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Physico-chemical groundwater (GW) parameters were evaluated to understand the hydrogeochemical processes in the Siwalik plains of Jammu and Kashmir, India. During the 2012–2013 post-monsoon (POM) and pre-monsoon (PRM) seasons, GW samples (n = 207) from deep bore wells and shallow open wells were chemically analysed. Cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ and Fe2+) and anions (HCO3 ?, Cl?, SO4 2? and F?) showed a wide spatio-temporal variation. Results suggest that weathering and dissolution of carbonates and silicate rocks is the main source of water mineralization. The major hydrochemical facies is characterized by Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Ca-HCO3 during the PRM and POM seasons respectively. The presence of sulphate-bearing water in a large number of the samples indicates a significant role of gypsum dissolution and anthropogenic contamination of the GW. Factor analysis (FA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) revealed that the variability of hydrochemistry is mainly related to rock-water interaction, dissolution of carbonates and other lithological units as well as the influence of anthropogenic activities in the area. Overall, it was found that the GW quality is within the limits of human consumption. The higher concentration of a few chemicals indicates an increasing trend of industrial contamination of the GW. For sustainable development of the portable GW in Siwaliks, it is necessary to minimize the adverse impacts of the anthropogenic and industrial contamination on the GW resources through best management practices and prevent its further contamination to a level that could make GW unsuitable for human uses.  相似文献   

The present study discusses ion sources and assesses the chemical quality of groundwater of Doon Valley in Outer Himalayan region for drinking and irrigational purposes. Valley is almost filled with Doon gravels that are main aquifers supplying water to its habitants. Recharged only by meteoric water, groundwater quality in these aquifers is controlled essentially by chemical processes occurring between water and lithology and locally altered by human activities. Seventy-six water samples were collected from dug wells, hand pumps and tube wells and were analysed for their major ion concentrations. The pH is varying from 5.6 to 7.4 and electrical conductivity from 71 to 951 μmho/cm. Groundwater of Doon valley is dominated by bicarbonate contributing 83% in anionic abundance while calcium and magnesium dominate in cationic concentrations with 88%. The seasonal and spatial variation in ionic concentration, in general, is related to discharge and lithology. The high ratio of (Ca + Mg)/(Na + K), i.e. 10, low ratio of (Na + K)/TZ+, i.e.0.2 and also the presence of carbonate lithology in the northern part of valley, is indicative of carbonate dissolution as the main controlling solute acquisition process in the valley. The low abundance of silica content and high HCO?/H?SiO? ratio also supports carbonate dissolution and less significant role of silicate weathering as the major source for dissolved ions in Doon Valley. The analytical results computed for various indices show that water is of fairly good quality, although, hard but have moderate dissolved solid content. It is free from sodium hazard lying in C?-S? and C?-S? class of USSL diagram and in general suitable for drinking and irrigation except few locations having slightly high salinity hazard.  相似文献   

The impact of seawater intrusion was investigated using major hydrogeochemical ions to evaluate the origin of salinity in Sadras watershed located between Buckingham Canal and Bay of Bengal in the southeastern coast of India. From empirical data collected twice during pre- and post-monsoon seasons, it was found that groundwater was slightly acidic to mildly alkaline, and more than 44% of groundwater samples had EC > 3,000 ??S/cm in both the seasons. Results of principle component analysis (PCA) showed that Na?+?, Cl???, Mg2?+?, and SO $_{4}^{\,\, 2-}$ concentrations had the highest loading factor and the samples affected by saline/seawater were separated from the cluster. Hydrochemical processes that accompany the saline/seawater were identified using ionic changes. It was observed during sampling periods that the mixing due to saline/seawater intrusion varied from 4.82?C7.86%. Negative values of ionic change (e change) for Na?+? and K?+? decreased with the increasing fraction of seawater. Furthermore, salinity, sodium adsorption ratio, percentage of sodium Na (%), and exchangeable sodium percentage in well samples showed that groundwater was unsuitable for irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

Considerable uncertainties are associated with the experimental estimates of emission rates of different volatile organic compound (VOC) species from the biosphere to the atmosphere. Some of this uncertainty derives from the sampling and analytical procedures used in emission rate measurements. A calibration system was developed in order to evaluate possible errors in the measurements of biogenic emission rates using a branch enclosure system. Two types of calibration procedures were tested, a standard additions technique and an internal standard procedure. Both techniques were used to evaluate possible losses while sampling isoprene and monoterpenes, which are the most abundant VOCs of biogenic origin. The losses to Teflon lines and the empty sampling system were tested and losses to the branch enclosure system installed on two VOC emitting plant species were evaluated. A considerable loss of isoprene (approximately 18% of inflow concentration 65 ng l(-1)) to the empty enclosure system and to the system installed on the plant was measured, but no losses of monoterpenes were observed.  相似文献   

A method using flow-injection, gas-diffusion, derivatisation and then fluorescent detection has been established for ammonium ion determination in seawater. The fluorescent derivative formed by reacting ortho-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) and sulfite with ammonia gives high sensitivity while removing potential interferences. This is required to measure the low concentrations of ammonium often seen in the open ocean. The experimental conditions (flow-rate, reagent concentrations, membrane configurations, etc.) were manipulated to improve performance. For a sample throughput of 30 samples h(-1), the limit of detection was 7 nM, the coefficient of variation was 5.7% at 800 nM, and the calibration curve was linear to at least 4 micromol L(-1). Interferences were minimised by a gaseous diffusion step. Volatile small molecular-weight amines as interferents were discriminated against by this method. They neither passed through the membrane as efficiently as ammonia, nor reacted as readily with OPA when sulfite was the reductant. Contamination by ammonia from laboratory and shipboard sources complicates application of the method to natural waters, especially measurement of low concentrations (<100 nM) in open-ocean waters. Steps to overcome contamination are described in detail. Some results are presented for ammonium determination in Southern Ocean and Huon Estuary (Tasmania) waters.  相似文献   

Green performance measure is vital for enterprises in making continuous improvements to maintain sustainable competitive advantages. Evaluation of green performance, however, is a challenging task due to the dependence complexity of the aspects, criteria, and the linguistic vagueness of some qualitative information and quantitative data together. To deal with this issue, this study proposes a novel approach to evaluate the dependence aspects and criteria of firm??s green performance. The rationale of the proposed approach, namely green network balanced scorecard, is using balanced scorecard to combine fuzzy set theory with analytical network process (ANP) and importance-performance analysis (IPA) methods, wherein fuzzy set theory accounts for the linguistic vagueness of qualitative criteria and ANP converts the relations among the dependence aspects and criteria into an intelligible structural modeling used IPA. For the empirical case study, four dependence aspects and 34 green performance criteria for PCB firms in Taiwan were evaluated. The managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Coral reef fishes are exploited without the knowledge of their sustainability and their possible effect in altering the community structure of a coral reef ecosystem. Alteration of the community structure could cause a decline in the health of coral reefs and its services. We documented the coral community structure, status of live corals and reef fish assemblages in Palk Bay at the reef fishing hotspots and its nearby reef area with minimum fishing pressure and compared it with a control reef area where reef fishing was banned for more than two decades. The comparison was based on the percent cover of different forms of live corals, their diversity and the density and diversity of reef fishes. The reef fish stock in the reef fishing hotspots and its neighbouring reef was lower by 61 and 38 %, respectively compared to the control reef. The herbivore fish Scarus ghobban and Siganus javus were exploited at a rate of 250 and 105 kg month?1 fishermen?1, respectively, relatively high comparing the small reef area. Live and dead corals colonized by turf algae were predominant in both the reef fishing hotspots and its nearby coral ecosystems. The percent cover of healthy live corals and live corals colonized by turf algae was <10 and >80 %, respectively, in the intensively fished coral ecosystems. The corals were less diverse and the massive Porites and Favia colonies were abundant in the intensive reef fishing sites. Results of this study suggest that the impact of reef fish exploitation was not solely restricted to the intensively fished reefs, but also to the nearby reefs which play a critical role in the resilience of degraded reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

The recent decline in the condition of coral reef communities worldwide has fueled the need to develop innovative assessment tools to document coral abundance and distribution rapidly and effectively. While most monitoring programs rely primarily on data collected in situ by trained divers, digital photographs and video are used increasingly to extract ecological indicators, provide a permanent visual record of reef condition, and reduce the time that divers spend underwater. In this study, we describe the development and application of a video-based reef survey methodology based on an algorithm for image registration and the estimation of image motion and camera trajectory. This technology was used to construct two-dimensional, spatially accurate, high-resolution mosaics of the reef benthos at a scale of up to 400 m2. The mosaics were analyzed to estimate the size and percent cover of reef organisms and these ecological indicators of reef condition were compared to similar measurements collected by divers to evaluate the potential of the mosaics as monitoring tools. The ecological indicators collected by trained divers compared favorably with those measured directly from the video mosaics. Five out of the eight categories chosen (hard corals, octocorals, Palythoa, algal turf, and sand) showed no significant differences in percent cover based on survey method. Moreover, no significant differences based on survey method were found in the size of coral colonies. Lastly, the capability to extract the same reef location from mosaics collected at different times proved to be an important tool for documenting change in coral abundance as the removal of even small colonies (<10 cm in diameter) was easily documented. The two-dimensional video mosaics constructed in this study can provide repeatable, accurate measurements on the reef-plot scale that can complement measurements on the colony-scale made by divers and surveys conducted at regional scales using remote sensing tools.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX) was used to understand the differences in morphology, elemental composition and particle density of aerosols in different five size ranges to further investigate the potential sources as well as transport of pollutants from/at a much polluted and a very clean area of Delhi. Aerosol samples were obtained in five different size ranges viz. > or = 10.9, 10.9-5.4, 5.4-1.6, 1.6-0.7 and < or = 0.7 microm from a considerably very clean and a much polluted area of Delhi. It was observed that at polluted area most of the particles irrespective of size are of anthropogenic origin. At clean area, in coarse size fractions particles are of natural origin while in fine size range the presence of anthropogenic particles suggests the transport of particles from one area to the other.  相似文献   

Diffusion is an important process for sediment-water exchange and plays a vital role in controlling water quality. Fugacity fraction (ff) was used to estimate the sediment-water diffusion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) between seawater and surficial sediment. A total of 33 surface sediment and sea water samples were collected concurrently from the northeast coastal area in China and 25 PAHs were analyzed including the alkylated and chlorated PAHs. Fugacity fraction was calculated based on the PAH concentrations in water and sediment, octanol-water partition coefficient of PAHs, organic matter content in sediment, and density of sediment. The calculated results showed that ff increased with decreasing molecular weight of PAHs. The low molecular weight PAHs (2-3 rings) transferred from sediment to water and the sediment acted as a secondary source to the water. The medium molecular weight PAHs (4-5 rings) were close to the sediment-water equilibrium and the transfer tendency shifted between sediment and water. The high molecular weight PAHs (5-6 rings) transferred from water into sediment and the sediment acted as a sink. Soot carbon and the difference of PAH concentrations between sediment and water were found to be important factors affecting the sediment-water diffusion. This study provided new insight into the process of sediment-water diffusion, which has a great influence on the quality of water, especially in severely-polluted sediment areas.  相似文献   

A landscape index LI is proposed to evaluate the intensity of the daytime surface urban heat island (SUHI) effect at a local scale. Three aspects of this landscape index are crucial: the source landscape, the sink landscape, and the contribution of source and sink landscapes to the intensity of the SUHI. Source and sink landscape types are identified using the thermo-band of Landsat 7 with a spatial resolution of 60 m, along with appropriate threshold values for the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Modified Normalized Difference Water Index, and Normalized Difference Built-up Index. The landscape index was defined as the ratio of the contributions of the source and sink landscapes to the intensity of the SUHI. The intensity of the daytime SUHI is assessed with the help of the landscape index. Our analysis indicates the landscape index can be used to evaluate and compare the intensity of the daytime SUHI for different areas.  相似文献   

This work describes the development of an instrument for measuring free and total copper in seawater by continuous flow analysis (CFA) with an Orion copper (II) ion selective electrode (CuISE). Sample analysis times are reduced considerably by using an extrapolation technique based on the fitting of an empirical mathematical expression to the electrode time-response curve enabling a prediction of the final equilibrium potential. CuISE measurements in seawater samples containing nanomolar levels of total copper can be very time consuming, and this predictive approach significantly reduces sample analysis time, and improves sample throughput. The time taken to measure pCu in seawater to a precision of +/- 0.1, using conventional potentiometry, varies considerably depending on the condition of the electrode membrane but can be reduced by a factor of 3-6 (typically from 60 to 10 min) by using the extrapolation technique in conjunction with CFA. Details are given of the protocols used for preconditioning the CuISE. The system can be used as a portable instrument for field measurements or for shipboard measurements of free copper in seawater. Extrapolated equilibrium potentials are within +/- 0.5 mV of true steady state values.  相似文献   

Owing to the importance of dissolution and weathering processes following oil spills, this work focused on the operational (quantitative) aspects related to the dissolution of petroleum-derived products, as well as the influence of solar light on both dissolution and the photoproduction of hydrogen peroxide. Four Brazilian crude oil samples were used to study the transfer process of organic compounds from the crude oil film to the aqueous phase (natural seawater) over a period of up to 45 days. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), measured by non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy followed by high temperature catalytic combustion, was used to follow the partitioning between the two phases. Aqueous DOC values increased as a function of time (up to 15 days) until equilibrium was reached at concentrations ranging from 5 to 45 mg C L(-1). The final DOC concentration as well as the rate of dissolution depends on the nature of the crude oil. When exposed to sunlight, the dissolution was enhanced by up to 67.3%, and inorganic peroxides were generated in the concentration range from 4.5 up to 8.0 micromol L(-1) after 7.3 h irradiation. These results indicate that there is a need for a standard procedure for the production of the WSF in order to generate a more reliable tool to assess the impact of oil spills on the marine environment.  相似文献   

Monitoring and assessment of the coastal aquifers are becoming a worldwide concern for the need of additional and sustainable water resources to satisfy demographic growth and economic development. A hydrochemical and geoelectrical investigation was conducted in the El-Omayed area in the northwestern coast of Egypt. The aim of the study was to delineate different water-bearing formations, provide a general evaluation of groundwater quality, and identify the recharge sources in aquifers. Thirty-seven water samples were collected and chemically analyzed from the sand dune accumulations and oolitic limestone aquifers. Fifteen profiles of vertical electrical soundings (VESs) were obtained in the oolitic limestone aquifer to examine the variations of subsurface geology and associated groundwater chemistry. The groundwater reserves in the El-Omayed area are mainly contained in sand dune accumulations and oolitic limestone aquifers. The aquifer of sand dune accumulations contains freshwater of low salinity (average total dissolved solids (TDS)?=?974 mg/l). Groundwater of oolitic limestone aquifer is slightly brackish (average TDS?=?1,486 mg/l). Groundwater of these aquifers can be used for irrigation under special management for salinity control, and regular leaching as indicated by electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio. Results of VES interpretation classified the subsurface sequence of oolitic limestone aquifer into four geoelectric zones, with increasing depth, calcareous loam, gypsum, oolitic limestone, and sandy limestone. Oolitic limestone constitutes the main aquifer and has a thickness of 12–32 m.  相似文献   

Pollution of water bodies is one of the areas of major concern to environmentalists. Water quality is an index of health and well being of a society. Industrialization, urbanization and modern agriculture practices have direct impact on the water resources. These factors influence the water resources quantitatively and qualitatively. The study area selected were the Upper lake and Kolar reservoir of Bhopal, the state capital of Madhya Pradesh, India. The Upper lake and Kolar reservoir both are the important sources of potable water supply for the Bhopal city. The physico–chemical parameters like temperature, pH, turbidity, total hardness, alkalinity, BOD, COD, Chloride, nitrate and phosphate were studied to ascertain the drinking water quality.  相似文献   

In the present study, concentration of some selected trace metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr and Cd) are measured in Brahmani, Baitarani river complex along with Dhamara estuary and its near shore. Chemical partitioning has been made to establish association of metals into different geochemical phases. The exchangeable fraction is having high environmental risk among non-lithogeneous phases due to greater potential for mobility into pore water. The metals with highest bio-availability being Cd, Zn and Cr. The metals like Mn, Zn, Cd and Cu represent an appreciable portion in carbonate phase. Fe–Mn oxides act as efficient scavenger for most of the metals playing a prime role in controlling their fate and transport. Among non-lithogeneous phases apart from reducible, Cr showed a significant enrichment in organic phase. Risk assessment code values indicate that all metals except Fe fall under medium-risk zone. In estuarine zone Cd, Zn, Pb and Cr are released to 32.43, 26.10, 21.81 and 20 %, respectively, indicating their significant bio-availability pose high ecological risk. A quantitative approach has been made through the use of different risk indices like enrichment factor, geo-accumulation index and pollution load index. Factor analysis indicates that in riverine zone, Fe–Mn oxides/hydroxides seem to play an important role in scavenging metals, in estuarine zone, organic precipitation and adsorption to the fine silt and clay particles while in coastal zone, co-precipitation with Fe could be the mechanism for the same. Canonical discriminant function indicates that it is highly successful in discriminating the groups as predicted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of anthropogenic disturbance on the partitioning of plant communities (species spectra) across a landcover gradient of community types, categorizing species on the basis of their biogeographic, ecological, and conservation status. We tested a multinomial model to generate species spectra and monitor changes in plant assemblages as anthropogenic disturbance rise, as well as the usefulness of this method to assess the conservation value of a given community. Herbaceous and arborescent communities were sampled in five Azorean islands. Margins were also sampled to account for edge effects. Different multinomial models were applied to a data set of 348 plant species accounting for differences in parameter estimates among communities and/or islands. Different levels of anthropogenic disturbance produced measurable changes on species spectra. Introduced species proliferated and indigenous species declined, as anthropogenic disturbance and management intensity increased. Species assemblages of relevance other than economic (i.e., native, endemic, threatened species) were enclosed not only in natural habitats, but also in human managed arborescent habitats, which can positively contribute for the preservation of indigenous species outside remnants of natural areas, depending on management strategies. A significant presence of invasive species in margin transects of most community types will contribute to an increase in edge effect that might facilitate invasion. The multinomial model developed in this study was found to be a novel and expedient tool to characterize the species spectra at a given community and its use could be extrapolated for other assemblages or organisms, in order to evaluate and forecast the conservation value of a site.  相似文献   

Principles of probability survey design were applied to guide large-scale sampling of populations of stony corals and associated benthic taxa in the Florida Keys coral reef ecosystem. The survey employed a two-stage stratified random sampling design that partitioned the 251-km(2) domain by reef habitat types, geographic regions, and management zones. Estimates of the coefficient of variation (ratio of standard error to the mean) for stony coral population density and abundance ranged from 7% to 12% for four of six principal species. These levels of survey precision are among the highest reported for comparable surveys of marine species. Relatively precise estimates were also obtained for octocoral density, sponge frequency of occurrence, and benthic cover of algae and invertebrates. Probabilistic survey design techniques provided a robust framework for estimating population-level metrics and optimizing sampling efficiency.  相似文献   

The radon concentration levels in soil samples from 39 locations of Northern Punjab are measured using AlphaGUARD (PQ 2000 PRO Model) of Genitron instruments, Germany. The radon concentration in soil varies from 0.3 to 35.8 kBq/l. The minimum value of radon is observed in Talwandi Choudhrian and is maximum for Nushera Dhala. The soil gas radon is correlated with soil temperature, pressure, and humidity to observe the effect of these parameters on radon release. The soil gas radon values in the study area are compared with that obtained in groundwater. The results are also compared with the available radon data for other parts of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh.  相似文献   

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