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It is shown that the response of rodent populations to acute and chronic irradiation depends on its functional structure, i.e., on specific features of animals with two alternative types of ontogenetic development. Upon acute irradiation, sexually immature young of the year (animals with the second type of ontogeny) are most radioresistant. Exposure to chronic irradiation, as in the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT), leads to an increase in the proportion of mature young of the year (animals with the first type of ontogeny), which are the most radiosensitive part of the population. The abundance and fecundity of mice in the impact zone are consistently higher than in the background zone, which improves the adaptive potential of the population. The role of species ecological specialization and configuration of the contaminated zone in the formation of migrant rodent population is emphasized. It is concluded that a high migration activity allows the pigmy wood mouse (a radiosensitive species) to avoid long-term radiation exposure.  相似文献   

Adaptive strategies of cyclomorphic rodent populations (Rodentia) under extreme conditions of droughts (in 1975 and 2010) have been analyzed on the basis of functional–ontogenetic approach. The following features of these strategies have been revealed: minimization of metabolic processes, block of sexual maturation, intergenerational crossing, prolongation of breeding period, and species-specific features in the dynamics of intrapopulation processes. Profound changes in the level of long-term oscillations of abundance after the drought have been noted in different species. Evidence is provided for the possibility of extremely rapid population rearrangements on an evolutionary scale that are fixed in a series of generations.  相似文献   

The endemic species Lagotis uralensisis characterized with regard to the stages of ontogeny, population structure and dynamics, and the ways of species adaptation to growing in the form of small isolated populations in high mountains.  相似文献   

The results of 37-year continuous monitoring of basic rodent population parameters (the example of bank vole) are reviewed and generalized using the functional-ontogenetic approach. The role of the environment in synchronizing changes in certain biological indices is demonstrated. A detailed analysis is made of the pattern of change in population parameters during overwintering, including minimization of most biological parameters in this period and its adaptive significance. It is shown that successful winter survival largely depends on the functional status of animals (the type of ontogeny) and also on photoregulation. Consideration is given to the phenomenon of winter breeding and its types in murine rodents. A scheme is presented that describes the integrated (generalized), unspecific adaptive reaction of the population in response to irregular, extreme impacts of natural factors and some (short-term) anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

On the basis of abundant fossil and subfossil bone remains, the ecological and faunal role of the narrow-skulled vole in zonal rodent communities of northern Eurasia is analyzed over the period from the Late Pleistocene to the present time. Special attention is given to the correlated dynamics of relative abundance of Microtus gregalis and other rodent species in the course of transition from one zonal type to another and to specific features of this correlation in the southern, middle, and northern parts of the species range. It is shown that distinctive dimensional and morphotypic features of the two currently existing subspecies, Microtus gregalis major Ogn. and M. g. gregalis Pall., are the product of concordant development of the species and environmental conditions in the past 3000–4000 years (transition from the Holocene optimum to the present-day climate and state of the natural environment). Published in Russian in Ekologiya, 2007, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 117–123. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

Studies on the population structure and dynamics of the stone centipede Monotarsobius curtipes C. Koch in soils of the northern Kola Peninsula have shown that, with respect to abundance and biomass, this species is a dominant of the soil macrofauna and, in particular, of the trophic group of zoophages. Life in high northern latitudes does not disturb the sex and age structure of populations but limits the reproductive activity of these centipedes. Specific biological features of M. curtipes at the northern periphery of its range include the absence of repeated breeding, completion of several developmental (age) stages within a short growing season, and long ontogeny involving several winterings.  相似文献   

The functional approach at the level of physiological functional groups (PFGs) reflecting two types of ontogeny was used to analyze spleen hypertrophy in five species of rodents. In addition to a wide variation of spleen weight, its hypertrophy was observed: in bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus), the spleen weight was as great as 3.5 g versus the normal value of 100–150 mg. The variation range of the relative spleen weight was estimated. For example, in the dominant species, C. glareolus, this range was considerable (from 2 to 125). A distinct relationship with the types of animal ontogeny was revealed. The genus specificity of the phenomenon—its occurrence in three species of Clethrionomys voles and absence in Microtus voles and mice—was determined in the study region. The animals with normal and hypertrophied spleens did not differ from each other significantly in their vital activity (at least, with respect to the parameters studied). The voles with hypertrophied spleens normally reproduced, and the hypertrophy was asymptomatic. These findings suggest that the populations have adapted to a damaging factor (or factors) in the course of a prolonged coevolution. This parameter is regarded as the indicator of the presence of a damaging factor in the population.  相似文献   

The structural-temporal organization of a murine rodent community in the taiga has been studied near Lake Teletskoe, Mountain Altai. The results show that the long-term dynamics of indices characterizing community diversity depend mainly on changes in the structure of dominance rather than on the population dynamics of species. The distribution of species in the factor space corresponds to their preference for certain biotopes, from dry to relatively moist. An analysis of relationships within the rodent community has revealed the synchronous dynamics of species abundance and antiphase pattern of changes in the structural indices of dominant species.  相似文献   

In small rodents, differences in the average home range size, depending on the type of ontogeny and animal sex, have been revealed. The dynamics of changes in the spatial structure of populations during the breeding season are described.  相似文献   

The results of 25-year monitoring have been used to develop a local approach to analysis of the spatiotemporal population dynamics of rodents. The main processes of the formation of the rodent population structure in a heterogeneous environment have been considered on the basis of experimental quantitative estimates obtained under natural conditions. The possibility of real-time identification of elementary chorological units of a species population has been substantiated. It has been found that complete cycles of vital activity of a model rodent species are usually no longer than 18 months. The strategy of the regional population functioning in species with short individual life cycles is considered at a new angle.  相似文献   

By definition, the ontogenetic and population organization levels are fundamentally different. Studies at these levels are traditionally independent. However, it becomes increasingly evident that special analysis of individuals in terms of ontogeny is necessary for correct estimation of populations and their spatiotemporal dynamics, as well as for understanding the mechanisms of population processes.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of populations has been studied in two rodent species inhabiting the subzone of meadow steppes of the steppe zone of Omsk oblast: the narrow-sculled vole (Microtus gregalis Pall.) and steppe lemming (Lagurus lagurus Pall.). Their populations are represented by combinations of territorial family groups whose structure and spatial distribution vary by season depending on population density, the phase of the population cycle, and the status of their members in the population. In the areas cohabited by M. gregalis and L. lagurus, the pattern of territory use and the rhythm of animal activity during the day depend primarily on their total density: under conditions of low density, the population groups of both species are spatially separated; at increased density, they are distributed with respect to the pattern of daily activity. Both species jointly use part of the territory but at different times of day: M. gregalis, mainly at night and in the morning; L. lagurus, in the daytime.  相似文献   

Fish of a polymorphic and evolutionarily young species Coregonus lavaretusfrom a subarctic lake that has been polluted for more than 60 years are used as an example for analyzing principal trends in the dynamics of structural and functional organization of fish populations. It is shown that fish exposed to sublethal doses of toxic substances for a long time have a smaller body size, the period of their sexual maturation becomes more variable, and the frequency of spawning and life span decrease. The biochemical and bioenergetic mechanisms of variation in populations are analyzed. The ecological expediency of change in the life cycle strategy corresponding to r-selection (conversion to a short reproductive cycle) is substantiated.  相似文献   

The stages of ontogeny and morphogenesis of the common chicory were characterized on the basis of long-term observations. A comparative analysis of seed productivity was performed, and the pool of viable seeds in the soil was determined. The ecological–cenotic relationships and the types of population strategy of the species were estimated.  相似文献   

The cyclicity of population dynamics of abundance has been analyzed in sympatric adult populations of three odonate species monitored for long time (1980–2010) in the Lake Chany basin (Western Siberia). The spectra of odonate population dynamics have been constructed for the first time and shown to be species-specific: each species has its own population cycles, and if the cycles are similar, interspecific differences manifest themselves in the relative power of these cycles. These differences provide for separation of species in time, reducing the stress of competition between them. The population rhythms of all studied species show synchronicity with natural rhythms that are important to them, such as fluctuations of climatic parameters (2–3 year cycles) and hydrological parameters of Lake Chany (2–4-year cycles).  相似文献   

岷江上游地区在我国长江上游同山峡谷区代表性,由于近几十年来人为活动加剧,该区生态系统严重退化。简要介绍了岷上游山地生态系统的概况,讨论了关键种群在退化生态系统研究中的作用和意义。在此基础上进一步认为,岷江上游山地系统退化机理研究应以典型的干旱河谷灌丛,亚高山森林和亚高山草甸等主要生态为对象,以关键种群为核心和切入点,重点研究了干旱河谷批示植物种群动态有其与环境退化的关系、主要动植物种群在变化在草地生态系统退化过程中的作用、亚高山关键种苗木定居及对退化产生理生态适应机制、土壤微生物区系变化有其对系统中氮素归还的影响等,进而有助于在理论上阐述关键种群的生态功能,探讨关键种群变化导致生态系统退化的作用机理;在实践上为目前国家实施西部大开发生态环境建设的重大需求提供理论依据,推动恢复生态学的发展和该区域的生态建设。  相似文献   

The long-term population dynamics of rodent communities in park forests of Yekaterinburg was studied. The results showed that deep population depressions occurring in natural communities are not characteristic of the urban communities. In the urban environment, the density of rodents is always maintained at a relatively high level due to the appearance of species that are atypical for the natural communities. This fact deserves attention in view of the increasing risk of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in the region, as a high rodent abundance may provide for the maintenance of a stable TBE focus in the city.  相似文献   

大别山五针松种群结构及动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大别山五针松(Pinus dabeshanensis)是大别山区特有种,最大种群分布于安徽省岳西县大王沟。采用空间序列代替时间的方法分析种群结构,编制种群特定时间生命表,绘制死亡率曲线和消失率曲线,并用4个生存函数进行种群的生存分析;同时结合谱分析方法,分析了大别山五针松种群数量的动态变化。结果表明:大别山五针松种群数量少,结构存在波动性。幼苗阶段个体较丰富,幼树阶段个体较少,种群趋于衰退。种群死亡率和消失率曲线变化趋势基本一致,在第5龄级出现峰值。4个生存函数曲线表明,大别山五针松具有前期快速减少、中期稳定和后期衰退的特点。谱分析显示,大别山五针松种群动态除受基波影响外,还具有明显的小周期波动,谐波A3和A4处的周期波动与个体生长有关。  相似文献   

The age structure of sable samples has been analyzed on the basis of parameters obtained by three methods of age determination: by annual cementum layers (Klevezal, 1988), canine root canal width (Smirnov, 1960), and the degree of development of the mastication muscles and sagittal crest on the skull (Timofeev and Nadeev, 1955). It has been found that the first two methods produce similar results (r = 0.95) that are suitable for use in the practice of monitoring and commercial game management. The third method is simpler but less accurate and can be recommended only for the preliminary assessment of age ratios in populations. The results of such assessment by the method proposed by Klevezal are sufficiently accurate for a detailed analysis of population structure and dynamics of its reproductive core, but this method is laborious and involves a complicated histological procedure. When large samples are studied for the purposes of monitoring and management planning, the method proposed by Smirnov is preferable.  相似文献   

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