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山东禹城市水资源严重短缺,特别是黄河断流对工农业生产构成直接威胁。为缓解农业用水的供需矛盾,必须改进原有的灌溉用水管理模式,提高灌区管理水平。论文采用渠道概化模型和两级配水模型,讨论了充分来水条件下多种作物的灌溉用水管理模式,并提出灌溉配水与调度的计算机辅助系统的实现方案。这将会大大提高灌区的灌溉管理工作效率,并促进灌区的自动化管理水平。  相似文献   

气候变化对莱州湾地区水资源脆弱性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
论文首先分析了在现状年(1993年)供水能力和需水条件下,1960~1993年的气候波动对莱州湾地区水资源供需平衡和脆弱性的影响。然后根据未来气候情景分析了在2000规划年和2020规划年供水能力和需水要求下,未来气候变化(2000~2042年)对水资源供需平衡及脆弱性的影响。在农业需水保证率50%时,2000~2019年水资源供需基本平衡,但2020~2042年水资源短缺20~57亿m3。若考虑未来气温的上升,则水资源短缺进一步加大。因此,2020年以后需在调入56亿m3客水资源基础上,从区外调入更多稳定的水量以保证该地区社会经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

黄淮海平原冬小麦种植的气候变化适应评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源短缺影响黄淮海平原农业稳定和可持续发展。气候变化情景下,农业用水紧张的问题可能进一步加剧,种植制度和作物品种区域布局将面临调整。论文利用IPCC 5三种代表性温室气体浓度排放路径(RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5)的多模式集成数据,基于VIP(soil-Vegetation-atmosphere Interface Processes)生态水文模型,模拟了2011—2059年黄淮海平原二级子流域的水资源盈亏变化。在此基础上,针对水分亏缺最严重的子流域,设计无外来调水和维持2000—2010年调水总量水平的两种流域地下水采补均衡情景,对冬小麦种植区域的合理布局及其对产量的影响进行评估。结果表明,2050年代黄淮海平原农作物蒸散量增幅大于降雨量增幅,北部地区水分亏缺量将增加,南部地区水分盈余量则减少。在低到高的排放情景下,全区域水分盈余量下降0.1%~14.1%。两种地下水采补均衡情景下,2050年代黄淮海平原冬小麦种植面积应分别减少9.8%~11.3%和7.0%~8.8%,相应产量分别增加0~11.9%和3.0%~15.9%。适当减少冬小麦种植面积,可有效减缓黄淮海地区农业水资源的不足,保护生态环境,促进农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

水是人类赖以生存的宝贵资源,是生态环境中最活跃最积极的基本要素。由于降水在地理上和时间上分布很不均匀,引起各项自然因素的差异,造成水资源在时间、空间、质量上分布极不均衡。人类通过大规模跨流域调水的有效手段来解决空间分布不均,成功的解决了世界上干旱、半干旱地区的农业灌溉问题,效益显著。一、国外长距离调水灌溉的由来地球表面71%面积覆盖着水,总水量4×10~9亿m~3,其中97.3%为海水,人类可用淡水仅占总水量2.7%,对人类社会最有经济价值的淡水量不足其总量的0.3%。淡水资源时间、空间、质量分布极不均衡,通过改变河流自然流向和径流量分配办法,用长距离调水解决空间分布不均,以不断满足人类各项用水的需要。在各项用水中,农业是用水大户,农业灌溉用水占总用水量80%以上,所以,长距  相似文献   

基于静态多区域CGE模型的黄河流域灌溉水价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄河流域属于水资源匮乏地区,据黄河水资源公报,2011 年农田灌溉用水量占流域总用水量的73.9%,故灌溉水价与流域农业、社会经济系统关系密切.鉴于此,论文基于多区域静态CGE模型,研究黄河流域不同省区在灌溉水量不同减少幅度情况下农业灌溉水价的变化,以及水价不同提高幅度下对社会经济系统和灌溉用水量的影响.结果表明:① 农业灌溉水价随着灌溉用水量的减少而增加;另一方面,5 种水量减少情况下模拟结果中各省区最终灌溉水价主要由水价变动构成,说明初始水价较低;② 在水价不同提高幅度下,实际GDP降低,居民的实际消费水平降低;③ 在水价提高15%的情况下,流域总灌溉用水量减少了9.087×108 m3,占流域总灌溉用水量的1.5%;④ 系统敏感性分析(SSA)表明,模型模拟结果较稳健.  相似文献   

系统响应气候变化脆弱性定量评价国内研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
定量评价气候变化脆弱性是人类采取适应性措施应对全球气候变化,以减少其不利影响的关键和基础。在对气候变化脆弱性有关概念进行讨论,及对国际、国内系统响应气候变化脆弱性评价研究回顾的基础上,对中国近十几来有关气候变化脆弱性定量评价研究的成果从三个方面进行了较为系统的总结:气候情景的模拟预测、系统变化过程的模拟、脆弱性指标的选取及脆弱性层次的划分。最后,从评价对象、技术手段、指标体系、时间尺度等方面探讨了该领域研究的不足及发展方向。  相似文献   

借鉴Cobb-Douglas全要素生产函数,以粮食总产量为因变量,以包括年降水量等气候要素、 耕地面积等经济要素和化肥施用量等技术要素在内的10项投入为自变量,构建1987年至2008年期间奈曼旗农业生产投入产出模型。结果表明:①影响奈曼旗粮食总产量的关键因素为农业劳动力(t=9.44,P/=0.00)、 年降水量(t=8.33,P=0.00)和灌溉用水量(t=6.89,P=0.00)。 除农业劳动力外,其他两项因子均与水资源有关;年降水量和灌溉用水量的弹性系数均大于1,说明粮食总产量的增长倍数高于水资源投入的增长倍数,水资源的继续投入将导致粮食产出快速增长。②根据模型,农业劳动力、 灌溉用水量、 年降水量的回归系数分别为5.13、 1.55和1.46,显示当地劳动力投入及水资源投入均存在不足,单独增加某个投入要素即会导致粮食产出以更快速度增长;随着奈曼旗农业劳动力不断减少,且年降水量波动性增强且呈下降趋势,粗放式的灌溉明显加强。根据模型,其他投入要素不变、农业劳动力减少1%时,灌溉用水量增加3.31%;其他投入要素不变、 年降水量减少1%时,灌溉用水量增加0.94%。③降水的波动会导致粮食单产量的波动,而灌溉用水量在很大程度上影响了粮食单产量水平(R2=0.543);降水量的减少导致农民通过扩大播种面积来获得增产,因此降水量的年际变化和播种面积的年际变化之间呈现明显的反向变动关系。总体来讲,奈曼旗农业生产对灌溉用水的依赖程度不断加大。随着灌溉用水的持续投入,其增产作用将逐渐降低,并且对当地脆弱生态系统带来进一步的压力。  相似文献   

中国气候变化影响研究概况   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
介绍了目前我国在未来气候变化影响研究方面的概况,气候影响研究采用的方法多为政府间气候变化专业委员会(IPCC)第二工作组提出的气候变化影响评价方法。未来气候变化影响研究是在大气中C02浓度加倍,或气温、降水变化的情景下,进行未来农业、林业、水资源、生态环境以及海平面上升等方面的潜在影响研究,其中有模型研究、实验室研究、宏观研究和适应对策研究等。这些研究采用的未来气候情景多为GCM模型预测的气候情景。   相似文献   

中国气候变化影响研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了目前我国在未来气候变化影响研究方面的概况,气候影响研究采用的方法多为政府间气候变化专业委员会(IPCC) 第二工作组提出的气候变化影响评价方法。未来气候变化影响研究是在大气中CO2 浓度加倍,或气温、降水变化的情景下,进行未来农业、林业、水资源、生态环境以及海平面上升等方面的潜在影响研究,其中有模型研究、实验室研究、宏观研究和适应对策研究等。这些研究采用的未来气候情景多为GCM 模型预测的气候情景  相似文献   

我国东部河流水文水质对气候变化响应的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘梅  吕军 《环境科学学报》2015,35(1):108-117
基于A2和B2气候变化情景,采用统计降尺度模型SDSM,将由3个国际上流行的大气环流模式GCMs(Had CM3、CSIRO-Mk2和CGCM2)模拟的未来我国东部长乐江流域的气温和降水,与水土评价模型SWAT相耦合,分析了该流域水文水质对气候变化的响应,并比较了3个大气环流模式模拟结果的异同.结果表明,所有气候情景下,TN浓度有明显的升高趋势;TP浓度有增有减,总体上仍呈微弱增加趋势.河川径流呈微弱减少趋势,而营养物负荷量呈微弱增加趋势,说明该流域水文水质状况受气温升高的影响大于降水微弱增加的影响.另外,在不同的气候变化情景下,年内径流和营养物负荷变化情况存在较大差异.研究结果可为理解河流水环境对气候变化的响应及其应对管理提供理论依据.  相似文献   

降水和人类活动对松花江径流量变化的贡献率   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了估算自然因素和人类活动对松花江流域径流量变化的相对影响程度,采用累积距平、有序聚类等方法,对松花江干流6 个水文站1955-2010 年径流量序列进行了分析,揭示了径流量变化过程中各站都存在3 个突变点及被其分割的4 个变化阶段。应用累积量斜率变化率比较方法,在不考虑蒸散影响时定量估算了不同阶段降水和人类活动对径流量的贡献率。结果表明:与基准期相比,之后三个时期降水对径流量的贡献率约为26%~35%、0.1%~10%和25%~43%,而人类活动对径流量的贡献率分别约为65%~74%、90%~99.9%和57%~75%。可见人类活动是松花江流域径流量变化最主要的影响因素。虽然在国内大多数流域仍在增强,但在松花江流域自1999年以来已明显小于之前两个时期,却仍然高于降水量的影响程度。  相似文献   

Climate variability and human activities are two driving factors in the hydrological cycle. The analysis of river basin hydrological response to this change in the past and future is scientifically essential for the improvement of water resource and land management. Using a water balance model based on Fu’ equation, the attribution of climate variability and land-use/land-cover change (LUCC) for natural runoff decrease was quantitatively assessed in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). With five general circulation model (GCM) s’ output provided by The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP), future runoff in the context of climate change was projected. The results show that (1) compared with other distributed hydrological models, the water balance model in this study has fewer parameters and simpler calculation methods, thus having advantages in hydrological simulation and projection in large scale; (2) during the last 50 years, the annual precipitation and runoff have decreased, while the mean temperature has increased in the YRB. The decrease of natural runoff between natural period (1961 to 1985) and impacted period (1986 to 2011) could be attributed to 27.1–49.8 and 50.2–72.9% from climate variability and LUCC, respectively. As the LUCC is the major driving factor of the decrease in the upper and middle reaches of the YRB, policymakers could focus on water resources management. While climate variability makes more contribution in the middle and lower reaches of the YRB, it is essential to study the impact of future climate change on water resources under different climate change scenarios, for planning and management agencies; (3) temperature and precipitation in the YRB were predicted to increase under RCP4.5. It means that the YRB will become warmer and wetter in the future. If we assume the land-use/land-cover condition during 2011 to 2050 is the same as that during 1986 to 2011, future annual average natural runoff in the YRB will increase by 14.4 to 16.8%. However, future runoff will still be lower than the average value during 1961 to 1985. In other words, although future climate change will cause the increase of natural runoff in the YRB, the negative effect of underlying surface condition variation is stronger. It is necessary to promote the sustainable development and utilization of water resources and to enhance adaptation capacity so as to reduce the vulnerability of the water resources system to climate change and human activities.  相似文献   

Unmitigated anthropogenic climate change is set to exacerbate current stresses on water resources management and creates the need to develop strategies to face climate change impacts on water resources, especially in the long term. Insufficient information on possible impacts on water availability limits the organization and promotion of efforts to adapt and improve the resilience and efficiency of water systems. To document the potential impacts of climate change in the region of Mendoza, Argentina, we perform a hydrological modeling of the Mendoza River watershed using a SWAT model and project climate change scenarios to observe hydrological changes. The results show the impact of higher temperature on glaciers as river flow increases due to glacier melting; at the same time, runoff decreases as precipitation is reduced. Furthermore, the runoff timing is shifted and an earlier melting becomes more important in more pronounced climate change scenarios. Scenarios show a reduction in water availability that ranges between 1 and 10%. An additional scenario under stronger climate change conditions without glaciers data shows a reduction of the river flow by up to 11.8%. This scenario would correspond to a future situation in which glaciers have completely melted. These situations would imply a reduction in the water availability and the possibility of future unsatisfied water uses, in particular for irrigation, which received most of the available water in Mendoza, on which agricultural activities and regional economy depends.  相似文献   

Water scarcity in China would possibly be aggravated by rapid increase in water demand for irrigation due to climate change. This paper focuses on the mechanism of climate change impact on regional irrigation water demand by considering the dynamic feedback relationships among climate change, irrigation water demand and adaptation measures. The model in implemented using system dynamics approach and employed in Baojixia irrigation district located in Shaanxi Province of China to analyses the changes in irrigation water demand under different climate change scenarios. Obtained results revealed that temperature will be the dominant factor to determine irrigation water demand in the area. An increase of temperature by 1 °C will result in net irrigation water demand to increase by about 12,050?×?104 m3 and gross water demand by about 20,080?×?104 m3 in the area. However, irrigation water demand will not increase at the same rate of temperature rise as the adaptation measures will eventually reduce the water demand increased by temperature rise. It is expected that the modeling approach presented in this study can be used in adopting policy responses to reduce climate change impacts on water resources.  相似文献   

地表径流的变化受气候变化和人类活动的双重驱动力作用,定量评估气候变化及人类活动对地表径流变化的影响对水资源管理具有重大意义。论文以水文循环过程为主线,分过程阐述气候变化及人类活动影响地表径流发生变化的机制机理,对各种量化二者对地表径流变化贡献率的方法进行比较,然后分析全球部分流域气候变化和人类活动对地表径流变化影响的差异。研究结果表明:1)气候变化和人类活动参与水文循环的各个过程之中,不同水文过程中气候变化和人类活动影响地表径流变化的途径不同;2)不同量化方法的适用范围和条件不同,不同方法对同一流域的研究结果可能不一致;3)全球不同流域间气候变化和人类活动对地表径流变化贡献率存在明显区域差异。现阶段,综合多种突变检验方法有利于提高识别地表径流突变点的准确率;消除干扰因素(如气象水文等数据选取、模型方法参数设置和方法本身不确定性)有利于提高同一流域不同量化方法评估结果的一致性;如何更好地耦合基于物理的水文模型方法和基于数学的经验统计方法来量化二者对地表径流变化的贡献率是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

借助Mann-Kendall趋势检验和突变检验对气象水文序列进行一致性分析,划分基准期(1961—1979年)和影响期(① 1980—1989年、② 1990—1999年、③ 2000—2016年),利用基准期校准的可变下渗容量(VIC)模型,采用步进式方法,探究气候变化和人类活动对伊逊河流域径流变化的波动影响过程。结果表明:研究区近56年年均气温显著升高,年降水量无明显变化趋势,流域年径流量下降趋势明显,季节尺度上流域非汛期降水量增加显著。气候变化和人类活动均会对径流产生显著影响且作用机理复杂,步进式方法对影响机理的研究较传统方法更能体现其变化过程;在降水丰沛的影响 ② 期,冬季降水量增加会显著增加流域径流量,而在降水略少的影响 ① 期和 ③ 期,蒸发量增加以及土壤含水量降低使得流域径流减少;人类活动耗水在影响 ① 期和 ③ 期引起流域径流减少并且影响作用逐渐增强,影响 ② 期由于城镇化和耕地扩张使得流域产流能力增强导致径流增加。深入研究气候变化和人类活动对径流的影响机制,可为流域水资源管理和规划提供理论依据。  相似文献   

漳卫河流域水文循环过程对气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化对我国各地区水资源影响的时空格局变化,是气候变化影响评估的重要内容。论文以漳卫河为研究流域,采用线性回归法、Mann-Kendall非参数检验等方法,分析了1957-2001年的水文气象要素变化特征;基于数字高程模型、土地利用和土壤类型等资料,建立了SWAT分布式水文模型,验证了SWAT模型在该流域的适用性;根据IPCC第四次评估报告多模式结果,分析了IPCC SRES-A2、A1B、B1情景下21世纪降水、气温、径流、蒸发的响应过程。结果表明漳卫河流域未来2011-2099年降水量变化较基准期呈现出增加趋势,年平均气温较基准期也呈现出显著的上升趋势,各年代径流量较基准期将出现先减少后增大的态势。  相似文献   

In this paper, consideration has focused mainly on the extent and usefulness of the existing literature available so far on the understanding of the impact of climate change on water resources in Africa, focusing mainly on the Olifants River basin in South Africa. Here, the existing literature on the impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle (particularly the hydrological processes like temperature, precipitation and runoff) has been reviewed. The uncertainties, constraints and limitations in climate change research have been discussed at great length. A detailed discussion has been highlighted on the remaining knowledge gaps in climate change research, especially in Africa. In addition to the research gaps highlighted here, the emphasis on the need of climate change research by African scientists is included as part of lessons learnt. Overall, the importance of conducting further research in climate change, understanding the potential impact of climate change on our lives, and taking actions to effectively meet the adaptation needs of the people, emerge as an important theme in this review.  相似文献   

The Zambezi River Basin in southern Africa is relatively undeveloped from both a hydropower and irrigated agriculture perspective, despite the existence of the large Kariba and Cahora Bassa dams. Accelerating economic growth increases the potential for competition for water between hydropower and irrigated agriculture, and climate change will add additional stresses to this system. The objective of this study was to assess the vulnerability of major existing and planned new hydropower plants to changes in climate and upstream irrigation demand. Our results show that Kariba is highly vulnerable to a drying climate, potentially reducing average electricity generation by 12 %. Furthermore, the expansion of Kariba generating capacity is unlikely to deliver the expected increases in production even under a favourable climate. The planned Batoka Gorge plant may also not be able to reach the anticipated production levels from the original feasibility study. Cahora Bassa’s expansion is viable under a wetting climate, but its potential is less likely to be realised under a drying climate. The planned Mphanda Nkuwa plant can reach expected production levels under both climates if hydropower is given water allocation priority, but not if irrigation is prioritised, which is likely. For both Cahora Bassa and Mphanda Nkuwa, prioritising irrigation demand over hydropower could severely compromise these plants’ output. Therefore, while climate change is the most important overall driver of variation in hydropower potential, increased irrigation demand will also have a major negative impact on downstream plants in Mozambique. This implies that climate change and upstream development must be explicitly incorporated into both project and system expansion planning.  相似文献   

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