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Samples of ASTM type A jet fuel were analyzed for trace element content by instrumental neutron activation techniques. Forty-nine elements were sought. Only ten, aluminum, gold, indium, lanthanum, titanium, vanadium, barium, dysprosium, tellurium, and uranium, were observed at levels above the detection limits encountered; of these only aluminum, titanium, and barium were present at concentrations greater than 0.1 ppm. Estimates of exhaust gas. concentrations are made, and the ambient contribution at or near airports is calculated by using the Los Angeles International Airport dispersion model. It is shown that the ambient contribution is about an order of magnitude below typical urban levels for virtually all elements sought.  相似文献   

Analysis of vertical temperature soundings at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) shows that a conservative height of the inversion base for pollutant containment purposes is 490 ft (150 m). This altitude is considerably less than the 3000 ft (914 m) pollution containment altitude assumed by the EPA in preparing their emission inventory for the airport. (Figure 1.) After correcting the EPA emission inventory to reflect a real world inversion height, the emission inventory for aircraft at Los Angeles International Airport is estimated to be approximately 50% less. Aircraft thus become a less significant pollution source and consideration should be given to relaxing engine emission control requirements accordingly.

This paper examines current emission control philosophy, which according to the EPA should be based upon the significance of the particular polluting source. The problem of accounting for above ground aircraft emissions is then considered. Daily inversion height data are then used to determine a realistic vertical containment altitude for aircraft emissions. Problems in obtaining good inversion data are described. Finally, aircraft emissions at Los Angeles International Airport are adjusted to reflect real world inversion conditions on those days when the inversion height is low enough to influence significantly air pollution levels. Recommendations are made for additional research leading to possible change to NOx emission control requirements for aircraft.  相似文献   

Information presented in this paper is directed to individuals concerned with emissions from combustion of waste crankcase oil for space heating. Studies were performed to characterize gaseous and particulate emissions and vaporizing pot solid residues resulting from the combustion of waste crankcase oil. Two types of waste oil burners were tested. One was a vaporizing oil burner rated at 35.2 kW (120,000 Btu/h heat input), and the other was an air atomizing oil burner rated at 73.3 kW (250,000 Btu/h heat input). Except for NOX and SOX, gaseous emissions were similar to those from conventional distillate oil combustion. NOX and SOX emissions were higher due to higher fuel nitrogen and sulfur concentrations. Waste oil from automotive use showed higher inorganic levels than crankcase oil used for truck engine lubrication. Both burner types discharged high levels of metallic species, but the air atomizing unit had much higher stack emission levels than did the vaporizing pot system. Also, particulate loading levels were an order of magnitude higher for the air atomizing burner than for the vaporizing pot burner when firing the waste oils. However, the vaporizing pot burner generated a waste residue containing the majority of its elemental emissions. Elements which exceeded threshold limit values for one or both heaters were cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, nickel, phosphorus, and zinc. However, the nickel and much of chromium appeared to be a sampling artifact caused by the stainless steel sampling system.  相似文献   

An addition of additives to fuel oils prior to combustion is one way of reducing combustible contaminant emissions to the outer air. Reported test results show that some additives improve, moderately, the combustive properties of fuel oils. Combustion is also improved but to a lesser degree, in boiler systems that are deficient in operation and design. Being combustible, polynuclear hydrocarbons emissions would be reduced by use of additives. Other types of additives to reduce slagging and inhibit corrosion from combustion of fuel oils are also available. The cost of using additives is low. Improved additives are required, especially ones to better combustion in the deficient boiler systems. These can be found by research and literature surveys. Their effectiveness and nontoxicity would be confirmed by laboratory and field testing.  相似文献   

This paper is directed to those concerned with the air environment and its degradation by the burden of pollution from jet aircraft operations. A summary is presented of the results of a comprehensive air pollution study of jet aircraft operations at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Included in the data obtained from this study are jet engine exhaust measurements for currently used turboprop, turbojet and turbofan engines; measurements of specific contaminants in the atmosphere inside and outside of passenger terminals and ticketing areas, and in aircraft cabins during ground operations including passenger loading and taxiing prior to takeoff; also presented are ambient air measurements in a two-mile radius of the airport. An evaluation is made of the emissions of contaminants from air transport operations and all related ground activities including motor vehicles, that contribute to the total atmospheric contaminant burden at the airport.  相似文献   

The Public Health Service and the Bureau of Mines are conducting a joint study to evaluate a number of flue-gas-stream components from coal-burning power plants. Emissions of fly ash, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, polynuclear hydrocarbons, total gaseous hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, certain metals, and carbon dioxide are determined. A previous paper covered air pollutant emissions from vertical-fired and front-wall-fired power plant boilers. This paper includes a comparative evaluation of emissions from a tangential-fired and a turbo-fired power plant boiler.  相似文献   

Since the early seventies, hospital waste incineration has been an ever increasing issue in Alberta because of the emissions of particles, hydrochloric acid and chlorine which result from burning plastic-rich hospital waste. These stack emissions were measured from various hospital incinerators in the Province of Alberta and most were found to be above the standards adopted by the Alberta Department of Environment. Compliance with particulate and HC1 emission standards are mandatory in order to receive final approval for a hospital incinerator in Alberta. Adequate control measures are available to meet Alberta Environment requirements for hospital incinerator emissions.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental, domestic-sized, oil-fired furnace to be used for evaluation of fuel additives and equipment design modifications in reducing air pollutant emissions. Operating data and emissions of particulate matter, smoke, carbon monoxide, gaseous hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen, and oxides of sulfur are reported over the range of operable air-fuel ratio. Emission levels are interpreted in terms of key operating parameters and potential areas for reduction of emissions.  相似文献   


Emissions from municipal sewers are usually omitted from hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emission inventories. This omission may result from a lack of appreciation for the potential emission impact and/or from inadequate emission estimation procedures. This paper presents an analysis and comparison of the models available to estimate volatile organic HAP (VOHAP) emissions from sewers. Comparisons were made between the different theoretical foundations of the models, as well as between the emissions predicted by the models for a single sewer component. Sewer gas concentrations predicted by the models were also compared to measured sewer gas concentrations reported in the literature. Two of the models were compared in their ability to estimate sewer VOHAP emissions for a large U. S. city using National Pollution Discharge Effluent System data for the influent wastewater to the city's municipal wastewater treatment facilities. This estimate showed that, regardless of the model used, sewer emissions are a potentially significant source of VOHAP emissions in the urban environment. The choice of model, however, is thought to be less critical to sewer emission estimates than the source of sewer wastewater VOHAP concentration data.  相似文献   

The Interstate Air Pollution Study of the St. Louis-East St. Louis Metropolitan Area, conducted in 1963–1964, provided data for this report of air pollutant emissions related to three land-use categories: (1) residential, (2) institutional and commercial, and (3) industrial. A fourth land-use category, transportation and open space, is included in some calculations. The sources of pollutants considered are: (1) power generation, both electric utilities and industrial, (2) fuels used for space heating, (3) solid waste disposal, and (4) industrial processes. The pollutant emissions considered are particulates and sulfur oxides. Cumulative frequency distributions given are based on acres of land use and corresponding emissions per unit area. These frequency distributions—actual emission conditions that can be related to known air quality levels—provide a basis for performance standards and a guide for planners and others in future city developments, not only in St. Louis but in other similar cities as well. A suggested method for determining a different type performance zoning standard is presented. This standard is based on average conditions and thus would supplement, not replace, standards based on maximum allowable emissions. Calculations for such standards relating to St. Louis are presented.  相似文献   

A new complex source microcomputer model has been developed for use at civil airports and Air Force bases. This paper describes both the key features of this model and its application in evaluating the air quality impact of new construction projects at three airports: one in the United States and two in Canada.

The single EDMS model replaces the numerous models previously required to assess the air quality impact of pollution sources at airports. EDMS also employs a commercial data base to reduce the time and manpower required to accurately assess and document the air quality impact of airfield operations.

On July 20, 1993, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the final rule (Federal Register, 7/20/93, page 38816) to add new models to the Guideline on Air Quality Models. At that time EDMS was incorporated into the Guideline as an Appendix A model.  相似文献   


Airborne fine particle sulfur data from the summer intensive of Project MOHAVE (Measurement of Haze and Visual Effects) was analyzed by the Receptor Model Applied to Patterns in Space (RMAPS) model, a novel multivariate receptor-oriented model that applies to secondary and primary species. The sulfur data from 17 sites were found to be well predicted by three spatial patterns interpreted as sources along the valley of the Colorado River; transport from sources located to the southwest; and transport from sources located to the southeast. The model was tested by using parameters derived from the 17-site data set to apportion sulfur for six sites that were not part of the original data set. The sulfur apportionment for these six sites was in agreement with the original apportionment and the physical interpretation of the spatial patterns given above. The effects of systematic and random error on the sulfur apportionment were estimated. The amount of sulfur associated with the Colorado River valley sources was rather insensitive to both types of error. For the two sites in the Grand Canyon National Park, the fraction of total particulate sulfur from the Colorado River valley source is estimated to be in the range of 27-65% at Meadview and 11-28% at Hopi Point.  相似文献   

Data on visits to New York City metropolitan area hospital emergency rooms for asthmatic attacks were analyzed to identify asthma “events”: days when the number of such visits was unusually high. In the fall season such days tended to occur simultaneously at all hospitals of the study, and thus can be plausibly associated with some environmental agent acting simultaneously throughout the city. Data on sulfur dioxide and particulate concentrations from the 40-station New York City Aerometric Network were used as pollution measures, and a search for a relationship between asthma “events” and air pollution levels on the same day and on the preceding day was made using standard statistical techniques. No relationship was found.  相似文献   

Steel production from electric arc furnaces has been continuously rising over the past few years. The trend is expected to continue due to both the anticipated increase in demand for steel, and to the replacement of obsolete open hearth furnaces. In 1972 steel produced in electric arc furnaces, which makes up 25 to 30% of the annual United States steel production, was produced primarily from recycled scrap steel in approximately 300 electric arc furnaces operated by 99 companies at 121 locations.1 Over half of these furnaces are smaller than 50 tons, and many are located in small bar mills producing a variety of merchant steel products.  相似文献   


Biofiltration of periodically fluctuating concentrations of an α-pinene-laden waste gas was investigated to treat both high-frequency and low-frequency fluctuations. The effects of periodic concentration fluctuations on biofilter performance were measured. Controlled variables of periodic operation included cycle period and amplitude. The cycle period ranged from 10 min to 6 days, with the inlet α-pinene concentration fluctuating between 0 and 100 parts per million volume. At high-frequency concentration cycling (i.e., on the order of minutes), both cyclic and constant concentration biofilters maintained similar long-term performance with an average removal efficiency of 77% at an averaged loading rate of 29 g α-pinene/m3 bed/hr. A first approximation suggests kinetics that are time-independent, indicating that steady-state data can be used to predict transient behavior at this time scale. Cyclic biofilter operation with a cycle period of 24 hr (with equal on/off time) was achievable for biofilters without a significant loss in performance. At longer time scales, cyclic biofilter performance decreased at the restart of the ON cycle. The recovery time to previous levels of performance increased with increasing cycle period; the recovery time was less than 1 hr for a cycle period of 24 hr and between 6 and 8 hr for a cycle period of 6 days.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are toxic carcinogens so their reductions in diesel-engine emissions are desirable. This study investigated emissions of carbonyl compounds (CBCs) from an HDDE (heavy-duty diesel engine) at US transient cycle test, using five test fuels: premium diesel fuel (D100), P100 (100% palm-biodiesel), P20 (20% palm-biodiesel + 80% premium diesel fuel), PF80P20 (80% paraffinic fuel + 20% palm-biodiesel), and PF95P05 (95% paraffinic fuel + 5% palm-biodiesel). Experimental results indicate that formaldehyde was the major carbonyl in the exhaust, accounting for 70.1–76.2% of total CBC concentrations for all test fuels. In comparison with D100 (172 mg BHP?1 h?1), the reductions of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde emission factor for P100, P20, PF80P20, and PF95P05 were (?16.8%, ?61.8%), (?10.0%, ?39.0%), (21.3%, 1.10%), and (31.1%, 19.5%), respectively. Using P100 and P20 instead of D100 in the HDDE increased CBC concentrations by 14.5% and 3.28%, respectively, but using PF80P20 and PF95P05 significantly reduced CBC concentrations by 30.3% and 23.7%, respectively. Using P100 and P20 instead of D100 (2867 ton yr?1) in the HDDE increased CBC emissions by 240 and 224 ton yr?1, respectively, but using PF80P20, and PF95P05 instead of D100 in the HDDE decreased CBC emissions by 711 and 899 ton yr?1, respectively. The above results indicate that the wide usage of paraffinic–palmbiodiesel blends as alternative fuels could protect the environment.  相似文献   

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