overgrazing in pastures in the three regions of the Fars province in Southwest Iran.  相似文献   

Pollutants in the form of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs), such as petroleum products, pose a serious threat to the soil and groundwater. A mathematical model was derived to study the unsteady pollutant concentrations through water saturated contaminated soil under air sparging conditions for different NAPLs and soil properties. The comparison between the numerical model results and the published experimental results showed acceptable agreement. Furthermore, an experimental study was conducted to remove NAPLs from the contaminated soil using the sparging air technique, considering the sparging air velocity, air temperature, soil grain size and different contaminant properties. This study showed that sparging air at ambient temperature through the contaminated soil can remove NAPLs, however, employing hot air sparging can provide higher contaminant removal efficiency, by about 9%. An empirical correlation for the volatilization mass transfer coefficient was developed from the experimental results. The dimensionless numbers used were Sherwood number (Sh), Peclet number (Pe), Schmidt number (Sc) and several physical-chemical properties of VOCs and porous media. Finally, the estimated volatilization mass transfer coefficient was used for calculation of the influence of heated sparging air on the spreading of the NAPL plume through the contaminated soil.  相似文献   

The storage of fresh agricultural products is not easy because of its high moisture. Dehydration is an efficient preservation method. The investigation of drying modeling and transfer characteristics are important for selecting operating conditions and equipment design. The drying behavior of Lactuca sativa slices, with the thickness of 2 mm, was investigated at 60.0–80.0°C and 0.60–1.04 m sec?1 velocity in a convective hot air drier. The mass transfer during the drying process was described using six thin drying models. The convective heat transfer coefficient α and mass transfer coefficient kH were finally calculated. The results showed that the drying process could be separated into three stages including accelerating rate, constant rate, and falling rate period, which was influenced by hot air temperature and velocity, and the Modi?ed Page model agreed well with the experimental data. When the operating temperature was increased from 60.0°C to 80.0°C, α was found increased from 88.07 to 107.93 W·m?2·K?1, and kH increased from 46.32 × 10–3 to 68.04 × 10–3 kg·m?2·sec?1·ΔH?1. With the increase of air velocity from 0.60 to 1.04 m·sec?1, α was increased from 78.85 to 101.35 W·m?2·K?1, and kH was enhanced from 51.78 × 10–3 to 65.85 × 10–3 kg·m?2·sec?1·ΔH?1.  相似文献   

The application of anaerobically processed animal manure to maintain adequate levels of organic matter in arid soils is becoming a common practice. The purpose of this study was to characterize two farm manure products as compared with municipal waste compost (MWC). The anaerobic processing to obtain a biogas manure (BM) product was much faster (25 d) than the aerobic composting of farmyard manure (FYM) (90 d). Drying by three different methods (solar-drying, vacuum-drying at 45 degrees C, and freeze-drying) did not affect the quality of BM. Based on the chemical characteristics, FYM and BM products were comparable, and, containing less ash (30%) and heavy metals (50 mg Pb kg(-1)), seemed superior to MWC that contained 65% ash and 108 mg Pb kg(-1). On the other hand, MWC had higher C content (69.9%), lower acidity (15.04 mol kg(-1)), and higher exothermic peaks (300-460 degrees C) than BM and FYM (50% C, 20 mol kg(-1), and 275-450 degrees C, respectively), thus showing a greater extent of humification. Also, when the organic materials were incubated with arid soils and monitored for mean residence times (MRT), MWC was slightly more resistant to decomposition (MRT 175-180 d) than BM or FYM (MRT 161-166 d). The observed differences, however, were too small to dismiss any of the products as a valuable material for land applications to improve soil quality. In view of the results obtained, MWC may be considered an adequate substitute for BM or FYM, whenever the latter are in short supply.  相似文献   


Cold chain industry has a vast potential for waste heat recovery. It is a matter of importance for energy efficiency point of view, as global energy demand is increasing day by day. Ample amount of low-grade energy is either unutilized or underutilized. The heat rejected by a Heat pump or refrigeration system emerged as a promising solution for dehydration by utilizing low-grade waste heat despite higher investment. As compared to solar drying technology, heat pump drying evolved as a reliable method regarding better process control, energy efficiency, and quality of the product to be dried. Energy utilized through the refrigeration system’s waste/exhaust heat recovery in combination with or without renewable energy source enhances the overall efficiency of the system and also reduces the cost. This useful review investigated and compared the research findings of waste heat utilization through heat pump and from condenser of refrigeration system on laboratory, pilot as well as industrial scale for drying of various fruits, vegetables, and agro products. Various drying parameters like drying rate, moisture content, Specific Moisture Extraction Rate (SMER), Coefficient of Performance (COP), Exergy efficiency, and temperature as well as humidity conditions inside the drying chamber were also reviewed to promote the technological advancement of energy utilization by commercial cold storage waste heat recovery.  相似文献   

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