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A viable chemical surrogate for monitoring the effectiveness of hazardous waste incinerators must include high thermal stability and low toxicity among its characteristics. The relationship between sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and hazardous constituent thermal stability for a mixture of chlorinated hydrocarbons indicates that SF6 has the potential to satisfy the basic requirements of a chemical surrogate for hazardous waste incineration.  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of commercially available continuous sulfur dioxide monitors were determined. Conductimetric, colorimetric, and coulometric analyzers were investigated. The study was conducted to develop information on such instrument characteristics as stability, sensitivity, response time, collection efficiency, and response to interfering substances. The methodology and apparatus used to determine each operational parameter are described. The instrument performance data developed in this study should be useful to those involved in selection of instrumental methods for monitoring atmospheric sulfur dioxide.  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of commercially available sulfur dioxide monitors were determined. Con-ductimetric, colorimetric, and coulometric analyzers were investigated. During this phase of the study, characteristics that were more closely related to field operation were studied. These included comparability of data among the instruments over a period of time, weekly calibration drift, maintenance requirements (including operating cost), unattended operation performance, and the effect of rotameter changes on calibration. The methodology and apparatus used to determine each operational parameter are described. The results of this study should be useful in the selection of instruments for monitoring sulfur dioxide.  相似文献   

No personal aerosol sampler has been evaluated for monitoring aeroallergens in outdoor field conditions and compared to conventional stationary aerobiological samplers. Recently developed Button Personal Inhalable Aerosol Sampler has demonstrated high sampling efficiency for non-biological particles and low sensitivity to the wind direction and velocity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the Button Sampler for the measurement of outdoor pollen grains and fungal spores side-by-side with the widely used Rotorod Sampler. The sampling was performed for 8 months (spring, summer and fall) at a monitoring station on the roof of a two-storied office building located in the center of the city of Cincinnati. Two identical Button Samplers, one oriented towards the most prevalent wind and the other towards the opposite wind and a Rotorod Sampler were placed side-by-side. The total fungal spore concentration ranged from 129 to 12,980 spores m(-3) (number per cubic meter of air) and the total pollen concentration from 4 to 4536 pollen m(-3). The fungal spore concentrations obtained with the two Button Samplers correlated well (r = 0.95; p<0.0001). The pollen data also showed positive correlation. These findings strongly support the results of earlier studies conducted with non-biological aerosol particles, which demonstrated a low wind dependence of the performance of the Button Sampler compared to other samplers. The Button Sampler's inlet efficiency was found to be more dependent on wind direction when sampling larger sized Pinaceae pollen grains (aerodynamic diameter approximately 65 mum). Compared to Rotorod, both Button Samplers measured significantly higher total fungal spore concentrations. For total pollen count, the Button Sampler facing the prevalent wind showed concentrations levels comparable to that of the Rotorod, but the Button Sampler oriented opposite to the prevalent wind demonstrated lower concentration levels. Overall, it was concluded that the Button Sampler is efficient for the personal sampling of outdoor aeroallergens, and is especially beneficial for aeroallergens of small particle size.  相似文献   

This paper discusses monitoring the waste destruction efficiency of hazardous waste incinerators. The particular problem is to ensure that incinerators do not release, without detection, significant quantities of waste as a result of operating fluctuations or equipment degradation. To detect these conditions, continuous, automated, and real-time source monitoring is required. Detection of degraded performance by monitoring and measuring waste compounds directly is not presently possible on a continuous basis. An alternative is to use commercially available continuous monitors to measure combustion intermediates (e.g., CO or hydrocarbons) and thereby infer waste destruction efficiency. Required, however, is a correlation between the emission of intermediates and the emission of waste. In this paper, the response of a number of these continuous monitors is compared with waste destruction efficiency measurements from a laboratory scale, liquid-spray incinerator operated on fuel oil doped with model waste compounds: benzene, chlorobenzene, acrylonitrile, and chloroform. Total hydrocarbon and CH4 measurements are found to vary with waste emission in a nearly linear manner; however, a substantial increase in CO emission occurs before a significant amount of waste is released. These results suggest that CO may serve as an indicator of the approach of waste release, while total hydrocarbons may provide an indicator of immediate waste release.  相似文献   

Quantified air quality and meteorological information provided by an air pollution monitoring system must be geared to the legally prescribed functions of the control agency. The network must be treated as a vital component of the total integrated data system that supports agency activities in air resources management and control. It should be closely interphased with data systems for emission inventory, registration and permits, violations and complaints, fuel use, emission reduction plans, land use, demographic projections, and urban planning. Compatibility with neighboring and statewide or regionwide data systems is essential for coordination of effort, especially under episode conditions.

The network should be planned on three levels, static, semi-automatic, and fully automatic, to provide monthly, daily, and up-to-the-minute measurements, respectively. Optimization of network specifications requires a three-way balance of hardware, control objectives, and agency resources (capital facilities, manpower, funding, etc.), of which the first two are realistically governed by the third.

A monitoring network could serve a wide range of functions, and there are pressures and temptations to cater to all possible users. A number of functions are listed; an order of priority should be determined. Experience shows that far more data tend to be generated than can be analyzed, assimilated, and utilized. Rapid data acquisition and on-line processing capabilities of present-day automatic networks could, without effective planning, result in mountainous backlogs of unassimilated information.

A systems engineering approach to planning will ascertain that preliminary requirements are critically scrutinized, and only genuine requirements that meet the test of constraints (natural environment, economic, legal, social, political constraints, and manpower resources) will be translated into performance specifications. By means of this approach, design characteristics that are extraneous or peripheral to the principal network functions can be identified as low priority luxuries, whereas seemingly expensive items may be justified on the basis of data reliability or long-range savings in operation and maintenance requirements.  相似文献   

Respirable carbon or fly ash particles are suspected to increase the respiratory toxicity of coexisting acidic air pollutants, by concentrating acid on their surfaces and so delivering it efficiently to the lower respiratory tract. To investigate this issue, we exposed 15 healthy and 15 asthmatic volunteers in a controlled- environment chamber (21°C, 50 percent relative humidity) to four test atmospheres: (i) clean air; (ii) 0.5-μm H2SO4 aerosol at =100 μg/m3, generated from water solution; (iii) 0,5-μm carbon aerosol at =250 μg/m3, generated from highly pure carbon black with specific surface area comparable to ambient pollution particles; and (iv) carbon as in (iii) plus =100 μg/m3 of ultrafine H2SO4 aerosol generated from fuming sulfuric acid. Electron microscopy showed that nearly all acid in (iv) became attached to carbon particle surfaces, and that most particles remained in the sub-μm size range. Exposures were performed double-blind, 1 week apart. They lasted 1 hr each, with alternate 10-min periods of heavy exercise (ventilation =50 L/min) and rest. Subjects gargled citrus juice before exposure to suppress airway ammonia. Lung function and symptoms were measured pre-exposure, after initial exercise, and at endexposure. Bronchial reactivity to methacholine was measured after exposure. Statistical analyses tested for effects of H2SO4 or carbon, separate or interactive, on health measures. Group data showed no more than small equivocal effects of any exposure on any health measure. One individual's responses were consistent with a clinically significant excess airway constriction from H2SO4 plus carbon, and 2-3 others showed slight excess responses to the combined pollutants, but all these observations might have reflected chance variations. We conclude that coexisting carbon aerosol did not increase respiratory irritancy of H2SO4, in most healthy and asthmatic subjects exposed for 1 hr under simulated "worst-case" ambient conditions.  相似文献   

Aerosol size distributions were measured in the air exhausted from a horizontal spike Soderberg aluminum reduction cell at the Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation plant in Tacoma, Wash. The particle size distributions were measured with the University of Washington cascade impactor, developed specifically for source testing. The particle mass concentrations and size distributions were found to vary significantly with changes in the cell process operations. For a typical aerosol size distribution at the exit of the cell hood the mass mean particle diameter was 5.5 microns and the particle size standard geometric deviation was 25.  相似文献   

Mexico City frequently experiences high levels of air pollution. This is due mainly to its topography and meteorology that suppress pollutant diffusion and dispersion. The atmospheric mixing is extremely poor, especially during the dry winter months. The levels of certain pollutants, such as particulate matter, are of concern since they have severe effects on public health. Visibility deterioration

is one of the most noticeable effects in large cities. Biological effects of particulate matter on man and animals, ranging from mild eye irritation to death, have been reported. The effects depend on the size of the particles, their solubility, and toxicity. The main objective of this paper is to present the results of a chemical mass balance receptor model applied to a well-characterized data set of particulate matter collected in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). Samples of particulate matter were collected using a denuder and a Hi-Vol system for the respirable fraction and total suspended particles, respectively.

In this paper the analysis of a database consisting of the chemical composition of 33 samples of respirable particulate matter (aerosols with diameter less than 2.5 μm) is presented. The 12-hour samples were acquired during day and night periods in a typical medium-income neighborhood from December 19, 1989 through February 5, 1990.

The results show that the main contributors to suspended particles are vehicles without catalytic converters and heavy-duty diesel vehicles. The contribution of refineries, smelters, cement plants, resuspended dust, natural sources, and secondary aerosols were taken into account. In particular, the vehicles without catalytic converters represent the major contribution to PM2.5. They contribute with 50% during the day and 38% at night. Most of the source profiles were taken from the model library SPECIATE EPA. However, native profiles for soil, vehicles, and refinery were designed.  相似文献   

Mexico City frequently experiences high levels of air pollution. This is due mainly to its topography and meteorology that suppress pollutant diffusion and dispersion. The atmospheric mixing is extremely poor, especially during the dry winter months. The levels of certain pollutants, such as particulate matter, are of concern since they have severe effects on public health. Visibility deterioration is one of the most noticeable effects in large cities. Biological effects of particulate matter on man and animals, ranging from mild eye irritation to death, have been reported. The effects depend on the size of the particles, their solubility, and toxicity. The main objective of this paper is to present the results of a chemical mass balance receptor model applied to a well-characterized data set of particulate matter collected in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). Samples of particulate matter were collected using a denuder and a Hi-Vol system for the respi-rable fraction and total suspended particles, respectively. In this paper the analysis of a database consisting of the chemical composition of 33 samples of respirable particulate matter (aerosols with diameter less than 2.5 µm) is presented. The 12-hour samples were acquired during day and night periods in a typical medium-income neighborhood from December 19, 1989 through February 5, 1990.  相似文献   

In the past few years, many combustion tests were conducted in full scale operating incinerators. Those test data indicate that certain issues need to be re-evaluated, and point out certain research areas for improved incineration system performance. The issues include incinerability ranking and its relationship with operating temperature; significance of CO monitoring; and significance of products of incomplete combustion emission. The research areas for improvement include waste feed control; oxygen control; expert system; hydrogen halide conversion; submicron particulate formation; and improved air pollution control devices.  相似文献   

The amounts of eleven metals in urban airborne particulate matter samples collected in the United States from 1965 to 1974 (urban and nonurban) are described in two frames of reference: 1) concentration per unit volume of air; and 2) relative abundance in the collected particulate matter compared with surficial materials (subsurface soils) of the continental U. S. If it may be assumed that airborne particulates of solely natural origin would contain these metals in proportions similar to those in uncontaminated subsurface soils, then instances of metals whose proportions in actual particulate samples exceed soil sample proportions may reasonably be ascribed to the influence of human activity. Lead and, tentatively, cadmium exhibit general and significant enrichment in airborne particulate matter above their natural abundances in U. S. soils. Vanadium exhibits enrichment primarily in the northeastern U. S. The enrichment of copper has been traced to contamination from the sampler's own motor. Beryllium, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, nickel, and titanium appear to occur in airborne particulates in proportions comparable with those to be expected in natural aeolian dusts.  相似文献   

The probabilistic National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Exposure Model applied to carbon monoxide (pNEM/CO) was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to estimate frequency distributions of population exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) and the resulting carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels. To evaluate pNEM/CO, the model was set up to simulate CO exposure data collected during a Denver Personal Exposure Monitoring Study (PEM) conducted during the winter of 1982-1983. This paper compares computer-simulated exposure distributions obtained by pNEM/CO with the observed cumulative relative frequency distributions of population exposure to CO from 779 people in the Denver PEM study.

The subjects were disaggregated into two categories depending upon whether they lived in a home with a gas stove or an electric stove. The observed and predicted population exposure frequency distributions were compared in terms of 1-hr daily maximum exposure (1DME) and 8-hr daily maximum moving average exposure (8DME) for people living in homes with gas stove or an electric stove. For 1DME, the

computer-simulated results from pNEM/CO agreed most closely within the range of 6-13 ppm, but overestimated occurrences at low exposure (<6 ppm) and underestimated occurrences at high exposure (>13 ppm). For 8DME, the predicted exposures agreed best with observed exposures in the range of CO concentration between 5.5 and 7 ppm, and over-predicted occurrences below 5.5 ppm and under-predicted occurrences above 7 ppm.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to develop an air pollution monitoring network to characterize small-area spatial contrasts in ambient air pollution concentrations. Using residential woodburning emissions as our case study, this paper reports on the first three stages of a four-stage protocol to measure, estimate, and validate ambient residential woodsmoke emissions in Vancouver, British Columbia. The first step is to develop an initial winter nighttime woodsmoke emissions surface using inverse-distance weighting of emissions information from consumer woodburning surveys and property assessment data. Second, fireplace density and a compound topo-graphic index based on hydrological flow regimes are used to enhance the emissions surface. Third, the spatial variation of the surface is used in a location-allocation algorithm to design a network of samplers for the woodsmoke tracer compound levoglucosan and fine particulate matter. Measurements at these network sites are then used in the fourth stage of the protocol (not presented here): a mobile sampling campaign aimed at developing a high-resolution surface of woodsmoke concentrations for exposure assignment in health effects studies. Overall the results show that relatively simple data inputs and spatial analysis can be effective in capturing the spatial variability of ambient air pollution emissions and concentrations.  相似文献   


Biofilter, dynamic modeling software characterizing contaminant removal via biofiltration, was used in the preliminary design of a biofilter to treat odorous hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Steady-state model simulations were run to generate performance plots for various influent concentrations, loadings, residence times, media sizes, and temperatures. Although elimination capacity and removal efficiency frequently are used to characterize biofilter performance, effluent concentration can be used to characterize performance when treating to a target effluent concentration. Model simulations illustrate that, at a given temperature, a biofilter cannot reduce H2S emissions below a minimum value, no matter how large the biofilter or how long the residence time. However, a higher biofilter temperature results in lower effluent H2S concentrations. Because dynamic model simulations show that shock loading can significantly increase the effluent concentration above values predicted by the steady-state model simulations, it is recommended that, to consistently meet treatment objectives, dynamic feed conditions should be considered. This study illustrates that modeling can serve as a valuable tool in the design and performance optimization of biofilters.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) has been adapted for use on IBM-compatible personal computers (PCs). PC-BEIS estimates hourly emissions of Isoprene, α-plnene, other monoterpenes, and unidentified hydrocarbons for any county In the contiguous United States. To run the program, users must provide hourly data on ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, and a code that Identifies the particular county. This paper provides an overview of the method used to calculate biogenic emissions, shows an example application, and gives information on how to obtain a copy of the program.  相似文献   


Landfills represent a source of distributed emissions source over an irregular and heterogeneous surface. In the method termed “Other Test Method-10” (OTM-10), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a method to quantify emissions from such sources by the use of vertical radial plume mapping (VRPM) techniques combined with measurement of wind speed to determine the average emission flux per unit area per time from nonpoint sources. In such application, the VRPM is used as a tool to estimate the mass of the gas of interest crossing a vertical plane. This estimation is done by fitting the field-measured concentration spatial data to a Gaussian or some other distribution to define a plume crossing the vertical plane. When this technique is applied to landfill surfaces, the VRPM plane may be within the emitting source area itself. The objective of this study was to investigate uncertainties associated with using OTM-10 for landfills. The spatial variability of emission in the emitting domain can lead to uncertainties of –34 to 190% in the measured flux value when idealistic scenarios were simulated. The level of uncertainty might be higher when the number and locations of emitting sources are not known (typical field conditions). The level of uncertainty can be reduced by improving the layout of the VRPM plane in the field in accordance with an initial survey of the emission patterns. The change in wind direction during an OTM-10 testing setup can introduce an uncertainty of 20% of the measured flux value. This study also provides estimates of the area contributing to flux (ACF) to be used in conjunction with OTM-10 procedures. The estimate of ACF is a function of the atmospheric stability class and has an uncertainty of 10–30%.  相似文献   

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