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三、农田生态系统功能分析 农业生态环境的改变必然引起农田生态系统结构与功能的变化。因此,系统的功能与效率是农业环境质量优劣的重要标志。对此,我们从农田生产力和生态效率两方面进行分析。 1、农田生产力。就全国农业大区而论,开县属西南高地区(滇、黔、川)。农业发展的特点与同纬度  相似文献   

本文基于农业生态条件和农田生态系统功能的综合表现,评价了研究区农业生态质量,分析研究了农业生态环境存在的问题,提出了保护对策。计价中,生态条件要素选取了土壤环境(包括土壤综合肥力、土壤污染状况的有关参数),大气环境(包括大气资源和大气质量的有关参数),水环境(包括水资源量和水质的有关参数)。生态系统功能指标选取了农田生产力。经过实地调查,取得了有关参数资料。在单项因素分级指数评价的基础上,采取评分等权迭加法进行综合评价,对开县地区农业生态质量作了定量表征,并对县内不同农业区的生态质量进行排序。  相似文献   

本文以陈各庄为研究对象,揭示了农业生态系统能流和物流的数量特征,获得了一系列生产力和资源转化率的参数,探讨了不同膳食结构下的农业生态系统人口承载力,进而提出,建立以植物为主膳食结构的适度消费体系和进一步改进系统的途径。  相似文献   

本文定量估算了西井子农业生态系统的能量流动与物质循环过程,分析了系统的功能特征,并提出进行系统功能改善调控的途径与措施。  相似文献   

第一节 我国传统有机农业与综合农业生态工程 将上述五类综合性的农业生物群落,即植物综合体、动物综合体、腐食生物综合体、土壤生物综合体和水生生物综合作,按其间的生态关系进行最优配合,从而将农业生态系统的五个子系统系统地组接成综合的农业生态工程系统,使现有的简单的以至单一的农业生态系统逐步转变为复杂的以至既有类似天然顶极生态系统那样的生态结构、功能和效益,又有超过石油农业的经济功能和效益的农业生态系统。这样的农业生态系统再不只是农、林、牧、副、渔五业结合的系统了,而是可以客纳上十种以至无限多种产业的资源循环利用系统。这正如我国著名科学家钱学森  相似文献   

西北地区的生态退化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了引起西北地区生态退化的自然因子和人为因子,对主要自然因子的作用及过程进行了分析。在此基础上探讨了西北地区生态退化的过程与结果,认为生态退化是生态系统的功能退化、生态系统结构退化、生态因子退化、土地退化逐渐演进的一个过程,生态退化的最终结果是土地生产力下降或丧失。  相似文献   

运用描述系统循环过程中动力与阻力相互关系的数学模型,对河北省曲周县、邯郸市、马头镇、北京郊区窦店村、湖南桃源县观山村5个不同类型的农业生态系统的循环功能分别进行了分析与计算,发现模型中的系数K适于用来综合评价系统的循环功能。K值的大小取决于其他相关的指标,这些处于不同层次上的指标构成了一个简单实用的综合评价农业生态系统的指标体系。  相似文献   

明晰未来气候变化情景下不同类型生态系统生产功能面临的风险,对因地制宜地采取气候变化适应措施具有重要的现实意义。目前从阈值识别角度对生态系统风险进行评价的研究还较少。该研究提出一种基于阈值识别的气候变化下生态系统风险分析的方法。基于气候、土壤和植被数据,运用大气-植被相互作用模型对1961—2080年北方农牧交错带的生态系统净初级生产力进行模拟,根据气候变化对不同类型生态系统净初级生产力的影响定义了"危险的影响"和"不能接受的影响"两类阈值,并根据生态系统净初级生产力在气候变化下的减少趋势与两类阈值的对比关系进行风险等级的划分,进而对未来气候变化下北方农牧交错带不同类型生态系统生产功能面临的风险进行了评估。结果表明:气候变化将给北方农牧交错带生态系统生产功能带来风险,以低风险为主。风险分布与未来气候变化密切相关,主要集中在西北地区北部、内蒙古地区东北部和东北地区中南部。风险范围随增温幅度的增加而扩展,到远期风险面积达到165.72×10~4 km~2,占研究区总面积的44.78%。混交林、稀树草原与荒漠草原较为危险;高寒草甸与常绿针叶林是较为安全的生态系统。农牧交错带核心区风险程度高于边缘区,揭示了其核心区在未来气候变化下趋于脆弱的趋势。  相似文献   

本文运用系统生态学的系统分析方法,从能量流动、物质循环方面,以黑龙江省庆安县六合村为典型,对我国东北松嫩平原漫川漫岗农业系统生态农业建设前后进行分析比较研究。分析结果表明,六合村的生态农业建设为松嫩平原农业生态系统的改善,经济水平较低地区的农业发展提供了有益的经验。通过合理调整系统内的能量流及物质环循,在提高系统生产力的同时,保护农业生态环境。  相似文献   

用生态经济学原理,对甘肃省镇原县店王村的生态经济系统结构、功能及其特点进行了分析。分析结果表明,生态系统脆弱、经济结构不合理是导致该村生态经济系统恶性循环的根本原因。据此,对该村实现生态系统与经济系统同步提高、协调发展提出了对策和措施  相似文献   

本文以能量生态学原理为指导,应用投入产出法对胜利油田生态农场系统内能量流动及能量利用效率进行了计算分析,从中发现了系统生产的薄弱环节和在能量利用方面的问题,并提出了调整系统内部产业结构和能量投入结构的措施,为今后系统生产力及能量转化效率的提高,提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

广东沼气农业模式的典型调查与思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
骆世明  黎华寿 《生态环境》2006,15(1):147-152
回顾了广东沼气发展历程,介绍了广东典型沼气农业模式,包括广东西南部丘陵区典型农户沼气模式,广东东部丘陵区典型农户沼气模式,广东东北部丘陵山区典型农户沼气模式,广东低洼地和积水区农户沼气模式,以及广东规模化养殖场沼气模式,并在此基础上分析了沼气农业模式的空间分布规律、沼气模式和经济发展的关系以及沼气发展的系统工程。  相似文献   

The widespread use of ecological network models (e.g., Ecopath, Econetwrk, and related energy budget models) has been laudable for several reasons, chief of which is providing an easy-to-use set of modeling tools that can present an ecosystem context for improved understanding and management of living marine resources (LMR). Yet the ease-of-use of these models has led to two challenges. First, the veritable explosion of the use and application of these network models has resulted in recognition that the content and use of such models has spanned a range of quality. Second, as these models and their application have become more widespread, they are increasingly being used in a LMR management context. Thus review panels and other evaluators of these models would benefit from a set of rigorous and standard criteria from which the basis for all network models and related applications for any given system (i.e., the initial, static energy budget) can be evaluated. To this end, as one suggestion for improving network models in general, here I propose a series of pre-balance (PREBAL) diagnostics. These PREBAL diagnostics can be done, now, in simple spreadsheets before any balancing or tuning is executed. Examples of these PREBAL diagnostics include biomasses, biomass ratios, vital rates, vital rate ratios, total production, and total removals (and slopes thereof) across the taxa and trophic levels in any given energy budget. I assert that there are some general ecological and fishery principles that can be used in conjunction with PREBAL diagnostics to identify issues of model structure and data quality before balancing and dynamic applications are executed. I humbly present this PREBAL information as a simple yet general approach that could be easily implemented, could be considered for further incorporation into these model packages, and as such would ultimately result in a straightforward way to evaluate (and perhaps identify areas for improving) initial conditions in food web modeling efforts.  相似文献   

We examined the risk-sensitive foraging behaviour of the round-eared elephant shrew by open-economy choice experiments, in which animals were deprived of food immediately prior to experiments but given food ad libitum afterwards, to test the energy budget rule. The energy budget rule states that if an animal's (daily) energy budget is negative it should behave in a risk-prone manner. A risk-prone elephant shrew should select food from a more variable rather than a constant feeding station, although both feeding stations yield the same average return. The choice of a variable station can indicate the degree to which an animal is an energy-shortfall minimizer. Elephant shrews running below energy requirement did not choose feeding stations in accordance with the rule. Under laboratory conditions, approximating either average summer or winter temperatures, elephant shrews showed risk-averse behaviour. A polycyclic activity profile, the ability to switch the diet, and greater than expected physiological control over energy balance, may favour a continuously foraging animal such that short-term energy deficits are minimized. We argue that, under these conditions, a risk-averse response to reward-size variance is expected, because an elephant-shrew may not reliably perceive those circumstances under which risk-prone behaviour should be adopted.  相似文献   

Adult Scolelepis cf. fuliginosa Claparède, raised from laboratory-born larvae, have been cultivated at a temperature of 18.5°C for weeks or months. They were offered artificial food only. They attain sexual maturity after 39 to 157 days. As soon as sexing is possible, the polychaetes are transferred to small dishes and paired. Egg laying extends throughout the whole life cycle at 4.6 day intervals; this interval tends to increase with age and size. Egg production varies greatly, at the beginning of reproduction, productivity increases, then fluctuates considerably around a mean value which may be very different in different pairs. There are also important variations in the total number of eggs between pairs; the reasons for this are still unknown. An hypothesis is presented on the factors controlling egg release: it is suggested that the worms' energy budget makes egg laying possible only in winter and spring; at higher temperatures, energy release is insufficient for egg production, owing to the poor nutritional level. According to this hypothesis, temperature affects reproduction indirectly.  相似文献   

Saccopteryx bilineata has a polygynous mating system in which males defend females in a harem territory. Harem defense and courtship include energetically costly flight maneuvers and hovering displays. We tested if (1) harem males have a greater field metabolic rate than non-harem males or females and if (2) the field metabolic rate of harem males is correlated with the number of females in a harem territory. We measured the energy budget in 32 S. bilineata with the doubly labeled water method and compared these estimates with behavioral observations in the daytime roost. Among adult bats, field metabolic rate varied with body mass by an exponent of approximately two. We found no significant difference in field metabolic rate or mass-specific field metabolic rate between harem and non-harem males. The mass-specific field metabolic rate of harem-males increased with harem size. The latter finding supports the hypothesis that the energy costs of courtship display and territorial defense influence the energy budget of harem males. Overall, field metabolic rates of S. bilineata were lower than those of similarly sized bats of the temperate zone and only 2.3 times above the basal metabolic rate recorded for this species. We suggest that male S. bilineata did not take advantage of their metabolic capacity because a prudent allocation of energy to activities of harem maintenance is an adaptive strategy for males in this mating system.  相似文献   

Early stages of marine fish larvae are characterized by fast growth while having a limited aerobic scope and an immature digestive system. In order to understand this apparent paradox, the study of energy allocation is a major necessity. Components of the energy budget of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) larvae were determined during initial development (days 4–12) and the complete energy allocation budget is presented. It was observed that food absorption efficiency increased from 32 to 51% during the studied period, and so did the energy available for growth and metabolic purposes. The relative amount of energy for maintenance decreased from 71 to 36% of energy channelled to metabolism. Gross growth efficiency increased from 20 to 26% of ingested energy, and net growth efficiency decreased from 66 to 52% of assimilated energy. Reduction of net growth efficiency is the reflex of a higher metabolic rate in older larvae, due to increased costs of activity and growth. Evidence, indicating that metabolic scope of early turbot larva is unable to accommodate simultaneously high levels of growth and activity was found. Alternative strategies to accommodate the costs of growth and activity exist in turbot larvae, and may result in a trade-off between fast growth and viability. As larvae grow, the various physiological processes described get more efficient, and the metabolic scope increases.  相似文献   

天津市经济,能源与环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析建国50年来天津市经济,能源和环境发展历程的基础上,论述了三者之间的关系,并得出天津市的经济,能源与环境系统由80年代初的高增长,高消耗,高污染型向经济高增长,能源低增、环境污染负增长的良好性循环方向发展的结论。  相似文献   

通过种草、营林、治水和保土改善生态环境,逐步优化农业生产结构,建立高效种植业,提高耕地持久生产力,保护农业生物生产机能,开发果树生产,增强畜牧业,加工利用农副产品,解决农村生活能源,发展庭院生态经济等,探讨建设持续高效的农业生态系统,使沿海旱地农业得到整体发展。  相似文献   

An energy budget was constructed for a population of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis in the nearshore area of St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada. Of the 6 age classes identified, ages 1+and 2+accounted for about 1/2 the population energy flow. Population production efficiencies were: production/assimilation=0.28, production/consumption=0.04 to 0.13, and production/biomass=0.80. Although S. droebachiensis was the dominant herbivore in the seaweed bed, it utilized only 1 to 7% of seaweed production. As with other populations of sea urchins, however, it had a proportionately greater influence on seaweed biomass, and also presumably production, by clearing seaweed from large areas of substrate and maintaining it clear. Loss of dissolved organic matter, the only term in the energy budget not measured, was estimated by substracting the other terms in the energy budget from consumption. In laboratory individuals, this ranged from 40 to 80% of absorption (consumption-faeces). A critical review of energy budgets for 6 other species of marine benthic grazers also revealed large amounts of energy unaccounted for that might be attributed to loss of dissolved organic matter.Contribution to the International Biological Program CCIBP 192Bedford Institute Contribution.  相似文献   

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