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The mechanisms of regulating worker reproduction in bumblebees were studied by direct behavioral observations and by measuring ovarian development and juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis rates in workers under different social conditions. Workers in the last stage of Bombus terrestris colony development (the competition phase) had the lowest ovarian development and JH biosynthesis rates. Callows introduced into colonies immediately after queen removal (dequeened colonies) demonstrated a significant increase in ovarian development before, but not during, the competition phase. These findings differ from the higher ovarian development in colonies during the competition phase predicted by the prevailing hypothesis that worker reproduction starts in response to a decrease in queen inhibition. Reproduction of callows housed with dominant workers in small queenless groups was inhibited as in queenright colonies. This suggests that the reduced ovarian development and JH biosynthesis rates observed in dequeened and normally developing colonies during the competition phase also reflect inhibition by dominant workers. Thus, two distinct stages of inhibition of reproduction seem to exist: (1) before the competition phase, when the queen slows down worker ovarian development and prevents oviposition; (2) during the competition phase, when dominant workers inhibit ovarian development of other workers. Between these stages there seems to be a temporal “window” of enhanced worker reproductive development. The queen's typical switch to haploid egg production was not associated with changes in worker ovarian development or JH biosynthesis rates. These findings suggest that regulation of worker reproduction in B. terrestris is not determined by simple changes in the queen's inhibition capacity or by the sex of offspring and that the worker's role is more important than previously believed. Received: 18 March 1998 / Accepted after revision: 18 July 1998  相似文献   

Endocrine analyses were used to investigate the well-known association between queen production and the onset of worker reproduction (termed the competition phase, CPh) in Bombus terrestris. Larvae that reached the age of 5 days before the CPh had a worker-like profile: low juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis rates and low JH hemolymph titers. In contrast, larvae that reached the age of 5 days during the CPh had a queen-like profile: high JH biosynthesis rates and high hemolymph JH levels. Larval fate could be manipulated by transplanting egg cells into host colonies with different social structures. There was a steep rise in JH production in larvae transplanted into colonies near or during the CPh. This indicates that during colony development, larvae switch from the ”worker developmental pathway” to the ”queen developmental pathway,” and that the switch is socially regulated. In small rearing groups, larvae reared with queens before the CPh developed into workers, whereas those reared with queens after the CPh developed into queens. Variation in worker type (naive or experienced) did not affect caste determination. Therefore, we hypothesize that queens produce a pheromone that directly inhibits queen differentiation by larvae. We also present two alternative scenarios that explain the timing of gyne production in B. terrestris, one based on ecological constraints and the other based on queen-worker competition. Received: 20 October 1999 / Received in revised form: 18 December 1999 / Accepted: 23 January 2000  相似文献   

Foraging activity in social insects should be regulated by colony nutritional status and food availability, such that both the emission of, and response to, recruitment signals depend on current conditions. Using fully automatic radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology to follow the foraging activity of tagged bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) during 16,000 foraging bouts, we tested whether the cue provided by stored food (the number of full honeypots) could modulate the response of workers to the recruitment pheromone signal. Artificial foraging pheromones were applied to colonies with varied levels of food reserves. The response to recruitment pheromones was stronger in colonies with low food, resulting in more workers becoming active and more foraging bouts being performed. In addition to previous reports showing that in colonies with low food successful foragers perform more excited runs during which they release recruitment pheromone and inactive workers are more prone to leave the nest following nectar influx, our results indicate that evolution has shaped a third pathway that modulates bumblebee foraging activity, thus preventing needless energy expenditure and exposure to risk when food stores are already high. This new feedback loop is intriguing since it involves context-dependent response to a signal. It highlights the integration of information from both forager-released pheromones (signal) and nutritional status (cue) that occurs within individual workers before making the decision to start foraging. Our results support the emerging view that responses to pheromones may be less hardwired than commonly acknowledged. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) are attracted to those particular inflorescences where other bees are already foraging, a process known as local enhancement. Here, we use a quantitative analysis of learning in a foraging task to illustrate that this attraction can lead bees to learn more quickly which flower species are rewarding if they forage in the company of experienced conspecifics. This effect can also be elicited by model bees, rather than live demonstrators. We also show that local enhancement in bumblebees most likely reflects a general attraction to conspecifics that is not limited to a foraging context. Based on the widespread occurrence of both local enhancement and associative learning in the invertebrates, we suggest that social influences on learning in this group may be more common than the current literature would suggest and that invertebrates may provide a useful model for understanding how learning processes based on social information evolve.  相似文献   

Summary Parasites of social insect workers can be transmitted within the colony to other, related host individuals or, alternatively, to unrelated workers of other colonies. Division of labour affects the probability of transmission, as young individuals often work inside the nest whereas older ones often leave the nest to forage. Therefore, the relative probabilities of transmission within-vs. between-nests is also affected by the delay between host infection and the shedding of propagules, i.e. the latent period of the parasite strain. We therefore hypothesized that strains of the flagellate parasite Crithidia bombi (Trypanosomatidae, Zoomastigophorea) infecting workers of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris (Hymenoptera, Apidae) could differ in their delays and coexist in a population. This would be the case if strains that are shed after a short time delay were more efficiently transmitted to other colony members, whereas strains with long delays were more efficiently transmitted to non-related workers in the population. We tested this hypothesis by experimentally varying time delay and by allowing transmission to either sister workers from the same nest or unrelated workers from other nests. Transmission of C. bombi was measured as the number of parasitic cells shed by the exposed workers after a standard period. The results showed that relatedness as such had no effect, but that delay and nest identity were highly significant effects to explain variation in transmission success. There was a significant interaction between nest identity and delay, such that bees of some colonies acted as efficient transmitters for C. bombi under short delays and vice versa. We discuss how division of labour may affect parasitism in social insects and, vice versa, how division of labour may be under selection from the effects of parasitism, using available evidence from the literature. Correspondence to: P. Schmid-Hempel  相似文献   

In many social insects, including bumblebees, the division of labor between workers relates to body size, but little is known about the factors influencing larval development and final size. We confirmed and extend the evidence that in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris the adult bee body size is positively correlated with colony age. We next performed cross-fostering experiments in which eggs were switched between incipient (before worker emergence) and later stage colonies with workers. The introduced eggs developed into adults similar in size to their unrelated nestmates and not to their same-age full sisters developing in their mother colony. Detailed observations revealed that brood tending by the queen decreases, but does not cease, in young colonies with workers. We next showed that both worker number and the queen presence influenced the final size of the developing brood, but only the queen influence was mediated by shortening developmental time. In colonies separated by a queen excluder, brood developmental time was shorter in the queenright compartment. These findings suggest that differences in body size are regulated by the brood interactions with the queen and workers, and not by factors inside the eggs that could vary along with colony development. Finally, we developed a model showing that the typical increase in worker number and the decrease in brood contact with the queen can account for the typical increase in body size. Similar self-organized social regulation of brood development may contribute to the optimization of growth and reproduction in additional social insects.  相似文献   

Animals use cues from a range of sensory modalities to discriminate stimuli and as predictors of reward. Whilst there is appreciable variation in the cognitive performance of animals, we know surprisingly little about the extent to which learning varies among individuals across different sensory modalities. Do individuals that are good at learning in one sensory modality also perform well in another (performance is correlated between modalities), or do individuals demonstrate specialisation in learning performance in one modality (trading-off performance between modalities)? We tested these hypotheses by examining the performance of 76 Bombus terrestris workers, from four colonies, in both an odour-and visual learning task. Olfactory learning was assessed using proboscis extension reflex (PER) conditioning and visual (colour) learning was examined using a well-established free-flying paradigm. Our results showed neither a correlation, nor a trade-off, in individual performance for learning tasks using different sensory modalities. However, there was considerable variation among workers within each colony in their performance in both learning tasks. This extent of interindividual variation in learning ability across sensory modalities could be adaptive for colonies dealing with changeable foraging conditions. There was also significant intercolony variation in final task performance level in the olfactory learning task, and both the strength and persistence of blue preference in the colour learning task. This is the first study to demonstrate variation in olfactory learning performance across multiple bumblebee colonies using PER conditioning, suggesting this is an effective paradigm for assessing associative olfactory learning performance both within and among colonies.  相似文献   

This study examines factors that affect foraging rate of free-flying bumblebees, Bombus terrestris, when collecting nectar, and also what factors determine whether they collect pollen or nectar. We show that nectar foraging rate (mass gathered per unit time) is positively correlated with worker size, in accordance with previous studies. It has been suggested that the greater foraging rate of large bees is due to their higher thermoregulatory capacity in cool conditions, but our data suggest that this is not so. Workers differing in size were not differentially affected by the weather. Regardless of size, naïve bees were poor foragers, often using more resources than they gathered. Foraging rate was not maximised until at least 30 trips had been made from the nest. Foraging rates were positively correlated with humidity, perhaps because nectar secretion rates were higher or evaporation of nectar lower at high humidity. Temperature, wind speed and cloud cover did not significantly influence foraging rate, within the summertime range that occurred during the study. Weather greatly influenced whether bees collected pollen or nectar. Pollen was preferably collected when it was warm, windy, and particularly when humidity was low; and preferably during the middle of the day. We suggest that bees collect pollen in dry conditions, and avoid collecting pollen when there is dew or rain-water droplets on the vegetation, which would make grooming pollen into the corbiculae difficult. Availability of sufficient dry days for pollen collection may be an important factor determining the success of bumblebee colonies.Communicated by M. Giurfa  相似文献   

In socially foraging animals, it is widely acknowledged that the position of an individual within the dominance hierarchy of the group has a large effect upon its foraging behaviour and energetic intake, where the intake of subordinates can be reduced through socially mediated interference. In this paper, we explore the effects of interference upon group dynamics and individual behaviour, using a spatially explicit individual-based model. Each individual follows a simple behavioural rule based upon its energetic reserves and the actions of its neighbours (where the rule is derived from game theory models). We show that dominant individuals should have larger energetic reserves than their subordinates, and the size of this difference increases when either food is scarce, the intensity of interference suffered by the subordinates increases, or the distance over which dominant individuals affect subordinates increases. Unlike previous models, the results presented in this paper about differences in reserves are not based upon prior assumptions of the effects of social hierarchy and energetic reserves upon predation risk, and emerge through nothing more than a reduction in energetic intake by the subordinates when dominants are present. Furthermore, we show that increasing interference intensity, food availability or the distance over which dominants have an effect also causes the difference in movement between ranks to increase (where subordinates move more than dominants), and the distance over which dominants have an effect changes the size of the groups that the different ranks are found in. These results are discussed in relation to previous studies of intra- and interspecific dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

In the annual bumblebee Bombus terrestris, the onset of queen-worker conflict over male production is seasonally and socially constrained. Workers will do better if they start to reproduce (the so-called competition phase) only after ascertaining that larvae are committed to gyne development but before the season ends because they gain more by rearing sister-gynes than their own sons. Here, we tested two nonmutually exclusive hypotheses as to what triggers the onset of worker reproduction: Workers can directly monitor larval development and/or workers eavesdrop on the queen signal that directs gyne development. Exposing workers to gyne larvae through a double mesh did not advance the competition phase compared to control colonies. However, when workers, but not the queen, were allowed contact with gyne larvae, both the competition phase and gyne production were advanced. Thus, while larvae do not emit a volatile pheromone that discloses their developmental route, the physical contact of workers with such larvae triggers early competition phase. However, workers exclusively exposed to worker larvae (colonies prevented from producing gyne larvae) started to reproduce at the same time as control colonies. Replacing the resident queen with an older queen (from gyne-rearing colonies) advanced the competition phase, irrespective of worker age. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that workers eavesdrop on the queen pheromones. This is adaptive because it allows workers a broader time-window for reproduction and thus to gain fitness from rearing both sister-gynes and sons before the season ends without affecting colony development.  相似文献   

Queen and worker Bombus terrestris have different optima for the timing of gyne production. Workers, being more related to their gyne-sisters than to their sons, should ascertain that gyne production has started before attempting to reproduce. Their optimal timing for gyne production will be as early as possible, while allowing sufficient ergonomic colony growth to support gyne rearing. Queen optimum, on the other hand, should be to postpone gyne production toward the end of colony life cycle, in order to minimize the time-window available for worker reproduction. Thus, the timing of gyne production may profoundly affect the outcome of queen–worker competition over male production. In this study we investigated some of the social correlates possibly affecting this timing. It was found that neither keeping colony size constant and as low as 20 workers, nor decreasing worker average age, influenced the onset of gyne production. To test the effect of queen age we created young colonies with old queens and vice versa. When colony social composition remained unchanged, in young colonies headed by old queens gynes were produced earlier than predicted, but in the inverse situation gyne production was not delayed. When colony social composition was completely standardized queen age had a decisive effect, indicating that the timing of gyne production is both under queen influence and affected by queen age. Furthermore, queens assess colony age from the time of first worker emergence rather than from their own first oviposition. In these experiments the factors affecting gyne production also affected the onset of queen–worker conflict for male production, suggesting that both are regulated by the same causal effect. Postponing gyne production as much as possible provides another mechanism, in addition to extensive oophagy, for the queen to outcompete her workers in male production.  相似文献   

Worker sterility in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris is conditional and is linked to the social development of the colony. Workers refrain from reproducing or overtly challenging the queen until gyne production has initiated, at the so-called competition point (CP). It is not known whether this behavior is hard-wired or workers show reproductive plasticity. It also remains unclear whether worker reproductive decision is under queen and/or worker control. In this study, we tested worker reproductive plasticity in an attempt to assess whether and under which conditions worker sterility/fertility are reversible. We introduced egg-laying workers into colonies with different social structures for 1 week then monitored their reproductive status. We revealed a remarkable reproductive plasticity in the introduced workers that was social-condition-dependent. In the presence of a pre-CP queen, the introduced workers reverted to sterility, whereas in the presence of a post-CP queen, such workers remained egg-layer. Reversion to sterility does not occur when direct contact with the queen is prevented, as the introduced workers remained egg-layer in the queenright colonies with a confined queen. Egg-laying workers that were introduced into queenless colonies mostly maintained their fertility regardless of colony social phase. This shows that worker transition from cooperative to selfish behavior is reversible depending on the social context.  相似文献   

The structure of dominance relationships among individuals in a population is known to influence their fitness, access to resources, risk of predation, and even energy budgets. Recent advances in global positioning system radio telemetry provide data to evaluate the influence of social relationships on population spatial structure and ranging tactics. Using current models of socio-ecology as a framework, we explore the spatial behaviors relating to the maintenance of transitive (i.e., linear) dominance hierarchies between elephant social groups despite the infrequent occurrence of contests over resources and lack of territorial behavior. Data collected from seven families of different rank demonstrate that dominant groups disproportionately use preferred habitats, limit their exposure to predation/conflict with humans by avoiding unprotected areas, and expend less energy than subordinate groups during the dry season. Hence, our data provide strong evidence of rank derived spatial partitioning in this migratory species. These behaviors, however, were not found during the wet season, indicating that spatial segregation of elephants is related to resource availability. Our results indicate the importance of protecting preexisting social mechanisms for mitigating the ecological impacts of high density in this species. This analysis provides an exemplar of how behavioral research in a socio-ecological framework can serve to identify factors salient to the persistence and management of at risk species or populations. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Little is known about maternal effects on post-weaning development, yet they may be important because maternal care could have long-term consequences only evident when offspring approach adulthood. We have assessed the effects of maternal age, current reproduction (presence of a kid of the year) and social rank on the body mass, horn length and social rank of 1- and 2-year-old mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus). Maternal reproductive status and social rank did not affect the mass or horn length of either yearlings or 2-year-olds. Maternal age was positively correlated with yearling body mass for males but not females. We could not detect any maternal age effects on body mass of 2-year-olds. Maternal age and spring forage quality were positively correlated with horn length of yearlings of both sexes, but not of 2-year-olds. Juvenile females showed compensatory growth in mass between 1 and 2 years of age, but males did not. Neither sex showed compensatory growth in horn length. None of the maternal characteristics we examined directly affected the social rank of juveniles, which increased with body mass. Social rank in female mountain goats seems to be established early in life and maintained to adulthood. By affecting yearling development, maternal age could affect the reproductive success of males.  相似文献   

The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH) suggests that dominance signals are costly because their development is controlled by testosterone, which is immunosuppressive. Signal control therefore links an increased disease risk with a high quality signal. The chest bib of the house sparrow, Passer domesticus, is a signal known to be related to dominance and under control of testosterone levels. We experimentally manipulated testosterone in male sparrows during the breeding season and again independently during the post-breeding period to test whether variation in levels of testosterone could cause variation in levels of immunocompetence. There was no effect of testosterone manipulation on the cell-mediated response of birds to phytohaemagglutinin injection, nor did testosterone levels appear to affect either white blood cell ratios or red blood cell counts. In contrast, both breeding season and post-breeding season testosterone levels had significant effects upon the humoral response of the birds to sheep red blood cell injections. However, whilst testosterone during the breeding season appeared to act immunosuppressively, the role of post-breeding levels is less clear. In concordance with a previous study, there was an indication that corticosterone is involved in mediating the immunosuppressive effects of testosterone. The strength of the secondary humoral response and the cell-mediated response were negatively related suggesting the possibility of a trade-off between the different arms of the immune system. These results provide some support for the ICHH as a mechanism promoting the evolution of costly badges of status, although the results question whether the immunosuppressive cost can be mediated by testosterone at the time of badge development.Communicated by W.A.Searcy  相似文献   

We examine the role of food resources on split sex ratios in Formica exsecta. Models of resource-based sex allocation predict that greater resources will cause an increase in the production of reproductive females (gynes) and an increase in overall size of offspring. We experimentally increased food resources for a subset of colonies in a polygynous population with a very male-biased sex ratio. This increase in food availability caused colonies that were male specialists the prior year to switch to female production. Overall, a significantly greater proportion of food-supplemented colonies produced gynes, compared to control colonies. Moreover, food-supplemented colonies produced significantly larger workers and males (but not gynes), compared to those produced by control colonies. There was, however, no significant difference in the numerical productivity of food-supplemented and control colonies. We also measured the natural association between colony sex specialization and proximity to conifers, which typically harbor honeydew-bearing aphids (an important natural food source). In line with the view that resources play an important role for determining sex ratios in social insects, we found that female-producing colonies were significantly closer to conifers than were male-producing colonies.  相似文献   

Social Hymenoptera are general models for the study of parent-offspring conflict over sex ratio, because queens and workers frequently have different reproductive optima. The ant Pheidole pallidula shows a split distribution of sex ratios with most of the colonies producing reproductives of a single sex. Sex ratio specialization is tightly associated with the breeding system, with single-queen (monogynous) colonies producing male-biased brood and multiple-queen (polygynous) colonies female-biased brood. Here, we show that this sex specialization is primarily determined by the queens influence over colony sex ratio. Queens from monogynous colonies produce a significantly more male-biased primary sex ratio than queens from polygynous colonies. Moreover, queens from monogynous colonies produce a significantly lower proportion of diploid eggs that develop into queens and this is associated with lower rate of juvenile hormone (JH) production compared to queens from polygynous colonies. These results indicate that queens regulate colony sex ratio in two complementary ways: by determining the proportion of female eggs laid and by hormonally biasing the development of female eggs into either a worker or reproductive form. This is the first time that such a dual system of queen influence over colony sex ratio is identified in an ant.  相似文献   

The process of moult in birds requires the investment of substantial amounts of energy and nutrients in feather production and attendant processes. Flight performance may be reduced during the moult of the wing feathers, and moulting birds may suffer from an increased predation risk. These factors may explain why the moult is usually separated in time from other energetically demanding processes, such as reproduction. In this study, we investigated the importance of the temporal separation of moult from breeding activities in the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. We induced a moult-breeding overlap by removing the two innermost primaries on both wings, thus imitating the natural loss of these feathers during the initial stage of the moult. The experiment probably did not stimulate feather regrowth, but may have reduced flight performance. Just before fledging of the young, manipulated males and females, as well as the fledglings, had a lower body condition than control birds. The return rate of adult males in the year following the manipulation was significantly lower for males in the manipulated group than for control males. The return rate of females was lower than that of males, but there was no difference between the two female groups. The number of nestlings recruited in the year after the manipulation was significantly lower for the group with an induced moult-breeding overlap than for the control group. The reproductive performance in recruited and returning old females was independent of the manipulation, and in returning adults and recruits the feather quality in terms of number of barbs/mm was independent of the manipulation. These results suggest that a moult-breeding overlap induces fitness costs in terms of reduced recruitment rate and adult survival in a long-distance migrant. Received: 17 September 1997 / Accepted after revision: 23 February 1998  相似文献   

A key question of evolutionary importance is what factors influence who becomes dominant. Individual genetic variation has been found to be associated with several fitness traits, including behaviour. Could it also be a factor influencing social dominance? We investigated the association between social status and the amount of intra-individual genetic variation in juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta). Genetic variation was estimated using 12 microsatellite loci. Dominant individuals had higher mean heterozygosity than subordinates in populations with the longest hatchery background. Heterozygosity–heterozygosity correlations did not find any evidence of inbreeding; however, single-locus analysis revealed four loci that each individually differed significantly between dominant and subordinate fish, thus giving more support to local than general effect as the mechanism behind the observed association between genetic diversity and a fitness-associated trait. We did not find any significant relation between mean d 2 and social status, or internal relatedness and social status. Our results suggest that individual genetic variation can influence dominance relations, but manifestation of this phenomenon may depend on the genetic background of the population.  相似文献   

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