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近20a来,无锡城市化和工业化发展较快,建成区面积显著增加,耕地面积锐减;能源消耗量、汽车拥有量以及工业废气排放量逐年增加。利用1955~2012年无锡市气象资料,对无锡市近60a来的气候变化特征进行分析,并讨论了气候变化特征对城市化的响应。结果表明:(1)近60a来无锡市平均气温、最高和最低气温、极端最高和最低气温都呈上升趋势,高温日数逐年增加,且1980年后尤为明显,低温日数减少,气温日较差减小。(2)年平均相对湿度呈下降趋势,2000年以后下降明显,年平均相对湿度≤75%的年份有10a,全部都出现在2002年后。年平均降水量变化不大,小雨频次减少,雨量区域性分布不均匀;极端降水年增加,且雨量较为集中。低云量和日照时数减少,2002年以后低云量基本在25%以下,90年代日照时数降幅最明显,平均日照时数减少了129.1h。(3)城市热岛效应全年都较显著,冬季更为显著,城市气温高于区域均值0.3℃~0.8℃,沿湖地区和乡村则基本低于区域均值0℃~0.8℃。(4)霾日数明显增多雾日数显著减少,2003年后霾日数大都在30d以上,雾日数在10d左右。(5)城市化和工业化发展引起了城市热岛效应和城市浊岛效应,改变了下垫面条件,影响了气温、相对湿度和降雨的时空分布,也导致了霾日的增加和雾日的减少。  相似文献   

选取长江三角洲146个观测站1961~2013年的地面观测资料,分析了霾日季节性的年际、年代际长期变化及空间分布规律。结果表明,长江三角洲霾多发时段随年际增长逐渐由冬季蔓延至春季,秋季和夏季。长三角平均霾日的季节变率从60~70年代的72.5%~78.5%,80年代跌至61.2%,到90年代跌至55.3%,而在本世纪的13 a低达52.3%,体现了长三角霾日变化季节性的年代际特征,即近53 a季节差异在不断减小,霾趋于常年化发生。霾日季节性的空间分布及年际变化特征还表明:近53 a长三角霾日呈持续上升趋势,1980年以前的2个年代增长缓慢,并维持低霾日水平,尽管1980年以后仍然增长缓慢,但维持多霾日的较高水平。霾日高发区域主要集中在南京-镇江一带、上海西南部地区、湖州-杭州-绍兴-金华一带、宁波西北部地区,高值中心依次为金华西北部兰溪市的70.2 d,江苏南京市的 40.0 d,上海金山的38.0 d以及宁波余姚市的35.5 d。长三角中部的霾日年增长率整体低于南部和北部地区,江苏中部及南部、浙江南部及东部沿海、安徽东南部地区是霾日年际增长高值区。长三角霾日年际变化趋势以夏季增长率最高,其次是秋季、春季,冬季霾日年际变化趋势普遍增长率最低,近53 a来长江三角洲大部分地区出现了霾日季节性差异变小的季节性变异特征。  相似文献   

近几十年三峡库区主要气象灾害变化趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用三峡库区33站1961~2006年逐日降水量、平均气温、最高气温、雾、雷暴资料,分析了库区干旱、洪涝、连阴雨、高温、雾、雷暴主要气象灾害的变化趋势。统计结果表明:近46年来,三峡库区平均年干旱日数呈不明显的增加趋势,春、夏、冬季干旱日数的年际间基本没有变化趋势,但秋季干旱日数年际间有明显的增多趋势,增多速率为41 d/10 a;春、夏季雨涝日数变化趋势不明显,秋季雨涝日数有微弱的减少趋势;三峡库区年平均连阴雨过程次数有微弱的减少趋势,连阴雨日数的减少趋势较明显;近34年三峡库区年雷暴日数呈明显减少趋势,减少速度为29 d/10 a;库区平均年雾日数没有明显变化趋势,但1999年以来减少趋势明显;近46年三峡库区平均年高温日数、危害性高温日数有微弱的减少趋势,平均年极端最高气温均没有明显变化趋势。  相似文献   

利用三峡库区33站1961~2006年逐日降水量、平均气温、最高气温、雾、雷暴资料,分析了库区干旱、洪涝、连阴雨、高温、雾、雷暴主要气象灾害的变化趋势。统计结果表明:近46年来,三峡库区平均年干旱日数呈不明显的增加趋势,春、夏、冬季干旱日数的年际间基本没有变化趋势,但秋季干旱日数年际间有明显的增多趋势,增多速率为41 d/10 a;春、夏季雨涝日数变化趋势不明显,秋季雨涝日数有微弱的减少趋势;三峡库区年平均连阴雨过程次数有微弱的减少趋势,连阴雨日数的减少趋势较明显;近34年三峡库区年雷暴日数呈明显减少趋势,减少速度为29 d/10 a;库区平均年雾日数没有明显变化趋势,但1999年以来减少趋势明显;近46年三峡库区平均年高温日数、危害性高温日数有微弱的减少趋势,平均年极端最高气温均没有明显变化趋势。  相似文献   

采用2007~2011年冬季(12月~次年2月)CALIPSO星载激光雷达L1监测数据,通过分析532 nm总后向散射系数、体积退偏比和色比,对重庆地区冬季霾期间气溶胶光学和微物理特性的垂直分布进行了研究。结果表明:重庆地区冬季霾期间,大气散射能力随高度减弱,在0~1 km高度最强;各高度层气溶胶粒子规则性与粒径大小的分布情况与全年总体分布情况基本相同,但变化趋势单调性更强,0~1 km高度层规则的、大颗粒气溶胶所占比例最大,3~4 km高度不规则的、小颗粒气溶胶所占比例最大;年际变化上,气溶胶散射强度逐年增强,其中2008~2010年变化较小,2011年明显增强;各年均以规则的、小颗粒气溶胶为主,2011年不规则气溶胶所占比例最大,而大颗粒气溶胶所占比例逐年增大。  相似文献   

为了弄清安徽省大雾时空演变规律,利用安徽地面气象站1970~2009年40a的气象观测资料,对安徽省大雾的气候特征进行了系统的分析。研究发现安徽省大雾具有显著的年代际、季节性和区域性变化特征,结果表明:(1)年代际变化,安徽省雾日数在80年代达到最高,由于城市发展和气候变化的影响,雾日数不断减少。同时,雾生时间年代际变化不大,而雾消时间则不断后延,直接导致雾的持续时间不断增加,40a间雾的持续时间增加将近1h;(2)安徽省大雾四季特征分明,空间分布不均。冬季是安徽大雾的高发期,大雾日数最多,持续时间最长,雾中最小能见度最低,雾的影响最为严重。在夏季,大雾日数最少,持续时间最短,雾中最小能见度最大,雾的影响最弱;(3)空间分布上,皖北和皖南山区雾日数和雾的持续时间都较长,雾中最小能见度都较低。而在中部地区则相反,雾的影响较弱。  相似文献   

空气污染对城市化进程的反馈效应分析是完善空气污染与城市化互动机理研究框架的关键,亦是协同推进生态文明建设与新型城镇化的重要参考。文章利用夜间灯光数据反映城市化综合水平,并选取2013—2018年中国281个地级及以上城市的年均PM2.5浓度来衡量空气污染,探究空气污染对城市化进程的反馈效应及其作用机理,并在此基础上进行异质性分析。研究表明:(1)空气污染对城市化水平存在显著的负向反馈效应,此结论在一系列稳健性检验与内生性检验下依然成立。(2)城市人口规模与经济发展是空气污染影响城市化进程的两个重要作用机制。空气污染对城市人口规模、经济发展均存在显著的负面作用,进而对城市化产生负向反馈效应。(3)空气污染对城市化的反馈效应存在城市异质性。空气污染对北方城市、中部与东北地区、大中城市的城市化进程存在更为显著的负向反馈效应;此外,二者在秦岭-淮河线以南地区呈现出显著的"倒U型"曲线关系,说明空气污染对城市化进程的反馈效应存在非线性特征。针对上述研究结论,文章认为,污染气体减排仍是当前缓解空气污染对城市化进程负向反馈效应的有效措施,而集约高效地推进城市化进程更是根本举措;实施积极的人才引进政策、以创新改变粗放的经济增长结构以缓解空气污染对城市化的负向反馈效应;此外,在对大中城市进行污染防治的同时,要警惕小城市的空气污染发展态势。  相似文献   

以黄河生态经济带包含的青海、宁夏、甘肃、河南、河北、陕西、山西、内蒙古、北京、天津、山东11个省(直辖市或自治区)为研究对象,采用2015~2018年空气质量监测数据,研究了其时空变化特征.结果 表明:(1)黄河生态经济带整体的空气质量有所改善,但BM10、NO2、O3的改善情况并不明显.(2)在气温较低的春季、秋季、冬季,污染物浓度会增加,气温越低,中段和东段部分城市污染物排放量会明显增加,从而使得整个黄河生态经济带空气质量的差异也越大,其中SO2的季节波动最为明显.(3)区域间空气质量的差距正在拉大,陕西、山西、河南正在成为整个黄河生态经济带的空气污染中心,并且污染的核心区域正逐渐向西移动.  相似文献   

河北廊坊地区霾天气特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1975–2012年廊坊地区5个站的气象观测资料,分析廊坊地区霾天气的时空变化特征以及霾天气时的气象要素特征。结果表明:单站霾出现的频率最高达41.5%,年均霾日固安站最多为72.3天,廊坊市最少为55.7天;廊坊市区霾日呈明显的增加趋势,文安、固安呈下降趋势,霸州、三河变化趋势平稳;霾天气的高发月是11月、12月,霾最少月是5月,霾天气的高发季节是秋、冬季,春季霾最少;08时霾天气发生频率最高;霾天气发生时气象要素变化特点为,能见度一般在5.0-10km,风速在0.0-3.0m/s,相对湿度在60%-90%之间。  相似文献   

为识别城镇化进程中城市人口聚集对空气污染产生的影响效应,利用2004—2018年253个地级以上城市的面板数据、Landscan全球人口动态统计数据、DMSP和Flint夜间灯光数据,构建双边随机前沿模型测算城市人口聚集度影响空气污染的集聚效应、蔓延效应及净效应。结果表明:(1)2005-2018年中国城市人口聚集度变动对空气污染造成的集聚效应略强于蔓延效应,集聚效应使城市空气污染水平降低26.67%,蔓延效应使环境污染水平上升24.66%,两者的综合作用使城市实际空气污染水平比“污染边界”低2.01%。(2)随着城市人口聚集度提高,集聚效应不断增强,蔓延效应则逐渐减弱,两种效应呈现出明显的反向联动性;城市人口聚集度跨越门槛值后,集聚效应超过蔓延效应占据主导地位,对空气污染的综合影响由“加重污染”转变为“减轻污染”,总体上城市人口聚集度提高有利于改善空气污染。(3)不同聚集类型城市的人口聚集度对空气污染的影响效应存在较大差异,松散型和中低聚集型城市的蔓延效应仍占主导地位,高聚集型和聚合型城市的集聚效应发挥主导作用。(4)城市人口聚集度影响空气污染的净效应均值在不同年份变动不大,但地区之间差异明显,东部城市的净效应均值为正,而中部和西部城市的净效应均值为负。上述结论对于开展城市人口与空间管理具有启示意义,应从推动人口集聚、防止城市蔓延、合理规划城市功能布局等方面采取针对性措施,提高城市人口聚集度,改善城市空气质量。  相似文献   

Since the reform and opening-up, the difference between the development of the west region and the other regions in China is increasing. In addition, the condition of the development of cities in west China needs amelioration. Developing conditions of the west provinces and its cities using economic barometers (e.g. gross domestic product (GDP) and per capita GDP) and urban population datum (e.g. urbanization level and city primary degree) have been analyzed in this article. Five indexes have been chosen to work on the development of the provinces, for example, the contribution degree of the increment in GDP, the contribution degree of the increment of per capita GDP, urbanization level, city primary degree, city primacy ratio. Conclusions are as follows. (1) The growth of the GDP and per capita GDP of the western provinces is in a poor way; moreover, it is not steady going. (2) The comparability among the characteristics of the urbanization level growth of the provinces is at a low level. (3) The urbanization levels of Inner Mongolia province and Sinkiang province are more-sensitive responders to the growth of per capita GDP, whereas those of Guangxi province and Tibet province are less-sensitive responders. (4) The urban population in most of the provinces are highly concentrated, which can be shown by city primary degrees and city primacy ratios. While working on these cities in west China, some earlier zone-organic cities are chosen as sample cities, and these cities are also analyzed using economic barometers and population datum. By analyzing the difference among the cities and comparing the research findings of Professor Zhou and the author, the following conclusions are made: (1) the growth of the GDP and per capita GDP of the cities are mostly not steady going; (2) the middle and big cities are more-sensitive responders to the growth of economy, whereas the small and mega cities are less-sensitive responders; (3) the sizes of southwest cities have a higher speed than those of northwest ones, and furthermore, the differences between them are still increasing.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - Recent discussions on forests and climate change have highlighted the potential for conservation of tropical forests to contribute synergistically to both mitigation...  相似文献   

In the Polar Urals (the Rai-Iz massif and Mounts Tchernaya and Malaya Tchernaya), altitudinal and horizontal shifts of the upper boundary of open and closed larch forests in the 20th century have been studied. Spatiotemporal parameters of these shifts have been assessed with the aid of the ARC/INFO geographic information system (ESRI Inc., United States), using our original large-scale geobotanical maps showing the distribution of different types of forest-tundra communities in the early 1910s and 2000s. The results show that tree vegetation has been actively expanding to higher elevations over the past 90 years. On average, the upper boundaries of open and closed forests have ascended 26 and 35 m and shifted horizontally 290 and 520 m, respectively. These shifts have been conditioned by climate warming and increasing humidity observed since the 1920s.  相似文献   

The role of the Siberian musk deer in the diets of the Amur tiger, brown bear, and Asian black bear has been studied in the Sikhote-Alin State Biosphere Reserve in 1992 to 2016. Information has been collected from 763 tiger feeding sites, and the contents of tiger feces have been analyzed. Radiotelemetry has been used to evaluate tiger–musk deer relationships. The musk deer accounted for 0.26% of all animal species found to be eaten by the tiger. Musk deer remains in feces of the tiger, brown bear, and Asian black bear occurred with frequencies of 1.3, 0.2, and 0.3%, respectively. A case of musk deer avoiding the presence of brown bear is described.  相似文献   

西南地区不同地形降水稳定同位素特征及其水汽来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明西南地区不同地形对于降水稳定同位素的影响以及各个水汽团在地理上的分界线,选取四川盆地、云贵高原、青藏高原东部及横断山脉3个地区共10个研究点作为本次研究的对象,分析了西南地区大气降水中δD、δ18O的时空变化特征,并初步建立了3个地区大气降水线,探讨了降水稳定同位素与温度、降水量及水汽来源之间的关系,并利用HYSPLIT4.9模型分析追踪冬夏半年降水事件的水汽来源及运移路径。结果表明:西南地区降水稳定同位素存在显著的高程效应;δ18O=-0.0028H-3.93,R=0.89,降水中δ18O和δD值表现出由四川盆地-云贵高原-青藏高原东部与横断山脉地区逐渐贫化的趋势,季节变化规律特征为冬半年整体偏重,而夏半年整体偏轻。同时西南地区除昆明与成都地区外,d值整体上表现出夏低冬高的特征,符合我国季风降水影响区域的特点。3处地区大气降水线(LMWL)与全球大气降水线(GMWL)相比,四川盆地、青藏高原东部及横断山脉地区斜率与截距明显偏小,而云贵高原斜率与截距偏大,其主要与水汽凝结时温度、蒸发条件、水汽来源以及输送方式有关。温度效应和降水量效应在不同地区主导性存在差异,四川盆地地区、云贵高原地区、青藏高原东部以及横断山脉地区整体上不存在温度效应,存在显著降水量效应。西南各地区主导型水汽团也存在差异性,通过对不同地区冬夏季风期间主导型水汽团初步分析,受单一性水汽团影响的区域主要分布于西南部与东北部,而受多种水汽团影响的区域主要分布于西北部与东南部;贵阳-安顺一线处于西太平洋水汽团与孟加拉湾水汽团交界处,成都-卧龙-黄龙一线处于西太平洋水汽团与西风带水汽团的交界处。 关键词: 大气降水;稳定同位素;水汽来源;不同地形;西南地区  相似文献   

Caesium-137 and (239,240)PU were analysed in the water column along the Algerian coast. The (137)Cs activity concentration in surface water increased from the west to the east from 1.6 to 3.3 mBq L(-1), documenting a presence of Modified Atlantic Water (MAW) in the region. Higher concentrations observed in deep waters may be due to an intrusion of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW), which has been carrying higher levels of (137)Cs from Chernobyl accident. The (239,240)Pu sub-surface concentration peaked at about 250 m water depth as a result of biogeochemical processes in the water column. The observed (239,240)Pu/(137)Cs activity ratio at the surface (0.003) was significantly lower than that in global fallout (0.04). This decrease exceeds that expected from radioactive decay of (137)Cs, and confirms that Pu due to its adsorption on sinking particles is more effectively removed from surface layers than is (137)Cs. An increase of the (239,240)Pu/(137)Cs activity ratio with depth suggests that (239,240)Pu, similarly as (137)Cs, should be also transported by advection to maintain the observed ratios in deep waters. An intrusion of LIW may enhance therefore both the (137)Cs and (239,240)Pu concentrations in deep waters. The average (238)Pu/(239+240)Pu activity ratio in seawater was 0.03+/-0.02, confirming a global fallout origin of Pu in the Algerian Basin. Caesium-137 and (239,240)Pu inventories in the water column were estimated to be from 2.7+/-0.5 kBq m(-2) to 3.8+/-0.7 kBq m(-2), and from 13.8+/-2.6 Bq m(-2) to 41+/-7B qm(-2), respectively. The (137)Cs massic activities in surface sediment were almost constant, the average activity was 9.0+/-0.8 Bq kg(-1). Sedimentation rates obtained using the (210)Pb method were from 0.1 to 0.7 cm y(-1), and resulting penetration depths of (137)Cs in the sediment cores were from 15 to over 40 cm. The (137)Cs peaks found in the sediment cores were associated with the Chernobyl accident (1986) and global fallout (1964). The (137)Cs inventories in the sediment were increasing from the west (180 Bq m(-2)) to the east (350 Bq m(-2)).  相似文献   

首都圈内城市职能的分工与整合研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市群是一国经济的重心区和增长极,其发展成熟的重要标志是形成合理的城市职能分工体系。首都圈曾经具有全国最优越的发展条件,处于中国经济的核心地带。但是其发展相对滞缓。主要原因是首都圈没有形成合理的城市职能分工体系。运用因子分析法对首都圈内各城市职能的现状进行量化分析,认为首都圈内各个城市的职能并没有发挥出自身的基础和优势。城市各个部门发展都相对平庸.城市之间竞争大于合作。因此,只有实现首都圈内各城市职能的整合,才能提高首都圈整体的竞争力。首都圈内各城市实现职能整合面临的主要问题有:①京津两市在首都圈中的龙头作用不明显;②首都圈内部行政区划分割导致的矛盾日益尖锐;③首都圈内各城市产业结构趋同严重。城市间分工不明确;④首都圈的空间结构急需调整。据此提出促进首都圈内各城市职能整合的几点对策。  相似文献   

First transcontinental changes in fractional composition of sample tree biomass of larches (Larix Mill.) and two-needled pines (subgenus Pinus) are reported, taking into account their regional differences by age, tree height, stem diameter, and volume, as well as tree density. All components of the tree biomass of larches and pines monotonically increases from the North to the South. Dynamics of pine biomass in the direction from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to the continentality pole in Siberia is characterized by monotonous decrease of all components, including the roots. The latter is in contradiction with the change of the larch root biomass across the same gradient of climate continentality, which, unlike the mass of pine roots, is not reduced, but increased. The system of the transcontinental dependencies obtained allows its use in estimating forest biomass based on the local data of a tree enumeration per ha.  相似文献   

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