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正当前我国农产品品质总体上还不高,质量安全问题时有发生。制约我国农产品品质提升的主要原因在于,当前我国的农业生产以小农户分散经营为主,育种、生产、仓储、流通等环节的标准化、组织化程度不高;缺乏有效的散户监管体系,监管能力不足,执法不严格;缺乏资金实力和营销能力去打造优质品牌。今后,要重视发挥龙头企业的示范引领作用,提升标准化、组织化水平,加强散户监管体系建设,着力打造农产品企业品牌和区域公用品牌。  相似文献   

农产品质量安全直接关系到人类的健康、国民经济的稳步发展与社会和谐稳定,本文通过对大理州实施无公害农产品产地认定整体推进工作,从技术层面到管理措施的全面总结、分析、提炼,提出了农产品产地安全认证管理的对策措施,旨在为实施无公害农产品产地安全管理、产品认证监管、确保农产品质量安全提供参考。  相似文献   

经过改革开放30年的发展,我国农产品供给由长期短缺变为总量基本平衡且年年有余,农产品的生产与消费更趋于在保持总量平衡的基础上,全面朝着多样化、高品质、安全性的方向发展。基于我国的农产品质量安全体系、市场建设等许多方面存在的不足,借鉴国外发展经验,提出我国农产品质量安全的保障措施和政策建议,探讨我国农产品质量安全的进一步深入发展。  相似文献   

赵中金  黄昀  周优良 《四川环境》2006,25(4):123-126
对重庆市农业环境质量安全现状进行了研究分析,提出了充分利用环境资源比较优势,进行农业生产布局和农业结构调整;加强城郊区农业生态环境保护和污染的治理;合理施用农药化肥,防止农产品农药残留和硝酸盐污染;加强全市农业环境与农产品质量安全监测体系建设,开展预警监测;加强三峡库区农业面源污染防治;进一步开展农业环境优先污染物的控制研究等防治对策。  相似文献   

浅析东莞市农产品质量安全战略管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析农产品质量安全的重要性以及东莞市农产品质量安全的内外部环境,从战略的高度提出农产品质量安全管理的目标内容,指出实施农产品质量安全战略管理的关键所在,最后提出了农产品质量安全战略管理的相应对策。  相似文献   

张大元 《四川环境》2010,29(3):57-61
依据我国《食用农产品产地环境质量评价标准》(HJ332-2006),采用单项质量指数和综合质量指数法,以白市驿蔬菜基地为例,结合全市33个蔬菜基地监测结果,对重庆市蔬菜基地土壤环境质量进行了评价和分析,表明蔬菜基地土壤环境质量总体较好,但土壤中汞和镉等重金属出现不同程度的超标。本文分析了蔬菜基地土壤受污染的原因,提出了改善土壤环境质量的对策措施。  相似文献   

农产品产地安全直接影响农产品的质量安全。本文针对农产品产地环境的污染状况,对影响农产品质量安全的主要因素进行了全面分析,并提出了改善农产品产地安全的治理对策。  相似文献   

现代农业是一种先进、发达、高效的新型农业生产方式和多功能产业体系,是世界农业的发展方向。但现代农业建设和发展在大幅度提高农产品产量产值和农业的素质与效益,有效缓解全球粮食安全危机的同时,也使农产品的质量安全和生态环境安全问题凸显。文章浅析了现代农业化学技术、生物技术,集约化、设施化生产方式以及农产品加工业发展对农产品质量安全的负面影响与威胁;进一步阐释了现代农业发展理念的更新,科技进步与创新,集约化、设施化生产方式的发展和新型农民的培育等对农产品质量安全的积极作用与意义;并指出现代农业内涵的不断丰富、完善和发展,必将有利于促进农产品质量安全水平的显著提高和农业的持续发展。  相似文献   

农产品产地是食用农产品安全的基础和保障,工业生产、农业投入品的不当使用等都会导致农产品产地的污染,并威胁农产品的产量和安全质量。保障农产品安全,关键在于农产品产地的安全管理,本文结合《农产品质量安全法》和《农产品产地安全管理办法》的实施,就建立与之配套的标准和技术体系进行了系统的探讨。其对掌握我国农产品产地安全质量状况,开展农产品产地环境的适宜性评价、安全质量等级划分和种植结构调整,以合理有效地利用宝贵的耕地资源,又不会生产出不符合食品卫生标准的农产品具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

环境保护部和国土资源部4月17日向媒体发布了全国土壤污染状况调查公报。调查结果显示,全国土壤环境状况总体不容乐观,部分地区土壤污染较重,耕地土壤环境质量堪忧,工矿业废弃地土壤环境问题突出。为全面认识和正确理解公报内容,环境保护部和国土资源部等相关负责人回答了记者提问。  相似文献   

湖南省土地资源生态安全评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于P—S—R(压力一状态一响应)模型从土地资源生态安全的压力子系统、状态子系统、响应子系统三方面构建了湖南省土地生态安全评价指标体系,结合各评价指标的安全指数对2000--2008年湖南省土地资源生态安全状况进行了评价,分析了影响湖南省土地资源生态安全的限制因素。结果表明:①2000-2008年湖南省综合生态安全状况不容乐观,其生态安全等级多年来一直处于“临界安全”。②人口密度大、人均GDP低和不合理的化肥农药施用是湖南省土地资源压力子系统的主要限制因素,耕地面积少和农田水利设施差是状态子系统的主要限制因素,工业固体废弃物综合利用率偏低和教育卫生事业发展滞后是响应子系统的主要限制因素,据此提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

/ Data were collected from 245 farmers within the Darby Creek hydrologic unit in central Ohio to assess perceptions of risk associated with use of farm chemicals. Farmers were asked to evaluate the level of risk associated with use of agricultural chemicals for water quality, food safety, food quality, health of applicator, health of farm animals, wildlife, beneficial plants, beneficial insects, and human health. Study findings revealed that respondents perceived use of farm chemicals posed little or no threat to any of the assessed items. A composite index was formulated from the responses to the nine items and was titled Perceived Risk. Variance in the Perceived Risk index was regressed against social learning variables. The findings revealed that approximately 32% of the variance was explained by the predictive variables included in the model. It was concluded that the theoretical perspective was somewhat useful for understanding perceptions held about agricultural chemical use at the farm level. The findings are discussed in the context of future conservation and educational-information programs within the study region.KEY WORDS: Risk perception; Risk assessment; Groundwater; Pesticide contamination; Food safety; Environmental quality  相似文献   

质量改进是武器装备研制过程的重要质量过程之一。根据全面质量管理的理念,结合个人的实际工作经验以及实际案例,对"改善"这一活动进行定义,并对如何开展改善活动进行了阐述和说明,从而促进质量持续改进。  相似文献   

The results of two independent empirical studies with Flemish citizens were combined to address the problem of a short fall of information provision about higher welfare products. The research objectives were (1) to improve our understanding of how citizens conceptualize farm animal welfare, (2) to analyze the variety in the claimed personal relevance of animal welfare in the food purchasing decision process, and (3) to find out people’s needs in relation to product information about animal welfare and the extent to which the current information caters to these needs. The first study consisted of a survey conducted in three consecutive years (2000–2002, n = 521) and was complemented with more recent qualitative data from four focus group discussions (2006, n = 29). Citizens’ conceptualization of farm animal welfare matched reasonably well with those in the scientific literature, although it is clearly influenced by a lower level of practical experience and a higher weight of empathy. In general, respondents indicated that animal welfare was an important product attribute, although it was less important than primary product attributes such as quality, health, and safety. Moral issues, rather than a perception of higher quality, were the main influence on preferences for higher welfare products. At present, higher standards of animal welfare are mostly guaranteed within more general quality assurance schemes. Yet people’s decisions to not choose higher welfare products seems to be related to the perceptual disconnection between eating animal food products and the living producing animals. Respondents generally thought better information provision was required and the present level of provision was strongly criticized. In combination, the findings of both studies help inform the discussion about how citizens can be informed about animal welfare and the preferred content, source, and medium of such information. The paper also provides insights into citizens’ semantic interpretation of the concept of animal welfare (what wordings they use) and the range of relevance that animal welfare has for different groups that, in turn is useful in identifying which segments can be targeted. This can contribute to a more effective valorization of animal welfare as a product attribute.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The potential surface water and ground water quality tradeoff implications from the nonpoint source provisions of the 1987 Water Quality Act are investigated in this paper using a national linear programming model developed at Iowa State University and modified by the Economic Research Service and the Leaching Evaluation of Agricultural Chemicals (LEACH) Handbook developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The linear programming model is used to maximize net farm revenue using optimal combinations of crop rotations and tillage practices for each region of the United States given natural resource constraints. The LEACH handbook is used to determine the relative potential for pesticides to leach below the root zone for different soil types, hydrologic conditions, pesticides used, and tillage practices. The results indicate that imposing a surface water quality erosion constraint aimed at reducing sediment concentrations results in a larger decrease in farm income than imposing a uniform 5 ton per acre per year erosion constraint. Both constraints could result in regional improvement in ground water quality in some regions of the country while decreasing ground water quality in other regions.  相似文献   

The Ethical Contract as a Tool in Organic Animal Husbandry   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
This article explores what an ethicfor organic animal husbandry might look like,departing from the assumption that organicfarming is substantially based in ecocentricethics. We argue that farm animals arenecessary functional partners in sustainableagroecosystems. This opens up additional waysto argue for their moral standing. We suggestan ethical contract to be used as acomplementary to the ecocentric framework. Weexpound the content of the contract and end bysuggesting how to apply this contract inpractice. The contract enjoins us to share thewealth created in the agroecosystem (by ourjoint contributions) by enjoining us to carefor the welfare and needs of the individualanimal, and to protect them from exploitation(just as human co-workers should not beexploited). The contract makes promoting goodanimal welfare a necessary condition forbenefiting farm animals. Animals for their partare guaranteed coverage under the contract solong as they continue to contribute to thesystem with products and services.  相似文献   

Economic costs, water quantity/quality benefits, and cost effectiveness of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) at a watershed scale are increasingly examined using integrated economic‐hydrologic models. However, these models are typically complex and not user‐friendly for examining the effects of various BMP scenarios. In this study, an open source geographic information system (GIS)‐based decision support system (DSS), named the watershed evaluation of BMPs (WEBs), was developed for creating BMP scenarios and simulating economic costs and water quantity/quality benefits at farm field, subbasin, and watershed scales. This DSS or WEBs interface integrated a farm economic model, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), and an optimization model within Whitebox Geospatial Analysis Tools (GAT), an open source GIS software. The DSS was applied to the 14.3‐km2 Gully Creek watershed, a coastal watershed in southern Ontario, Canada that drains directly into Lake Huron. BMPs that were evaluated included conservation tillage, nutrient management, cover crop, and water and sediment control basins. In addition to assessing economic costs, water quantity/quality benefits, and cost effectiveness of BMPs, the DSS can be also used to examine prioritized BMP types/locations and corresponding economic and water quantity/quality tradeoffs in the study watershed based on environmental targets or budget constraints. Further developments of the DSS including interface transfer to other watersheds are also discussed. Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

Global consumption, production, and trade of livestock products have increased rapidly in the last two decades and are expected to continue. At the same time, safety concerns regarding human and animal disease associated with livestock products are increasing. Efforts to increase public health safety standards aimed at legitimately reducing the risks of human and animal disease have focused internationally on standards to regulate the movement of livestock products. There is concern, though, that measures to regulate these standards internationally, such as the WTO SPS measures that in part aim to open international markets, may marginalize small-scale poor producers. The cycle of poverty they are trying to escape through livestock production may, in fact, widen, leading to increased global poverty, malnutrition, and disease. Developing and developed nations alike should be concerned with public and private efforts to address appropriate food safety policies to reduce the likelihood of this effect. Analysis of the impact on small-scale livestock farmers is needed, as well as solutions that consider joint public and private sector initiatives. Costly farm to table tracking systems are not an option, but locally orchestrated vertically integrated systems may have merit in reducing food safety risks and in providing small-scale farmers with increased access to markets, locally and internationally. Increased scientific and technical capacity, and training of WTO officials from developing nations is also needed.  相似文献   

The quality revolution is sweeping its way through most companies globally. It has focused on improving the quality of products and services delivered to the customers and on companies' internal processes. The success of these programs has led to the realization that the same principles need to be applied to the area of environmental management. AT&T has fully embraced TQM as witnessed by the many products and services that have received the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 certification and awards such as the Malcolm Baldrige Award and the Deming Prize for Quality. We have been utilizing the TQM methodologies for the past few years to turn our environmental focus from end-of-pipe waste management to proactive and preventive TQEM and have made significant progress in reducing our wastes, emissions, and impact on the environment. This article shows how TQEM is now driving Design For Environment (DFE) programs and procedures, recognizing that addressing environmental issues in the initial design process is the most cost-effective means for minimizing environmental impact.  相似文献   

Few moral arguments have been made against vegetarian diets. One exception is the “Logic of the Larder:” We do animals a favor by purchasing their meat, eggs, and milk, for if we did not purchase these products, fewer animals would exist. This argument fails because many farm animals have lives that are probably not worth living, while others prevent a significant number of wild animals from existing. Even if this were not so, the purchase of animal products uses resources that could otherwise be used to bring a much greater number of animals into existence.  相似文献   

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