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生活垃圾堆肥浸提液组成及其演化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
堆肥浸提液与渗滤液组成相似,研究生活垃圾堆肥浸提液组成与演化特征可以为堆肥过程污染控制和堆肥质量改善提供科学依据。通过基本理化指标和三维荧光光谱分析,研究了生活垃圾堆肥浸提液的组成和转化特性。结果显示,在堆肥一次和二次发酵过程中,浸提液pH由5.43上升至9.24,无机阴离子无显著变化,电导率(EC)稳定在7.50 mS/cm上下波动,ORP为正值,总氮从611.08 mg/L下降至177.43 mg/L,NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度变化不明显,NO2--N从未检出到后期达10.28 mg/L,有机氮从246.64 mg/L下降至172.52 mg/L。溶解性有有机物含量(DOC)从7 419.00 mg/L降至5 569.00 mg/L,其中的有机物发生降解和转化,生成胡敏酸和富里酸等物质。浸提液中重金属Fe、Cd、Cu、Zn、Cr、Mn、Ni和 As浓度升高。通过研究发现,在堆肥中添加木屑等填料可以降低浸提液中NH4+-N的浓度,具有除臭作用,同时对pH值、EC和ORP均有调节作用,能提高堆肥的土地可利用性。  相似文献   

Waste from the beneficiation of fish was composted with crushed grass aiming to characterize their chemical composition and investigate the possibility of the use of the final compost as source of humic acids (HA) able to stimulate the growth of lettuce. Compost presented pH value, C/N ratio, and electrical conductivity that allow its use as an organic fertilizer. The element content was present in the following order of abundance in the compost: P?>?Ca?>?N?>?Mg?>?K?>?Fe?>?Zn?>?Mn?>?Mo?>?Cu, and the humus composition was similar to that observed in others kind of organic residues composted. The high content of oxygen pointed out a high level of oxidation of HA, in line with the predominance of phenolic acidity in the functional groups. The 13C-NMR spectra showed marked resonances due to the presence of lipids and other materials resistant to degradation as methoxy substituent and N-alkyl groups. A concentration of 20 mg L?1 HA increased significantly both dry and wet root matter in lettuce but the CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, and number of lateral roots of the plants were not affected. However, increases of 64% in the water-use efficiency was observed due to the HA addition, probably related to the root morphology alteration which resulted in 1.6-fold increase of lateral root average length and due to the higher H+ extrusion activity. Reuse of residues from the fish beneficiation activity by composting may represent a safe tool to increase the value of recycled organic residues and generate HA with potential use as plant growth stimulants.  相似文献   

选取通气量、含水率、温度、底物浓度等作为堆肥控制因子,在堆肥生物反应动力学的基础上,根据堆肥反应过程的物料平衡和能量平衡,以及微生物比生长速度与含水率、堆肥温度的依存关系,结合翻转式堆肥反应装置操作运行条件,对厨房垃圾好氧堆肥过程中堆温、含水率、有机物、微生物量及氧气消耗量等变化进行计算机模拟计算,并将模拟结果与堆肥实验结果进行对比。结果证明,除了由于反应装置保温不理想引起堆温和含水率二者有偏差外,总体模拟计算结果与实际堆肥结果基本吻合。另外还开展了利用所开发的模型进行堆肥通气优化的应用研究。模型计算结果表明当出口氧气控制在10%~18%时,采用间歇供氧,不仅能提高堆肥效率,而且可以使供氧时间减少40%以上。经过堆肥实验验证模拟结果是正确的。由此可见,利用模型模拟堆肥过程,快速优化堆肥方案是可行与有效的。  相似文献   

Experimental and modeling approaches for food waste composting: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Composting has been used as a method to dispose food waste (FW) and recycle organic matter to improve soil structure and fertility. Considering the significance of composting in FW treatment, many researchers have paid their attention on how to improve FW composting efficiency, reduce operating cost, and mitigate the associated environmental damage. This review focuses on the overall studies of FW composting, not only various parameters significantly affecting the processes and final results, but also a number of simulation approaches that are greatly instrumental in well understanding the process mechanism and/or results prediction. Implications of many key ingredients on FW composting performance are also discussed. Perspects of effective laboratory experiments and computer-based simulation are finally investigated, demonstrating many demanding areas for enhanced research efforts, which include the screening of multi-functional additives, volatile organiccompound emission control, necessity of modeling and post-modeling analysis, and usefulness of developing more conjunctive AI-based process control techniques.  相似文献   

针对厨余垃圾的短程自由发酵过程,考察了不同初始固体浓度在60 h内对发酵过程和发酵产物的影响,结果表明,短程自由发酵是一种不完全的水解酸化过程,初始固体浓度为(13±0.5)%时有机酸(以COD计)产量最高(16.56 g·L-1)。短程发酵液是以碳水化合物为主,同时也包含了乳酸、乙酸、蛋白质和丁酸等的混合物碳源。发酵液的反硝化性能通过硝酸盐利用速率(NUR)实验来验证,结果表明COD/N=6是最优条件,该条件下的反硝化速率vDN=12.89 mg·(g·h)-1(以VSS计)和反硝化能力PDN=0.174 g·g-1(以COD计),同时短程发酵液中快速降解有机物组分为58.35%。  相似文献   

We present bioaerosol source term concentrations from passive and active composting sources and compare emissions from green waste compost aged 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 16 weeks. Results reveal that the age of compost has little effect on the bioaerosol concentrations emitted for passive windrow sources. However emissions from turning compost during the early stages may be higher than during the later stages of the composting process. The bioaerosol emissions from passive sources were in the range of 103–104 cfu m−3, with releases from active sources typically 1-log higher. We propose improvements to current risk assessment methodologies by examining emission rates and the differences between two air dispersion models for the prediction of downwind bioaerosol concentrations at off-site points of exposure. The SCREEN3 model provides a more precautionary estimate of the source depletion curves of bioaerosol emissions in comparison to ADMS 3.3. The results from both models predict that bioaerosol concentrations decrease to below typical background concentrations before 250 m, the distance at which the regulator in England and Wales may require a risk assessment to be completed.  相似文献   

To test the possible use of composted food waste and wastewater sludge as biofilters to treat gas-phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs), batch experiments were conducted with an isolated strain that could degrade aromatic compounds under aerobic conditions. A benzene and trichloroethylene (TCE) mixture was used as the gas-phase pollutant in experiments with composted food waste, sludge, and soil. Under aerobic conditions, benzene was degraded as a primary substrate and TCE was degraded cometabolically, with water contents varying from 6 to 60% (volume of water added/volume of solid). Optimal water content for VOC removal was 12% for the soil, 36% for the composted food waste, and 48% for the sludge. The extent of VOC sorption and biodegradation at the optimal water content was different for each material. With the same initial VOC concentration, more VOCs were removed by sorption onto the composted food waste and the sludge, while less VOCs were biodegraded in comparison with the results using soil. The reason the biodegradation in the soil was greater may be partly attributed to the fact that, due to less sorption, the aqueous-phase concentration of VOCs, which microorganisms could utilize as a carbon source or cometabolize, was higher. We also speculate that the distribution of microorganisms in each medium affects the rate of biodegradation. A large number of microorganisms were attached to the composted food waste and sludge. Mass transfer of VOCs and oxygen to these microorganisms, which appear to have been heterogeneously distributed in clusters, may have been limited, resulting in hindered biodegradation.  相似文献   



Composting may enhance bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soils by providing organic substrates that stimulate the growth of potential microbial degraders. However, the influence of added organic matter (OM) together with the microbial activities on the dissipation of PAHs has not yet been fully assessed.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the viability of recycling the solid wastes generated by the winery and distillery industry by means of co-composting with animal manures, as well as to evaluate the quality of the composts obtained. Two piles, using exhausted grape marc and cattle manure or poultry manure, respectively (at ratios, on a fresh weight basis, of 70:30), were composted by the Rutgers static pile composting system. Throughout the composting process, a number of parameters were monitored, such as pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, water-soluble carbon, water-soluble polyphenols, different forms of nitrogen (organic nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate) and humification indices (humification ratio, humification index, percentage of humic acid-like C, polymerisation ratio and cation exchange capacity), as well as the germination index. Organic matter losses followed first-order kinetics equation in both piles, the highest organic matter mineralisation rate being observed with exhausted grape marc and cow manure. On the other hand, the mixture with the lowest C/N ratio, using exhausted grape marc and poultry manure, showed the highest initial ammonium contents, probably due to the higher and more labile N content of poultry manure. The increase in the cation exchange capacity revealed the organic matter humification during composting. In contrast, other humification parameters, such as the humification ratio and the humification index, did not show the expected evolution and, thus, could not be used to assess compost maturity. Composting produced a degradation of the phytotoxic compounds, such as polyphenols, to give composts without a phytotoxic character. Therefore, composting can be considered as an efficient treatment to recycle this type of wastes, due to composts presented a stable and humified organic matter and without phytotoxic effects, which makes them suitable for their agronomic use.  相似文献   

为克服烟气脱硫石膏改良盐碱地存在的土壤盐分升高、营养物质降低等不足,通过对不同重量配比的园林废弃物堆肥与适量烟气脱硫石膏混合施用,且开展了其对上海南汇滨海盐渍土的改良效应研究。结果表明:2种改良剂混合施用能显著降低滨海盐渍土pH和全盐含量,增加土壤营养物质含量和植物生物量,并提高植物对营养物质的吸收能力;与对照相比,当烟气脱硫石膏施用量为25 g·kg−1时,土壤pH降低了10.9%,EC升高了8.4%,有效磷、有效氮和速效钾含量分别降低了30.1%、40.5%和36.1%,黑麦草发芽率下降了8.0%,植株内全氮、全钾含量均有所升高,但全磷含量减少了25.4%;混合施加不同重量配比的园林废弃物堆肥后,土壤pH降幅为6.8%~13.8%,EC降幅为4.2%~11.6%;土壤有效磷、有效氮和速效钾含量增幅分别为96.0%~182.7%、40.0%~186.7%和71.7%~157.5%;黑麦草发芽率和生物量逐渐增加,在园林废弃物堆肥施用量为40%时,与对照处理相比,此时植物发芽率达到90.0%,总湿重、地上干重、株高和根长等分别增加了154.1%、100.0%、89.2%和103.6%,植株体内氮和钾含量分别增加了139.9%和40.8%,磷的含量则接近对照处理。通过分析可知,烟气脱硫石膏和园林废弃物混合施用可较好地改良滨海盐渍土壤,并为城市固废的适合处置方式和综合利用途径提供了参考。  相似文献   

在相同接种配比(接种污泥占餐厨垃圾的质量分数为30%)条件下,研究了4种不同来源污泥(压滤污泥、厌氧污泥、曝气污泥和河底淤泥)添加或不添加缓冲剂时对餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵产氢效果的影响.结果发现,在不添加缓冲剂时.4种污泥接种餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵平均产氢量依次为厌氧污泥>河底淤泥>压滤污泥>曝气污泥,接种厌氧污泥的餐厨垃圾平均产氢量最高,达10.11mL(以每克挥发性固体(VS)计,下同);而添加缓冲剂时.4种污泥接种餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵平均产氢量依次为厌氧污泥>曝气污泥>压滤污泥>河底淤泥,接种厌氧污泥的餐厨垃圾平均产氢量也最高,为33.72 mL,且体系pH得以缓冲.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of three types of Mg and P salt mixtures (potassium phosphate [K3PO4]/magnesium sulfate [MgSO4], potassium dihydrogen phosphate [K2HPO4]/MgSO4, KH2PO4/MgSO4) on the conservation of N and the biodegradation of organic materials in an aerobic food waste composting process, batch experiments were undertaken in four reactors (each with an effective volume of 30 L). The synthetic food waste was composted of potatoes, rice, carrots, leaves, meat, soybeans, and seed soil, and the ratio of C and N was 17:1. Runs R1-R3 were conducted with the addition of K3PO4/ MgSO4, K2HPO4/MgSO4, and KH2PO4/MgSO4 mixtures, respectively; run R0 was a blank performed without the addition of Mg and P salts. After composting for 25 days, the degrees of degradation of the organic materials in runs R0-R3 were 53.87, 62.58, 59.14, and 49.13%, respectively. X-ray diffraction indicated that struvite crystals were formed in runs R1-R3 but not in run R0; the gaseous ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) losses in runs R0-R3 were 21.2, 32.8, 12.6, and 3.5% of the initial total N, respectively. Of the tested Mg/P salt mixtures, the K2HPO4/ MgSO4 system provided the best combination of conservation of N and biodegradation of organic materials in this food waste composting process.  相似文献   

Cayuela ML  Millner P  Slovin J  Roig A 《Chemosphere》2007,68(10):1985-1991
Two-phase olive mill waste (TPOMW) is considered the main problem confronting the modern oil extraction and processing industry. Composting has been recently proposed as a suitable method to treat TPOMW so that it is suitable for use in agriculture. In the work reported here, the Lemna gibba bioassay was tested to assess the toxicity of TPOMW before and during the composting process. The method was compared with the Lepidium sativum bioassay and with other chemical maturity indices traditionally reported in the literature. The L. gibba test proved to be a simple, sensitive, and accurate method to evaluate toxicity before and during the composting of TPOMW. Plant growth response was measured by two methods: counting the number of fronds (leaves) and measuring total frond area (TFA) with image analysis software. Compared to the counting of fronds (L. gibba) or seeds (L. sativum), the use of area-measuring software permitted a very rapid, unbiased and easy way of analysing the toxicity of TPOMW before and during composting. Although the accuracy of the frond count method was similar to the traditional cress seed test, data analysis showed that the TFA measurement method was statistically more accurate (significantly lower variance) than the frond count approach. Highly significant correlations were found between TFA and some important maturation indices commonly reported in literature indicating that the L. gibba bioassay can be a useful tool to determine the degree of maturity of TPOMW composts.  相似文献   


Many processes have been investigated to dispose of obsolete pesticide stocks and clean up wastewater and contaminated soil. The processes vary in their stages of development and commercial utility. With the exception of incineration, no single process may be amenable to all pesticide waste. Thus, any chosen process must consider first the chemical constituents needing remediation, their concentration, and desired or regulated cleanup objectives. Incineration seems too impractical and expensive to clean up routinely generated wastewater and contaminated soil, but it may currently be the only practical option for obsolete stocks . Practical remediation processes for wastewater and contaminated soil produced by small waste generators are discussed. Cleanup should be viewed as an integration of physical, chemical, and biological technologies.  相似文献   

利用污水处理厂脱水后的污泥,经粉煤灰水分调节后进人动态堆肥装置,好氧发酵成为性状良好的腐殖颗粒,然后经过一定工艺制成一种有机-无机复合化肥,其N、P、K含量达到25%,有机质含量大于30%,含水量小于10%,pH值6~8。将化肥用在农田的水稻种植,水稻的亩产量增产11.4%,各项指标均符合国家标准。  相似文献   

利用污水处理厂脱水后的污泥,经粉煤灰水分调节后进入动态堆肥装置,好氧发酵成为性状良好的腐殖颗粒,然后经过一定工艺制成一种有机-无机复合化肥,其N、P、K含量达到25%,有机质含量大于30%,含水量小于10%,pH值6~8.将化肥用在农田的水稻种植,水稻的亩产量增产11.4%,各项指标均符合国家标准.  相似文献   

Wittsiepe J  Schrey P  Wilhelm M 《Chemosphere》2001,43(4-7):881-887
The dietary intake of PCDD/F by 42 small children, 21 boys and 21 girls in the age range 14-47 months, with different food consumption behaviour living in urban and rural areas of Germany was measured by the duplicate method with a 7 day sampling period from May to September 1998. The PCDD/F-levels in the food duplicates were in the range 39.2-325 fg I-TEq/g(dry weight) (median: 90.7; arithmetic mean: 96.6) and the doses were in the range 0.681-5.43 with a median of 1.56 and an arithmetic mean (AM) of 1.60 pg I-TEq/(kg(body weight) x d). Children living in an urban industrialized area with food consumption including products from the family owned vegetable gardens or the surrounding area and/or products from domestic animals showed no statistically significant different concentrations in the food duplicates or in the dietary intake of PCDD/F, calculated as I-TEq, than children living in a rural area with similar food consumption behavior or than children consuming exclusively food from the supermarket.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Phosphoric acid production and olive oil production are among the most important economical sectors in Tunisia. However, they generate huge amounts of...  相似文献   

含锌铅废物碱法浸出工艺   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
各种工业过程中产生的大量含锌铅废物中含有大量的有毒重金属.必须在危险废物处置场所进行处置,这导致处置成本增加.采用强碱浸出的方法回收含锌铅废物中的Zn和Pb,考察了浸出温度、NaOH浓度、液固比(浸提液体积/原料质量)和搅拌速率等工艺参数对Zn、Pb和杂质金属浸出率的影响,得出其最佳工艺条件.在温度为70℃、液固比为13:1、搅拌速率为800r/min条件下.用5 mol/L的NaOH浸出含锌铅废物,浸出液中Zn和Pb的质量浓度分别达33.47、11.21 g/L,浸出率分别达到94.24%和93.47%.  相似文献   

上海市餐厨垃圾处理管理思路剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据<上海市餐厨垃圾处理管理办法>,分析了加强餐厨垃圾处理管理的思路,包括对物流、资金流和信息流的控制,从而实现餐厨垃圾产生环节、收集运输环节、处置环节的有效监管,维护公共卫生安全.  相似文献   

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