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经济的高速发展不只是为社会带来了便利,也无形中增加了水资源消耗的速率与水环境污染的负担。自“十三五”以来,为提高断面水环境质量、提升整体水质环境,各省市相继出台了水环境提升、水污染防治以及生态补偿政策。南京市江宁区顺应中央要求并结合自身特点,积极制定并实施了断面生态补偿工作方案,建立了由考核指标、补偿方式、核算方法、补偿标准组成的成套断面生态补偿考核系统。明确了补偿标准机制、补偿责任分配以及补偿资金使用等关键问题。为推进江宁区断面水质达标工作与水环境提升的总体目标奠定了夯实的基础。  相似文献   

为推动建立生态补偿机制,完善环境经济政策,促进生态环境保护,国家环保总局近日印发《关于开展生态补偿试点工作的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》),将在4个领域开展生态补偿试点。生态补偿机制是调整生态环境保护和建设相关各方之间利益关系的重要环境经济政策。建立生态补偿机制是贯彻落实科学发展观的重要举措,是落实新时期环保工作任务的迫切要求。  相似文献   

<正>山东省在全国率先出台燃煤机组(锅炉)超低排放财政补助政策,将改造后燃煤机组(锅炉)的二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟粉尘等污染物减排量作为资金测算因素,对已完成燃煤机组(锅炉)超低排放改造,且通过环保部门减排效益审核的电力企业予以奖补。目前,首批奖补资金1.4亿元已  相似文献   

排污收费制度是根据“污染者负担”的原则制定的,排污收费运用价值规律的理论和体现经济利益的机制,强化环境管理,促进企业防治污染的一个独特的制度,是我国环境保护工作的一项重要的经济政策。征收的排污费纳入预算内,作为环境保护补助资金,按专项资金管理,实行专款专用,目前已成为治理污染最可靠的一条资金渠道,有力地促进了污染源的治理,对保护和改善环境起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

正确处理发展经济和维持生态平衡的关系是经济建设中的一件大事。本书根据这个宗旨由杭州大学生物系诸葛阳教授编著。内容分十二章,即生态学概述;生物与环境关系;种群和群落;生态系统的结构与功能;维护自然的生态平衡;森林的生态效益;生物资源的保护和利用;自然保护区的建设;海岛的生态特点和开发利用;环境污染与防治原则;有害动物的综合防治;环境管理的生态学基础。  相似文献   

生态补偿机制要素、系统结构与概念模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统解析生态补偿机制概念的基础上,深入探讨了生态补偿机制的主体、对象、方式、标准、法律与政策等基本要素和系统结构,构建了包括补偿主体子系统、补偿对象子系统、补偿操作子系统和补偿保障子系统的生态补偿机制概念模型,该模型描述了生态补偿机制的自身运行方式和各个子系统之间的作用关系,最后指出科学构建和成功实践生态补偿机制亟待解决的若干核心问题和难点问题.  相似文献   

中国流域生态补偿制度的法律思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了流域生态现状,指出了流域生态危机的严重性和完善流域生态补偿法律制度的迫切性,叙述了流域生态补偿制度建立的理论基础(即生态资本理论、公共产品理论和外部效应理论),在对中国现有流域生态补偿政策和法律规定分析的基础上,指出了中国现有流域生态补偿法律制度存在的缺陷,从流域生态补偿金、补偿对象、补偿标准和补偿方式方面提出了建议.  相似文献   

关于浙江省排污权交易模式构建的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年浙江省被确定为中国第3个排污权交易试点省,其排污权交易试点工作也随之进入实质性阶段。从浙江省已开展排污权交易试点工作、并取得一定成效的嘉兴市和绍兴市出发,分析了其排污权交易模式的特点,探讨了2种模式对浙江省排污权交易模式构建的启示,并提出了浙江省排污权交易模式构建的建议。  相似文献   

森林碳汇减排项目现状及前景分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对森林碳汇发展背景的概述,分析了国际、国内森林碳汇项目开发现状,深入剖析了森林碳汇项目发展的制约因素和存在风险,并对森林碳汇项目的发展前景进行了展望,通过森林碳汇交易市场可以实现全球范围成本低、效益好的CO2减排效果,为实现全球环境、经济与社会的可持续发展创造条件.  相似文献   

中国目前关于森林犯罪的《刑法》规定已不适合日益严重的森林资源破坏现状。通过与巴西森林犯罪刑法规定的比较,分析了两国对于林种的区别保护、林业犯罪类罪名、犯罪主体、森林犯罪所得物的处理方式、犯罪成立标准的不同规定,总结出中国《刑法》应该将森林作为一个生态系统进行保护,对不同林种进行不同保护,并将森林犯罪的所得物捐献给学校、医院等公共服务机构,以及删除森林犯罪中"数量较大、情节严重"的规定,把部分森林犯罪由原来的侵害犯转为危险犯。  相似文献   

中国电子废物回收处理体系的生态效率分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用生态效率分析方法,以废弃台式电脑电源为例,对电子废物回收处理体系的2种不同策略进行模拟与比较,以探索适合我国国情的电子废物回收处理模式。其中环境效应的评价采用生命周期评价方法,经济价值采用生命周期成本分析方法。结果表明,以人力收集与人工拆解、元件再利用为特点的电子废物回收处理策略的生态效率要优于以机动车辆运输与破碎、分选处理相结合的策略。从生命周期阶段看,人力收集运输相比机动车辆收集运输模式,并不存在明显优势。但在处理处置阶段,人工拆解与元件再利用的模式生态效率更高。综合考虑,建议在收集运输阶段应鼓励发展高效合理的机动车辆收集运输模式,在处理处置阶段应更多支持人工拆解与元件再利用的模式。  相似文献   

消毒剂和溶解氧对管网铁释放影响的中试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对南水北调中线水源地丹江口水库水调入受水区城市后,可能引起管网铁腐蚀产物释放的问题,从北方某受水区城市的实际管网中挖取了原通地下水的3个地点的铸铁管道,在丹江口搭建了中试模拟系统,开展水源切换以及消毒剂和溶解氧对管网铁释放影响的中试研究。结果表明,实验管道管垢较薄且稳定性较差,在水源切换初期有"黄水"现象发生;增加进水硫酸根浓度,管网系统出水总铁浓度和浊度均有所增加;在0.3~3.6 mg/L的范围内改变进水自由氯浓度对实验系统铁释放的影响没有明显的规律;但进水氯胺浓度从1.3 mg/L增加到2.0 mg/L时,YS系统的铁释放有所升高;进水溶解氧浓度从8 mg/L增加到15 mg/L时,实验系统的铁释放都有明显的降低,但再增加到20 mg/L时,铁释放反而有所升高。  相似文献   

International concern over deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon motivated the G-7 to initiate a Pilot Programme for this region in 1990. It was based on a positive assessment of the changes in Brazilian environmental policy. The preparations for the programme and the implementation of its projects met with considerable difficulties. These included domestic opposition to environmental regulation and to international interest for the Amazon, declining commitment to the environmental issue after UNCED, both nationally and internationally, and weak financial and institutional capacity of environmental agencies. However, by proceeding cautiously, representatives of the Brazilian government, the World Bank, donors and NGOs have succeeded in achieving some progress. The Pilot Programme for the Brazilian Amazon clearly illustrates the complexities of the regulation process, particularly in the case of international interest in reducing a primarily nationally induced environmental problem.  相似文献   

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently sponsored the New England Forecasting Pilot Program to serve as a "test bed" for chemical forecasting by providing all of the elements of a National Air Quality Forecasting System, including the development and implementation of an evaluation protocol. This Pilot Program enlisted three regional-scale air quality models, serving as prototypes, to forecast ozone (O3) concentrations across the northeastern United States during the summer of 2002. A suite of statistical metrics was identified as part of the protocol that facilitated evaluation of both discrete forecasts (observed versus modeled concentrations) and categorical forecasts (observed versus modeled exceedances/nonexceedances) for both the maximum 1-hr (125 ppb) and 8-hr (85 ppb) forecasts produced by each of the models. Implementation of the evaluation protocol took place during a 25-day period (August 5-29), utilizing hourly O3 concentration data obtained from over 450 monitors from the U.S. Environment Protection Agency's Air Quality System network.  相似文献   


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently sponsored the New England Forecasting Pilot Program to serve as a “test bed” for chemical forecasting by providing all of the elements of a National Air Quality Forecasting System, including the development and implementation of an evaluation protocol. This Pilot Program enlisted three regional-scale air quality models, serving as prototypes, to forecast ozone (O3) concentrations across the northeastern United States during the summer of 2002. A suite of statistical metrics was identified as part of the protocol that facilitated evaluation of both discrete forecasts (observed versus modeled concentrations) and categorical forecasts (observed versus modeled exceedances/nonexceedances) for both the maximum 1-hr (125 ppb) and 8-hr (85 ppb) forecasts produced by each of the models. Implementation of the evaluation protocol took place during a 25-day period (August 5–29), utilizing hourly O3 concentration data obtained from over 450 monitors from the U.S. Environment Protection Agency’s Air Quality System network.  相似文献   

The NATO Council has in November, 1979, on the occasion of its autumn session, consented to the final report of the Pilot Study “Air Pollution Assessment Methodology and Modeling” which had been proposed by the Federal Republic of Germany and approved by NATO/CCMS in May, 1976. The recommendations on measures for air pollution control in the NATO member countries contained in the Final Report were adopted unanimously.  相似文献   

The problem of contamination to land and groundwater from improper handling of hazardous materials/ waste is faced by all countries. Also, the need for reliable, cost-effective technologies to address this problem at contaminated sites exists throughout the world. Many countries have only started to develop new innovative/ alternative technologies while others have already started to apply these technologies to the cleanup of contaminated sites. The purpose of this NATO/ CCMS (North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Committee for the Challenges to Modern Society) Pilot Study is to discuss and evaluate new innovative/alternative technologies and/or existing systems that may be applicable to the cleanup of contaminated sites. Through this pilot study, the exchange of information on new and existing technologies for dealing with problem hazardous waste sites is promoted. The pilot study is made up of an international group of experts drawn from the participating countries. The study, which was initiated in 1986, is planned to last five years. It is piloted by the United States and copiloted by the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and The Netherlands.

This report includes an overview and history of the NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, but it primarily presents a documentation of the NATO/CCMS Second International Conference on the Demonstration of Remedial Action Technologies for Contaminated Land and Groundwater held in Bilthoven, The Netherlands on November 7-11,1988.  相似文献   

A review of the methodology used in the development and implementation of a comprehensive emission inventory survey with emphasis on manufacturing plants. This inventory, a major goal in the Dynamic Air Resource Management Program for the City of Chicago, is a principal objective of a Five-Year Technical Assistance Agreement with the United States Public Health Service, Division of Air Pollution and Chicago’s Department of Air Pollution Control. Information obtained through a 75 percent response from a questionnaire mailed to 7312 manufacturing firms provided the basis for this inventory. Data on the delinquent firms was obtained from on-site evaluation by department engineers. This report will also cover computer processing and tabulation of survey data.  相似文献   

NID半干法脱硫灰生产蒸压砖中试实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现NID半干法脱硫灰综合利用,对利用吉林某电厂NID半干法脱硫灰作为主要原料在现有生产线生产蒸压砖进行研究,中试实验结果表明,在对现有生产线的各工艺参数进行调整及配方优化下,可以解决直接利用NID半干法脱硫灰为蒸压砖主要原材料所产生的诸如层裂、龟裂、强度低等问题,生产出30%NID半干法脱硫灰添加量的蒸压砖。并在对NID半干法脱硫灰进一步预处理下,生产出40%NID半干法脱硫灰添加量的蒸压砖。产品满足国家M15标准规定的外观、强度及抗冻融性等指标。  相似文献   

Along the coast of South Africa, marine resources play a significant role in supporting livelihoods and contributing to food security in impoverished rural communities. Post-apartheid fisheries laws and policies have begun to address traditional fishing rights and development needs, and new management arrangements are being implemented. One such initiative has been the Mussel Rehabilitation Project in Coffee Bay, which piloted a resource rehabilitation technique at several over-exploited fishing sites. Mussel stocks in these exploited areas had dropped to under 1 % mussel cover, and during the project period, stocks increased to >80 % cover, supporting a sustainable harvest well above national daily bag limits. This stock enhancement was achieved only after the project had started to address social challenges such as the lack of local management institutions and the need to enhance food security. The project embarked on training and institution-building; it formed a robust community mussel management committee; and developed a local resource management plan, facilitating increased community participation in the day-to-day management of the resource. The project also saw the initiation of various ancillary projects aimed at improving food security and stimulating the local economy and hence alleviating pressure on the marine resources. Here we review this 10-year project’s outcomes, and present lessons for small-scale fisheries governance in South Africa and internationally. We show, through empirical experience, that balancing stock rebuilding needs in a context of widespread poverty and dependency on natural resources by a local fisher community can only be addressed through an integrated approach to development. Participation of resource users and a thorough understanding of the local context are imperative to negotiating appropriate small-scale fisheries governance approaches. We recommend that the implementation of South Africa’s newly minted Small-Scale Fisheries Policy should begin with bottom-up, demonstrative resource management measures such as mussel rehabilitation. This type of initiative can deliver short-term food security benefits and foster social learning towards sustainable and cooperative fisheries governance.  相似文献   

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