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The Third Government Affairs Seminar sponsored by the Air Pollution Control Association was held in Washington, D. C. on April 16-17, 1975. The APCA South Atlantic Section was host for this very successful meeting. The General Chairman of the Seminar Committee was John V. Brink and the Program Chairman was Richard D. Grundy.

The seminar this year was conducted in three sessions. The first session, entitled “The Clean Air Act: State vs Federal Roles,” considered a topic that is receiving increasing emphasis as the national air pollution control program matures. This discussion was chaired by M. Barry Meyer, Chief Counsel and Chief Clerk, Senate Committee on Public Works.

The second session was “Land Use Planning Aspects of the Clean Air Act—Federal, State and Regional Roles.” Mrs. Mary Jane Due, Chairman of the Public Land and Land Use Committee, Natural Resources Section, American Bar Association, served as Moderator of this discussion of indirect source regulations, no significant deterioration, air quality maintenance—concepts that rely heavily on comprehensive land use planning.

“Clean Air Priorities—The Need for Flexibility,” was the title of the third session which was chaired by Austin H. Phelps, Manager Corporate Air Pollution Control, Procter and Gamble Company and President of APCA. The panelists considered the question of how appropriate the standard setting mechanisms of the Clean Air Act are for the resolution of present and future problems.

In this report condensed versions of the prepared statements of the participants are presented. A more extensive summary of the Proceedings, which includes questions and answers, is available from APCA headquarters. The remarks of John R. Quarles, EPA Deputy Administrator, who was the luncheon speaker, were summarized in the June APCA Journal(p. 642).  相似文献   

Almost all Swedish cities need to determine air pollution levels—especially PM10—close to major streets. SIMAIR is an internet tool that can be used by all Swedish municipalities to assess PM10, NO2, CO and benzene levels and how they compare to the EU directive. SIMAIR is delivered to the municipalities with all required input data pre-loaded and is meant to be used prior to decisions if and where, monitoring campaigns are required. The system includes a road and vehicle database with emission factors and a model to calculate non-tailpipe PM10 emissions. Regional and urban background contributions are pre-calculated and stored as hourly values on a 1×1 km2 grid. The local contribution is calculated by the user, selecting either an open road or a street canyon environment.A comparison between measured and simulated concentrations in four street locations shows that SIMAIR is able to calculate statistics of yearly mean values, 90-percentile and 98-percentile daily mean values and the number of days exceeding the limit value that are well within ±50% that EU requires for model estimates of yearly mean values. In comparison, all values except one are within ±25% which is the quality objective for fixed measurements according to the EU directive.The SIMAIR model system is also able to separate the percentual contribution of the long-range transport from outside the city, the city contribution and the local contribution from the traffic of an individual street.  相似文献   

An updated version of a one-dimensional chemical model is described, together with a simple approach to diurnal calculations.The model is used to investigate the possible effects on model predictions of new chemistry, such as bromine and HOCl chemistry, to compare calculated species profiles with experiment, and to evaluate, within the present chemical scheme, the magnitude of a variety of potential perturbations to stratospheric ozone.In particular the ozone depletion calculated for steady state fluorocarbon release at 1975 levels is 18.3% and it is shown that this number would be halved by doubling the current ground level N2O flux.  相似文献   

This article gives an overview of the studies on the environment surrounding the Abisko Scientific Research Station in Swedish Lapland. The long-term monitoring of the Station on processes related to the climate, and to the physical, biotic, and chemical environmental conditions is particularly addressed. Some variables are recorded since more than 100 years. The obtained data in combination with results from short-term studies and manipulation experiments are important to understand past and future conditions of the ecosystems. This has practical applications for the planning of tourism, transports, reindeer herding, and for societal purposes.  相似文献   


This is the second part of a two-part paper dealing with the preliminary design and costing of polyfunctional waste treatment plants. In this article, we present some criteria for estimating capital investment and annual operating costs of polyfunctional plants for industrial waste treatment. The process and equipment design methods presented in Part I of this article, together with the economic approach proposed here, allow for complete technical/economic analyses. The overall mathematical model appears to be a useful tool in economic feasibility studies. The accuracy of the developed computer mathematical model has been demonstrated, referring to actual cost data from the literature.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The availability of natural energy resources and the environmental issues are the most significant issues that are often highlighted by the world...  相似文献   


A time series approach using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) modeling has been used in this study to obtain maximum daily surface ozone (O3) concentration forecasts. The order of the fitted ARIMA model is found to be (1,0,1) for the surface O3 data collected at the airport in Brunei Darussalam during the period July 1998-March 1999. The model forecasts of one-day-ahead maximum O3 concentrations have been found to be reasonably close to the observed concentrations. The model performance has been evaluated on the basis of certain commonly used statistical measures. The overall model performance is found to be quite satisfactory as indicated by the values of Fractional Bias, Normalized Mean Square Error, and Mean Absolute Percentage Error as 0.025, 0.02, and 13.14% respectively.  相似文献   

The development of an unexpected, time-dependent degradation of performance of hot-side precipitators collecting ash from certain coals (usually low-sodium, low-sulfur coals) has caused serious problems at a number of major utility installations. A jointly funded research project was developed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Electric Power Research Institute, and Southern Company Services, Inc., to evaluate sodium conditioning as a possible solution to these performance deficiency problems.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Widespread exposure to persistent pollutants can disrupt the bodies’ natural endocrine functions and contribute to reproductive diseases like...  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of a separated, recirculating wake behind an obstacle on diffusion from a nearby source. Starting from the empirical observation that the concentration is often approximately constant across such a wake, an idealised diffusion model is developed. This model applies to a line source in potential flow external to the wake, with constant eddy diffusivity. Extensions of the theory are then described for point sources, non-uniform diffusivity and external flow which is not potential. Finally, an investigation is made of the physical reasons for the observed uniformity of wake concentration on which the model is based.  相似文献   

A combined transport/chemistry model which simulates the regional distribution of SO2 and sulfate within the lower troposphere is described. The mathematical analysis is based on the coupled three-dimensional advection-diffusion equations for SO2 and sulfate, and incorporates chemical transformations as well as the physical phenomena of dry deposition at the surface. The analysis also considers spatial variations in topography and spatial and temporal variations in both the mixing layer heights and the wind field. Based on the results from a series of numerical experiments, the dynamic model employs a Galerkin method for the numerical solution of the partial differential equations.A SO2 photochemical oxidation mechanism is incorporated into the transport model. The SO2 photochemical oxidation rate is based on a set of 27 reactions used to estimate the hydroxyl and peroxyl radical concentrations. The kinetic mechanism has been tested in simulations of smog chamber studies and yields realistic concentrations and conversion rates in model simulations of both urban and natural tropospheres.Other major facets treated in the formulation of the model include the interpretation and use of data available on dry deposition and the development of procedures to calculate meteorological model inputs (e.g., eddy diffusivities, dry deposition velocities, the three components of wind velocity, etc.) from routinely measured meteorological data. Simulations using the analysis are presented in a companion paper.  相似文献   


Assessment of regulatory programs aimed at improving ambient O3 air quality is of considerable interest to the scientific community and to policymakers. Trend detection, the identification of statistically significant long-term changes, and attribution, linking change to specific clima-tological and anthropogenic forcings, are instrumental to this assessment. Detection and attribution are difficult because changes in pollutant concentrations of interest to policymakers may be much smaller than natural variations due to weather and climate. In addition, there are considerable differences in reported trends seemingly based on similar statistical methods and databases. Differences arise from the variety of techniques used to reduce nontrend variation in time series, including mitigating the effects of meteorology and the variety of metrics used to track changes. In this paper, we review the trend assessment techniques being used in the air pollution field and discuss their strengths and limitations in discerning and attributing changes in O3 to emission control policies.  相似文献   

FOCUS models are used in the European regulatory risk assessment (RA) to predict individual pesticide concentrations in edge-of-field surface waters. The scenarios used in higher tier FOCUS simulations were mainly based on Central/North European, and work is needed to underpin the validity of simulated exposure profiles for Mediterranean agroecosystems. In addition, the RA of chemicals are traditionally evaluated on the basis of single substances although freshwater life is generally exposed to a multitude of pesticides. In the present study, we monitored 19 pesticides in surface waters of five locations in the Portuguese ‘Lezíria do Tejo’ agricultural area. FOCUS step 3 simulations were performed for the South European scenarios to estimate predicted environmental concentrations (PECs). We verified that 44% of the PECs underestimated the measured environmental concentrations (MEC) of the pesticides, showing a non-compliance with the field data. Risk was assessed by comparing the environmental quality standards (EQS) and regulatory acceptable concentrations with their respective MECs. Risk of mixtures was demonstrated in 100% of the samples with insecticides accounting for 60% of the total risk identified. The overall link between the RA and the actual situation in the field must be considerably strengthened, and field studies on pesticide exposure and effects should be carried out to assist the improvement of predictive approaches used for regulatory purposes.  相似文献   

A reactive plume model that treats secondary aerosol formation is used to investigate the major physical and chemical processes that affect the rate of sulfate and nitrate aerosol formation in power plant plumes. The reactive plume model is evaluated with experimental data collected in three power plant plumes, and model performance is shown to be quite satisfactory. One of these case studies is used to perform singleparameter and multi-parameter analyses of the sensitivity of sulfate and nitrate aerosol concentrations to various meteorological, air quality and chemical kinetic parameters. The results suggest that sulfate aerosol concentrations are most sensitive to relative humidity and temperature at high relative humidity, whereas nitrate aerosol concentrations are most sensitive to temperature, particularly at low relative humidity. The importance of the NOx/reactive hydrocarbon chemistry to sulfate and nitrate aerosol formation is examined.  相似文献   

Supplemental Materials: Supplemental materials are available for this paper. Go to the publisher's online edition of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.   相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In 2017, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the concept of high-quality economic development, indicating that the...  相似文献   

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