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The goal of this research was to evaluate the relative effects of root density, freeze/thaw cycling, and soil properties on the erodibility and critical shear stress of streambanks. The erodibility and critical shear stress of rooted bank soils were measured in situ at 25 field sites using a submerged jet test device; several soil, vegetation, and stream chemistry characteristics shown to influence soil erosion were also assessed. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine those factors that most influenced streambank erodibility and the relative impact of riparian vegetation. Study results indicated that soil erosion is a complex phenomenon that depends primarily on soil bulk density. Freeze/thaw cycling, soil antecedent moisture content, the density of roots with diameters of 2 to 20 mm, soil texture, and the interaction of soil pore water and stream water had a significant impact on soil erodibility and critical shear stress, depending on soil type. Riparian vegetation had multiple significant effects on soil erodibility. In addition to reducing soil erodibility through root reinforcement, the streamside vegetation affected soil moisture and altered the local microclimate, which in turn affected freeze/thaw cycling (FTC). This study represents the first in situ testing of the erodibility of vegetated streambanks and provides a quantitative analysis on the effects of vegetation on streambank erosion, relative to other soil physical and chemical parameters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The sampling of streams and estimation of total loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment play an important role in efforts to control the eutrophication of Lake Tahoe. We used a Monte Carlo procedure to test the precision and bias of four methods of calculating total constituent loads for nitrate‐nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorus, particulate phosphorus, total phosphorus, and suspended sediment in one major tributary of the lake. The methods tested were two forms of the Beale's Ratio Estimator, the Period Weighted Sample, and the Rating Curve. Intensive sampling in 1985 (a dry year) and 1986 (a wet year) provided a basis for estimating loads by the “worked record” method for comparison with estimates based on resampling actual data at the lower intensity that characterizes the present monitoring program. The results show that: (1) the Period Weighted Sample method was superior to the other methods for all constituents for 1985; and (2) for total phosphorus, particulate phosphorus, and suspended sediment, the Rating Curve gave the best results in 1986. Modification of the present sampling program and load calculation methods may be necessary to improve the precision and reduce the bias of estimates of total phosphorus loads in basin streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Few studies have addressed the natural pollution potential of pristine subalpine forested watersheds on a site-specific basis. Consequently, specific source and amounts of nutrient discharge to tributaries of the Tahoe Basin are difficult to identify. The sediment content and nitrate and ammonium levels in surface runoff from two soil types (Meeks and Umpa), four plot conditions (wooded natural and disturbed, open natural and disturbed), and three slopes (gentle, moderate, and steep) were studied using rainfall simulation that applied a 9 cm h1, 1-h event. A significant (P ≤ 0.005) two-way interaction between soil type and plot condition affected runoff nitrate concentration. Runoff from natural or disturbed open plots contained significantly (P = 0.05) greater nitrate than wooded plots. Peak concentrations of nitrate commonly occurred during early runoff, suggesting that peak nitrate discharge to Lake Tahoe tributaries can be expected during early runoff from snowmelt and summer precipitation events. The highest nitrate runoff concentration and 1-h cumulative loading from the 0.46 m2 plots were 6.7 mg L-1 (Umpa, open natural, 15–30 percent slope), and 0.7 mg (Umpa, open natural, ≥ 30 percent slope), respectively. Ammonium in surface runoff was generally below detection limits (≤ 0.05 μg L?1). No statistical relationship between runoff nitrate and sediment discharge was detected.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper evaluates the effects of watershed geometric representation (i.e., plane and channel representation) on runoff and sediment yield simulations in a semiarid rangeland watershed. A process based, spatially distributed runoff erosion model (KINEROS2) was used to explore four spatial representations of a 4.4 ha experimental watershed. The most complex representation included all 96 channel elements identifiable in the field. The least complex representation contained only five channel elements. It was concluded that oversimplified watershed representations greatly influence runoff and sediment yield simulations by inducing excessive infiltration on hillslopes and distorting runoff patterns and sediment fluxes. Runoff and sediment yield decrease systematically with decreasing complexity in watershed representation. However, less complex representations had less impact on runoff and sediment‐yield simulations for small rainfall events. This study concludes that the selection of the appropriate level of watershed representation can have important theoretical and practical implications on runoff and sediment yield modeling in semiarid environments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Natural rates of surface erosion on forested granitic soils in central Idaho were measured in 40 m2 bordered erosion plots over a period of four years. In addition, we measured a variety of site variables, soil properties, and summer rainstorm intensities in order to relate erosion rates to site attributes. Median winter erosion rates are approximately twice summer period rates, however mean summer rates are nearly twice winter rates because of infrequent high erosion caused by summer rainstorms. Regression equation models and regression tree models were constructed to explore relationships between erosion and factors that control erosion rates. Ground cover is the single factor that has the greatest influence on erosion rates during both summer and winter periods. Rainstorm intensity (erosivity index) strongly influences summer erosion rates, even on soils with high ground cover percentages. Few summer storms were of sufficient duration and intensity to cause rilling on the plots, and the data set was too small to elucidate differences in rill vs. interrill erosion. The regression tree models are relatively less biased than the regression equations developed, and explained 70 and 84 percent of the variability in summer and winter erosion rates, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Effects of long-term prescribed burning on infiltration and interrill erosion were assessed on two longleaf pine-bluestem sites in Louisiana. Treatments represented biennially-applied winter, spring, or summer burning on an upland sandy loam site for 20 years; and annual winter or spring, and biennial winter or spring burns on a bottomland silt loam site for 10 years, with unburned controls. Immediate effects of burning were a reduction in surface cover, exposing soil to raindrop impact. Burning the sandy loam site increased interrill erosion after winter and spring treatments, but produced no immediate changes in infiltration capacity or time to runoff irrespective of treatment season. Rapid recovery of under-story vegetation mitigated soil exposure. Biennial burning did not increase interrill erosion, or reduce infiltration capacity and time to runoff on the sandy loam site after 20 years. A complete herbaceous understory covered the silt loam site two years after treatment. Interrill erosion was not significantly increased, or infiltration capacity and time to runoff decreased on burning treatments than unburned controls on the silt loam site. Litter biomass was important in predicting interrill erosion. No surface cover condition could be linked to variability in infiltration capacity. This study provides evidence for the resiliency of a longleaf pine-bluestem association to prescribed burning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of Spatially Integrated Models for Phosphorus Loading and Erosion (SIMPLE) in predicting runoff volume, sediment loss, and phosphorus loading from two watersheds. The modeling system was applied to the 334 ha QOD subwatershed, part of the Owl Run watershed, located in Fauquier County, Virginia, and to the 2240 ha watershed, Battle Branch, located in Delaware County, Oklahoma. Simulation runs were conducted at cell and field scales, and simulation results were compared with observed data. Runoff volume and dissolved phosphorus loading were measured at the Battle Branch watershed. Runoff volume, sediment yield, and total phosphorus loading were measured at the QOD site. SIMPLE tended to underestimate runoff volumes during the dormant period, from November to March. The comparison between observed and predicted dissolved phosphorus showed better correlation than for observed and predicted total phosphorus loading. Cell level simulations provided similar estimates of runoff volume and phosphorus loading when compared to field level simulations for both watersheds. However, observed sediment yields better compared with the values predicted from the cell level simulation when compared to field level simulation. Finally, results of model evaluation indicated that SIMPLE's predictive ability is acceptable for screening applications but not for site-specific quantitative predictions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A rainfall simulator was used on runoff plots to study the effects of simulated canopy cover, trampling disturbance, and soil type on nil and interrill erosion. Sandy loam soil was more erodible than clay loam soil. Furthermore, the simulated canopy cover signffi-Soilfactorsrelatedtonil cantly influenced nil and interrill erosion. The effect of trampling on rill and interrill erosion varied with soil type (clay loam versus sandy loam) and erosion type (nh versus interrill erosion). On large plots, where both nil and internill erosion were involved, 30 percent trampling significantly increased soil loss. However, on small plots, 30 percent trampling significantly reduced interrill erosion.  相似文献   

The Truckee River heads in the Sierra Nevada at Lake Tahoe, and terminates in Pyramid Lake. During the 1969 water year, flow about 9 miles upstream from the mouth (974,000 acre-ft) was almost four times the long-term average, due mainly to heavy winter rains and spring snowmelt. A short period of low-altitude rainfall produced the highest concentrations of suspended sediment, whereas a much longer subsequent period of snowmelt yielded a much greater total quantity of material. The upper 90 percent of the basin yielded about 260 acre-feet (630,000 tons) of sediment at the Nixon gage, whereas an estimated 2,800 acre-feet (6.8 million tons) was contributed by erosion of about 200 acres of river bank below the gage. Solute content at the gage ranged from 80 to 450 mg/l, dominated by calcium, sodium, and bicarbonate, plus silica in the most dilute snowmelt and chloride in the most concentrated low flows. Solute load totaled about 130,000 tons, of which the principal constituents in Pyramid Lake-sodium plus equivalent bicarbonate and chloride-amounted to almost 40,000 tons. The total solute load during a year of average flow may be 45,000-55,000 tons, including 18,000-22,000 tons of principal lake constituents.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In 1998 and 1999, third‐order watersheds in high mature forest (HMF) and low mature forest (LMF) classes were selected along gradients of watershed storage within each of two hydrogeomorphic regions in the Lake Superior Basin to evaluate threshold effects of storage on hydrologic regimes and watershed exports. Differences were detected between regions (North and South Shore) for particulates, nutrients, and pH, with all but silica values higher for South Shore streams (p < 0.05). Mature forest effects were detected for turbidity, nutrients, color, and alkalinity, with higher values in the LMF watersheds, that is, watersheds with less that 50 percent mature forest cover. Dissolved N, ammonium, N:P, organic carbon, and color increased, while suspended solids, turbidity, and dissolved P decreased as a function of storage. Few two‐way interactions were detected between region and mature forest or watershed storage, thus threshold based classification schemes could be used to extrapolate effects across regions. Both regional differences in water quality and those associated with watershed attributes were more common for third‐order streams in the western Lake Superior drainage basin as compared with second‐order streams examined in an earlier study. Use of ecoregions alone as a basis for setting regional water quality criteria would have led to misinterpretation of reference condition and assessment of impacts in the Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Lake Chapala is the largest natural water body in Mexico and also one of the most important shallow lakes in Latin America. For the past several years it has suffered various environmental problems such as the upstream overuse of water, contamination, and sedimentation. For the past 10 years the lake has had less than 50 percent of its historical water level over the past century. No criteria are reported in the literature that establish a water storage volume that will guarantee water quality conditions necessary for the survival of the lake. After determining the behavior of total solids concentrations in relation to the variations in the lake's depth, we proposed a minimum water column height of 5.0 m, representing a storage volume of about 5,000 Mm3. This volume would result in the recommended water quality standards for total dissolved solids. Calculated distribution maps show that the total solids concentration in the lake has increased since the end of the 1970s. The solids are primarily concentrated in the eastern part of the lake, as a consequence of the high solids discharged from the Lerma River, its main tributary.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One hundred and sixty-two rainfall-induced soil erosion tests were conducted to assist in predicting soil loss and subsequent increase in total suspended solids leaving a highway construction site during a rainfall event. A rainfall simulator and a water flume were constructed for the tests. Soil shear strength, compressive strength, rainfall intensity, and soil bed slope were treated as variables during the experiments. The soil with a higher shear strength resisted soil erosion better than lower strength soils. Soil loss was nearly independent of shear strength at low rainfall intensity but at high intensities, the shear strength was more important in resisting soil loss. Lower soil loss can be expected for cohesive soils if the compressive strength is high.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Most hydrologic models require input parameters which represent the variability found across an entire landscape. The estimation of such parameters is very difficult, particularly on rangeland. Improved model parameter estimation procedures are needed which incorporate the small-scale and temporal variability found on rangeland. This study investigates the use of a surface soil classification scheme to partition the spatial variability in hydrologic and interrill erosion processes in a sagebrush plant community. Four distinct microsites were found to exist within the sagebrush coppice-dune dune-interspace complex. The microsites explained the majority of variation in hydrologic and interrill erosion response found on the site and were discernable based on readily available soil and vegetation information. The variability within each microsite was quite low and was not well correlated with soil and vegetation properties. The surface soil classification scheme defined in this study can be quite useful for defining sampling procedures, for understanding hydrologic and erosion processes, and for parameterizing hydrologic models for use on sagebrush range-land.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The dam impounding White Rock Lake was completed in 1910 to provide water for the City of Dallas. Since then, land use on the watershed has changed from entirely rural to over 77 percent urban. A model called SWRRB (Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins) was utilized to determine the effect of urbanization on water and sediment entering the lake. The simulation results show that, if urbanization had not occurred, then the annual surface runoff would be 135 mm rather than 151 mm and the annual sediment yield would be 4.4 t/ha rather than 4.1 t/ha. Also, the effect of urbanization on delivery ratios was shown and a positive linear correlation was found. Finally, the weather generator in SWRRB was utilized to estimate the loss of reservoir capacity until 2050 for three different land use management scenarios.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of a moving rainstorm on flood runoff characteristics were investigated. A flood hydrograph simulation model called “FH-Model” and a natural watershed were used. A hypothetical rainstorm of 50 years recurrence interval, 75 mm depth, and 4 hours duration was used to show the effects of velocity and direction of the moving rainstorm on the runoff characteristics. Compared with an equivalent stationary rainstorm (ESRS), the peak flow caused by a rainstorm moving in a downstream direction with a speed equal to channel velocity, V, was 27.5 percent higher and the peak flow caused by the same rainstorm moving in an upstream direction was 21.7 percent smaller. These percentages reduced to 10.5 percent and 8.6 percent for storms moving downstream and upstream, respectively, at three times the channel velocity, 3V. There were negligible differences in the time of peak, Tp between runoff caused by storms moving downstream and runoff produced by ESRS. However, Tp for a storm moving upstream at V velocity was 82 percent higher than that produced by ESRS, but was reduced to 27 percent higher when the storm velocity was 3V.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Simulated rainfall was used on experimental field plots to compare the effect of chemical fertilizer and sludge application on sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus in runoff from no-till and conventional tillage systems. Chemical fertilizer application under the no-till system resulted in the least amount of total N and P in surface runoff. However, sludge application under the no-till system resulted in the least amount of NO3-N and sediment in surface runoff. The worst water quality scenarios were observed when either sludge or chemical fertilizer were surface-applied under a conventional tillage system. Nitrogen losses from the conventional tillage system were minimized when sludge was incorporated into the soil. However, phosphorus and sediment yield from such a system were significantly higher when compared to phosphorus and sediment yield from the no-till system. The results from this study indicate that the use of sludge on agricultural land under a no-till system can be a viable alternative to chemical fertilizer for nitrogen and phosphorus control in runoff. A more cautious approach is recommended when the sludge is incorporated into the soil in a conventional tillage system because of potential for high sediment and phosphorus yield in surface runoff.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Control of runoff (reducing infiltration) and erosion at shallow land burials is necessary in order to assure environmentally safe disposal of low-level radioactive-waste and other waste products. This study evaluated the runoff and erosion response of two perennial grass species on simulated waste burial covers at Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). Rainfall simulations were applied to three plots covered by crested wheatgrass [Agropyron desertorum(Fischer ex Link) Shultes], three plots covered by streambank wheatgrass [Elymus lanceolatus(Scribner and Smith) Gould spp. lanceolaus], and one bare plot. Average total runoff for rainfall simulations in 1987, 1989, and 1990 was 42 percent greater on streambank wheatgrass plots than on crested wheatgrass plots. Average total soil loss for rainfall simulations in 1987 and 1990 was 105 percent greater on streambank wheatgrass plots than on crested wheatgrass plots. Total runoff and soil loss from natural rainfall and snowmelt events during 1987 were 25 and 105 percent greater, respectively, on streambank wheatgrass plots than on crested wheatgrass plots. Thus, crested wheatgrass appears to be better suited in revegetation of waste burial covers at INEEL than streambank wheatgrass due to its much lower erosion rate and only slightly higher infiltration rate (lower runoff rate).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) is designed to compute daily stream discharge using satellite snow cover data for a basin divided into elevation zones. For the Towanda Creek basin, a Pennsylvania watershed with relatively little relief, analysis of snow cover images revealed that both elevation and land use affected snow accumulation and melt on the landscape. The distribution of slope and aspect on the watershed was also considered; however, these landscape features were not well correlated with the available snow cover data. SRM streamflow predictions for 1990, 1993 and 1994 snowmelt seasons for the Towanda Creek basin using a combination of elevation and land use zones yielded more precise streamflow estimates than the use of standard elevation zones alone. The use of multiple-parameter zones worked best in non-rain-on-snow conditions such as in 1990 and 1994 seasons where melt was primarily driven by differences in solar radiation. For seasons with major rain-on-snow events such as 1993, only modest improvements were shown since melt was dominated by rainfall energy inputs, condensation and sensible heat convection. Availability of GIS coverages containing satellite snow cover data and other landscape attributes should permit similar reformulation of multiple-parameter watershed zones and improved SRM streamflow predictions on other basins.  相似文献   

: Chemical quality characteristics of the Illinois waterway covering a stretch of 270 river miles were monitored at approximately 10 mile intervals, during the period June to September of 1978 and 1979. A statistical method was used to define the interstation relationships for the chemical parameters. These mathematical models were used to predict the effects of Lake Michigan diversion. The mineral content of the mixed flow resulting from increased diversions are not likely to be altered drastically.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The relation between landscape characteristics and water chemistry on the Delmarva Peninsula can be determined through a principal-component analysis of basin characteristics. Two basin types were defined by factor scores: (1) well-drained basins, characterized by combinations of a low percentage of forest cover, a low percentage of poorly drained soil, and elevated channel slope; and (2) poorly drained basins, characterized by a combinations of an elevated percentage of forest cover, an elevated percentage of poorly drained soil, and low channel slopes. Results from base-flow sampling of 29 basins during spring 1991 indicate that water chemistry of the two basin types differ significantly. Concentrations of calcium, magnesium, potassium, alkalinity, chloride, and nitrate are elevated in well-drained basins, and specific conductance is elevated. Concentrations of aluminum, dissolved organic carbon, sodium, and silica are elevated in poorly drained basins whereas specific conductance is low. The chemical patterns found in well-drained basins can be attributed to the application of agricultural chemicals, and those in poorly drained basins can be attributed to ground-water flowpaths. These results indicate that basin types determined by a quantitative analysis of basin characteristics can be related statistically to differences in base-flow chemistry, and that the observed statistical differences can be related to major processes that affect water chemistry.  相似文献   

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