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海洋生态系统压力、状态与生态系统服务因素的识别及影响关系分析是实施基于生态系统海洋管理的前提和基础。基于对压力-状态-生态系统服务三者网络化影响关系的认识,本文引入DEMATEL(decision making trial and evaluation laboratory technique)方法并与DPSER(driver-pressure-state-ecosystem service-response)概念模型结合,进行海洋生态系统压力对状态与生态系统服务影响问题的量化研究。首先对研究范围确定、概念模型选择、分析要素确定及DEMATEL量化方法进行了简要介绍,并对实施基于生态系统海洋管理过程中的压力管理和状态监测等问题进行了探讨。尔后,利用美国南佛罗里达州MARES研究计划提供的相关数据进行了模型的实证分析,结果显示本文方法能够更加系统和全面地反映三者之间的影响关系,多种类型的计算指标可以为基于生态系统海洋管理的有效实施提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

Ecosystem services (ES), such as biological control, pollination, soil formation, nutrient cycling in agriculture are vital for the sustainable supply of food and fibre. The current trends of decline in the ability of agricultural ecosystems to provide ES pose great threat to food security worldwide. This paper discusses the concept of ES and identifies ES associated with agriculture. It discusses the economic and ecological benefits of these ES on farmland in general and its linkages with organic agriculture. The provision of ES on farmland may help to motivate the redesign of small-scale farms using new eco-technologies based on novel and sound ecological knowledge. This has potential to meet the food demand of growing population without damaging human health and the environment.  相似文献   

The concept of ecosystem services (ES) is increasingly being used in environmental policy and decision making. We report here on the empirical results which emerged from stakeholder discussions within the PRESS (PEER Research on EcoSystem Services) project on certain unresolved challenges related to the use of the ES concept in decision making. The results show that the occurrence of synergies and trade-offs between different ES and their relevance for decision making depends significantly on the scale involved (in particular regarding the levels of policy formulation and policy implementation respectively) and on the specific ways in which ecosystems are managed (e.g. different practices in forestry and agriculture). We conclude that using the concept of ecosystem services, would enable a comprehensive evaluation of policy impacts. Such an evaluation would contribute to an increased congruence between policies by uncovering and discussing trade-offs and realize synergies. Crucial to this, however, is a sound assessment that incorporates the diversity of stakeholder perceptions, knowledge and preferences at the different scales.  相似文献   

With the aim to embed ecology more forcefully into decision-making, the concept of Ecosystems Services (ES) has gained significant ground among policy-makers and researchers. The increasing recognition of the importance of urban green areas for the quality of life in growing cities has led proponents of ES approaches to argue for an uptake of the approach in urban environmental decision-making. However, the ES approach has been criticized for standing too much at a distance from local communities and their day-to-day practices and for insufficiently taking into account the potential trade-offs between different qualities or preferences. In this paper we argue that other concepts, doing other work, need to be added to the debate about futures of urban governance and research. Biocultural diversity is suggested as one such alternative concept. By its emphasis on diversity, biocultural diversity can account for the many ways in which people live with green areas in the urban landscape, acknowledges the different knowledges this involves, and can reveal conflicts and ambivalence that may be at stake. This sets up for a reflexive, transdisciplinary research process that questions and contextualizes knowledge and worldviews including those of researchers. A reflexive, transdisciplinary research, then, is a productive catalyst for forms of reflexive urban governance that recognise and respond to this diversity and provide platforms for contestation.  相似文献   

流域—河口三角洲湿地生态系统健康评价研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
综述了三角洲湿地生态系统的概念、特征、基本类型,并对湿地生态系统健康进行了基本的界定;全面总结了三角洲湿地生态健康评价模型和指标体系构建;系统介绍了模糊生物综合指数法、河流湿地的溪流状况指数、综合评价方法、压力—状态—相应模型等生态健康评价方法及指标参数选取,并就景观参数指标进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

一种城市生态系统健康评价方法及其应用   总被引:53,自引:3,他引:50  
将健康概念引入城市生态系统研究,从复合生态系统角度评价和辨析城市生态环境问题,为生态城市建设提供决策依据极具现实意义.基于城市复合生态系统健康内涵,提出用距离指数和协调指数表征系统发展水平和协调状况,构建整合距离指数和协调指数的城市生态系统健康评价模型,并设定了城市生态系统健康状态的评价标准,建立城市生态系统健康评价指标体系.对宁波的实例分析揭示了宁波城市生态系统健康特征和地域空间分布,表明模型能够很好地辨识城市生态系统的复合特征和地域空间特征,指示城市生态规划和建设的重点行动领域,为城市实施可持续发展战略提供决策依据.  相似文献   

基于生态系统健康的生态承载力评价   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
针对自然生态系统和传统生态承载力研究中评价标准相对单一、评价结果简化、不利于实际应用等问题,提出了基于生态系统健康的生态承载力概念,探讨了其内涵和基本特征;建立了水电梯级开发对生态承载力影响和基于生态系统健康的生态承载力计量模型;给出了基于生态系统健康的生态承载力评价指标体系和标准的确定方法,初步构建了基于生态系统健康的生态承载力理论框架.以黄河流域青海片为研究区域,建立了适合该区域的基于生态系统健康的生态承载力评价指标体系、权重和评价标准,并对青海片内水电梯级建设对生态承载力的影响进行了深入分析.结果表明,黄河流域青海片水电梯级开发规划实施的不同阶段对共和县生态承载力指数均为正面影响.但对青海片和沿黄其它县均为负面影响;梯级开发规划全面实施后,将使青海片的生态承载力指数下降9.9%,生态系统健康等级也将由亚健康状态降至不健康状态。  相似文献   

Ecosystem management, by seeking to emulate natural disturbance, has been proposed by the ecological and forest management community as a means of maintaining the biodiversity and productivity of boreal forests, key components of sustainable forest management (SFM). However, it is argued that ecosystem management overlooks the paradox inherent in the concept of Nature, limiting the scope of the SFM debate by maintaining a binary opposition between Nature and Society, humans and the environment. Nature is paradoxical because humans are part of Nature, by the theory of evolution, while at the same time Nature is a social construction created by humans, and thus artificial. Recourse is made to postmodernism in order to examine the metaphysical and sociopolitical implications of the deconstruction of this paradox. Based on a review of the philosophy of Foucault and Derrida, the concept of Nature is demonstrated to be socially mediated, an entwinement of reason and power. In order to address metaphysical challenges of the Nature–Society dualism identified above, I refer to Habermas’s theory of communicative action and cite results from a case study in this regard. Results from this case study prompt a critical examination of the legitimacy of a discourse ethic about Nature, making use of the negative dialectics of Adorno. As a result, at the metaphysical level, a different role for ecologists and forest managers in public participation procedures is proposed, one whereby ecologists talk through Nature to the evolutionary agents to which it is intended to refer as a means of discussing whether specific management options will contribute to sustainable development. It is argued that at the sociopolitical level SFM will necessitate improved transparency and participation in forestry, criteria that can be attained through community-based ecosystem management. Both elements require a science more actively engaged with civil society.  相似文献   

This paper, based on the autonomy concept, continues to investigate hierarchical forms and spatial structure of ecosystems. The former can lead to limits for the selection of the component parts of an ecosystem and a distinction between its endogenous and exogenous variables; and the latter can be lead to a hypothesis of the space of an ecosystem: the space of an ecosystem = its habitat area + supporting area + impact area, and two characteristics of ecosystems, space-overlapping and the area of ecosystem space, have been further studied referring to human activities.  相似文献   

The industrial system operates through different principles of system development than the ecosystem. Industrial ecology can be a fruitful metaphor for facilitating the development of industrial systems toward the principles of system development of ecosystems. In this paper the industrial ecosystem analogy includes the four ecosystem principles of roundput, diversity, locality and gradual change.  相似文献   

Many methods and criteria are available to assess aquatic ecosystems, and this review focuses on a set that demonstrates advancements from community analyses to methods spanning large spatial and temporal scales. Basic methods have been extended by incorporating taxa sensitivity to different forms of stress, adding measures linked to system function, synthesizing multiple faunal groups, integrating biological and physical attributes, spanning large spatial scales, and enabling simulations through time. These tools can be customized to meet the needs of a particular assessment and ecosystem. Two case studies are presented to show how new methods were applied at the ecosystem scale for achieving practical management goals. One case used an assessment of biotic structure to demonstrate how enhanced river flows can improve habitat conditions and restore a diverse fish fauna reflective of a healthy riverine ecosystem. In the second case, multitaxonomic integrity indicators were successful in distinguishing lake ecosystems that were disturbed, healthy, and in the process of restoration. Most methods strive to address the concept of biological integrity and assessment effectiveness often can be impeded by the lack of more specific ecosystem management objectives. Scientific and policy explorations are needed to define new ways for designating a healthy system so as to allow specification of precise quality criteria that will promote further development of ecosystem analysis tools.  相似文献   

The application of ecological concepts to the industrial setting has been touched upon by literature across several disciplines. Two emerging ecological planning approaches, landscape ecology and industrial ecology, are applied here to look at alternative ways of planning industrial parks. As an emerging field, landscape ecology provides different viewpoints from the traditional approach of natural conservation, which mainly focuses on the protection of nature. The approach of landscape ecology regards the environment as a land mosaic, a mixture of natural and urban environment, which concerns a manageable human-scale environment across one or two human generations. Industrial ecology, on the other hand, goes beyond the traditional “end of pipe” idea of pollution control and learns from the ecosystem concept. The current paper is an attempt to reconcile these two fields as an integrated approach to the planning of industrial areas. Using a case study of Singapore’s Jurong Island industrial park, two fundamental issues behind the idea of landscape ecology and industrial ecology are raised. If raw materials, energy and by-products are more easily replaced or reused by technology and management, then research on industrial ecology and related knowledge will be crucial for developing natural resource substitution by innovative technology and new ways of environmental management. Where it is difficult to substitute natural resources, the skills of planning and managing natural resources will take priority over other strategies. In this situation, the knowledge of landscape ecology needs to be applied to the prediction, design and evaluation of ecologically optimum resource uses, patterns and processes in the mixture of natural, urban and industrial environment. A new concept, “nurtured landscape”, is proposed for mediating between the natural ecosystem and the urban/industrial environment. The nurtured landscape provides a basis for the development of new ecological technology using landscape to ameliorate the polluting effects of the urban/industrial neighbourhood. The planning of Singapore’s Jurong Island industrial park provides a test of applying the principles of landscape ecology and industrial ecology to the possible transformation of an industrial area.  相似文献   

Land-use planning is an important determinant for green space policy in cities. It defines land covers and hence the structure and function of urban ecosystems and the benefits these provide to humans, such as air purification, urban cooling, runoff mitigation, and recreation. The ecosystem service approach has helped to attract policy attention to these benefits but the concept remains poorly implemented in urban policy and governance. To address this gap, we advance a framework to bridge ecosystem services into policy processes through Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) as decision support tool. The paper is organized in three main parts. First, we conduct a systematic literature review to assess state-of-the-art knowledge on ecosystem service assessments through MCDA. Next, we build on insights from the literature review to develop the ‘ecosystem services policy-cycle’, a conceptual framework that merges the ‘ecosystem service cascade’ and ‘policy cycle’ models to reinforce the link between ecosystem service assessments and practical applications in urban policy and governance. Next, we illustrate the applicability of the proposed framework along an example about conflicting interests on land use and green space planning following the closure of the Airport Tempelhof in Berlin, Germany. Our results highlight the scope of MCDA as a decision support tool for integrating ecosystem service assessments in green space governance. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of different methodological choices in the use of MCDA in ecosystem service assessments and note that a key strength of this tool in informing green space policies lies in its capacity to accommodate conflicting stakeholder perspectives and to address trade-offs between ecological, social and economic values.  相似文献   

魏钰  雷光春 《自然资源学报》2019,34(9):1820-1832
自然保护事业已经进入人与自然和谐的综合保护阶段,突破传统生物群落保护的要素式思维,从生态特征、生态系统健康和自组织能力等视角系统实施生态系统完整性保护,已基本成为共识。中国经历了长期部门化割裂管理,在国家公园体制建设过程中开始由分散走向统一,要求将山水林田湖草作为生命共同体进行生态系统完整性保护。基于集合种群等空间生态学理论,提出国家公园生态系统完整性不仅意味着内部自然空间的完整,更需着眼国家生态安全的大局和自然保护地体系的战略布局。国家公园只有成为生态地理区的节点并辐射周边区域,有效平衡行政区域之间以及人与自然之间的关系,才能真正实现完整生态系统的长效保护。目前,国内既有研究在指导全域布局和平衡人地关系方面仍考虑不足,试点过程中还存在管理型技术方法欠缺、空间边界受限于行政边界、未能从全局着眼构建以国家公园为核心的生态系统完整性网络、未充分考虑差异化的人地关系等问题。未来需要着眼大局,有效平衡国家公园及其周边区域的关系、不同行政区域之间的关系、国家公园人与自然的关系,从而实现生态系统完整性的长效保护。  相似文献   

A market has emerged for carbon sequestered through reforestation. The opportunity to restore ecosystems through this market rather than establish plantations is demonstrated by an Australian case study. In the state of Queensland there are vast areas that have been cleared relatively recently and could be restored to ecosystems with high resilience and important biodiversity values with appropriate management. In order to foster opportunities for carbon accumulation through ecosystem recovery spatially explicit information on sequestration rates, management recommendations, and clear definitions of ancillary biodiversity benefits need to be defined.  相似文献   

Ecosystem risk is a new concept in understanding environmental problems. It is important to study and develop quantitative methods for regional ecosystem risk analysis. In this study, some new indicators and methods for measuring oasis ecosystem risk were established using reliability theory. These indicators are linked to water resource, which is the key restricting factor in arid area oasis ecosystems. They have clear meanings and can also be compared in different arid area oases. A case study in the Liangzhou oasis of the Shiyang River Basin in China shows how to calculate these ecosystem risk indicators. The results of the case study are as follows: the reliability indicator, risk indicator, stability indicator, and integrated loss indicator of the Liangzhou oasis are 0.686, 0.314, 0.743, and 0.301, respectively. This means that the reliability degree of the oasis's ecosystem safety is 68.6%; the degree of risk that it is unsafe is 31.4%; the stability degree is 74.3%; and 30.1% of the oasis's area is supported by over-exploiting underground water and damaging the lower reaches of the ecosystem. This result can be used as a guide in controlling and managing ecosystem risk in the research area.  相似文献   

In many countries, hydropower development is rapidly becoming a focus of green growth policies. This represents a significant opportunity for ecosystem services-based land management that integrates environmental and development goals to benefit the hydropower sector and support economic growth. In this study, we present an approach for targeting ecosystem-provision investment in hydropower catchments coupled with hydrologic modeling to quantify the benefits of soil and water conservation activities. We demonstrate the application of this approach in five hydropower facility catchments in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. The results show that there is a high potential for targeted soil and water conservation to increase sediment retention services that benefit hydropower facilities (up to a 44% reduction in sediment transported from uplands into streams), although this benefit is distributed non-uniformly across catchments and levels of investment. The extent to which services can be improved is strongly driven by current land use and management practices that impact how and where conservation activities can be located. Iterative use of the method described here, in a process of stakeholder engagement and capacity-building, enables policy makers to determine the optimal mix of land management strategies and budget allocation to maximize service improvements that support hydropower production.  相似文献   

海洋碳循环与海洋生态系统动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在讨论了目前海洋碳循环研究的现状和存在的问题基础上,分析了海洋生态系统动力学在海洋碳循环中的作用.早期的碳循环研究着重在无机碳循环,随着研究的深入,考虑简单生物地球化学过程甚至带显式生态系统的碳循环模式正在逐步发展.指出了碳循环研究的未来方向,除了要更加准确理解物理过程外,发展带显式生态系统的碳循环模式是一个重要的研究方向.为此,要研究生态系统动力学中的某些关键过程的参数化方法,确定一些重要的参数值.期望今后的模式可更加准确地用于研究海洋生态系统和碳循环对全球变化的响应.  相似文献   

Extensive green areas generate a recognizable green identity of Ljubljana. Due to the challenges of climate change and urbanization the city's spatial policy highlights revitalization of degraded urban areas, preserving the quality and scope of the existing green network and the protection of multifunctional natural areas surrounding the city. Article describes the project of Rakova Jelša Park as a good example of these policies. With an NGO initiative a former degraded area with illegal dumping and non-indigenous vegetation was transformed into recreational park with increased biocultural diversity. Important lesson of the project is that opening up space for public use not only prevents degradation, but also improves the quality of urban ecosystems. One of the challenges for the city's future sustainable ecosystem development will be a more active cooperation with its citizens in the green infrastructure policy and later also a partial transfer of responsibility for green areas to them.  相似文献   

典型海岛生态系统服务及价值评估   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
海洋生态系统服务评估相关研究主要集中在特殊海洋生态系统的评估方面.海岛生态系统兼有陆地和海洋的生态系统特征,生态系统组成、结构复杂,很多的服务表现为岛陆互相交错,难以分别计量.选择庙岛群岛南五岛作为研究区域,研究了其生态系统服务,并进行了价值评估.结果表明:2003年庙岛群岛南五岛生态系统服务总价值为3.08×108元.其中,市场价值占到总服务价值的50.99%,与非市场价值基本持平.对于非市场生态系统服务,如气候调节、废弃物处理等,我们仅计算了目前人们已经认识到和容易计算的生态系统服务部分.因此,该研究仅为对庙岛群岛南五岛生态系统服务价值的保守估算.  相似文献   

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