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介绍了栖息地模拟方法原理及步骤,以姜射坝水电站减水段为例,应用栖息地模拟模型PHABSIM计算了重口裂腹鱼繁殖期适宜生境需水量。结果表明,该河段内重口裂腹鱼繁殖期适宜生态流量为40.6m3/s,其与水文学法的结果对比表明,该流量可以满足维持水生生物良好的生存条件的要求。指出当工程河段涉及珍稀鱼类关键生境时,采用栖息地模拟法确定受影响河段的生态需水量,可以更好地保护珍稀鱼类关键生境。研究结果可为已建电站减水河段生态修复工作提供依据,为拟建电站水生生态环境影响评价工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

确定最小生态需水量,可实现水资源的可持续利用和流域水生态系统的稳定。以德阳市范围内的绵远河流域为研究区域,针对水闸修建和污染较为严重的特点,利用蒙大拿法和最枯月平均径流法分别计算河道基础生态需水量为9221.13×10~4m~3,5203.44×10~4m~3,进行对比分析选用蒙大拿法计算的结果。河道蒸发量为518.9m~3,针对绵远河上修建5座水闸计算河流渗漏量为2891.03×10~4m~3,并计算河流自净需水量为14016.00×10~4m~3。得出绵远河最小生态需水量为17425.03×10~4m~3。由计算结果可知,稀释污水消耗大量水资源,为了维持水生态健康必须重视污水的处理。  相似文献   

水电站的建设会造成坝址下游河段减水,对水环境和水生生物造成不利影响,因此电站生态流量的确定和泄放措施的可行性对于维护河流生态环境至关重要。以硕曲河去学水电站为例,基于可行性研究阶段提出的生态流量泄放措施方案,采用数学模型和理论分析方法,从生态流量取水水温、泄洪洞事故条件下生态流量保证率以及水资源的合理高效利用等方面进一步对生态流量泄放方案进行了优化比选。提出的优化方案提高了生态流量取水口的布置高程,在泄洪洞之外单独布置生态泄放系统,并增设生态流量发电机组等。对比分析表明,该优化方案在改善生态流量的下泄水温、提高生态流量泄放保证率、合理高效利用水能资源等方面具有较大优势。本研究为水电工程中生态流量泄放措施保障等方面提供了科学依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

乌江干流梯级电站生态调度现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乌江是我国十三大水电基地之一,主要的开发任务为发电,其次为航运,兼顾防洪及其他。本研究在乌江干流上选取了4个具有代表性的断面,运用修正的Tennant法和综合法计算了维持乌江干流各代表性河段基本健康所需的生态需水量。研究表明,目前乌江干流梯级电站采取的调度措施能够满足各代表性河段所需的最小生态需水量。但目前的调度措施仍是建立在发电效益最大化基础上的,未能从干流生态环境系统的特殊要求进行调度,给干流生态环境造成了一定影响。本文最后提出了从多方面开展乌江干流梯级电站生态调度研究工作的建议。  相似文献   

随着一系列梯级水电站的建成运行,因上游电站泄水引起下游河道型水库水体中总溶解气体(TDG)过饱和,导致库区鱼类患气泡病甚至死亡的风险增加。针对河道型水库过饱和TDG释放预测问题,建立河道型水库的纵向一维过饱和TDG释放预测模型,研究不同洪水条件下河道型水库在变水位运行条件下的水动力学和过饱和TDG释放特性,分析了过饱和TDG沿程释放和代表性断面的TDG过程,探讨了横断面滩地区域的水深变化和鱼类补偿水深的满足性。结果表明降低来流的TDG水平是减小其不利影响的重要手段,在来流TDG饱和度一定时,河道型水库适当以高水位运行能够为滩地区域鱼类提供足够的躲避水深。本文结果对梯级电站优化调度以减缓TDG影响的研究和方案实施提供了技术支撑,在梯级水电开发河流的水生态保护方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文通过分析岷江上游水电梯级开发对生态环境的主要影响,确定维持流域生态平衡的最小生态环境需水量测算方法。经测算,岷江上游的生态环境需水量占流域多年平均流量的6%~33%,越靠近源头,生态环境需水量所占比例越大。建议提高岷江上游生态环境需水量所占比例,将生态环境需水占比超过20%的茂县以上河段设为禁止开发区域,取消禁止开发区域内原规划的6级电站。同时在已建电站坝下和各县域出境断面设置生态流量监控断面,确保流域开发的环境生态平衡。  相似文献   

进行长江长寿段示踪剂岸边有限时段连续投放试验,求得横向扩散系数及其与流速、水深、流量、污染物浓度等关系。以长寿湖大沙坝河段为类比试验,预测得到三峡库区在90%保证率的最枯月流量下典型江段的横向扩散系数,并可用于库区的污染带计算。  相似文献   

宜宾市酸雨pH值预测的偏最小二乘回归分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酸雨pH值受酸性离子(有机酸、无机酸)和碱性离子的影响。这些影响因素之间存在多重相关性。用一般最小二乘回归法建模预测pH值,估计参数存在着很大的误差,而且物理意义明显不足。本文以宜宾市区2002-2003年的27组降雨监测数据作为样本数据,应用偏最小二乘回归技术建立pH值预测模型,克服了自变量之间的多重相关性的问题。与最小二乘回归法相比更具有先进性,计算结果更为可靠;在确定了模型可行性后,分析比较了影响宜宾市区酸雨pH值的离子的重要性和离子来源。  相似文献   

酸雨pH预测的偏最小二乘回归模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
酸雨pH值受酸性离子[SO4^2-]、[NO3^-]和碱性离子[Ca^2 ]、[NH4^ ]等的影响。这些影响因素之间存在多重相关性。用一般最小二乘回归法建模预测pH值,估计参数存在着很大的误差且物理意义明显不足。应用偏最小二乘回归技术建立pH值预测模型,克服了自变量之间的多重相关性的问题,因而更具有先进性,计算结果更为可靠。以我国17个城市pH值预测为例,探讨偏最小二乘法的优势,并与最小二乘回归法进行了比较。  相似文献   

定量研究金沙江上游巴塘河段梯级电站的水温累积影响,掌握河段的水温变化规律对工程的生态管理和环境修复具有重要意义。利用宽度平均的立面二维水温模型对巴塘、拉哇及叶巴滩电站单独运行及不同联合运行条件下的水温进行了数值模拟。结果表明,梯级电站联合运行使得下游巴塘库区最低水温出现延迟效应,库区水体同温化效应随梯级电站增加而放大;两级联合运行促使4月双温跃层结构和1月的逆温分布现象消失,三级联合运行造成4、5月双温跃层结构和12~翌年1月的逆温分布现象消失。下泄水温的年变幅随梯级电站增加而减小;两级联合运行时,变幅为13.0℃;三级联合运行时,变幅为10.2℃。下泄水温随着梯级电站的增加,延迟效应更加明显。将计算结果和天然水温相比,结果表明,上游电站联合运行对下游水温过程存在较大影响,其中不同联合运行情况下巴塘电站对水温累积影响的贡献率都极小。  相似文献   

Agricultural land use can place heavy demands on regional water resources, strongly influencing the quantity and timing of water flows needed to sustain natural ecosystems. The effects of agricultural practices on streamflow conditions are multifaceted, as they also contribute to the severity of impacts arising from other stressors within the river ecosystem. Thus, river scientists need to determine the quantity of water required to sustain important aquatic ecosystem components and ecological services, to support wise apportionment of water for agricultural use. It is now apparent that arbitrarily defined minimum flows are inadequate for this task because the complex habitat requirements of the biota, which underpin the structure and function of a river ecosystem, are strongly influenced by predictable temporal variations in flow. We present an alternative framework for establishing a first-level, regional ecological instream flow needs standard based on adoption of the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration/Range of Variability Approach as a broadly applicable hydrological assessment tool, coupling this to the Canadian Ecological Flow Index which assesses ecological responses to hydrological alteration. By explicitly incorporating a new field-based ecological assessment tool for small agricultural streams, we provide a necessary verification of altered hydrology that is broadly applicable within Canada and essential to ensure the continuous feedback between the application of flow management criteria and ecological condition.  相似文献   

Environmental flows are an important consideration in licensing hydropower projects as operational flow releases can result in adverse conditions for downstream ecological communities. Flow variability assessments have typically focused on pre‐ and post‐dam conditions using metrics based on daily averaged flow values. This study used subdaily and daily flow data to assess environmental flow response to changes in hydropower operations from daily peaking to run‐of‐river. An analysis tool was developed to quantify flow variability metrics and was applied to four hydropower projects. Significant differences were observed between operations at the 99% confidence level in the median flow values using hourly averaged flow datasets. Median daily rise and fall rates decreased on average 34.5 and 27.9%, respectively, whereas median hourly rise and fall rates decreased on average 50.1 and 50.6%, respectively. Differences in operational flow regimes were more pronounced in the hourly averaged flow datasets and less pronounced or nonexistent in the daily averaged flow datasets. These outcomes have implications for the development of ecology‐flow relationships that quantify effects of flow on processes such as fish stranding and displacement, along with habitat stability. Results indicate that flow variability statistics should be quantified using subdaily datasets to accurately represent the nature of hydropower operations, especially for daily peaking facilities.  相似文献   

采用现场调查及类比分析等方法,结合瓦岗河水电规划成果,本文围绕小型河流水电梯级开发对环境影响的特点,重点分析瓦岗河水电梯级开发对植被、水土保持、水生生物、水质的影响。针对不利的影响,本文提出适合小型河流水电开发的环境减缓和补救措施。通过对环境不利影响采取相应的保护措施后,如下泄生态流量、外购鱼苗放流等,规划实施带来的不利环境影响将得以有效控制和减缓。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Concrete block irrigation diversion systems have been proposed as alternatives to permanent dams of concrete or rock or temporary gravel berms. Permanent dams can cause stream channel instability, bank erosion, sediment pollution, ice flow blockage, and safety problems for recreational floating craft. Temporary berms can require substantial streambed disturbance and can promote sediment pollution, stream bank instability, and bank erosion. A design procedure was developed based on a model of the hydraulic performance of concrete block diversion systems. The procedure was used to model a site on the Gallatin River in Montana. The method relies on HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center -River Analysis System) software combined with analytical techniques in an iterative scheme. The hydraulic performance of different diversion configurations (the existing heavy-rock diversion system, concrete blocks oriented parallel to flow, and concrete blocks oriented diagonally) was assessed using the model under a range of flow rates. The minimum diversion dimensions (length, number, and size of blocks) that maintained block stability while diverting the requisite flow were determined for each model run. At the Gallatin River site, the block system oriented parallel to flow required less diversion material than the diagonal orientation. The recommended diversion length was 51.8 m (170 ft). Trapezoidal blocks with a top width of 20.3 cm (8 in), a height of 45.7 cm (18 in), and side slopes of 2 vertical to 1 horizontal were specified. This configuration minimizes the total block mass, diverts the required flow, and has a factor of safety of 2.0 against block displacement.  相似文献   

本文主要对官地水电站高陡边坡植被混凝土前期绿化试验成果进行分析,以寻求在干湿季节明显、雨量集中、干旱季节漫长、温度高、蒸发量大等干热河谷气候特征条件下的最佳生境构筑方法,为官地水电站乃至雅砻江流域水电工程高陡边坡生态恢复提供技术依据。  相似文献   

Bartholow, John M., 2010. Constructing an Interdisciplinary Flow Regime Recommendation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-15. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00461.x Abstract: It is generally agreed that river rehabilitation most often relies on restoring a more natural flow regime, but credibly defining the desired regime can be problematic. I combined four distinct methods to develop and refine month-by-month and event-based flow recommendations to protect and partially restore the ecological integrity of the Cache la Poudre River through Fort Collins, Colorado. A statistical hydrologic approach was used to summarize the river’s natural flow regime and set provisional monthly flow targets at levels that were historically exceeded 75% of the time. These preliminary monthly targets were supplemented using results from three Poudre-specific disciplinary studies. A substrate maintenance flow model was used to better define the high flows needed to flush accumulated sediment from the river’s channel and help sustain the riparian zone in this snowmelt-dominated river. A hydraulic/habitat model and a water temperature model were both used to better define the minimum flows necessary to maintain a thriving cool water fishery. The result is a range of recommended monthly flows and daily flow guidance illustrating the advantage of combining a wide range of available disciplinary information, supplemented by judgment based on ecological principles and a general understanding of river ecosystems, in a highly altered, working river.  相似文献   

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