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城市重大危险源免疫机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地管理和控制城市重大危险源,在建立城市重大危险源的应急管理网络模型的基础上,利用生物免疫系统网络和城市重大危险源管理网络的相似性,采用生物免疫系统的相关理论和方法,对城市重大危险源的免疫机制进行了研究;根据城市重大危险源应急管理网络模型和城市重大危险源免疫机制,建立城市重大危险源应急网络的免疫模型,为加强对我国城市重大危险源的管理提供策略和方法。  相似文献   

周媛 《安全》2017,38(2)
依据公路建筑施工危险源动态控制管理需发挥的作用,提出以标准化进行危险源控制,并建立了危险源辨识样卡,为建筑施工危险源的控制提供参考。  相似文献   

探讨危险源评价分级、控制和管理,提出了企业危险源应按轻重缓急原则进行整治和控制管理、阐明了加强危险源动态信息管理的重要性。  相似文献   

基于SNMP协议的重大危险源远程监控系统由现场监控网络、SNMP管理代理、SNMP管理工作站、重大危险源管理信息库、SNMP通信模块、数据库、以及计算机网络(Internet)组成。详细分析了现场监控系统、重大危险源管理信息库的定义以及远程监控的实现过程。该系统利用现有网络设施,通过标准的网络管理方式对危险源进行监控和管理。  相似文献   

探讨危险源评价分级、控制和管理,提出了企业危险源应按轻重缓急原则进行和控制管理,阐明了加强危险源动态信息管理的重要性。  相似文献   

万晓明  王浩杰  张毅  陈志刚  张栋 《安全》2019,40(10):56-59
为了预防企业生产安全事故发生,围绕危险源的管理,综合运用多种安全评价方法,通过小组活动自下而上开展全员危险源辨识、风险评价、现有风险控制措施评估,结合危险源辨识成果随机抽查、行为安全观察等管理活动,形成了企业全员危险源管理的企业文化氛围。对开展全员危险源管理1年以上的13家不同类型企业进行安全文化绩效评估,结果显示,开展THM对安全行为、安全教育、全员参与等安全文化绩效评价指标有显著提升作用。  相似文献   

针对航天发射场危险源管理现状,借鉴一般安全分析方法的基础上,通过分析发射场内的危险源特性,建立适宜的危险源辨识评价方法,提出危险源辨识评价分析过程可按照"发射场系统分析、危险源确认、危险源评估、风险表征"4个步骤进行,讨论了发射场危险源的定性、定量评价方法,确定了发射场内重大危险源推进剂贮存库和高压气瓶库的评定标准,并进行了危险源的量化表征。发射场风险评估方法和管理体系的建立,对于科学评价发射场危险源、制定有效的风险防控措施具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为提升安全风险预控的水平和有效性,探讨危险源的事故致因机理及其两极化管理思路。将危险源划分为3类,即根源危险源、理论状态危险源和实际状态危险源,其中理论状态危险源又可细分为已辨识状态危险源和未辨识状态危险源。构建危险源的事故致因机理模型,模型表明:控制失效的实际状态危险源和未辨识状态危险源是事故发生的2个主要致因。在此基础上,提出危险源的两极化管理思路,构建危险源两极化管理的实施流程。研究结论表明:企业应从两方面实施安全风险预控,即加强对实际状态危险源的控制,使其演变为事故致因的概率极小化;加强对根源危险源和理论状态危险源的辨识,做到辨识极大化。  相似文献   

重大危险源管理是危险化学品企业安全管理工作的重要内容,国家出台和修订了一批重大危险源相关的法律、规章、文件、标准等,对重大危险源管理提出了明确、细致的要求。汇总并分析了国家对重大危险源管理的相关要求,在广泛调研的基础上研究了危险化学品企业重大危险源管理存在的共性问题及其产生原因,提出了规范化的基于内容的危险化学品企业重大危险源管理方法,详细介绍了该方法的基础、框架和与其他安全生产管理工作之间的关系,并应用该方法对企业重大危险源管理工作提出了解决问题的对策和建议,实现重大危险源的动态管理,能够提高企业重大危险源管理水平和效率。  相似文献   

大型城市重大危险源监管与应急救援体系的研究   总被引:7,自引:12,他引:7  
分析大型城市重大危险源的现状,指出重大危险源监管存在的主要问题,提出大型城市重大危险源监管与应急救援体系包括的子系统,即:重大危险源的普查与辨识系统、重大危险源的安全评估系统、重大危险源的管理与控制系统、重大危险源事故的应急救援系统,并对其子系统的概念、构成和内容进行分析和阐述,提出了大型城市重大危险源监管与应急救援的思路、模式和对策。  相似文献   

One of threatening buried steel pipeline in bad geological regions is collapsed rock. Buckling behavior of a buried pipeline impacted by a perilous rock with spherical shape was investigated by numerical simulation. Effects of pipeline parameters (internal pressure, wall thickness, diameter, buried depth) and perilous rock parameters (impact velocity, radius, eccentric distance) on deformation, stress and strain of the buried pipeline were discussed. Buckling behaviors of the buried pipeline under transverse and longitudinal inclined impacts also were studied. The results show that cross section shape of the buried pipeline becomes to an oval, then to a peach shape, and finally to a crescent shape or gourd shape in the process of rock’s impact. The deformation process of a buried pipeline can be divided into four stages. They are elastic deformation stage, buckling stage, elastic recovery stage and final deformation stage. Buckling mode of no-pressure pipeline is more serious than the pressure pipeline. The impact dent’s length and depth increase with the decreasing of buried depth, wall thickness and internal pressure. But they increase with the increasing of impact velocity, perilous rock’s radius and pipeline’s diameter. The maximum stress and plastic strain decrease with the increasing of buried depth and wall thickness. Under rock’s eccentric impact, impact dent trends to one side. Stress and plastic deformation decrease with the eccentric distance increases. Under rock’s transverse and longitudinal inclined impacts, cross section shape of the buried pipeline is an oval shape when the incidence angle α ≤ 45°, and there is no plastic deformation. When α > 45°, impact dent appears. Buckling is more serious with the incidence angle increases. Destructive powers of transverse and longitudinal inclined impacts are smaller than the vertical impact.  相似文献   

The safety of the interior of ambulances is dubious and, in the event of sudden impact during emergency transport, potentially perilous to patients they carry. The workplace ergonomics of the interior of the passenger cabin is lacking. This article discusses an improved ergonomic interior design based on study findings, observations and subjective perception. It suggests design aspects and safety concepts aimed at increasing the safety of patients and paramedic staff inside the ambulance as a mobile workstation.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the impact of previous experience with automation implementations on experienced stress associated with different work aspects, following the introduction of computer-based office automation. One hundred and ninety-one full-time secretaries at a large university in Canada completed questionnaires related to stress perception and prior experience with office automation. Results indicated that those without previous experience reported higher levels of experienced stress associated with work content aspects such as task difficulty and interest in the task, whereas those with prior experience reported greater problems with contextual aspects such as training and instruction. These findings are discussed in the context of research on ‘technological change as a source of organizational and occupational stress’.  相似文献   

煤矿瓦斯抽放是瓦斯治理、降低瓦斯涌出量的有效方法和手段,要充分发挥瓦斯抽放的效用就必须合理选择抽放方法。利用瓦斯分源涌出预测的结果,按照瓦斯分源治理的思想,研究一种选择瓦斯抽放源的分析方法,避免生产中单纯依靠经验选择瓦斯抽放方法的传统模式,以改善抽放效果,提高矿井瓦斯事故防治水平,为安全生产提供保障。  相似文献   

The current study reanalyzed 250 electrical fatalities in the construction industry from 1996 to 2002 into seven patterns based on source of electricity (power line, energized equipment, improperly installed or damaged equipment), direct contact or indirect contact through some source of injury (boom vehicle, metal bar or pipe, and other conductive material). Each fatality was coded in terms of age, company size, experience, performing tasks, source of injury, accident cause and hazard pattern. The Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) was applied to the coded data of the fatal electrocution to find a subset of predictors that might derive meaningful classifications or accident scenarios. A series of flow diagrams was constructed based on CHAID result to illustrate the flow of electricity traveling from electrical source to human body. Each of the flow diagrams can be directly linked with feasible prevention strategies by cutting the flow of electricity.  相似文献   

There are varying views about the consistency of safety culture across a given organisation or industrial sector: some view it as homogeneous, whereas others have suggested the presence of sub-cultures that vary according to the work group or worksite. This paper reports on a study in which job characteristics and safety climate ratings from a sample of British community pharmacists (N = 860) were subjected to a cluster analysis, with the aim of identifying whether discrete groups can be identified on the basis of these ratings. A four-cluster solution was obtained from the analysis. Examination of quantitative and qualitative data from each cluster led to them being identified as: (i) the disenfranchising pharmacy; (ii) the perilous pharmacy; (iii) the safety-focused pharmacy; (iv) the challenging pharmacy. On the basis of the data obtained, safety culture appears to have both characteristics generic to all community pharmacies and characteristics specific to each cluster, with a number of social and organisational factors influencing the culture in any one setting. Implications for the modelling and assessment of safety culture are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines individuals' theories about cue use in organizations — theories about which of the many cues available in an organization's feedback environment they should use to guide their behavior. It also investigates how these theories vary with increasing organizational experience. The research assesses individual's implicit theories regarding cue use using both open- and closed-ended data collection methods. Results suggest that, regardless of experience, individuals place the most importance on cues from the company and their supervisors. Peer feedback and self-observations were seen as much less important. These results are interesting in light of previous studies showing that the self was the most available, and the organization the least available, source of feedback. With experience, managers appear to learn to emphasize negative over positive feedback, especially from superiors, and to emphasize their peers' actions over their words when a negative message is being conveyed.  相似文献   

在总结生产实践中关于电弧焊作业在人身安全方面的经验和教训的基础上,归纳出重点针对工矿企业和野外作业的十种主要的触电事故因素,分别为:电焊机机壳漏电触电、人体触及电源触电、二次侧异常电压触电、特殊作业点触电、电焊机空载电压触电、不规范焊接回路触电、电焊机误接高电压电源触电、特殊焊接对象焊前处理不当触电、个人防范欠缺触电、安全管理措施落实不到位触电,对其逐一地进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,国内举办的各类博览会内容繁多,如车展、服装展、机电展、大型机械、油煤化工、农产品、园林技术以及各类综合性展览,展会消防安全工作尤为重要.布展期间的消防设计审核作为展会消防工作的源头,是消防监督人员及展会相关工作人员应当提前介入、重点把关的首要问题.笔者根据各地参加展会工作实践经验,针对大型展会布展中的特装展位消防设计审核工作进行探讨,包括布展前期告知事项、特装展位设计审核及特装布展施工监督管理等方面的具体要求,从源头保证大型博览会的消防安全.  相似文献   

根据国内外有关在役压力容器声发射检测评定标准、文献以及我们多年的检测和评定经验,利用模糊数学中的隶属度概念和多级模糊综合评价理论,在研究多种检测信息对评定结果影响程度的基础上,提出了声发射源严重度的多级模糊综合评定方法,并初步应用于大型球罐声发射检测评定,取得好的效果  相似文献   

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